Chapter 14 - English to Quenya Glossary
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y]
- “(diminutive)” suf. -incë
- “(question word)” adv. ma
- “(request/command)” particle. á
- “abound” v. lauta-
- “above” prep. or
- “account” n. nyárë
- “accursed” adj. húna
- “action” n. carda
- “admirable” adj. maira
- “after (time)” prep. epë
- “agent” n. tyaro
- “ago” adv. né
- “ah” interj. ai
- “air (as a substance)” n. vista
- “air (lower sky)” n. vilya [w-]
- “alas” interj. ai
- “alike” adj. véla
- “all” adj. ilyë
- “alone” adj. and adv. er
- “also” adv. yú
- “always” adv. illumë
- “amen” interj. násië
- “among” prep. imbi
- “and” conj. ar
- “angel (f.)” n. aini
- “angel (m.)” n. ainu
- “angry” adj. raiqua
- “animal” n. laman (lamn-)
- “answer” n. hanquenta
- “answer” v. !hanquet-
- “answered” pa.t. hanquentë
- “apparent” adj. vëa
- “apple” n. ^orva
- “April” n. Víressë
- “argue” v. costa-
- “arm” n. ranco (rancu-)
- “arrive at” v. anya-
- “arrived at” pa.t. *ananyë
- “arrow” n. pilin (pilind-)
- “as” prep. ve
- “as (this like)” prep. sívë
- “ask” v. cesta-
- “ate” pa.t. mantë
- “August” n. Úrimë
- “autumn (harvest)” n. yávië
- “autumn (late)” n. quellë
- “autumn (leaf-fall)” n. lasselanta
- “awakening” n. cuivië
- “away” adv. öa
- “baby” n. vinimo [w-]
- “bad” adj. urra
- “bag” n. ^poco
- “bake” v. masta-
- “ball” n. coron (corn-)
- “base” n. sundo [þ]
- “be” v. ná-
- “be able to” v. pol-
- “was able to” pa.t. *pollë
- “be afraid” v. sorya- [þ-]
- “was afraid” pa.t. *soronyë
- “be cold” v. niqu-
- “be free to” v. lerta-
- “was free to” pa.t. *lertanë
- “be situated” v. lat-
- “was situated” pa.t. lantë
- “beach” n. hresta
- “bear” n. morco
- “bear (carry)” v. col-
- “bearable” adj. cólima
- “beard” n. fanga
- “beautiful” adj. vanima
- “become” v. ola-
- “bed” n. caima
- “bedroom” n. caimasan [þ] (caimasamb-)
- “before (place)” prep. epë
- “before (time)” prep. nó
- “beget” v. onta-
- “beginning” n. yesta
- “behind (at back of)” prep. nó
- “behold” interj. ela
- “believe” v. sav-
- “bell” n. nyellë
- “beloved” adj. melda
- “belt” n. ^quilta
- “bend” n. lúva
- “bend” v. cúna-
- “beneath” adv. undu
- “bent” adj. locin
- “beside” prep. ara
- “better” adj. arya
- “between” prep. imbë
- “beyond” prep. pella
- “big” adj. höa
- “big (and strong)” adj. polda
- “bird” n. aiwë
- “bird (small)” n. filit (filic-)
- “birth (give birth)” v. nosta-
- “bite” v. nac-
- “bitter” adj. sára
- “black” adj. morna
- “bless” v. manta-
- “blessed” adj. aistana
- “blessed” adj. amanya
- “blessing” n. mána
- “blood” n. sercë (serci-)
- “bloom” v. losta-
- “blossom (white)” n. and adj. lossë
- “blue” adj. luinë (luini-)
- “boat” n. luntë
- “body” n. hröa
- “bold” adj. verya
- “bone” n. axo
- “book” n. parma
- “bore (carried)” pa.t. *collë
- “bosom” n. súma
- “both” adj. yúyo
- “both ... and” conj. yo
- “bottom” n. tál (tal-)
- “bow (bend)” n. lúva
- “bow (for shooting)” n. quinga
- “box” n. ^colca
- “boy” n. seldo
- “brave” adj. verya
- “bread” n. massa
- “break” v. rac-
- “breath” n. súlë [þ]
- “breeze” n. hwesta
- “bridge” n. yanta
- “bright” adj. calima
- “bring” v. tulya-
- “broke” pa.t. *rancë
- “brooch” n. tancal
- “brother” n. háno
- “brown” adj. varnë (varni-)
- “budding” n. tuilë
- “build” v. carasta-
- “builder” n. tamo
- “building” n. ampano
- “bull” n. mundo
- “burly” adj. polda
- “but” conj. mal
- “by (beside)” prep. ara
- “by this means” adv. sinen
- “call” v. yal-
- “came” pa.t. túlë
- “can” v. pol-
- “candle” n. lícuma
- “canopy” n. telumë
- “captain” n. hesto
- “care (have care for)” v. nil-
- “carry” v. col-
- “cat” n. miuë (miuy-)
- “cause” v. tyar-
- “cave” n. rotto
- “centre” n. endë
- “certain” adj. sinwa
- “chair” n. hanwa
