ᴱQ. Narqelion²
n·alalmino lalantila | “*from the elm-tree falling one by one ” |
ne·súme lasser pínea | “*small leaves were in the wind” |
ve sangar voro úmeai | “*like throngs ever large” |
oïkta rámavoite malinai | “*of yellow birds on the wing” |
ai lintuilind(ov)a Lasselanta | “*oh Fall with its many swallows” |
piliningwe súyer nalla qanta | “*the airs are so full” |
kuluvai ya karnevalinar | “*of golden feathers and orange-red ones too” |
v’ematte sinqi Eldamar | “*that they call to mind the gems of Elven-home” |
san rotser simpetalla pinqe | “*then pipes playing their thin music” |
súlimarya sildai, hiswa timpe | “*slender columns of pearl, a dim rain” |
san sirilla ter i·aldar | “*at that time flowing through the trees” |
lilta lie noldorinwa | “*the dancing gnome-folk” |
ómalingwe lir’ amaldar | “*sang a gentle tune with many voices” |
sinqitalla laiqaninwa | “*sparkling green and blue” |
n·alalmino hyá lanta lasse | “*from the elm-tree here a leaf falls” |
torwa pior má tarasse | “*the dark-brown fruit in the hand of the hawthorns” |
tukalla sangar úmeai | “*attracting large throngs” |
oïkta rámavoite karneambarai | “*of red-breasted birds on the wing” |
ai lindórea Lasselanta | “*oh with singing at dawn Fall” |
nierme mintya náre qanta | “*reminds me that it is filled with grief” |