Dan. [ā] became [ǭ] in Primitive Danian; [ā] > [ǭ]

Dan. [ā] became [ǭ] in Primitive Danian; [ā] > [ǭ]
In Primitive Danian, a long [ā] became [ǭ], nearly the opposite of the change for short vowels, where short [ŏ] became [a] (PE19/25-6). A similar change occurred in Proto-Germanic, where primitive long [ō] and [ā] merged in [ɑ̄], later raised to [ɔ̄] (ref/@@@), which made it distinct from the Proto-Germanic merging of short [ŏ] and [ă].

Reference ✧ PE19/26

Phonetic Rule Elements

[ā] > [ǭ] ✧ PE19/25 (ā > †ǭ)

Phonetic Rule Examples

ndanitʰārō > ndanitʰǭrō ā > ǭ ᴹ√DAN > Dan. Denethor ✧ Ety/DAN