ᴱQ. man kiluva lómi sangane? “Who shall see the clouds gather?”

⚠️ᴱQ. man ciluva lómi sangane? “Who shall see the clouds gather?”

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The twenty second line of the Oilima Markirya poem (MC/214). The first word is man “who” followed by the future tense of the verb kili- “to see”. The last two words serve as the object of the phrase: the plural of the noun lóme “cloud” with the “bare stem” infinitive form of the verb sanga-¹ “to gather”, as suggested by Gilson, Welden, and Hostetter (PE16/84, notes on line #10 and #11), apparently functioning as either an active-participle or a verbal object.

Decomposition: Broken into its constituent elements, this phrase would be:

man kil-uva lóm-i sanga-ne = “*who see-(future) cloud-(plural) gather-ing”

Reference ✧ MC/214 ✧ man kiluva lómi sangane “Who shall see the clouds gather?”


man “who” ✧ MC/214
kili- “to see, heed” future ✧ MC/214 (kiluva)
lóme “dusk, gloom, darkness; shadow, cloud” plural ✧ MC/214 (lómi)
sanga-¹ “to pack tight, compress, press; to gather” active-participle ✧ MC/214 (sangane)

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