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ᴱN. gwiaithos n. “a person, human (not specifically m. or f.)” (Category: Human Being)

⚠️ᴱN. gwiaithos, sè`]Ö3h8 n. “a person, human (not specifically m. or f.)” (Category: Human Being)
S. pen² “one, somebody, anybody; ⚠️[N.] Elf”

A word for “a person, human (not specifically m. or f.)” in the Early Noldorin Grammar, a singular form of made from ᴱN. gwiaith “people, men” (PE13/124). Given the generic nature of its origin, it probably referred to “person” of any species as well, both Elves and Men.

References ✧ PE13/124





gwaith “people, men, folk” ✧ PE13/124 (gwiaith)