✶Ad. [k]

✶Ad. [k]
The primitive consonant [k] remained unchanged in Classical Adûnaic (SD/418) except in contact with aspirates, in which case it generally became [x] (“kh”), in all cases except the primitive combination ✶[kpʰ] (SD/419, 421).

References ✧ SD/416, 419, 421


Element In

Phonetic Development

Ad. voiceless stops became spirants before homorganic spirants kx > xx ✧ SD/419 (KKh > KX > XX)
Ad. voiceless stops became spirants before [θ] > ✧ SD/419 (KTh > )
✶Ad. stops became aspirates after aspirates {ptk}ʰk > {ptk}ʰkʰ ✧ SD/421 ([{ptk}ʰk] > [{ptk}ʰkʰ])