ᴱQ. ni·hepsine nímo tanko i·mailinen losselin “(it was) I myself (that) bound firmly the beautiful flowers”

⚠️ᴱQ. ni·hepsine nímo tanco i·mailinen losselin “(it was) I myself (that) bound firmly the beautiful flowers”

Reference ✧ PE14/56 ✧ ni·hepsine nímo tanko i·{mailina >>} mailinen losselin “(it was) I myself (that) bound firmly the beautiful flowers”


ni¹ “I; 1st sg. pronoun” ✧ PE14/56
hepe- “to bind” past ✧ PE14/56 (hepsine)
nímo “I (emphatic); 1st sg. pronoun” ✧ PE14/56
tanko “firmly” ✧ PE14/56
“the” ✧ PE14/56
mailina “beautiful” accusative plural ✧ PE14/56 (mailinen)
losse “rose; (white) flower” accusative plural ✧ PE14/56 (losselin)