Ilk. short [i], [u] became [e], [o] preceding final [a]; [-{ĭŭ}{C|CC}a] > [-{eo}{C|CC}a]

Ilk. short [i], [u] became [e], [o] preceding final [a]; [-{ĭŭ}{C|CC}a] > [-{eo}{C|CC}a]

These developments mirror the well-known changes of Noldorin, often called the a-affection or a-umlaut. Where an [i] or [u] appeared in a syllable before a primitive final [a] (including a-stem verbs), these vowels shift to [e] and [o] respectively. Since the final [a] usually disappeared (except in a-stem verbs), this sound shift can give a clue to the more primitive forms of words. Some clear examples of this change are ᴹ✶rista > Ilk. rest (Ety/RIS²) and ᴹ✶tultā- > Ilk. tolda- (Ety/TUL).

In Ilkorin, this sound change seems to be prevented or reverted in some cases: see the rule that [e], [o] became [i], [u] before [nn], [nd], [ŋg] for further discussion. Variations in the adjective suffix -en vs. -in (from ᴹ✶-inā) may also indicate some uncertainty on Tolkien’s part on the exact functioning of this rule.

Order (01600)

Before 01700 [e], [o] became [i], [u] before [nn], [nd], [ŋg] ᴹ✶tundā > Ilk. tund Ety/TUN
Before 04200 [g] vocalized before [m], [n] ᴹ✶kuʒnā > kogna > coun > Ilk. caun Ety/KUƷ
Before 04700 short final vowels vanished ᴹ✶kuʒnā > kogna > coun > Ilk. caun Ety/KUƷ

Phonetic Rule Elements

[-ĭCa] > [-eCa]
[-ĭCCa] > [-eCCa]
[-ŭCa] > [-oCa]
[-ŭCCa] > [-oCCa]

Phonetic Rule Examples

dimba > demba -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ✶dimbā > Ilk. dem ✧ Ety/DEM
kʰitʰwa > kʰetʰwa -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ✶khithwa > Dor. heðu ✧ Ety/KHIS
linda > lenda -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ✶LINDĀ > Ilk. lind ✧ Ety/LIND
mizda > mezda -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ✶mizdā > Dor. mēd ✧ Ety/MIZD
rista > resta -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ√RIS > Ilk. rest ✧ Ety/RIS²
tiŋgla- > teŋgla- -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ√TIN > Ilk. tingla- ✧ Ety/TIN
wilma > welma -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ✶wilmā > Ilk. gwelm ✧ EtyAC/WIL
wilwa > welwa -ĭCCa > -eCCa ᴹ✶wilwā > gwelu > Ilk. gwelo ✧ Ety/WIL
lōmina > lōmena -ĭCa > -eCa ᴹ√LAM > Dor. lómen ✧ Ety/LAM
niba > neba -ĭCa > -eCa ᴹ√NIB > Dor. nef ✧ Ety/NIB
tʰūrina > tʰūrena -ĭCa > -eCa ᴹ√THUR > Ilk. thúren ✧ Ety/THUR
kuɣna > koɣna -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶kuʒnā > kogna > coun > Ilk. caun ✧ Ety/KUƷ
luŋga > loŋga -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶lungā > Dor. lung ✧ Ety/LUG¹
lusta > losta -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ√LUS > Dor. #lost ✧ Ety/KAB
ulga > olga -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ√ÚLUG > Ilk. olg ✧ Ety/ÚLUG
sugma > sogma -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶sukmā > Ilk. saum ✧ Ety/SUK
tubna > tobna -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶tubnā > Ilk. tovon ✧ Ety/TUB
tulta- > tolta- -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶tultā- > Ilk. tolda ✧ Ety/TUL
tunda > tonda -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶tundā > Ilk. tund ✧ Ety/TUN
tuŋga > toŋga -ŭCCa > -oCCa ᴹ✶tungā > Ilk. tung ✧ Ety/TUG
dunna > donna -ŭCa > -oCa ᴹ√DUN > Dor. dunn ✧ Ety/DUN
tuka- > toka- -ŭCa > -oCa ᴹ√TUK > Ilk. toga ✧ Ety/TUK