Middle Primitive Elvish Roots
- A root. “intensive prefix”
- AB root. “refuse, deny, say no; away, go away, depart”
- ABAR root. “*refuser”
- AD root. “entrance, gate”
- AIWĒ root. “(small) bird”
- AK root. “narrow, confined”
- AKLA(R) root. “radiance, splendour”
- ALA¹ root. “*blessed”
- ALA² root. “no, not; to be not” see LA
- (A)LAK root. “swift, rushing”
- ALAM root. see (L)ALAM
- ALAT root. “large, great in size”
- AM¹ root. “mother”
- AM² root. “up”
- ANA¹ root. see NĀ¹/ANA¹
- ANA² root. “be, exist” see NĀ²/ANA²
- ANAD root. “*long”
- ANAK root. see NAK
- ANAT root.
- ANGA root. “iron”
- ANGWA root. “snake”
- AP root. “?cook”
- AR¹ root. “day”
- AR² root. “beside, outside”
- ASAT root. “*dust”
- AT root. “back, again, twice; two”
- ATA root. “father”
- ATAT root. “again, back” see AT
- ATTA root. “two”
- AWA root. “away, forth; out”
- AYA root. “other, different (of larger numbers)”
- AYAK root. “sharp, pointed”
- (A)YAN root. “*holy”
- AY(AR) root. “sea”
- BA root. “away, go away” see AB
- BAL root. “*power”
- BA(N) root. “go, proceed”
- BAN root. “*beauty”
- BAR root. “raise; uplift, save, rescue(?)”
- BARAD root. “*lofty, noble”
- BARAN root. “russet, brown”
- BARAS root. “*heat”
- BARAT root. “*tower”
- BARATH root. “*queen”
- BAT root. “tread”
- BAY root. “[unglossed]”
- BED root.
- BEL root. “strong”
- BEN root. “corner (from inside), angle from inside”
- BER root. “valiant”
- BEREK root. “*sudden, fierce”
- BERETH root. “beech”
- BES root. “wed”
- BEW root. “follow, serve”
- BIRIT root. “*gravel”
- BOL root.
- BON root.
- BOR(ON) root. “endure”
- BUD root. “jut out” see (M)BUD
- BUZBU root. “*large fly”
- DAB root. “give way, make room, permit, allow”
- DAG root. “dig”
- DAƷ root. “great”
- DAK root. “slay” see (N)DAK
- DAL root. “flat”
- DA(N)T root. “fall down” see DAT
- DAR root. “stay, wait, stop, remain”
- DARAK root. “*wolf”
- DARAM root. “beat, hew”
- DAT root. “fall down”
- DAY root. “shadow”
- DEM root. “sad, gloomy”
- DEN root. “hole, gap, passage”
- DER root. “adult male, man” see (N)DER
- DIL root. “stop up, fill up hole”
- DING root. “ding (onomatopoeic)”
- DOƷ root. “night”
- DOM root. “faint, dim”
- DORON root. “oak”
- DRING root. “beat, strike”
- DUB root. “lie, lie heavy, loom, hang over oppressively (of clouds)”
- DUL root. see (N)DUL
- DUN root. “dark (of colour)”
- DUR root.
- DUS root. “?burn”
- DUY root. “*flow”
- DYEL root. “feel fear and disgust; abhor”
- DYELEK root. “sword?”
- E root. “intensive prefix”
- Ē¹ root. “indeed”
- Ē² root. “to be” see EƷ
- EDE(L) root. “precede, come forward, hence”
- EDEL root. “*star-folk” see ELED
- ED(ER) root. “open”
- EƷ root. “be”
- EK root. “spear, (sharp) point, thorn”
- EL root. “star, starry sky”
- ELED root. “Star-Folk, Elves”
- EN root. “yonder, over there”
- ENE root. “?genitive”
- (E)NED root. “centre, middle”
- ENEK root. “six”
- EPH root. “emerge (especially from water, opp[osite] of dive)”
- ER root. “one, only, be alone, deprived”
- ERED root. “*seed” see RED
- (E)REK root. “thorn, holly”
- ES¹ root. “indicate, name”
- ES² root. “*place”
- ESEK root. “*sedge, reed”
- ESE(T) root. “precede (forward)”
- ET root. “out, forth”
- ETER root. “open, come out (of flowers, sun, etc.)”
