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S. ethir¹ n. “mouth of a river, (lit.) outflow” (Category: Brook, Stream, River)

S. ethir¹, n. “mouth of a river, (lit.) outflow” (Category: Brook, Stream, River)

A noun for the mouth of a river or a river delta, glossed “outflow” in the Unfinished Index of The Lord of the Rings (RC/350; Ety/ET). It was a combination of primitive ✶et “out” and S. sîr “river” (SA/sîr; Ety/ET), where ts > th.

Conceptual Development: The word and its derivation first appeared as N. ethir in The Etymologies of the 1930s (Ety/ET).

References ✧ LotRI/Anduin; RC/350; SA/sîr



ed¹ “out, out of”
sîr “river, stream” ✧ SA/sîr
et “out (of), forth” ✧ SA/sîr

Element In

N. ethir n. “mouth of a river” (Category: Brook, Stream, River)

See S. ethir¹ for discussion.

Reference ✧ Ety/ET ✧ “mouth of a river”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶etsiri > ethir [etsiri] > [eθθiri] > [eθθir] > [eθir] ✧ Ety/ET

N. eges n. “mouths” (Category: Brook, Stream, River)

A noun for the mouths of rivers in the name N. Eges-hirion “Mouths of Sirion” (LR/407). Its etymology is unclear, and it is probably better to use S. ethir instead.

Reference ✧ LR/407 ✧ Eges “mouths”

Element In