ᴱQ. ablative grammar.

⚠️ᴱQ. ablative grammar.

Examples (ablative)
kallo “from off (one’s) head, from the top of” ← kas- ✧ PE14/79
kallo [← kas] ✧ PE16/113
karullo [← kas] ✧ PE16/113
kallo “from the top (of)” [← kar] ✧ PE14/47
kiryallo “from on board” ← kirya ✧ PE14/46
kiryallo “overboard” [← kirya] ✧ PE15/70
kiryallo [← kirya] ✧ PE16/113
illo [← hi] ✧ PE14/54
(h)ullo [← hu] ✧ PE14/54
enkello ← enke ✧ PE14/55
enkel ← enke ✧ PE14/55
enqillo ← enqi ✧ PE14/55
enqil ← enqi ✧ PE14/55
entallo ← enta ✧ PE14/55
ental ← enta ✧ PE14/55
ailinello “[from the] shore” [← ailin²] oilima ailinello lúte ✧ MC/213
kaimallo “up, out of bed” [← kaima] ✧ PE15/78
mallello [← malle] ✧ PE16/113
malleldo [← malle] ✧ PE16/113
mello [← me¹] ✧ PE14/54
nengullo [← nen²] ✧ PE16/113
nerullo [← ner] ✧ PE16/113
ondollo [← ondo] ✧ PE16/113
pilindullo [← pilin] ✧ PE16/113
sallo ← sa ✧ PE14/55
qillo “thence” ← qi ✧ PE14/55
tallo [← tala¹] ✧ PE14/47
tallo “from (one’s) feet, from the bottom of” ← tal- ✧ PE14/79
tyello ← tye- ✧ PE14/55
eldalluva “from the elves” [← Elda] adjectival i·ner·eldalluva ✧ PE14/47
eldalluva “from the elves” [← Elda] adjectival i·ner eldalluva ✧ PE14/79
kaimalluva [← kaima] adjectival ✧ PE15/78
kiryallot [← kirya] dual ✧ PE16/114
[kiryall]ut [← kirya] dual ✧ PE16/114
mallellot [← malle] dual ✧ PE16/114
[mallell]ut [← malle] dual ✧ PE16/114
ondollot [← ondo] dual ✧ PE16/114
[ondoll]ut [← ondo] dual ✧ PE16/114
pilindullot [← pilin] dual ✧ PE16/114
[pilindull]ut [← pilin] dual ✧ PE16/114
kiryalillon [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/115
kiryailon [← kirya] plural ✧ PE16/115
eldallor “from the elves” [← Elda] plural ✧ PE14/47
eldalillo(r) [← Elda] plural ✧ PE14/47
eldallor “from the elves” [← Elda] plural ✧ PE14/79
eldalillo(r) [← Elda] plural ✧ PE14/79
lómealloi [← #lómea] plural fanwen tollillon lómealloi ✧ PE16/147
mallillon [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/115
mallílon [← malle] plural ✧ PE16/115
ondolillon [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/115
ondoilon [← ondo] plural ✧ PE16/115
pilindillon [← pilin] plural ✧ PE16/115
illon [← si¹] plural ✧ PE14/54
tullon [← tu¹] plural ✧ PE14/54
tollillon [← tol] plural fanwen tollillon lómealloi ✧ PE16/147
tyalielillon [← tyalie] plural ✧ PE16/115

References ✧ PE16/113

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