Ilk. dair n. “shadow of trees” (Category: Shade, Shadow)

Ilk. dair n. “shadow of trees” (Category: Shade, Shadow)

A noun meaning “shadow of trees”, derived from root ᴹ√DAY “shadow” and marked as identical in both the Ilkorin and Doriathrin dialects (Ety/DAY). Its primitive form was probably *✶dair- ending in some final vowel, now lost; Helge Fauskanger suggested it might be *✶dairē (AL-Ilkorin/dair, AL-Doriathrin/dair).

References ✧ Ety/DAY



Element In


Phonetic Developments

ᴹ√DAY > dair [dair] ✧ Ety/DAY