Home Chaered

Ninya Masta

by Chaered

Amm' amastanië
min lissë masta:
ná nostarenyan mi
ninya eästa

Mom has baked
one sweet cake:
it's for my birthday
of my existence.

Niþila; pirinë
pioli as ta;
írenya ná mata
i quana masta!

Sweet-smelling, juicy
berries with it;
my wish is to eat
the entire cake!

Ela! Þellinya sí
nustaila cesta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto peresta.

Lo! My sister [is] here
mom says to give her
half of the cake.

Ela! Atarya na
nesto menesta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto neldesta.

Lo! Father towards
a goal of food;
mom says to give him
one-third of the cake.

Ela! Utúlië
hanno anfasta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto canasta.

Lo! Has come
(little) brother well-pleased;
mom says to give him
one-fourth of the cake.

Ela! I ressë
cecenna, nesta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto lepesta.

Lo! The cousin
visiting, grazing;
mom says to give her
one-fifth of the cake.

Ela! Harunya, ye
cenë ecesta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto enquesta

Lo! My gramps, who
sees an opportunity;
mom says to give him
one-sixth of the cake.

Ela! Tarwandur
cola colosta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto otosta.

Lo! A gardener
brings [carries] a cucumber;
mom says to give them
one-seventh of the cake.

Ela! Sí aþumo
yanta i hosta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto tolosta.

Lo! An acquintance
joins the crowd;
mom says to give them
one-eighth of the cake.

Ela! Asambar o
maita nemesta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto neresta.

Lo! A neighbor with
a hungry appearance;
mom says to give them
one-ninth of the cake.

Ela! All' airimo
yára ar aista,;
amm' equë anta sen
masto i quaista.

Lo! Greetings, priest,
old and holy;
mom says to give him
the one-tenth of the cake.

Ela! Vin haruni
ecë atesta;
amm' equë anta sen
masto minquesta.

Lo! Just granny
must be mentioned;
mom says to give her
one-eleventh of the cake.

Ela! Tyen silumë
ni etelesta;
amm' equë anta tyen
masto yunquesta.

Lo! Now to you
I measure out;
mom says to give you
one-twelfth of the cake.

Tanot' i nostarë
renner, alastan;
hya rië lender sí
amilo mastan?

So many the birthday
remembered, I rejoice;
or did they only come now
for mom's cake?

© 2024, Chaered.

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