ᴱQ. †[x]

⚠️ᴱQ. †[x]

References ✧ PE12/17, 20

Phonetic Development

ᴱQ. [xs] became [xx] xx < xs ✧ PE12/20 (χs > χχ)
ᴱQ. voiceless spirant combinations assimilated except to [θ] xx < xʷx ✧ PE12/20 (x͡w + x > xx)
ᴱQ. voiceless spirant combinations assimilated except to [θ] xx < θʲx ✧ PE12/20 (x͡y + x > xx)
ᴱQ. voiceless spirant combinations assimilated except to [θ] xx < θx ✧ PE12/20 (þx > xx)
ᴱQ. [xʷu] became [xu] xu < xʷu ✧ PE12/17 (x͡w > h; between vowels)
ᴱQ. geminate voiceless spirants reduced xx > h ✧ PE12/20 (χχ > h); PE12/20 (xx > h)
ᴱQ. [ɣ] otherwise vanished ɣ > ø ✧ PE12/17 (h > ø)