ᴱ✶[ð] ‹đ, ř›

⚠️ᴱ✶[ð] ‹đ, ř›

References ✧ PE12/15, 24; PE14/63


Element In

Phonetic Development

ᴱQ. initial [ð] became [d] ð- > d- ✧ PE12/24 (đ > initially d)
ᴱQ. voiced spirants becames stops after liquids, nasals and [z] > ld ✧ PE12/24 ( > ld)
ᴱQ. voiced spirants becames stops after liquids, nasals and [z] > rd ✧ PE12/24 ( > rd)
ᴱQ. voiced spirants becames stops after liquids, nasals and [z] > nd ✧ PE12/24 ( > nd)
ᴱQ. voiced spirants becames stops after liquids, nasals and [z] > zd ✧ PE12/24 ( > rd)
ᴱQ. [ð] became [θ] before voiceless stops and [s] ðt > θt ✧ PE12/24 (đ + voiceless stop > þ)
ᴱQ. [ð] became [z] ð > z ✧ PE12/16 (đ > z; medial); PE12/24 (đ > z)