- “chance (have a chance to)” v. ec-
- “had a chance to” pa.t. *encë
- “change (self)” v. virya-
- “change (something)” v. vista-
- “changed [something]” pa.t. vistanë
- “chase” v. roita-
- “chest” n. ^ambos (ambor-)
- “chicken” n. ^porocë
- “child” n. hína
- “children” n. híni
- “chill” adj. ninquë (ninqui-)
- “circle” n. rindë
- “city” n. osto
- “clan” n. nos(së)
- “clean” adj. poica
- “clean” v. ^poita-
- “clever (with hands)” adj. finwa
- “clever (with mind)” adj. finya
- “cloak” n. collo
- “cloak” v. fanta-
- “cloth” n. lannë
- “clothing” n. !hampë
- “cloud (dark)” n. lumbo
- “cloud (white)” n. fanya
- “cold” adj. ringa
- “cold” n. ringë (ringi-)
- “collapse” v. talta-
- “collapsed” pa.t. talantë
- “colour” n. ^quilë
- “coloured” adj. ^quilëa
- “come” v. tul-
- “command” v. canya-
- “commanded” pa.t. canyanë
- “commander” n. cáno
- “compel” v. mauya-
- “completely” adv. aqua
- “conquer” v. tur-
- “conscience” n. órë
- “consequently” conj. epetai
- “contrarily (on the contrary)” adv. úsië
- “cook” v. ^maxa-
- “cord” n. ^hempa
- “could” pa.t. *pollë
- “count” v. not-
- “country” n. nórë
- “cover” v. tup-
- “cow” n. ^yaxë
- “craft” n. curwë
- “create” v. onta-
- “creep” v. hlic-
- “crooked” adj. raica
- “crowd” n. rimbë
- “cup” n. yulma
- “cut” v. cir-
- “cure” v. hasa- [þ]
- “curse” v. húta-
- “dance” v. lilta-
- “danger” n. raxë
- “dare” v. verya-
- “dark” adj. morë (mori-)
- “darkness” n. mornië
- “daughter” n. yeldë
- “dawn” n. ambarónë
- “day (24 hours)” n. ré
- “day(time)” n. aurë
- “dead” adj. qualin
- “dead (naturally)” adj. firin
- “dear” adj. melda
- “death (agony)” n. qualmë
- “death (natural)” n. fírië
- “December” n. Ringarë
- “deed” n. carda
- “deep” adj. núra
- “deep valley” n. imbilat
- “defeat” v. turu-
- “demon” n. rauco
- “depart” v. auta-
- “desire” n. írë
- “️dexterous” adj. finwa
- “diacritic” n. tehta
- “did” pa.t. carnë
- “die” v. qual-
- “die (naturally)” v. fir-
- “died (naturally)” pa.t. *firnë
- “dig” v. ^sap-
- “dim” adj. néca
- “dirty” adj. vára
- “discover” v. tuv-
- “dislike” v. uhta-
- “do” v. car-
- “doctor” n. asarta [þ]
- “doer” n. tyaro
- “dog” n. huo
- “dog (hunting)” n. ronyo
- “don’t” interj. áva
- “doom” n. umbar (umbart-)
- “door” n. fendë
- “down” adv. undu
- “dragon (fire)” n. urulócë
- “dream” n. olor
- “dream (impersonal)” v. óla-
- “drink” n. yulda
- “drink” v. yul-
- “drum” n. ^tompa
- “dry” adj. parca
- “dug” pa.t. ^sampë
- “dusk” n. undómë
- “dwarf” n. nauco
- “dwell” v. mar-
- “each” adj. ilya
- “eagle” n. soron (sorn-) [þ]
- “ear” n. hlas (hlar-)
- “earth” n. cemen
- “east” n. rómen
- “eat” v. mat-
- “egg” n. ^ohtë
- “eight” num. toldo
- “eighteen” num. *tolquë
- “eighty” num. !tolquain
- “eleven” num. minquë
- “elf” n. elda
- “elf (technical term only)” n. quen(dë)
- “emotion” n. felmë
- “empty” adj. cumna
- “enchantment” n. lúcë
- “end (spatial)” n. ^tel (teld-)
- “ending (temporal)” n. metta
- “endure” v. termar-
- “endured” pa.t. *termarnë
- “enemy” n. cotto
- “enough” adj. fárëa
- “event” n. tulma
- “every” adj. ilya
- “evil” adj. ulca
- “examine” v. ces- [þ]
- “excellent” adj. maira
- “excelling” adj. arya
- “excited” adj. avalda [w]
- “exist” v. ëa-
- “Existence” n. Ëa
- “extend (of an area)” v. lat-
- “eye” n. hen (hend-)
- “face” n. cendelë
- “fade” v. quel-
- “fading” n. quellë
- “faith (hope)” n. estel
- “faith (loyalty)” n. voronwë
- “faithful” adj. voronda
- “fall” v. lanta-
- “fall (down)” v. talta-
- “fell (down)” pa.t. talantë
- “family (extended)” n. nos(së)
- “family (nuclear)” n. !orendë
- “fang” n. carca
- “far” adj. haira
- “far” adj. and adv. palan
- “far away” adv. haiya
- “farewell (be well)” interj. namárië
