✶Ad. primitive Elvish short [e] and [o] became [i] and [u]; [{eo}] > [{iu}]

✶Ad. primitive Elvish short [e] and [o] became [i] and [u]; [{eo}] > [{iu}]
Loan words from Elvish with short vowels ĕ and ŏ generally replace them in Adûnaic with i and u respectively, though in some case either could become a instead (SD/414). It seems this rule applies both to early and ancient borrowings.

Reference ✧ SD/414

Phonetic Rule Elements

[ĕ] > [i]
[ŏ] > [u]

Phonetic Rule Examples

lōme > lōmi ĕ > i ᴹQ. lóme > Ad. lōmi ✧ SD/414
menel > menil ĕ > i ᴹ√MENEL > √Ad. MINIL ✧ SD/414
menil > minil ĕ > i ᴹ√MENEL > √Ad. MINIL ✧ SD/414