ᴱQ. [o]

⚠️ᴱQ. [o]

References ✧ PE12/9, 12-14; PE14/41


Element In

Phonetic Development

ᴱQ. [au] became [o] before unstressed vowel, but [aw] before stressed vowel oe < aue ✧ PE12/12 (áu̯e > oe (ávo))
ᴱQ. [au] became [o] before unstressed vowel, but [aw] before stressed vowel oa < aua ✧ PE12/12 (áu̯a > oa)
ᴱQ. [ou] became [u] before [e] and [o], but [o] before [i] and [a] oa < oua ✧ PE12/12 (óu̯a > oa (ua)); PE12/13 (ou̯á > )
ᴱQ. vowels in hiatus reduced oa < ō̆ā̆ ✧ PE12/14 (ō̆ā̆ > oa)
ᴱQ. [oe] became [oa] oe > oa ✧ PE12/12 (oe (ávo) > oa)