S. ar Iorhael, Gelir, Cordof, ar Baravorn, ionnath dîn “and Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Hamfast his sons”

S. ar Iorhael, Gelir, Cordof, ar Baravorn, ionnath dîn “and Frodo, Merry, Pippin and Hamfast his sons”

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References ✧ AotM/62; SD/129



“and; †by, near, beside” ✧ AotM/62 (ar); AotM/62 (ar); SD/129 (ar); SD/129 (ar)
Iorhael “Frodo” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
Gelir “Merry” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
Cordof “Pippin” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
Baravorn “Hamfast” ✧ AotM/62; SD/129
ion(n) “son” class-plural ✧ AotM/62 (ionnath); SD/129 (ionnath)
#tîn² “his” soft-mutation ✧ AotM/62 (dîn); SD/129 (dîn)

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