- “farewell (to happiness)” interj. márienna
- “fashion” v. cat-
- “fasten” v. tac-
- “fat” adj. tiuca
- “fate” n. umbar (umbart-)
- “father” n. atar
- “fear” n. sossë [þ-]
- “feather” n. quessë
- “February” n. Nénimë
- “feel” v. palta-
- “fell” pa.t. lantanë
- “fell (down)” pa.t. talantë
- “field (tilled)” n. resta
- “fifteen” num. lepenquë
- “fifty” num. !lepenquain
- “fight” v. mahta-
- “fill” v. quanta-
- “final” adj. telda
- “find [discover]” v. tuv-
- “found [discovered]” pa.t. túvë
- “find [something lost]” v. hir-
- “finger” n. leper
- “finish” v. telya-
- “finished” pa.t. *telyanë
- “fire” n. nárë
- “firm” adj. tanca
- “first” num. minya
- “fish” n. lingwë (lingwi-)
- “five” num. lempë
- “fixed” adj. tanca
- “flat” adj. lára
- “float” v. ^lut-
- “flourish” v. ala-
- “flow” v. sirya-
- “flow (forth)” v. celu-
- “flowed (forth)” pa.t. celunë
- “flower” n. lótë
- “flute” n. ^simpa [þ]
- “fly” v. vil- [w-]
- “foam” n. vingë [w-]
- “follow” v. hilya-
- “followed” pa.t. *hilyanë
- “follower” n. #hildë (hildi-)
- “food” n. matta
- “foot” n. tál (tal-)
- “for” conj. an
- “forbid” v. váquet-
- “forest” n. taurë
- “forever” adv. oialë
- “forever(more)” adv. tennoio
- “forge” n. ^tamin
- “forty” num. !canquain
- “fought” pa.t. mahtanë
- “found” pa.t. *hirnë
- “four” num. canta
- “fourteen” num. *canquë
- “fragrant” adj. nísima [þ]
- “frail” adj. limpa
- “freeze” v. niqu-
- “Friday” n. Valanya
- “friend (casual, f.)” n. nildë
- “friend (casual, m.)” n. nildo
- “friend (close, f.)” n. meldë
- “friend (close, m.)” n. meldo
- “friendship” n. nilmë
- “frog” n. quácë
- “from here” adv. silo
- “from there” adv. talo
- “fruit” n. yávë
- “full” adj. quanta
- “fully” adv. aqua
- “garden” n. ^tarwa
- “gate” n. ando
- “gave” pa.t. antanë
- “gem” n. mírë
- “gentle” adj. linda
- “get” v. ^net- [ñ-]
- “gift” n. anna
- “girl” n. nettë
- “give” v. anta-
- “glass” n. calca
- “globe” n. coron (corn-)
- “glorious” adj. alcarin
- “glory” n. alcar
- “go (away)” v. auta-
- “go (generally)” v. men-
- “God” n. Eru
- “gold (metal)” n. malta
- “golden (light or colour)” adj. laurëa
- “golden-red” adj. culuina
- “gone” adj. vanwa
- “good (moral)” adj. manë
- “good (useful)” adj. mára
- “good fortune” n. almë
- “good health” n. málë
- “goodness” n. márië
- “goods [pl.]” n. armar
- “got” pa.t. ^nentë
- “grade” n. tyellë
- “grandson” n. indyo
- “grasp” v. mapa-
- “grass” n. salquë
- “green” adj. laica
- “greetings (in happiness)” interj. máriessë
- “grey” adj. sinda [þ]
- “grey (of weather)” adj. hiswa [þ]
- “grey (misty)” adj. mísë (mísi-) [þ]
- “grow (older)” v. ola-
- “grew (older)” pa.t. olanë
- “grow (of plants)” v. ala-
- “grew (of plants)” pa.t. alanë
- “growl” v. yarra-
- “guess” n. intya
- “guess” v. intya-
- “gull” n. maiwë
- “had” pa.t. sámë
- “hail” interj. aiya
- “hair” n. findë
- “halfling” n. perian (periand-)
- “halve” v. perya-
- “hammer” n. namba
- “hammer” v. namba-
- “hammered” pa.t. *nambanë
- “hand” n. má
- “handle” v. mahta-
- “happily” adv. márië
- “happiness” n. alassë
- “happy” adj. !alassëa
- “harbour” n. londë
- “hard” adj. norna
- “harp” n. nandë [ñ-]
- “harvest” n. yávië
- “hasty” adj. tyelca
- “hate” v. ^tev-
- “have” v. sam-
- “have a chance to” v. ec-
- “had a chance to” pa.t. *encë
- “have care for” v. nil-
- “haven” n. londë
- “he” suf. -ssë
- “he (emphatic)” pron. issë
- “he ... himself” suf. -xë
- “head” n. cas (car-)
- “healing herb” n. asëa [þ]
- “hear” v. #hlar-
- “heart (metaphorical)” n. órë
- “heart (physical)” n. hón (hom-)
- “heat” n. úrë
- “heavens” n. menel
- “heavy” adj. lungo (lungu-)
- “height” n. tárië
- “heir” n. #hildë (hildi-)
- “helmet” n. castol
- “hence” adv. silo
- “her (object)” pron. se
- “her (possessive)” suf. -rya