- ETHE root. “other”
- EZGE root. “rustle, noise of leaves; shade”
- GAL¹ root. “shine”
- GAL² root. “grow, thrive”
- GALAD root. “tree”
- GALAN root. “bright”
- GALAS root. “joy, be glad”
- GAP root. “*hook”
- GAR root. “keep, hold, possess; maintain, defend”
- GARAD root. see GARAT
- GARAT root. “*defend”
- GAS root. “yawn, gape”
- GAT root. “*catch”
- GAT(H) root. “*cave”
- GAW root. “think out, devise, contrive”
- GAY root. “*red, copper-coloured, ruddy”
- GAYAS root. “fear”
- GEM root. “*sick” see GENGWA
- GENG root. “*sick” see GENGWA
- GENGWA root. “sick”
- GEY root. “ever, everlasting”
- GIL root. “shine (white or pale)”
- GIR root. “quiver, shudder”
- GLAM root. “*noise, echo”
- (G)LAWAR root. “*gold”
- (G)LIB root. “*ointment”
- GLINDI root. “pale blue”
- (G)LINGI root. “hang”
- GLIR root. “sing, trill” see LIR¹
- GOLOB root. “*branch”
- GOLOS root. “*snow, white”
- GONOD root. “stone”
- GOR root. “violence, impetus, haste”
- GOROM root.
- GOS root. “dread”
- GOTH root. see GOS
- GOW root. see GAW
- GRAD root. “to flatten, lay low/flat, make flat what was standing”
- GRAW root. “dark, swart”
- GRUD root. “[empty entry]” see RUD
- GŪ root. “no, not”
- GUL root. “*golden-red” see KUL
- GWEN root. “*fresh, green”
- GYĒ root.
- GYEL root. “*cry of joy or triumph”
- GYER root. “*old, worn out (of things)”
- ƷAN root. “male”
- ƷAR root. “have, hold”
- ƷEL root. “sky”
- ƷO root. “from, away, from among, out of”
- ƷOR root.
- Ī root. “to be” see YĒ
- I¹ root. “that (deictic particle); [ᴱ√] here it is, root of relatives”
- I² root. “intensive prefix”
- ID root. “*desire, ?thought”
- IL root. “all”
- IMBE root. “dell, deep vale”
- IMI root. “in” see MĪ/IMI
- ING root. “first, foremost”
- INI root. see NĪ¹/INI
- INIK root. “*idea”
- IR root. “desirable, beautiful”
- IS root. “*know”
- IW root. “[unglossed]”
- KAB¹ root. “hollow”
- KAB² root. “to be able, capable”
- KAL root. “shine”
- KALAR root. “be radiant”
- KALPA root. “water-vessel”
- KAM root. “bind, join”
- KAN root. “dare”
- KANAT root. “four”
- KAP root. “leap”
- KAR root. “make, build, construct”
- KARAK root. “sharp fang, spike, tooth”
- KARAN root. “red”
- KARPA root. “?”
- KAS root. “head”
- KAT root. “shape, make”
- KAY root. “lie (down)”
- KAYAN root. “ten”
- KAYAR root. see KAYAN
- KEL root. “flow, flow away (downhill), run (of water or rivers), run away especially downwards or at end”
- KEM root. “soil, earth”
- KEN¹ root. “see, perceive, look at, observe, direct gaze”
- KEN² root. “spearhead, gore”
- KEPER root. “ridge; knob, head, top”
- KHAD root.
