Dan. initial nasals vanished before stops; [{mnŋ}{bdg}-] > [ø{bdg}-]

Dan. initial nasals vanished before stops; [{mnŋ}{bdg}-] > [ø{bdg}-]

According to the Comparative Tables, initial combinations of nasals with voiced stops reduced to simple voiced stops (PE19/20). There are two examples of this development in The Etymologies: Dan. golda < ᴹ√ÑGOLOD (Ety/ÑGOLOD) and Oss. Dior < ᴹ✶ndeuro (EtyAC/NDEW), though Tolkien later decided this second example was actually Ilkorin. There were similar changes in Noldorin and Ilkorin. In the case of the cluster [ŋgw-], the resulting [gw-] further reduced to [w-], indicating that the loss of the nasal probably happened before initial [g] was lost before [w].

Phonetic Rule Elements

[mb-] > [b-] ✧ PE19/20 (mb- > b); PE19/20 (mb- > b)
[nd-] > [d-] ✧ PE19/20 (nd- > d); PE19/20 (nd- > d)
[ŋg-] > [g-] ✧ PE19/20 (ŋg- > g); PE19/20 (ŋg- > g)

Phonetic Rule Examples

ndeniθǭr > deniθǭr nd- > d- ᴹ√DAN > Dan. Denethor ✧ Ety/DAN
ndeur > deur nd- > d- ᴹ✶ndeuro > Oss. Dior ✧ EtyAC/NDEW
ŋg- > g- ŋg- > g- ᴹ✶ŋgj- > Dan. g ✧ PE19/20
ŋg- > g- ŋg- > g- ᴹ✶ŋgj- > ED. g ✧ PE19/20
ŋgolda > golda ŋg- > g- ᴹ√ÑGÓLOD > Dan. golda ✧ Ety/ÑGOLOD
ŋgw- > gw- ŋg- > g- ᴹ✶ŋgw- > Dan. w- ✧ PE19/20
ŋgw- > gw- ŋg- > g- ᴹ✶ŋgw- > ED. w- ✧ PE19/20