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ᴹQ. leo n. “shade, shadow cast by any object” (Category: Shade, Shadow)

⚠️ᴹQ. leo, n. “shade, shadow cast by any object” (Category: Shade, Shadow)
Q. hala “cast shadow, *shade”

A noun in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “shade, shadow cast by any object” from primitive ᴹ✶daı̯ō under the root ᴹ√DAY “shadow” (Ety/DAY; EtyAC/DAY). This root was primarily used for N. dae “shadow” in N. Dor-Daedeloth “Land of the Shadow of Dread”; in later writings the Dae- element in that name seems to have become dae(r) “great” (WJ/183), so I suspect ᴹ√DAY “shadow” and its derivatives were abandoned.

Reference ✧ Ety/DAY ✧ “shade, shadow cast by any object”




Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶daı̯ō > leo [dajō] > [lajō] > [leo] ✧ Ety/DAY