- KHAG root. “pile up”
- KHAL¹ root. “(small) fish” see SKAL²
- KHAL² root. “uplift, erect, lift from ground, (make) stand up”
- KHAM¹ root. “sit (down)”
- KHAM² root. “call to, summon, name by name”
- KHAN root. “understand, comprehend”
- KHAN(AK) root. “giant”
- KHAP root. “enfold”
- KHAR root. “helmet”
- KHARAN root. “helmet” see KHAR
- KHARAP root. “helmet” see KHAR
- KHARAS root. “*precipice”
- KHAT root. “hurl, cast, send through air, loose from hand”
- KHAW root. “rest, lie at ease”
- KHAY root. “far, distant, remote”
- KHEL root. “freeze”
- KHELEK root. “ice”
- KHEN(DE) root. “eye; look at, see, observe, direct gaze”
- KHER root. “rule, govern, possess”
- KHES root. “command”
- KHI root. “demonstrative of 1st pers (b)”
- KHIL root. “follow”
- KHIM root. “adhere, stick, cleave [to]”
- KHIS root. see KHITH
- KHITH root. “mist, fog”
- KHLIP root. “[unglossed]”
- KHOL root. “(small) fish” see SKAL²
- KHO(N) root. “heart (physical)”
- KHOP root. “*harbour, bay”
- KHOR root. “set going, put in motion, urge on”
- KHOT root. “be wroth, quarrel” see KOT(H)
- KHOTH root. “gather”
- KHUG root. “bark, bay”
- KHUS root. “up from below ground, to ground level”
- KHYAR root. “left hand”
- KHYEL(ES) root. “glass”
- KI root. see TI
- KIL root. “divide”
- KIM root. “light on, find, come by”
- KIR root. “cleave”
- KIRIK root. “*reap”
- KIRIS root. “cut”
- KIWIK root. “*thigh”
- KOL root. “round, (?rim)”
- KOPAR root. “knob, head, tip”
- KOR root. “round”
- KORKA root. “crow”
- KOT(H) root. “quarrel, strive, be wroth”
- KOY root. “live, have life”
- KRAB root. “press”
- KŪ root. “*coo”
- KUB¹ root. “*mound, heap”
- KUB² root. “bow” see KU(Ʒ)
- KU(Ʒ) root. “bow”
- KUL root. “golden-red”
- KUM root. “void”
- KUNDU root. “prince”
- KUR root. “craft”
- KURUM root. “*left”
- KUY root. “come to life, awake”
- KWA root. “all; something”
- KWAL root. “die (in pain)”
- KWAM root. “*sick”
- KWAR root. “clutching hand, fist”
- KWAT root. “fill”
- KWǢ root. “onomatopoetic”
- KWEL root. “fade (away), die away, grow faint; wither”
- KWEN(ED) root. “Elf”
- KWES root. “*feather”
- KWET root. “say”
- KWIG root. “*bow (for shooting)”
- KYAB root. “taste”
- KYAR root. “cause, do”
- KYEL root. “come to an end, cease, run out”
- KYELEK root. “swift, agile”
- KYELEP root. “silver”
- KYEN root. “see, perceive, look at, observe, direct gaze” see KEN¹
- LA root. “no, not; to be not”
- LĀ root.
- LAB root. “lick”
- LAD root. “lie flat, be flat”
- LAG root. “*cut”
- LAƷ root.