- “here” adv. sissë
- “here (this place)” adv. sinomë
- “herself” pron. insë
- “hide” v. nurta-
- “hid [self]” pa.t. *nuruntë
- “hid [something]” pa.t. *nurtanë
- “high” adj. tára
- “hill” n. ambo
- “him” pron. se
- “himself” pron. insë
- “his” suf. -rya
- “history” n. lúmequenta
- “hither” adv. †sir(a)
- “hole” n. assa
- “holiness” n. airë (airi-)
- “hollow” n. unquë
- “holy” adj. aina
- “home” n. már (mar-)
- “honey” n. nehtë
- “honorific” n. tar
- “hook” n. ampa
- “hope” n. estel
- “hope” v. mer-
- “horn (animal, mountain)” n. rassë
- “horn (musical)” n. róma
- “horse” n. rocco
- “host” n. rimbë
- “hot (unpleasantly)” adj. úra
- “hour” n. lúmë
- “house” n. cöa
- “how” adv. manen
- “hunt” n. faralë
- “hunt” v. fara-
- “husband” n. veru
- “I” suf. -nyë
- “I (emphatic)” pron. inyë
- “I agree” interj. sá [þ]
- “I won’t” interj. vá
- “ice” n. helcë
- “icy” adj. helca
- “idea” n. inca
- “identical” adj. imya
- “imagination” n. síma
- “immortal” adj. alfírima
- “impulsive” adj. hórëa
- “in” prep. mi
- “in that way” adv. tanen
- “indeed” adv. naitië
- “inflorescense” n. lós [þ]
- “insect (small)” n. pí
- “intelligent” adj. handa
- “into” prep. minna
- “iron” n. anga
- “is” v. ná
- “is not” v. ui-
- “island” n. tol(lë)
- “it” pron. sa
- “it” suf. -ssa
- “it (emphatic)” pron. *issa
- “itself” pron. insa
- “jacket” n. ^vacco
- “January” n. Narvinyë
- “jaws” n. anca
- “jewel” n. mírë
- “July” n. Cermië
- “jump” v. cap-
- “June” n. Nárië
- “kick” v. lah-
- “kindle” v. tinta-
- “kindred” n. nos(së)
- “king” n. aran
- “kingdom” n. aranië
- “kiss” n. ^miquë
- “kiss” v. miqu-
- “knife” n. cirma
- “knight” n. roquen
- “knock” v. tamba-
- “know” v. ista-
- “knowledge” n. nólë [ñ-]
- “known” adj. sinwa
- “labour” n. mólë
- “lack” v. pen-
- “lacking” adj. penya
- “lady” n. heri
- “lake” n. ailin
- “lament” v. naina-
- “lamented” pa.t. *nainanë
- “lamp” n. calma
- “land (nation)” n. nórë
- “land (vs. sea)” n. nór
- “language” n. lambë
- “lap up” v. sulpa-
- “lapped up” pa.t. sulpanë
- “large” adj. höa
- “last (endure)” v. termar-
- “last (final)” adj. telda
- “last (ultimate)” adj. métima
- “laugh” v. lala-
- “lay” v. caita-
- “lead” v. tulya-
- “leaf” n. lassë
- “learn” v. par-
- “left (hand)” adj. hyarya
- “leg” n. telco
- “letter (of the alphabet)” n. tengwa
- “lick” v. lav-
- “lie (down)” v. caita-
- “lie (of places)” v. lat-
- “lay (of places)” pa.t. lantë
- “lift” v. orta-
- “light (weight)” adj. cólima
- “light (soft, gentle)” adj. linda
- “light (shining)” n. cala
- “like” prep. ve
- “like that” adv. tallë
- “like this” adv. sillë
- “line” n. téma
- “lion” n. rauro
- “lip (single)” n. pempë
- “lips (as a pair)” n. peu
- “listen” v. lasta-
- “little” adj. nitya
- “live (is alive)” v. coita-
- “lived (was alive)” pa.t. coinë
- “live (dwell)” v. mar-
- “lived (dwelled)” pa.t. *marnë
- “lo (behold)” interj. yé
- “lofty” adj. tára
- “lofty hall” n. oromar (oromard-)
- “lonely” adj. eressëa
- “long” adj. anda
- “long ago” adv. andanéya
- “look” v. cen-
- “lord” n. heru
- “lore” n. nólë [ñ-]
- “lost (passed away)” adj. vanwa
- “love” v. mel-
- “love” n. melmë
- “lover (f.)” n. melissë
- “lover (m.)” n. melindo
- “low” adj. tumna
- “loyal” adj. voronda
- “loyalty” n. voronwë
- “lump” n. luppo (luppu-)
- “lust” n. mailë
- “lustful” adj. mailëa
- “madam” n. tar
- “magic” n. lúcë
- “maiden” n. vendë [w-]
- “make” v. car-
- “man (human)” n. atan
- “man (male)” n. nér (ner-)
- “mar” v. hasta-
- “March” n. Súlimë [þ]
- “marriage” n. vesta
- “marry” v. vesta-
- “mast” n. tyulma
- “master (defeat)” v. turu-
- “matrimony” n. vesta
- “May” n. Lótessë
- “maybe” adv. cé
- “me” pron. ni
- “mead” n. miruvórë
- “meal” n. mat (matt-)
