

References ✧ LotR/1115; PE17/92, 104, 124, 133; PE18/82, 92, 102, 104-105; PE19/69, 71, 76-77, 81-82, 85, 89, 97-99; PE22/149; VT42/24; VT47/10, 12, 24; WJ/416


Element In

Phonetic Development

nasals assimilated to following stops and aspirates mp < ŋp ✧ PE18/102 (ŋ > m; before p, ph, b); PE19/98 (ñ > m; before labial stop and aspirates)
nasals assimilated to following stops and aspirates mp < np ✧ PE18/102 (n > m; before p, ph, b); PE19/98 (n > m; before labial stop and aspirates)
medial nasal plus stop after another consonant became simple nasal -Cm- < -Cmb- ✧ PE19/81 (mb > m; in the second element of compounds)
[bm], [dn] became [mb], [nd] mb < bm ✧ VT47/12 (bm > mb); WJ/416 (bm > mb; in CE or earlier)
mb- > m- ✧ PE18/105 (mb > m)
AQ. [ms] became [ns] ms > ns ✧ PE19/82 (ms > ns); PE19/99 (ms > ns)
AQ. [n], [m] became [t], [w] after voiceless stops and aspirates tm > tw ✧ PE19/85 (tm > tʰm̌ > > tw)
AQ. [n], [m] became [t], [w] after voiceless stops and aspirates km > kw ✧ PE19/85 (km > kʰm̌ > > kw)
AQ. [n], [m] became [t], [w] after voiceless stops and aspirates pm > pw ✧ PE19/85 (pm > pʰm̌ > )
AQ. nasals became voiceless stops before aspirates mpʰ > ppʰ ✧ PE19/89 (mph > m̌ph > pph > pp)
AQ. syllabic nasals developed a preceding vowel of similar quality ṃb- > umb- ✧ PE19/77 (*ṃb- > *umb-); PE17/124 (*ṃ- > um)
AQ. [mw] became [nw] mw > nw ✧ PE19/97 (mw > nw)
AQ. initial nasals plus stops reduced to nasals mb- > m- ✧ PE17/104 (mb > mm > m); PE17/124 (mb > mm > m; initial); PE18/105 (mb > m)
AQ. initial nasals plus stops reduced to nasals mp- > p- ✧ PE18/92 (mp > p-)
Ilk. initial nasals usually vanished before stops mb- > b- ✧ PE18/105 (mb > b)
OS. initial syllabic [m], [n], [ŋ] became [am], [an], [aŋ] ṃ- > am- ✧ PE17/124 (*ṃ- > am-)
medial nasal plus stop after another consonant became simple nasal -Cmb- > -Cm- ✧ PE19/81 (mb > m; in the second element of compounds)
final [m] became [n] -m > -n ✧ VT47/24 (-m > -n)
nasals assimilated to following stops and aspirates mk > ŋk ✧ PE18/102 (m > ŋ; before k, kh, g); PE19/98 (mk > ñk)
nasals assimilated to following stops and aspirates mt > nt ✧ PE19/99 (mt > nt)
Q. [nm], [ŋm] became [nw], [ŋgw] nm > nw ✧ PE22/149 (-nm > nw̃ > nw)
Q. [nm], [ŋm] became [nw], [ŋgw] ŋm > ŋgw ✧ PE22/149 (ŋm > nw̃ > ngw)
S. initial nasals vanished before stops mb- > b- ✧ PE17/104 (mb > b-); PE18/105 (mb > b)
S. initial nasals vanished before stops mf- > f- ✧ PE18/92 (mp > f-)
S. final nasals vanished after vowels -Vm > -Vø ✧ VT47/10 (-m > [ø])
S. [nm], [ŋm] became [nw], [ŋw] nm > nw ✧ PE22/149 (nm > nw)
S. [nm], [ŋm] became [nw], [ŋw] ŋm > ŋw ✧ PE22/149 (ŋm > ŋw̃)
S. [mb], [nd] became [mm], [nn] mb > mm ✧ LotR/1115 (mb > m); PE17/104 (mb > mm; medially)
S. non-initial [m] usually became [v] Vm > Vv ✧ PE17/133 (m > ); PE22/149 (mn > ƀn > vn)
S. [mm] shortened mm > m ✧ PE22/149 (mm > mm > m)
T. initial nasalized voiced stops became stops mb- > b- ✧ PE19/76 (mb > b; initially)


References ✧ PE18/30, 59; PE19/19-21, 23, 30, 37-38, 50-51


Element In

Phonetic Development

ᴹ✶metathesis mpʰ < pʰm ✧ PE19/50 (phm > mph)
Dan. initial nasals vanished before stops mb- > b- ✧ PE19/20 (mb- > b); PE19/20 (mb- > b)
Ilk. initial [s] was lost before consonants sC- > øC- ✧ PE19/21 (sm- > m-)
Ilk. initial nasals usually vanished before stops mb- > b- ✧ PE19/20 (mb- > b, mb)
ᴹAQ. stops frequently underwent metathesis with nasals and liquids ml > lm ✧ PE19/51 (ml > lm)
ᴹAQ. stops frequently underwent metathesis with nasals and liquids mr > rm ✧ PE19/51 (mr > rm)
ᴹAQ. nasals became voiceless stops before aspirates mpʰ > ppʰ ✧ PE19/50 (mph > pp)
ᴹAQ. initial nasals plus stops reduced to nasals mp- > p- ✧ PE19/37 (mp > p; initial)
ᴹ✶nasals assimilated to following stops and aspirates mk > ŋk ✧ PE19/50 (m-k > ñk)
ON. initial [s] unvoiced following [m], [n], [j], [w] sm- > m̥- ✧ PE19/21 (sm- > m-)


References ✧ PE12/15; PE14/63


Element In

Phonetic Development


Reference ✧ PE12/15 ✧ mb

Element In

Phonetic Development

ᴱQ. initial nasalized stops became nasals mb- > m- ✧ PE12/16 (mb > b)
ᴱT. initial nasalized voiced stops became nasals mb- > m- ✧ PE12/16 (mb > m)