- LAIK root. “keen, sharp, acute”
- LAK¹ root. “swallow”
- LAK² root. “swift” see (A)LAK
- LAKH root. “kick”
- (L)ALAM root. “elm-tree”
- LAM root. “*sound”
- LAN root. “weave”
- LANK root. “swallow” see LAK¹
- LAP root. “*babe”
- LAR root. “rich, fat”
- LAS¹ root. “*leaf”
- LAS² root. “listen”
- LAT root. “lie open; be extended, stretch, be situated (of an area)”
- LATH root. “string, thong”
- LAW root. “warm; abound”
- LAWAR root. see (G)LAWAR
- LAY root. “*be alive, flourish”
- LAYAK root. “*fresh, green”
- LĒ root. “go, fare”
- LEB root. “stay, stick, adhere, remain, tarry” see LEM
- LED root. “go, fare, travel”
- LEK root. “loose, let loose, release”
- LEM root. “stay, stick, adhere, remain, tarry”
- LEN root. “(?road), way”
- LEP root. “*finger”
- LEPEK root. “five” see LEPEN
- LEPEN root. “five”
- LEPET root. “finger”
- LETH root. see LEK
- LI root. “many; large people”
- LIB¹ root. “drip”
- LIB² root. see (G)LIB
- LIK root. “*keen, sharp, acute” see LAIK
- LILT root. “dance”
- LIÑ root. “*twang (descriptive of plucked strings)”
- LIN¹ root. “pool”
- LIN² root. “sing”
- LINGI root. “hang” see (G)LINGI
- LINKWI root. “*wet”
- LIP root. “*wine”
- LIR¹ root. “sing, trill”
- LIR² root. “*row”
- LIS root. “honey”
- LISKI root. “?reed”
- LIT root. “*(fine) grit”
- LIW root. “*fish”
- LŌ root. “ablative element”
- LOD root. “*pass, path”
- LOK root. “great serpent, dragon”
- LOKH root. “*curl of hair”
- LON root. “*island”
- LOP root. “horse”
- LOS root. “sleep” see (O)LOS
- LOT(H) root. “flower”
- LOY root. “lack, be without; miss, fail to go”
- LU root. “*time”
- LUB¹ root. “weary”
- [ᴱ✶]*LUB² root. “lump”
- LUG¹ root. “be heavy”
- LUG² root. “*blue”
- LUK root. “magic, enchantment”
- LUM root. “*shadow”
- LUR root. “be quiet, still, calm”
- LUS root. “*empty”
- LUT root. “float, swim”
- MAD root. “*pale (yellow)”
- MAG root. “use, handle”
- MAƷ root. “hand”
- MAIGA root. “[unglossed]”
- MAK root. “sword; fight (with a sword), cleave”
- MAN root. “holy spirit”
- MANAD root. “doom, final end, fate, fortune”
- MAP root. “lay hold of with hand, seize”
- MAS root. “knead; [ᴱ√] cook, bake” see M(B)AS
- MASAG root. “knead, make soft by rubbing, kneading”
- MAT root. “eat”
- (M)BAD root. “duress, prison, doom, hell; *judge”
- MBAKH root. “exchange”
- MBAL root. “?crush, pound”
- MBAR root. “dwell, inhabit”
- MBARAT root. “fate”
- M(B)AS root. “knead”
- MBAT(H) root. “screen, shield”
- MBAW root. “compel, force, subject, oppress”
- M(B)ER root. “*feast, festive”
- MBIRIL root. “*crystal”
- MBOTH root. “*pool”
- (M)BUD root. “jut out, project”
- MEL root. “love (as friend)”
- MEN root. “go, proceed; purpose, aim (at), intend; [rejected] place, spot”
- MENEL root. “heaven, sky”
- MER root. “wish (for), want, desire”
- MEREK root.
- MET root. “end”
- MĪ/IMI root. “in, inside”
- MIL root. “*soft, gentle, weak”
- MIL(IK) root. “*greed, lust”
- MIN root. “stand alone, stick out”
- MINIK(W) root. “*eleven”
- MIR root. “*precious”
- MIS¹ root. “go free, stray, wander”
- MIS² root. “*wet”
- MISIK root. “*wet”
- MIT root. “small”
- MITH root. “*mist, grey”
- MIW¹ root. “whine”
- MIW² root. “*small, tiny, frail”
- MIZDI root. “*fine rain, dew”
- MŌ root. “*labour”
- MOR root. “*black, dark”
- MOROK root. “*bear”
- MOY root. “*dear”
- MŪ root. see GŪ
- MUN root. “‽groan, moan”
- MUY root. “*secret”
- N- root. “intensive”
- NĀ¹/ANA¹ root. “to, towards”
- NĀ²/ANA² root. “be, exist”
- NAD root. “*plain, valley”
- NAK root. “bite”
- NAKAT root. “eighteen”
- NAN root. “*mother”
- NAR¹ root. “flame, fire”
- NAR² root. “tell, relate” see NYAR
- NARAK root. “tear, rend (tr. and intr.)”
