Ilk. short vowels sometimes lengthened in monosyllables; [C*V̆C] > [C*V̄C]

Ilk. short vowels sometimes lengthened in monosyllables; [C*V̆C] > [C*V̄C]

There are a few examples where a primitive short vowel became long in Ilkorin monosyllables, such as ᴹ✶mapā > Ilk. mâb (Ety/MAP, EtyAC/MAP) and ᴹ✶ndorē > Dor. dôr (EtyAC/NDOR). There was a similar development in Noldorin, but unlike Noldorin, there are numerous Ilkorin monosyllables where this change did not occur, such as bel, gad and nef. There does not seem to be a clear pattern to the few monosyllables where the vowel did lengthen.

Phonetic Rule Elements

[C*ĭC] > [C*īC]
[C*ĕC] > [C*ēC]
[C*ăC] > [C*āC]
[C*ŏC] > [C*ōC]
[C*ŭC] > [C*ūC]

Phonetic Rule Examples

mab > māb C*ăC > C*āC ᴹ✶mapā > Ilk. mâb ✧ Ety/MAP
tax > tāx C*ăC > C*āC ᴹ√TAK > Ilk. tāch ✧ Ety/TAK
ndor > ndōr C*ŏC > C*ōC ᴹ✶ndorē > Dor. dôr ✧ EtyAC/NDOR