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ᴹ√ root. “that (deictic particle); [ᴱ√] here it is, root of relatives”

ᴹ√ root. “that (deictic particle); [ᴱ√] here it is, root of relatives”

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “that (deictic particle)” (Ety/I¹). A similar root appeared in the Qenya and Gnomish Lexicons of the 1910s glossed “here it is” (QL/41) and “root of relatives” (GL/50). Given Tolkien’s long standing use of i for both “the” and the relative pronoun “that” in all his Elvish languages, this root was established very early and remained more or less fixed throughout Tolkien’s life.

Reference ✧ Ety/I¹ ✧ I “that (deictic particle)”


ᴱ√I root. “here it is, root of relatives”

See ᴹ√ for discussion.

References ✧ GG/7; GL/50; QL/41