- “meat (cooked)” n. apsa
- “meeting” n. omentië
- “memory” n. enyalië
- “merchant” n. ^mahar
- “metal” n. tinco
- “middle” adj. endëa
- “Middle-earth” n. Endórë
- “mind (inner)” n. indo
- “mind (that thinks)” n. sanar
- “mine” adj. ninya
- “mirth” n. tyalië
- “mistake” n. loima
- “Monday” n. Isilya [þ]
- “money” n. telpë
- “month” n. asta
- “Moon” n. Isil [þ]
- “more” adj. amba
- “more” adv. ambë
- “morning” n. arin
- “mother” n. amil(lë)
- “mountain” n. oron (oront-)
- “mouth” n. anto
- “mouth (closed)” n. pé
- “move (intr.)” v. ^lev-
- “music” n. lindalë
- “musical sound” n. lindë (lindi-)
- “my” adj. ninya
- “my” suf. -nya
- “myself” pron. imni
- “nail” n. taxë
- “name” n. essë
- “name” v. esta-
- “narrow” adj. náha
- “nation” n. nórë
- “neck” n. lango
- “nectar-drink” n. miruvórë
- “net” n. rembë
- “net” v. remba-
- “new” adj. vinya
- “next to” prep. ara
- “night” n. lómë
- “nine” num. nertë
- “nineteen” num. neterquë
- “ninety” num. !neterquain
- “no (I won’t)” interj. vá
- “no (it is not)” interj. ui
- “noise” n. hlón (hlon-)
- “north” n. formen
- “nose” n. nengwë (nengwi-)
- “not” adv. ú
- “not be” v. ui-
- “not to have” v. pen-
- “notion” n. intya
- “November” n. Hísimë [þ]
- “now” adv. sí
- “number” n. nótë
- “numberless” adj. únótima
- “oath” n. vanda
- “occasion” n. lú
- “October” n. Narquelië
- “oh” interj. a
- “old” adj. yára
- “on behalf of” prep. rá
- “on the contrary” adv. úsië
- “once (at one time)” adv. néya
- “one (alone)” adj. and adv. er
- “one (out of a series)” num. min
- “only” adv. rië
- “open” v. latya-
- “or” conj. hya
- “orange (colour)” adj. culuina
- “orange (fruit)” n. culuma
- “orc” n. orco
- “other person” pron. hye
- “other thing” pron. hya
- “our (both of our)” suf. -nqua
- “our (but not your)” suf. -lma
- “our (including your)” suf. -lva
- “our two (but not your)” suf. -mma
- “ours” adj. menya
- “ourselves (exclusive)” pron. immë
- “ourselves (inclusive)” pron. inwë
- “out (of)” prep. et
- “owl” n. ^hó
- “pain” n. naicë
- “painful” adj. naica
- “pale” adj. néca
- “paper” n. ^hyalin
- “parent” n. nostar
- “path” n. tië
- “peace” n. rainë
- “pen” n. tecil
- “people” n. lië
- “person” n. quén (quen-)
- “phantom” n. fairë
- “picture” n. emma
- “place (location)” n. nómë
- “place (put)” v. caita-
- “plant” n. olva
- “play” n. tyalië
- “play” v. tyal-
- “please (as a polite word)” adv. mecin
- “please (make someone pleased)” v. fasta-
- “poem” n. lairë
- “point” n. cendë
- “point” v. tenta-
- “point (tip)” n. tillë
- “pollen” n. malo (malu-)
- “poor” adj. penya
- “possibly” adv. cé
- “pour” v. ulya-
- “poured” pa.t. ullë
- “poured [something]” pa.t. ulyanë
- “powerful” adj. ^turwa
- “praise” v. laita-
- “pray” v. hyam-
- “precious” adj. mirwa
- “prepare” v. ferya-
- “prepared” pa.t. *feryanë
- “press” v. nir-
- “prey” n. farna
- “prince” n. cundo (cundu-)
- “princess” n. aranel
- “prosperous” adj. alya
- “protect” v. varya-
- “protected” pa.t. *varyanë
- “protected” adj. varna
- “pull” v. tuc-
- “pure” adj. poica
- “purpose” n. induinen
- “pursue” v. roita-
- “put” v. caita-
- “push” v. nir-
- “quarrel (argue)” v. costa-
- “quarreled” pa.t. *costanë
- “queen” n. tári
- “question” v. maquet-
- “questioned” pa.t. maquentë
- “quiet” adj. ^quilda
- “rabbit” n. lopoldë
- “rage” n. aha
- “rain” n. ulo (ulu-)
- “rain (impersonal)” v. ul-
- “raise” v. orta-
- “ran” pa.t. nornë
- “rang” pa.t. *hyaltanë
- “rat” n. nyarro
- “reach (arrive at)” v. anya-
- “read (scan)” v. henta-
- “read (writing)” v. tengwa-
- “read (writing)” pa.t. tengwanë
- “ready” v. ferya-
- “realm” n. arda
- “rear” n. tellë
- “recall” v. enyal-
- “recalled” pa.t. *enyallë
- “receive” v. #cav-
- “recite” v. nyar-
