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N. rhafn n. “wing (horn), extended point at side” (Category: Wing)

⚠️N. rhafn, n. “wing (horn), extended point at side” (Category: Wing)
ᴺS. ^ravn “wing (horn), extended point at side”

A noun appearing as N. rhafn “wing (horn), extended point at side” in The Etymologies of the 1930s, derived from primitive ᴹ✶ramna under the root ᴹ√RAM (Ety/RAM).

Neo-Sindarin: I would adapt this word as ᴺS. ravn for purposes of Neo-Sindarin, since (a) initial r did not become voiceless rh in Sindarin and (b) vn is more representative of the actual pronunciation; compare: S. tavn “thing made by handicraft” (PE17/107).

Reference ✧ Ety/RAM ✧ “wing (horn), extended point at side”



Phonetic Developments

ᴹ✶ramna > rhafn [ramna] > [ramn] > [r̥amn] > [r̥avn] ✧ Ety/RAM