- NARTA root. “kindle”
- NAS root. “point, sharp end”
- NAT root. “lace, weave, tie”
- NAWAK root. “*dwarf”
- NAY root. “lament”
- NAYAK root. “pain”
- NDAG root. “*slay” see (N)DAK
- (N)DAK root. “slay”
- (N)DAM root. “hammer, beat”
- (N)DAN root. “back, backwards; return”
- NDAR root. “sign”
- (N)DER root. “adult male, man; bridegroom”
- (N)DEW root. “follow, come behind”
- (N)DI root. “in”
- N(D)IL root. “friend; love, devotion”
- NDIS root. “*bride”
- NDOL root. “*head”
- NDOR root. “dwell, stay, rest, abide”
- NDŪ root. “go down, sink, set (of Sun)”
- (N)DUB root. “lay base, foundation, root; found”
- (N)DUL root. “hide, conceal”
- N(D)UR root. “bow down, bend (low), obey, serve; grow/be dark”
- NE root. “*in”
- NED root. see (E)NED
- NEG root. “*honey”
- ÑEL root. “friendship”
- NEL root. “three”
- NELED root. “three”
- NELEK root. “tooth”
- NEN root. “*water”
- NEÑ root. “*nose”
- NER root. see (N)DER
- NETER root. “nine”
- NETH root. “young”
- NEY root. “tear”
- ÑGAN(AD) root. “play (on stringed instrument)”
- ÑGARAM root. “*wolf”
- ÑGAW root. “howl”
- ÑGOL root. “wise, wisdom, be wise”
- ÑGOLOD root. “one of the wise folk, Gnome”
- ÑGOROTH root. “horror”
- ÑGOW root. “*thigh”
- ÑGUR root. “*death”
- (Ñ)GWAL root. “(suffer) torment, agony”
- ÑGYAL(AM) root. “talk loud or incoherently”
- ÑGYO(N) root. “grandchild, descendant”
- NĪ¹/INI root. “female”
- NIB root. “face, front”
- NID¹ root. “lean against”
- NID² root. “hurt, injure”
- NIK(W) root. “*snow; white”
- NINDI root. “fragile, thin”
- NIS root. “(full grown) woman”
- ÑIW root. “wink, hint”
- NŌ/ONO root. “beget”
- ÑOL root. “smell (intr.)”
- *NOM root. “place”
- ÑO(N) root.
- NOR root. “run as of wheels, roll along”
- NOROTH root. “*giant”
- NOT root. “count, reckon”
- NOW root. “think, form idea, imagine”
- NU/UNU root. “*down, under”
- NUR root. “deep”
- NUS root. “sense, wisdom”
- NUT root. “tie, bind”
- NYAD root. “gnaw”
- NYAR root. “tell, relate”
- NYEL root. “ring, sing, give out a sweet sound”
- NYOL root. “ring” see NYEL
- OD root. “?round, about” see OS
- OL root. “grow”
- (O)LOR root. “sleep; dream”
- (O)LOS root. “sleep; dream”
- OM root. “*sound”
- ONO root. see NŌ/ONO
- ORO root. “rise, up, high” see RŌ/ORO
- OROK root. “*goblin”
- (O)ROM root. “loud noise, horn blast”
- ORON root. “high tree”
- OROT root. “height, mountain”
- OS root. “round, about”
- OT/OTOS/OTOK root. “seven”
- OTH root. “fort”
- OY¹ root. “ever, eternal”
- OY² root. “live, pass one’s days”
- PAD root. “*enclosure”
- PAL¹ root. “wide (open)”
- PAL² root. “beat”
- PALAP root. “*beat”
- PAN root. “place, set, fix in place (especially of wood)”
- PAR root. “compose, put together, arrange”
- PARAK root. “*dry”
- PAS root. “*juice”
- PAT root. “*open”
- PATH root. “*smooth”
- PEG root. “(?outer) mouth”
- PEL(ES) root. “revolve on fixed point”
- PEN(ED) root. “*hillside, slope”
- PER root. “divide in middle, halve”
- PERES root. “affect, disturb, alter”
- PHAL root. “foam”
- PHALAS root. see PHAL
- PHAN root. “[unglossed]”
- PHAR root. “reach, go all the way, suffice”
- PHARAN root.
