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Q. resta n. “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair” (Category: Field for Cultivation)

Q. resta, n. “sown field, tilled ground, acre; *fair” (Category: Field for Cultivation)
ᴱQ. resta “support; kinship, kin, kindred, clan”

A noun for “sown field, tilled ground” in the Outline of Phonology (OP2) derived from primitive ✶reddā (PE19/91). Later in the same document it was glossed “acre” (PE19/101). The Etymologies of the 1930s had ᴹQ. resta “‘sown’, sown field, acre” also from primitive ᴹ✶reddā under the root ᴹ√RED “scatter, sow” (Ety/RED; EtyAC/RED). The form resta did not appear in The Etymologies as published in The Lost Road (LR/383), but Carl Hostetter and Patrick Wynne noted its existence in their Addenda and Corrigenda to the Etymologies (VT46/11).

Tolkien seems to have used this word to mean “*fair” as in parma-resta “*book-fair” in the untranslated phrase nai elen siluva parma-restalyanna meldonya from around 1964 (VT49/38). Carl Hostetter proposed that this phrase meant “*may a star shine upon your book­-fair, my friend”, referring to the appearing of Martin Blackman at the World Book Fair in June of 1964 (VT49/39). Assuming this interpretation is correct, Hostetter suggested it might be due the use of fields as a common location for fairs.

Conceptual Development: The Qenya Lexicon and Poetic and Mythological Words of Eldarissa of the 1910s had ᴱQ. arwa “field” derived from the early root ᴱ√ƷARA “spread, extend sideways” (QL/32), cognate to G. garw “sown-field” (GL/38). The word ᴱQ. milnar or milnarwa “sown field” under the early root ᴱ√MILI seems to be an elaboration of ᴱQ. arwa, prefixed by a reduced form of ᴱQ. milin “grain of seed” (QL/61).

References ✧ PE19/91-92, 101; VT49/39




restalyanna 2nd-sg-polite-poss allative ✧ VT49/39

Element In



Phonetic Developments

reddā > rezdā > resta [reddā] > [rezdā] > [restā] > [resta] ✧ PE19/91
reddā > resta [reddā] > [rezdā] > [restā] > [resta] ✧ PE19/92

ᴹQ. resta n. “‘sown’, sown field, acre” (Category: Field for Cultivation)

See Q. resta for discussion.

Reference ✧ EtyAC/RED ✧ “‘sown’, sown field, acre”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶reddā/red-tā > resta [reddā] > [rezdā] > [restā] > [resta] ✧ EtyAC/RED

ᴱQ. arwa n. “field” (Category: Field for Cultivation)

See Q. resta for discussion.

References ✧ PME/32; QL/32


Element In



Phonetic Developments

ᴱ√ƷARA > arwa [ɣarwā] > [ɣarwa] > [arwa] ✧ QL/32

ᴱQ. milnar(wa) n. “sown field” (Category: Field for Cultivation)

See Q. resta for discussion.

References ✧ QL/61




milnar- stem ✧ QL/61


milin “grain of seed” ✧ QL/61
arwa “field”