Ad. [x] ‹kh›

Ad. [x] ‹kh›

The Adûnaic voiceless velar spirant was represented by “kh” in Tolkien’s writing (LotR/1114, SD/419), and was mostly derived from a primitive aspirated “k”: [kʰ] (SD/418). It is pronounced as the “ch” in German “Bach”.

References ✧ LotR/1114; SD/418-420


Element In

Phonetic Development

x{sx} < x{sx} ✧ SD/419 ([x{sx}] > [x{sx}])
Ad. [ŋx] became [xx] xx < ŋx ✧ SD/420 (9H > HH)
Ad. aspirates became voiceless spirants x < ✧ SD/418 (Kh > Kh); SD/419 (Kh > X)
Ad. voiceless stops became spirants before homorganic spirants xx < kx ✧ SD/419 (KKh > KX > XX)
Ad. voiceless stops became spirants before [θ] < ✧ SD/419 (KTh > )