- PHAS root. “*tangle, shag, fringe”
- PHAW root. “gape”
- PHAY root. “radiate, send out rays of light”
- PHEG root. “inner part, pith, core; of person, (?inner spirit)”
- PHELEG root. “cave”
- PHELEK root. “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak”
- PHEN root. “*door”
- PHER(EN) root. “beech”
- PHEW root. “feel disgust at, abhor”
- PHI root. “?hawk”
- PHILIK root. “small bird”
- PHIN root. “nimbleness, skill”
- PHIR root. “die of natural causes”
- PHOR root. “right-hand”
- PHUY root. “*darkness”
- PIK root. “*tiny”
- PILIN root. “*arrow”
- PIS root. “*juice”
- PITH root. “spit”
- PIW root. “spit”
- POL(OD) root. “physically strong”
- POR root. “*meal, flour”
- POT root. “animal’s foot”
- POY root. “*clean”
- PUS root. “stop, halt, pause” see PUT
- PUT root. “stop, halt, pause”
- RAB¹ root. “*wild”
- RAB² root. “*wall”
- RAD root. “back, return”
- RAG root. “*crooked”
- RAK root. “stretch out, reach”
- RAM root. “*wing, fly”
- RAMBA root. see RAB²
- RAN root. “wander, stray”
- RAP¹ root. “bind”
- RAP² root. “climb (as a tree by clinging[?])”
- RAPH root. “snatch”
- RAS root. “stick up (intr.)”
- RASAT root. “twelve”
- RAT root. “walk, go in a line (as a road)”
- RAUTA root. “metal”
- RAW root. “*roar”
- RAYAK root. “*crooked, bent, wrong”
- RĒ/ERE root. “bear, produce”
- RED root. “scatter, sow”
- REG root. “edge, border, margin”
- REK root. see (E)REK
- REP root. “bend, hook”
- RĪ root. “*edge, border” see (S)RI
- RIG root. “*crown”
- RIƷ root. “*crown” see RIG
- RIK(H) root. “jerk, sudden move, flirt”
- RIL root. “glitter”
- RIM root. “abound; large number”
- RIN root. “*circle”
- RINGI root. “cold”
- RIP root. “rush, fly, fling, hurl”
- RIS root. “slash, rip”
- RIY root. “*scatter”
- RŌ/ORO root. “rise, up, high”
- ROD root. “roof, cave”
- ROK root. “run on foot”
- ROM root. see (O)ROM
- ROS¹ root. “distil, drip”
- ROS² root. “*plain”
- ROT root. “bore, tunnel”
- ROY¹ root. “chase”
- ROY² root. “ruddy, red”
- RUD root. “*piece of wood”
- RUK¹ root. “demon”
- RUK² root. “pluck”
- RUN root. “flat of hand or sole of foot”
- RUS root. “flash, glitter of metal”
- S root. “demonstrative stem”
- SA root.
- SAB root. “juice”
- SAG root. “*bitter, poison”
- SAK root. “?hurt, injury”
- #SALAK root. “*grass”
- SALAP root. “lick up, *sip”
- SAM root. “unite, join”
- SAR root. “*stone”
- SAY root. “know, understand”
- SED root. “rest”
- SEL(D) root. “child”
- SER root. “love, be fond of (of liking, friendship)”
- SI root. “this, here, now”
- SIK root. “*dagger, knife”
- SIL root. “shine silver”
- SILIP root.
