Ilk. final [un] became [on]; [-Cun] > [-Con]

Ilk. final [un] became [on]; [-Cun] > [-Con]

It seems that in Ilkorin, a final [-un] developed into [-on]. The clearest example is ᴹ✶kelun > Ilk. celon (Ety/KEL). This change can also be seen in ᴹ✶ulgundō > ulgund > ulgon > Ilk. ulion (Ety/ÚLUG). Both these developments were noted by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Ilkorin/celon, ulgund). This change may be related to the syllabic development of final [n], in which a final [n] preceded by a consonant developed into [-on].

Order (06400)

Before 06500 [g] became [i] between an [l] and a vowel ᴹ✶ulgundō > ulgund > ulgon > Ilk. ulion Ety/ÚLUG

Phonetic Rule Elements

[-Cun] > [-Con]

Phonetic Rule Examples

kelun > kelon -Cun > -Con ᴹ✶kelu+n > Ilk. celon ✧ Ety/KEL
ulgun > ulgon -Cun > -Con ᴹ✶ulgundō > ulgund > ulgon > Ilk. ulion ✧ Ety/ÚLUG