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ᴹ√SKAT root. “break asunder”

ᴹ√SKAT root. “break asunder”

A root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed {“break, rend asunder” >>} “break asunder” with derivatives ᴹQ. hat- of similar meaning and ᴹQ. terhat- “break apart” (Ety/SKAT). The latter was seen in early versions of the Lament of Atalante from the 1930s (LR/47, 56) only to eventually be replaced in the 1940s by ᴹQ. askante (SD/310) and then sakkante (SD/246), both of which may still have been related to ᴹ√SKAT.

References ✧ Ety/SKAT; EtyAC/SKAT


