✶Ad. voiceless-continuants

✶Ad. voiceless-continuants
Tolkien described these sounds as “voiceless hisses” (SD/417). The sound ✶[s] is pronounced as in English and survived into Classical Adûnaic. The palatal ✶[ç] did not survive, becoming [s] instead. The sound ✶[x] was pronounced like the “ch” in “Bach”; it developed into a “breath h” in Classical Adûnaic. However, the sound [x] reappeared as the normal development of the primitive velar aspirate ✶[kʰ].

Reference ✧ SD/416


[s] ✧ SD/416 (S)
[ç] ✧ SD/416 (2)
[x] ✧ SD/416 (H)

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