- “rectangle” n. !cantil
- “red” adj. carnë (carni-)
- “refuse” v. apta-
- “remember” v. enyal-
- “remembered” pa.t. *enyallë
- “remote” adj. haira
- “rescue” v. #rehta-
- “rest” n. sérë
- “rest” v. ser-
- “return” v. entul-
- “rich” adj. alya
- “ride” v. norta-
- “rider” n. roquen
- “right (hand)” adj. forya
- “ring (for finger)” n. corma
- “ring (make ring)” v. ^hyalta-
- “rise” v. orya-
- “river” n. sírë (síri-)
- “road” n. tië
- “rock” n. ondo
- “rode” pa.t. nortanë
- “rose” pa.t. oronyë
- “roof” n. tópa
- “roof (canopy)” n. telumë
- “room” n. sambë [þ]
- “root” n. sundo [þ]
- “rope” n. ^hempa
- “round” adj. corna
- “row” n. téma
- “rule (govern)” v. ^heru-
- “rule (conquer)” v. tur-
- “run” v. nor-
- “sad” adj. nairëa
- “safe” adj. varna
- “sail” v. ^lut-
- “sailor” n. ciryamo
- “same” adj. imya
- “sang” pa.t. *lirnë
- “sang (gaily)” pa.t. lirunë
- “sat” pa.t. ^handë
- “sat down” pa.t. *harunë
- “Saturday” n. Elenya
- “save” v. #rehta-
- “saw” pa.t. cennë
- “say” v. quet-
- “scan” v. henta-
- “sea” n. ëar
- “seamstress” n. serindë [þ]
- “search” v. ces- [þ]
- “seaweed” n. ëaruilë
- “second (of two)” num. attëa
- “secret” adj. muina
- “see” v. cen-
- “seed” n. erdë
- “seem” v. nem-
- “seeming” adj. vëa
- “seize” v. mapa-
- “send” v. menta-
- “send (for)” v. tulta-
- “sent (for)” pa.t. tultanë
- “September” n. Yavannië
- “series” n. téma
- “servant” n. núro
- “seven” num. otso
- “seventeen” num. otoquë
- “seventh” num. otsëa
- “seventy” num. !otoquain
- “sew” v. ser- [þ]
- “sexual desire” n. yermë
- “shape” n. canta
- “shape” v. cat-
- “sharp” adj. maica
- “she” suf. -ssë
- “she (emphatic)” pron. issë
- “she ... herself” suf. -xë
- “sheep” n. máma
- “shield” n. sanda [þ]
- “shine (bright)” v. cal-
- “shine (white)” v. sil-
- “shone (white)” pa.t. ^sílë
- “ship” n. cirya
- “shirt” n. ^laupë
- “shoe” n. hyapat
- “shore (surf)” n. falassë
- “shore (beach)” n. hresta
- “short” adj. senna [þ]
- “show” v. tana-
- “shrine” n. ainas (*ainass-)
- “sick” adj. ^hlaiwa
- “sickly” adj. engwa
- “sickness” n. ^hlívë
- “silver” n. telpë
- “silver (archaic)” n. †tyelpë
- “similar” adj. véla
- “sing” v. lir-
- “sing (gaily)” v. liru-
- “sang (gaily)” pa.t. lirunë
- “singer” n. lindo
- “singing” n. lindë (lindi-)
- “sir” n. tar
- “sister” n. nésa [þ]
- “sit” v. har-
- “sit down” v. ^haru-
- “six” num. enquë
- “sixteen” num. enenquë
- “sixty” num. !enquain
- “skill (of the hand)” n. curwë
- “sky (lower)” n. vilya [w-]
- “sky (realm of clouds)” n. fanyarë
- “sky (the heavens)” n. menel
- “slave” n. mól
- “slay” v. nahta-
- “sleep” n. lórë
- “sleep” v. lor-
- “slow” adj. ^lenca
- “small” adj. nitya
- “smell” v. nusta-
- “smile” v. raita-
- “smith” n. tamo
- “smooth” adj. pasta
- “smooth” v. pas- [þ]
- “snake” n. leuca
- “snatch” v. raf-
- “sneak” v. hlic-
- “snow” n. lossë
- “snow (impersonal)” v. ^hris-
- “snow-white” adj. lossë
- “snowdrop” n. nieninquë
- “so” prep. tambë
- “soft” adj. mussë
- “soft (gentle)” adj. linda
- “someone” pron. mo
- “something” pron. ma
- “son” n. yondo
- “song” n. lírë (líri-)
- “soon” adv. ron(go)
- “sorcery” n. núlë [ñ-]
- “sorrow” n. nairë
- “sorrowful” adj. nairëa
- “sort (of that sort)” adv. taitë
- “sort (of this sort)” adv. sítë
- “soul” n. fëa
- “sound” n. láma
- “sour” adj. ^naxa
- “south” n. hyarmen
- “sow” v. rer-
- “sparrow” n. filit (filic-)
- “speak” v. quet-
- “spear” n. ehtë (ehti-)
- “spirit (holy, f.)” n. aini
- “spirit (holy, m.)” n. ainu
- “spirit (movement of)” n. súlë [þ]
- “spirit (phantom)” n. fairë
- “spirit (soul)” n. fëa
- “spring (early)” n. coirë
- “spring (late)” n. tuilë
- “sprout” v. tuia-
- “stand” v. #tar-
- “stand up” v. tolu-
- “star” n. elen
- “starlight” n. silmë
- “stay” v. har-
