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ᴹ√WAR root. “give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray”

ᴹ√WAR root. “give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray”

A (Noldorin only?) root in The Etymologies of the 1930s glossed “give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray” with derivatives like N. awarth “abandonment”, N. gwarth “betrayer”, and N. gweria- “betray” (Ety/WAR). Tolkien said it was the opposite of ᴹ√BOR “endure” (EtyAC/WAR) which had various Noldorin derivatives having to do with loyalty (Ety/BOR).

Reference ✧ Ety/WAR ✧ “give way, yield, not endure, let down, betray”