- SIR root. “flow”
- SIS root. “hiss” see SUS
- SIW root. “excite, egg on, urge”
- SKAL¹ root. “screen, hide (from light), overshadow”
- SKAL² root. “small fish”
- SKAR¹ root. “tear, rend”
- SKAR² root. “?stop, end; limit, marge”
- SKAT root. “break asunder”
- SKEL root. “*strip”
- SKIL root. “[unglossed]”
- SKOR root. “look out for, expect, wait for”
- SKWAR root. “crooked”
- SKYAP root. “*shoe”
- SLIG root. “*entwine, thread; spider”
- SLIK root. “creep”
- SLIN root. “*fine, delicate”
- (S)LIT root. “swiftly[?] speed[?]”
- SLIW root. “sickly”
- SLUK root. “swallow”
- SLUS root. “whisper”
- SMAG root. “soil, stain”
- SMAL root. “yellow”
- SNAR root. “tie”
- SNAS root. “*gore, triangle”
- SNAT root. “*gore, triangle” see SNAS
- SNEW root. “entangle”
- SNUR root. “twist”
- SOK root. “drink” see SUK
- SOL root. “*surf”
- SON root. “love, befriend, cherish”
- SPAL(AS) root. “*foam”
- SPAN root. “white”
- SPANAG root. “*beard”
- SPAR¹ root. “hunt, pursue”
- SPAR² root. “strew, spread, ?scatter”
- SPAY root. “despise, contemn”
- SPIN root. “*hair”
- SRAD root. “to flatten, lay low/flat, make flat what was standing” see GRAD
- (S)RI root. “*edge, border”
- SRIP root. “scratch”
- SRŌ root. “east”
- SRUS root. “whisper” see SLUS
- STĀ root. “[unglossed]”
- STAB root. “*wood”
- STAG root. “press, compress”
- STAK root. “split, insert”
- STAL root. “steep”
- STALAG root. “*stalwart, steady, firm”
- STAN root. “fix, indicate, decide”
- STAR root. “stiff”
- STARAN root. “*stiff, hard”
- STELEG root. “*point (of spear)”
- STIN root. “[unglossed]”
- STINTĀ root. “short”
- STUD root. “base, ground”
- SUB root. “sink (esp. in water)”
- SUD root. “base, ground” see STUD
- SUG root. “drink” see SUK
- SUK root. “drink, drain”
- SULUK root. “*root (especially as edible)”
- *SULUP root. “lap up”
- SUS root. “hiss”
- SWAD root. “*sponge, fungus”
- SWES root. “noise of blowing or breathing”
- SWIN root. “whirl, eddy”
- SYAD¹ root. “shear through, cleave (through)”
- SYAD² root. “compress”
- SYAL root. “*resound”
- TA root. “that”
- TĀ/TAƷ root. “high, lofty; noble”
- TAK root. “fix, make fast, make”
- TAL¹ root. “foot”
- TAL² root. “appraise, esteem, value”
- TALAM root. “base, root, foundation; floor, ground”
- TALAT root. “to slip or slide down, incline, slope, lean, tip, topple over”
- TAM root. “knock”
- TAN¹ root. “make, fashion”
- TAN² root. “*show”
- TANG root. “ting (onomatopoeic)” see TING
- TAP root. “stop”
- TARAG root. “*tough, stiff”
- TARAK root. “horn (of animals)”
- TARAS root. “*trouble”
- TAS root. “*fringe”
- TATA root. “two”
- TATHAR root. “*willow”
- TAWAR root. “wood, forest”
- TAY root. “extend, make long(er), stretch”
- TEK root. “write or draw (signs or letters), make a mark”
- TELED root. “*hindmost” see TELES
- TELEK root. “stalk, stem, leg”
- TELEP root. “silver”
- TELES root. “hindmost, tarrier”
- TEL(U) root. “*roof”
- TEÑ root. “line, direction”
- TER root. “pierce”
- TERES root. “*pierced hole”
- THA root. “forward”
- THAR¹ root. “across, beyond”
- THAR² root. “stand”
- THĒ root. “look (see or seem)”
- THEL(ES) root. “sister”
- THIL root.
