S. [ø]

S. [ø]
A notation indicating a vanished sound, used only in phonetic rules.

References ✧ PE18/105; PE22/149; VT42/24; VT47/10

Phonetic Development

S. final nasals vanished after vowels -Vø < -Vn ✧ VT42/24 (n > [ø]; final)
S. final nasals vanished after vowels -Vø < -Vm ✧ VT47/10 (-m > [ø])
OS. initial [ɣ]/[h] vanished ø- < ɣ- ✧ PE18/105 (ʒ > [ø])
ON. initial and intervocalic [ŋ] vanished ø- < ŋ- ✧ PE18/105 (ñ > [ø]); PE18/105 (ñy > y, ı̯)
S. [ŋ] vanished with compensatory lengthening V̄n < Vŋn ✧ PE22/149 (ŋn > ŋn > ¯n)
S. [ŋ] vanished with compensatory lengthening V̄w < Vŋw ✧ PE22/149 (ŋw̃ > ¯w)

N. [ø]

A notation indicating a vanished sound, used only in phonetic rules.

References ✧ EtyAC/NDIS; PE19/19, 23

Phonetic Development

N. [no change] ø < ø ✧ PE19/19 (- > -); PE19/19 (- > -); PE19/23 (- > -); PE19/23 (- > -)
N. [h] vanished after vowels < Vh ✧ EtyAC/NDIS (s > ø; medial and final); PE19/23 (-h- > -)

G. [ø]

A notation indicating a vanished sound, used only in phonetic rules.