- “steep” adj. aiqua
- “stem” n. telco
- “step (of ladder/stairs)” n. tyellë
- “still, up until now (present)” adv. tensi
- “stinking” adj. saura [þ]
- “stirring” n. coirë
- “stone (as material)” n. ondo
- “stone (small)” n. sar (sarn-)
- “stood” pa.t. tarnë
- “stood up” pa.t. *tolunë
- “stop” v. pusta-
- “story” n. quenta
- “straight” adj. téra
- “street” n. mallë
- “strike” v. ^hyalta-
- “stroke” v. palta-
- “strong (and big)” adj. polda
- “strong (physically)” adj. turca
- “strong (abstractly)” adj. turwa
- “summer” n. lairë
- “summon (call)” v. yal-
- “summon (send for)” v. tulta-
- “Sun” n. Anar (Anár-)
- “Sunday” n. Anarya
- “sunset” n. andúnë
- “sure (fixed, firm)” adj. tanca
- “surf” n. falassë
- “swan” n. alqua
- “sweet” adj. lissë (lissi-)
- “swift” adj. linta
- “sword” n. macil
- “table” n. paluhta
- “tail” n. ^pimpë
- “take” v. ^lep-
- “tale” n. nyárë
- “tall” adj. halla
- “tarry” v. ser-
- “taste” n. tyávë
- “taste” v. tyav-
- “tear (from crying)” n. nië
- “tell” v. nyar-
- “ten” num. quëan
- “tenth” num. quainëa
- “terrify” v. ruhta-
- “terrified” pa.t. *ruhtanë
- “thank (give thanks)” v. #hanta-
- “thanked (gave thanks)” pa.t. *hantanë
- “that” pron. ta
- “that” adj. tana
- “that (impersonal relative)” pron. ya
- “that (personal relative)” pron. ye
- “that (previously mentioned)” adj. sana
- “that like” prep. tambë
- “that matter” pron. tama
- “that place” adv. tanomë
- “that time” adv. talumë
- “that yonder” adj. enta
- “the” article. i
- “their two” suf. -tta
- “their” suf. -nta
- “them (neuter)” pron. tai
- “them two” pron. tu
- “them” pron. te
- “themselves” pron. intë
- “then (future)” adv. en
- “then (past)” adv. tá
- “thence” adv. talo
- “there” adv. tassë
- “there (that place)” adv. tanomë
- “they” suf. -ntë
- “they ... themselves” suf. -xer
- “they (emphatic)” pron. intë
- “they (neuter) (emphatic)” pron. *inta
- “they (neuter)” suf. -nta
- “they two ... themselves” suf. -xet
- “they two (emphatic)” pron. ^ettë
- “they two” suf. -ttë
- “thick” adj. tiuca
- “thin” adj. fimbë (fimbi-)
- “thing” n. nat
- “think” v. #sana-
- “thinker” n. sanar
- “third” num. neldëa
- “thirteen” num. *nelquë
- “thirty” num. !nelquain
- “this” pron. si
- “this” adj. sina
- “this like” prep. sívë
- “this place” adv. sinomë
- “this time” adv. silumë
- “thither” adv. †tar(a)
- “thought” n. sanwë
- “thought” pa.t. *sananë
- “three” num. neldë
- “throat” n. lango
- “throne” n. mahalma
- “through” prep. ter
- “throw” v. ^hat-
- “Thursday” n. Eärenya
- “thus” adv. sië
- “tie” v. nut-
- “time (general)” n. lú
- “time (period of)” n. lúmë
- “tip” n. tillë
- “to” prep. ana
- “to here” adv. *sinna
- “to there” adv. tanna
- “today” n. síra
- “toe” n. pirë
- “told” pa.t. *nyarnë
- “tomb” n. noirë
- “tomorrow” n. enar
- “tongue (language)” n. lambë
- “tongue (physical)” n. lamba
- “too” adv. yú
- “took” pa.t. *lempë
- “tool” n. tamma
- “tooth” n. nelet (nelc-)
- “top” n. inga
- “top (head)” n. cas (car-)
- “torment” n. nwalmë [ñ-]
- “touch” v. appa-
- “tough” adj. norna
- “towards” prep. ana
- “tower” n. mindon
- “tower (watch)” n. tirion
- “trade” v. manca-
- “tradesman” n. ^mahar
- “trap” v. remba-
- “travel” v. lelya-
- “treasure” n. harma
- “treat” v. hasa- [þ]
- “tree” n. alda
- “tree (tall)” n. ornë
- “triangle” n. neltil
- “true” adj. naitë
- “truly” adv. naitië
- “Tuesday” n. Aldúya
- “tunnel” n. rotto
- “turn” v. quer-
- “twelve” num. yunquë
- “twenty” num. !yuquain
- “twilight” n. undómë
- “two” num. atta
- “ugly” adj. úvanima
- “ultimate” adj. métima
- “uncountable” adj. únótima
- “under” prep. nu
- “understand” v. hanya-
- “understood” pa.t. *hanyanë
- “Universe” n. Ëa
- “until” prep. tenna
- “unwise” adj. alasaila
