ᴹQ. strong-perfect grammar.

ᴹQ. strong-perfect grammar.

Examples (strong-perfect)
lendien “I have come” [← lenna-] na-formative 1st-sg ✧ SD/56
nilendie “I have come” [← lenna-] na-formative perfect pronoun-prefix ✧ SD/56
okoine ← koita- ta-formative perfect ✧ PE22/103
ahlázie ← hlasta- ta-formative perfect ✧ PE22/103
alázie ← lasta- ta-formative perfect ✧ PE22/103
alaunie ← lauta ta-formative perfect ✧ PE22/103
unúzie ← nusta ta-formative perfect ✧ PE22/103
orontie ← órta ta-formative perfect ✧ PE22/115
**isirinie ← sirya ya-formative perfect ✧ PE22/115
ullier “poured” [← ulya-] ya-formative perfect plural ✧ LR/47
ullier “should flow” [← ulya-] ya-formative perfect plural ✧ SD/247
ullier “they-should-flow” [← ulya-] ya-formative perfect plural ✧ SD/310
ullier “should pour” [← ulya-] ya-formative perfect plural ✧ VT24/7

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