- THIN root. “*grey”
- THIR root.
- THON root. “*pine”
- THOR(ON) root. “come swooping down”
- THŪ root. “puff, blow”
- THUR root. “surround, fence, ward, hedge in, secrete”
- THUS root. “*smell, stench”
- TI root. “demonstrative of 2nd person, *that by you”
- TIK root. “*dot”
- TIL root. “point, horn”
- TIN root. “sparkle, emit slender (silver pale) beams”
- TING root. “ting (onomatopoeic)”
- TINKŌ root. “metal”
- TIR root. “watch, guard”
- TIT root. “*little, tiny”
- TIW root. “fat, thick”
- TOL¹-OTH/OT root. “eight”
- TOL² root. “*stand up”
- TON root. “tap, knock”
- TOP root. “cover, roof”
- TOR root. “brother”
- TOT root. “repeat”
- TOW root. “*wool”
- TUB root. “to fall low[?], go down (below normal ground level), (esp.) to go down (sink, dive) into water”
- TUG root. “*muscle”
- TUK root. “draw, bring”
- TUL root. “come, approach, move towards (point of speaker)”
- TULUK root. “*support, prop; steady, firm”
- TUMPU root. “hump”
- TUN root. “*tall; mound”
- TUNG root. “ting (onomatopoeic)” see TING
- TUP root. “*cover”
- TUR root. “power, control, mastery, victory”
- TURUM root. “*shield”
- TUS root. “*bush”
- TUY root. “sprout, spring”
- TYAL root. “play”
- TYUL root. “stand up (straight)”
- UB¹ root. “abound”
- UB² root. “ponder, have in mind”
- UGU root. “negative stems” see UMU
- ULU root. “pour, flow”
- ULUG root. “*hideous, deformed”
- UMU root. “negative stems”
- UÑG root. “*gloom”
- UNU root. “*down, under” see NU/UNU
- UNUK root. “*hollow”
- UR¹ root. “be hot”
- UR² root. “wide, large, great”
- URUK root. “[unglossed]”
- US root. “[unglossed]”
- USUK root. “*reek, smoke; dusk”
- UY root. “*long trailing plant”
- VAG root. “stain, soil” see WAƷ
- VEY root. “wind, weave” see WEY
- WĀ root. “blow”
- WAD root. “err, stray”
- WAƷ root. “stain, soil”
- WAIWA root. “blow”
- WAN root. “depart, go away, disappear, vanish”
- WAR root. “give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray”
- WATH root. “shade”
- WAW root. “blow” see WAIWA
- WAY root. “enfold”
- WĒ/EWE root. “person, being, individual”
- WED root. “bind”
- WEG root. “(manly) vigour”
- WEN(ED) root. “maiden, daughter, [orig.] female of any kind or age”
- WEY root. “wind, weave”
- WIG root. “*foam”
- WIL root. “fly, float in air”
- WIN root. “new, fresh, young”
- WIN(I)D root. “pale blue”
- WIR root. “new, fresh, young”
- WIS root. “air”
- WO root. “together”
- YA root. “there, over there; (of time) back, ago”
- YAB root. “fruit”
- YAG root. “yawn, gape”
- YAK root. “*neck”
- YAL root. “to cry”
- YAM root. “to cry” see YAL
- YAN¹ root. “*holy” see (A)YAN
- ‽YAN² root. “give”
- YAR root. “blood”
- YAT root. “join”
- YAY root. “mock”
- YĒ root. “to be”
- YEL¹ root. “daughter”
- YEL² root. “friend”
- YEN¹ root. “year”
- YEN² root. “daughter”
- YER root. “feel sexual desire”
- YES root. “desire”
- YO(N) root. “son, young man, [orig.] male creature of any kind or age”
- YŪ root. “two, both”
- YUK root. “employ, use”
- YUL root. “smoulder”
- YUR root. “run”