- “up(wards)” adv. amba
- “upper airs” n. fanyarë
- “urge” v. or-
- “us (both of us)” pron. vet
- “us (but not you)” pron. me
- “us (including you)” pron. ve
- “us two (but not you)” pron. met
- “use” v. !yuhta-
- “useful” adj. mára
- “usual” adj. senya
- “valley” n. nan(do)
- “valuable” adj. mirwa
- “vegetable” n. quëa
- “veil” v. fanta-
- “vile” adj. saura [þ]
- “village” n. opelë
- “visage” n. cendelë
- “voice” n. óma
- “wagon” n. raxa
- “wail” n. yaimë
- “wailing” adj. yaimëa
- “walk” v. pata-
- “wall” n. ramba
- “want” v. mer-
- “war” n. ohta
- “warm” adj. lauca
- “warrior” n. ohtar
- “was” pa.t. nánë
- “watch” v. tir-
- “water” n. nén (nen-)
- “wave” n. falma
- “way” n. men
- “we (but not you)” suf. -lmë
- “we (but not you, emphatic)” pron. elmë
- “we (including you)” suf. -lvë
- “we (including you, emphatic)” pron. elvë
- “we both” suf. -nquë
- “we both (emphatic)” pron. inquë
- “we two (but not you)” suf. -mmë
- “we two (but not you, emphatic)” pron. ^emmë
- “weak” adj. limpa
- “wear” v. col-
- “weary” adj. lumba
- “web (spider’s)” n. ungwë
- “wed” v. vesta-
- “wedding” n. veryanwë
- “Wednesday” n. Menelya
- “week (Elvish = six days)” n. enquië
- “week (seven days)” n. ^otsola
- “well” adv. mai
- “well (happily)” adv. márië
- “went” pa.t. mennë
- “went (away)” pa.t. vánë
- “west” n. númen
- “West (as a region)” n. Andúnë
- “wet” adj. linquë
- “wet” adj. nenda
- “what (indeclinable relative)” pron. i
- “what (question word)” pron. mana
- “when (question word)” adv. !malumë
- “when (relative conjunction)” conj. yá
- “whence” adv. mallo
- “where” adv. massë
- “which (impersonal relative)” pron. ya
- “which (indeclinable relative)” pron. i
- “white” adj. fána
- “white (as snow)” adj. ninquë (ninqui-)
- “whither” adv. manna
- “who (indeclinable relative)” pron. i
- “who (personal relative)” pron. ye
- “who (question word)” pron. man
- “why” adv. !manan
- “wide” adj. yána
- “wield” v. mahta-
- “wife” n. veri
- “wild” adj. hráva
- “will (the will)” n. indo
- “will(power)” n. indómë
- “wind” n. súrë (súri-)
- “wind (sound of)” n. sú
- “window” n. lattin
- “wine” n. limpë
- “wing” n. ráma
- “winter” n. hrívë
- “wise” adj. saila
- “wish” v. mer-
- “witch” n. ^curuni
- “with (together)” prep. ó
- “without” prep. ú [with genitive]
- “wizard” n. sairon
- “wolf” n. ráca
- “woman” n. nís (niss-)
- “womb” n. móna
- “wood (as material)” n. töa
- “wool” n. tó
- “word” n. quetta
- “wore” pa.t. *collë
- “work” n. mólë
- “work” v. móta-
- “World” n. Ambar
- “wound” v. harna-
- “write” v. tec-
- “writing” n. sarmë
- “written mark” n. tehta
- “year (Elvish = 144 solar years)” n. yén
- “year (seasonal)” n. loa
- “year (solar = sun-round)” n. coranar (coranár-)
- “yellow” adj. malina
- “yellow powder (e.g. pollen, rust)” n. malo (malu-)
- “yes, I agree” interj. sá [þ]
- “yes, it is so” interj. ná
- “yesterday” n. nöa
- “yesteryear” n. nóloa
- “yet, up until then (past)” adv. tenta
- “yonder” adv. en
- “you (familiar object)” pron. tye
- “you (familiar subject)” suf. -tyë
- “you (familiar, emphatic)” pron. *ityë
- “you (plural object)” pron. le
- “you (plural subject)” suf. -ldë
- “you (plural, emphatic)” pron. *eldë
- “you (polite object)” pron. lye
- “you (polite subject)” suf. -lyë
- “you (polite, emphatic)” pron. elyë
- “you two (emphatic)” pron. *estë
- “you two (familiar object)” pron. tyet
- “you two (polite object)” pron. let
- “you two (subject)” suf. -stë
- “young (person)” adj. nessa
- “young (new)” adj. vinya
- “your (familiar)” suf. -tya
- “your (plural)” suf. -lda
- “your (polite)” suf. -lya
- “your two” suf. -sta
- “yourself (familiar)” pron. intyë
- “yourself (polite)” pron. imlë
- “yourselves” pron. indë