Ilk. initial [kwo], [gwo] became [ko], [go]; [{kg}wo-] > [{kg}o-]

Ilk. initial [kwo], [gwo] became [ko], [go]; [{kg}wo-] > [{kg}o-]

It seems that [w] was lost between an initial [k] or [g] and a following [o]. There is one example of this change for [kwo-]: ᴹ√KWAM > [kwāme > kwōm(e) >] côm (Ety/KWAM). For the case of [gwo-], the clearest example is archaic †gwo- “together”, for which Tolkien said: “in Ilk. owing to coalescence of gwo, ʒo (in go) this prefix was lost” (Ety/WŌ). The other examples of this rule involve an initial [w] becoming [gw], and then a resulting [gwo-] becoming [go-] (see below). This change was suggested by Helge Fauskanger (AL-Ilkorin/gôd, gôr, gwo-).

Order (04000)

After 01000 [ā], [ǭ] became [ō] ᴹ√KWAM > Ilk. côm Ety/KWAM

Phonetic Rule Elements

[gwo-] > [go-]
[kwo-] > [ko-]

Phonetic Rule Examples

gwo > go gwo- > go- ᴹ✶wō/wŏ > Ilk. †gwo ✧ Ety/WŌ
gwōra > gōra gwo- > go- ᴹ✶waʒrā > Ilk. gôr ✧ Ety/WAƷ
gwōta- > gōta- gwo- > go- ᴹ✶wahtā- > Ilk. gōda- ✧ Ety/WAƷ
gwōte > gōte gwo- > go- ᴹ✶wahtē > Ilk. gōd ✧ Ety/WAƷ
kwōme > kōme kwo- > ko- ᴹ√KWAM > Ilk. côm ✧ Ety/KWAM