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G. trug adj. “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile” (Category: Easy)

⚠️G. trug, adj. “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile” (Category: Easy)
ᴺS. ^trog “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile”

An adjective appearing in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s as G. trug “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile”, which Tolkien connected to the early root ᴱ√TURU (GL/71) and apparently derived from primitive *t’ruk-. The root was translated as “am strong” in the contemporaneous Qenya Lexicon (QL/95), so the meaning of the word G. trug probably represents some semantic drift.

Neo-Sindarin: The root √TUR survives in Tolkien’s later writings, so I would adapt this word as ᴺS. trog reflecting the later Sindarin sound change whereby short [u] often became [o]. In Tolkien’s later writings, the root √TUR includes the sense “master”, so I would assume the original meaning of ᴺS. trog was something like “*mastered”, later becoming “easily handled” and by extension “convenient, tractable, docile”.

Reference ✧ GL/71 ✧ “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile”

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