S. [nr] became [ðr]; [nr] > [ðr]
In both Sindarin and Noldorin, where n and r came into contact in compounds after the loss of vowels at morpheme boundaries, the n became dh. Tolkien actually mentioned this phonetic rule in The Lord of the Rings appendices:
DH represents the voiced (soft) th of English these clothes. It is usually related to d, as in S. galadh “tree” compared with Q. alda; but is sometimes derived from n+r, as in Caradhras “Redhorn” from caran-rass (LotR/1113).
Tolkien mentioned this change in several other places, including:
Elen, pl. Elin, with class-plural Eledhrim, Elf, Elves. dhr is < n-r in secondary contact (Quendi and Eldar, circa 1960, WJ/363).
Note ndr > nr not đr (as nr, nnr, see Consonants): So Belerian(d)ren “Beleriandic” but Gondoliðren “Gondolic” (Feanorian Alphabet, 1930s, PE22/36).
This last quote indicates this change did not occur where there was another consonant between the n and r (later lost). There are a number of Sindarin and Noldorin words with nr, which could be examples of this “preserved by clusters” development:
The nr in Aranrúth is unlikely to have this origin, but here the n might be preserved by dissimilation away from the final spirant th (hat tip to Vyacheslav Stepanov for this suggestion); something similar happened with úthaes < úthaeth.
Elsewhere, nr > ðr is the norm:
Conceptual Developments: There are a couple examples of this sound change in the Gnomish of the 1910s and Early Noldorin of the 1920s:
It seems Tolkien adopted this sound change very early and retained it thereafter.
References ✧ LotR/1113; PE17/36; WJ/363
Order (03800)
Before | 05500 | middle consonants frequently vanished in clusters | ✶findarātō > find-raud > findrod > S. finrod | VT41/9 |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
✧ LotR/1113 (n+r > [dhr]); PE17/36 (nr > ðr); WJ/363 (n-r > dhr) |
Phonetic Rule Examples
karanrass > karaðrass | nr > ðr | S. caran-rass > S. Caradhras | ✧ LotR/1113 |
karanrass > karaðrass | nr > ðr | S. caran-rass > S. Caradhras | ✧ PE17/36 |
karanrass > karaðrass | nr > ðr | S. caran-rass > S. Caradhras | ✧ SA/caran |
karanrass > karaðrass | nr > ðr | S. caran-rass > S. Caradhras | ✧ TI/174 |
N. [nr] became [ðr]; [nr] > [ðr]
Reference ✧ PE22/36 ✧ for example: Belerian(d)ren “Beleriandic”, Gondoliðren “Gondolic”
Order (03300)
Before | 04800 | middle consonants frequently vanished in clusters | ᴹ✶Phinde-rauto > N. Finrod | Ety/PHIN |
Phonetic Rule Elements
> |
Phonetic Rule Examples
īnrind > īðrind | nr > ðr | ᴹ√YEN > iðrind > N. iðrin | ✧ Ety/RIN |
īnrind > īðrind | nr > ðr | ᴹ✶ı̯en-rinde > N. îðrin | ✧ Ety/YEN |
maenros > maeðros | nr > ðr | ON. Maenros > N. Maedhros | ✧ Ety/MAƷ|MAG |
onril > oðril | nr > ðr | ᴹ✶onrō > N. odhril | ✧ Ety/ONO |
onrond > oðrond | nr > ðr | ᴹ✶onrō > N. odhron | ✧ Ety/ONO |