AQ. [ɣ] became [j] between liquids and [e], [a]; [{rl}ɣ{ae}] > [{rl}j{ae}]

AQ. [ɣ] became [j] between liquids and [e], [a]; [{rl}ɣ{ae}] > [{rl}j{ae}]

In Ancient Quenya, any voiced velar spirants ʒ [ɣ] between liquids r, l and low vowels e, a developed into the semi-vowel y [j]. This was mentioned as a specialized development in both the Outline of Phonetic Development (OP1) from the 1930s and the Outline of Phonology (OP2) from the 1950s, but only for the vowel e:

while lg, rg > lʒ, rʒ > ll, rr; but lgē̆, rgē̆ > lye, rye (OP1: PE19/46)
The products of rg, lg; rgw, lgw were in (N.) TQ rr, ll (but rgē̆, lgē̆ > rye, lye); rw, lw (OP2: PE19/93).

This sound change was similar to how [ɣ] became [j] between [i], [e] and a vowel. The quotes above indicate this sound change only occurred before the vowel e, but all the attested examples show the same development before the vowel a:

There are examples before other vowels where lg followed its more usual development to ll:

Note that in the 1930s, this may have been a Lindarin [pre-Vanyarin] only development, see the entry on how: [lɣ], [rɣ] became [ll], [rr] for discussion.

Conceptual Development: In the 1910s and 1920s, it seems that g between l and a became ll, and this was the usual development of lg in this conceptual period:

Reference ✧ PE19/93

Order (03500)

Before 03300 Q. [lɣ], [rɣ] became [ll], [rr]


Phonetic Rule Elements

[rɣe] > [rje] ✧ PE19/93 (rgē̆ > rye)
[lɣe] > [lje] ✧ PE19/93 (lgē̆ > lye)
[rɣa] > [rja]
[lɣa] > [lja]

Phonetic Rule Examples

ɸelɣā > ɸeljā lɣa > lja phelgā > Q. felya ✧ PE17/118

ᴹAQ. [ɣ] became [j] between liquids and [e], [a]; [{rl}ɣ{ae}] > [{rl}j{ae}]

Reference ✧ PE19/46

Order (03600)



Phonetic Rule Elements

[rɣe] > [rje]
[lɣe] > [lje]
[rɣa] > [rja]
[lɣa] > [lja]

Phonetic Rule Examples

ɸelɣā > ɸeljā lɣa > lja ᴹ√PHÉLEG > ᴹQ. felya ✧ Ety/PHÉLEG
tarɣā > tarjā rɣa > rja ᴹ✶targā > ᴹQ. tarya ✧ Ety/TÁRAG