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ᴱN. amra- v. “*to rise” (Category: to Rise)

⚠️ᴱN. amra-, v. “*to rise; [G.] to go up and down, live in the mountains, wander” (Category: to Rise)
N. eria- “to rise”
ᴺS. ^renia-¹ “to stray, wander”

References ✧ PE13/159


emrynn aorist ✧ PE13/159: aor.
emrynt aorist ✧ PE13/159: aor.
amrost infinitive ✧ PE13/159
amró present ✧ PE13/159: pres.
amraig present masc ✧ PE13/159: pres. m.
amroig present masc ✧ PE13/159: pres. m.
amrois present masc ✧ PE13/159: pres. f.
emraig present masc ✧ PE13/159: pres. m. analogical
amro(a)th present-imperfect ✧ PE13/159: p. impf.
amrethir present-imperfect plural ✧ PE13/159: pl.
amroethir present-imperfect plural ✧ PE13/159: pl.



G. amra- v. “to go up and down, live in the mountains, wander” (Category: to Rise)

References ✧ GL/19, 56; LT2A/Ladwen-na-Dhaideloth



am¹ “up, upwards, towards head of, above” ✧ GL/19; LT2A/Amon Gwareth
#-ra² “verb suffix” ✧ GL/19 (#-ra)

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