S. Draugluin m. “*Blue (Were)wolf”

S. Draugluin, m. “*Blue (Were)wolf”

The great werewolf servant of Sauron who was slain by Huan (S/174). His name appears to be a combination of draug “(were)wolf” (SA/draug) and luin “blue”.

Conceptual Development: The name ᴱN. Draugluin first appeared in the Lays of Beleriand from the 1920s where it was glossed “werewolf pale” (LB/205), so that at this stage its second element might have been a variant of ᴱN. lhui “pale” (PE13/149), also appearing later as Ilk. luin “pale” (Ety/LUG²). The name N. (or Ilk.?) Draugluin appeared in Silmarillion drafts from the 1930s glossed only as “Werewolf” (LR/134), so the intended meaning of the name after Tolkien abandoned the Ilkorin language is unclear.

References ✧ LT2I; SA/draug; SI; WJI


draug “wolf” ✧ SA/draug
luin “blue”

N. Draugluin m. “Werewolf”

See S. Draugluin for discussion.

References ✧ LRI; SMI



draug “wolf”
Ilk. lûn? “pale”

ᴱN. Draugluin m. “Werewolf Pale”

See S. Draugluin for discussion.

References ✧ LB/205; LBI



N. draug “wolf”
lhui “pale”