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ᴹ√AR¹ root. “day”

⚠️ᴹ√AR¹ root. “day”
AS¹ “warmth”
UR “heat, be hot”
AR “beyond, further than; outside; ⚠️beside, alongside; [ᴱ√] spread, extend sideways”

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “day” with various derivatives like ᴹQ. are, N. aur “day” and ᴹQ. arin “morning” (Ety/AR¹). In Tolkien’s later writings, the Quenya word for “day” became aurë (RC/727; S/190), and in 1957 Quenya Notes he devised a new etymology for these day-words from the root √UR “heat” as in ✶auri “heat, period of sun” (PE17/148). That opens the question whether the various 1930s Quenya “morning” words from ᴹ√AR remain valid, but many Neo-Quenya writers (including me) retain them since there aren’t really any good alternatives. They might be salvageable as derivatives of the later root √AS “warmth” (so that “day” = “hot” and “morning” = “warm”).

References ✧ Ety/ANA¹, AR¹, TUY




ᴱ√AWA root. “burn; be parched, yellow, warm”

A root in the Qenya Lexicon of the 1910s glossed “burn; be parched, yellow, warm” with derivatives having to do with warmth, sunlight and summer (QL/33; GL/20). For the purposes of Neo-Eldarin, it is probably better to use later roots like √UR “heat” or √AS “warmth”.

References ✧ QL/33




