Q. Serindë [þ] f. “Broideress, Needlewoman”
One of the names of Míriel, mother of Fëanor, adopted because of her surpassing skill in weaving and needlework (S/63). It is simply the noun serindë used as a name.
The phonetic development of this name has an interesting history. In Classical Quenya, it was pronounced †Therindë (PM/333). When the sound [θ] became [s] in the speech-feeling of the Noldor, Fëanor opposed this change, in part for practical reasons but also because it meant that the name of his mother was consistently mispronounced Serindë (PM/335).
This sound change was common among all Noldor except Fëanor and his sons, and may have played a part in Fëanor’s alienation from his kin (PM/336). It could therefore have contributed to the exile of the Noldor from Valinor and all the terrible events that followed. Somehow it seems particularlly Tolkienesque that such a critical juncture in the history of the Elves was intertwined with a seemingly minor linguistic change.
References ✧ MR/185, 205, 257; PM/333; PMI/Míriel; S/63; SI/Míriel¹, Serindë
serindë | “broideress, needlewoman, *seamstress” | ✧ MR/257; PM/333 (†Þerindë) |
ᴱQ. Serindo m. “Stephen”
A Qenya name glossed “Stephen” in the Qenya Lexicon from the 1910s (QL/83), an elaboration on serin “crown”, mirroring the etymology of the English name: from Greek Stéphanos = “crown”.
References ✧ QL/83
serin | “wreath, crown” | ✧ QL/83 |