Target Namespace | None |
Element and Attribute Namespaces |
Prefix | Namespace |
xml | |
xs | |
Name | before |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Indicates that a particular phonetic change must occur before another one. The change that must come after is specified by the word reference (@l + @v). |
Name | cat |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | A semantic category, specified by its @id. An individual word element can be linked to a semantic category by its @cat attribute. |
Name | cat-group |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | A group of semantic categories, for organization purposes. |
Name | cats |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Parent element of all semantic categories. |
Name | change |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Indicate a change on the part of Tolkien from one form to another. The new form is linked by the source reference (@source). Intermediate forms may be indicated by @i1 attributes. |
Name | cite |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Bibliographical citation for a specific reference. |
Name | class |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Syntactical class for a word, such as a strong versus weak verb. The @form attribute specifies one or more space-delimited classes. The optional @variant attribute has special variations. |
Name | combine |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Indicates that this entry is an earlier version of another, and they may be combined. |
Name | correction |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | An editorial correction of an earlier published form. Uses a source reference (@source). Note that the reference value (ref/@v) of the correction reference is the original (uncorrected) form, while the reference value (ref/@v) of the linked/corrected reference is the corrected form. This is to ensure that the corrected form will appear in the relationships of its original reference. |
Name | deprecated |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Indicates that a word is out-of-date, optionally with a link to a word that might be better. These are all in the opinion of the author. |
Name | deprecations |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s deprecations page. |
Name | derivatives |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | An element controlling how derivative are displayed in the page for this word. If @no-root="true", the derivation trees of child roots are not expanded. |
Name | example |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Indicates examples of the topic under discussion, using a source reference (@source). If @t="deriv", it is an example a derivational rule. If @t="inflect", it is an example an inflectional rule. |
Name | form |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Controls the subdivision of inflectional tables in the HTML version of the lexicon. |
Name | grammar |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s grammar page. |
Name | inflect |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Indicates this form is inflected grammatically from the base word. If this base form is attested, it is linked by a source reference (@source); if there is no @source attribute, then the base form is not attested. The @form attribute indicates the nature of the inflection, which may be a space-delimited list, such as form="soft-mutation plural". The @variant attribute indicates it is a nonstandard variation of the inflection. |
Name | inflect-table |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Controls the generation of inflectional tables in the HTML version of the lexicon. |
Name | language |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Defines a language in the lexicon, identified by its @id attribute and labeled by its @name attribute. Child languages are historical descendants of the language. Other child elements provide documentation for the various index pages for the language. |
Name | language-cat |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | A category of languages that is not itself a language, labeled by its @name. |
Name | names |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s name page. |
Name | neologisms |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s vocabulary page. |
Name | notes |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Notes for the parent item, which may contain (escaped) HTML markup. |
Name | order-example |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | An example supporting the ordering of phonetic rules indicated by the containing before element, linked using a source reference (@source). |
Name | phonetics |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s phonetics page. |
Name | phrases |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s phrases page. |
Name | ref |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Reference to an attested form (@v) in Tolkien’s writing, identified by its @source attribute. Child elements indicate relationships to other attested forms. The @gloss attribute contains any attested glosses.The @mark attribute indicates the notation markers associated with the form. The @l attribute indicates its language if it is different from the language of the containing word. The @rl, @rule and @from attributes link to associated phonetic rules, if any. |
Name | roots |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s root list page. |
Name | rule |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | A phonetic rule, specifying the language (@l), the original phonetic form (@from) and the new form (@rule). This triplet (@l, @rule, @form) is used to link to examples of the phonetic rule. |
Name | rule-example |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | An example of phonetic rule within a derivation, linked by the triplet (@l, @rule, @form) = (language, new phonetic form, original phonetic form). The @stage attribute indicates the resulting word form at this stage of phonetic change, derived from the previous rule-example or rule-start. |
Name | rule-start |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Starting point for a set of phonetic rule change, contained in its original form in its @stage attribute. Phonetic changes are described by the following rule-example elements. If the @l attribute is present, it specifies which linguistic period is the starting point for the phonetic changes. |
Name | see |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Link to another word discussing this form, using a word reference (@l + @v). |
Name | see-also |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Link to a similar word, with relevant discussion, using a word reference (@l + @v). |
Name | see-further |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Link to another word with further discussion of this word, using a word reference (@l + @v). |
Name | see-notes |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Link to another word with notes discussing this word, using a word reference (@l + @v). |
Name | source |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | Identifies a particular bibliographical source, identified by its @prefix and labeled by its @name. The optional @type attribute is used to group similar references in the generated reference documentation. |
Name | vocabulary |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s vocabulary page. |
Name | word |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | An entry in the lexicon with its own word page. Uses the XML element-name "word" for historical reasons, but these elements also represent other lexicon entries such as phonetic rules or grammatical entries. Child elements indicate relationships to other words, while ref elements indicate attested forms of the word. Child words are generally conceptual predecessor’s of this word, though such relationships are often subjective. The @l attribute indicates the word’s language and the @v attribute the base word form. The @gloss attribute assembles the words glosses. The @speech attribute is the (possibly space-delimited) part of speech for the word. The @mark attribute indicates the notation markers for the word. The @page-id is the numeric identifier of the generated HTML Lexicon, and can be used to link to the lexicon. Other attributes have specialized uses that will eventually be cleaned up and documented. |
