Q. [pw] became [pp]; [pw] > [pp]

Q. [pw] became [pp]; [pw] > [pp]

The combination pw that arose from pm further developed into pp, much how this combination changed in Primitive Elvish. This is because after p, the m it did not fully develop to voiced w, passing instead through: pm > [pʍ] > pp. See the discussion on how [n], [m] became [t], [w] after voiceless stops and aspirates for further details.

Reference ✧ PE22/150

Order (01600)

After 01600 AQ. [n], [m] became [t], [w] after voiceless stops and aspirates


Phonetic Rule Elements

[pw] > [pp] ✧ PE19/85 ( > pp)

Phonetic Rule Examples

napwa > nappa pw > pp NAP > Q. nappa ✧ VT47/20

ᴹQ. [pw] became [pp]; [pw] > [pp]

Phonetic Rule Elements

[pw] > [pp]