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NIP root. “small (usually with connotation of weakness)”

NIP root. “small (usually with connotation of weakness)”

A root mentioned in some notes from the late 1960s as a variant of √NIK “small”, but with an added connotation of “weakness” (VT48/18). It was the basis for S. niben “petty” as in S. Nogoth Niben “Petty Dwarf”, and it contributed to the sense of frailty in S. nimp, usually glossed “pale, pallid” but in this note “small and frail”. Primitive √NIP might also be connected to √PI(N) which Tolkien used for “little” words for much of his life.

Reference ✧ VT48/18 ✧ nip “small (usually with connotation of weakness)”