Name | word-data |
Type | Locally-defined complex type |
Documentation | The root element of the XML data, with a @version attribute indicating the current version of the lexicon data. |
Name | words |
Type | xs:string |
Documentation | Documentation appearing at the top of a language’s words list page. |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | cognate-ref |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | Link to a cognate in another language (for ref elements). As a child of a ref element, uses a source reference (@source). |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | cognate-word |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | Link to a cognate in another language (for word elements). As a child of a word element, uses a word reference (@l + @v). |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | deriv-ref |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | Indicates this form is derived etymologically from the linked form (for ref elements). As a child of a word element, uses a word reference (@l + @v); as a child of a ref element, uses a source reference (@source). Intermediate forms may be indicated by @i1, @i2 and @i3 attributes, in that chronological order (past to future). @@@ In the final form of the data model, a deriv element should be unique with a word/ref element, but there are some unfinished data corrections preventing enforcement of this rule. These unfinished data elements are indicated by @t="m" attribute values, which will be removed after the data is cleaned up. |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | deriv-word |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | Indicates this form is derived etymologically from the linked form (for word elements). As a child of a word element, uses a word reference (@l + @v). |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | element-ref |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | Indicates the decomposition of a word or phrase into its elements (for ref elements). As a child of a ref element, uses a source reference (@source). If the element is a non-standard form (e.g. a soft-mutation), this is indicated by the @form attribute. The @form attribute is omitted if the link reference already has its inflection indicated by a child inflect element. |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | element-word |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | Indicates the decomposition of a word or phrase into its elements (for word elements). As a child of a word element, uses a word reference (@l + @v). If the element is a non-standard form (e.g. a soft-mutation), this is indicated by the @form attribute. |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | related-ref |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | A generic relationship between forms (for ref elements). As a child of a ref element, uses a source reference (@source). |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | related-word |
Abstract | no |
Documentation | A generic relationship between forms (for word elements). As a child of a word element, uses a word reference (@l + @v); as a child of a ref element, uses a source reference (@source). |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | class-form-list-type |
Content |
Super-types: | xs:string < class-form-type (by restriction) |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | class-form-type |
Content |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | inflect-list-type |
Content |
Super-types: | xs:string < inflect-type (by restriction) |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | inflect-type |
Content |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | inflect-variant-list-type |
Content |
Super-types: | xs:string < inflect-variant-type (by restriction) |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | inflect-variant-type |
Content |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | language-list-type |
Content |
Super-types: | xs:string < language-type (by restriction) |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | language-type |
Content |
Super-types: | None |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | speech-list-type |
Content |
Super-types: | xs:string < speech-type (by restriction) |
Sub-types: | None |
Name | speech-type |
Content |
Super-types: | Address < AusAddress (by extension) |
Sub-types: |
Name | AusAddress |
Abstract | no |
The XML Instance Representation table above shows the schema component's content as an XML instance.
Abstract (Applies to complex type definitions and element declarations). An abstract element or complex type cannot used to validate an element instance. If there is a reference to an abstract element, only element declarations that can substitute the abstract element can be used to validate the instance. For references to abstract type definitions, only derived types can be used.
All Model Group Child elements can be provided in any order in instances. See:
Choice Model Group Only one from the list of child elements and model groups can be provided in instances. See:
Collapse Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32). Then, collapse contiguous sequences of space characters into single space character, and remove leading and trailing space characters.
Disallowed Substitutions (Applies to element declarations). If substitution is specified, then substitution group members cannot be used in place of the given element declaration to validate element instances. If derivation methods, e.g. extension, restriction, are specified, then the given element declaration will not validate element instances that have types derived from the element declaration's type using the specified derivation methods. Normally, element instances can override their declaration's type by specifying an xsi:type
Key Constraint Like Uniqueness Constraint, but additionally requires that the specified value(s) must be provided. See:
Key Reference Constraint Ensures that the specified value(s) must match value(s) from a Key Constraint or Uniqueness Constraint. See:
Model Group Groups together element content, specifying the order in which the element content can occur and the number of times the group of element content may be repeated. See:
Nillable (Applies to element declarations). If an element declaration is nillable, instances can use the xsi:nil
attribute. The xsi:nil
attribute is the boolean attribute, nil, from the namespace. If an element instance has an xsi:nil
attribute set to true, it can be left empty, even though its element declaration may have required content.
Notation A notation is used to identify the format of a piece of data. Values of elements and attributes that are of type, NOTATION, must come from the names of declared notations. See:
Preserve Whitespace Policy Preserve whitespaces exactly as they appear in instances.
Prohibited Derivations (Applies to type definitions). Derivation methods that cannot be used to create sub-types from a given type definition.
Prohibited Substitutions (Applies to complex type definitions). Prevents sub-types that have been derived using the specified derivation methods from validating element instances in place of the given type definition.
Replace Whitespace Policy Replace tab, line feed, and carriage return characters with space character (Unicode character 32).
Sequence Model Group Child elements and model groups must be provided in the specified order in instances. See:
Substitution Group Elements that are members of a substitution group can be used wherever the head element of the substitution group is referenced.
Substitution Group Exclusions (Applies to element declarations). Prohibits element declarations from nominating themselves as being able to substitute a given element declaration, if they have types that are derived from the original element's type using the specified derivation methods.
Target Namespace The target namespace identifies the namespace that components in this schema belongs to. If no target namespace is provided, then the schema components do not belong to any namespace.
Uniqueness Constraint Ensures uniqueness of an element/attribute value, or a combination of values, within a specified scope. See: