ᴱQ. Mavoine f.

⚠️ᴱQ. Mavoinë, t#ylH5$ f.

Qenya cognate of Mavwin in the earliest Lost Tales (LT2/70), it is maivoine “great longing” used as a name, according to Christopher Tolkien (LT2A/Mavwin).

See S. Morwen for further discussion.

References ✧ LT2/70; LT2A/Mavwin; LT2I/Mavoinë


maivoine “great longing” ✧ LT2A/Mavwin


ᴱQ. Tiranne pn.

First name of Morwen in the earliest Lost Tales (LT2/139), its meaning is unclear, but it appears to be a Qenya name.

See S. Morwen for further discussion.

References ✧ LT2/139; LT2I/Tirannë
