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ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^carasta n. “making, manufacture, construction” (Category: to Build)

ᴺQ. [ᴹQ.] ^carasta, n. “making, manufacture, construction” (Category: to Build)
See ᴹQ. karaste for discussion.


Q. car- “to do, make”
Q. #-sta² “verbal noun suffix”

ᴹQ. karaste n. “making, manufacture, construction” (Category: to Build)

A noun appearing as ᴹQ. karaste “making, manufacture, construction” in the Quenya Verb Structure of the 1940s, a combination of kar- “do, make, build” with the general action verbal suffix -ste (PE22/110).

Neo-Quenya: In Tolkien’s later writing, this verbal suffix became -sta (PE22/137), so I would update this noun form to ᴺQ. carasta “making, manufacture, construction”, which aligns nicely with the later verb carasta- “to build”.

Reference ✧ PE22/110 ✧ “making, manufacture, construction”


kar- “to do, make, build”
-ste “general action verbal suffix” ✧ PE22/110 (-stḗ)