Neo-Sindarin Words

This word list describes the decisions that went into constructing the Neo-Sindarin Vocabulary. It lists all Sindarin words and words from its precursor languages (Noldorin and Gnomish) from every time period, with markers indicating which words have been excluded and which ones have been added. Unlike the vocabulary list, it explicitly indicates the language and source period of each word:

Words spanning multiple periods may have several language markers. Later (“Post Tolkien”) inventions or derivations by fans are marked as Neo-Sindarin: ᴺS. If these are directly based on some word of Tolkien’s, the period of the original word is marked in brackets, for example: ᴺS. [N.] adlanna- “to slope, slant”. Some of the neologisms presented here have gone through an external vetting process of some kind: the creator and vetting process (if available) of each neologism is listed below.

Excluded words (those that I personally recommended against using and do not appear in the vocabulary) are marked with the warning sign: ⚠️. There is considerable variation among Neo-Sindarin authors as to which words should be accepted as legitimate, however, and not every other author would agree with my recommendations. There are additional “reliability markers” that can be used as guide for the level of quality of each word:

Glosses (English translations) may also have language and reliability markers indicating which periods various translations come from and how reliable they might be. For example S., N. enedh “centre, middle; [N.] core” indicates a Sindarin word with one translation that appears only among Noldorin words from the 1930s or 40s.

For simplicity, these reliability and language markers have been omitted from the vocabulary lists. For more exact lists of additions or exclusions, you can look at the following word lists:

At this point in time, this arrangement of added and excluded words is very much a work in progress, and I am always open to feedback. Nothing here should in any way be considered “final” (if such a conclusion is even possible).

S., G. †-a suf. “[old] genitive suffix”
⚠️ᴱN. a prep. “like”; see instead:
S. #be “as, like; ⚠️in”
N. a- pref. “intensive prefix”
⚠️G. a-¹ pron. “it, they; 3rd-person pronoun”
S., N. conj. “and; †by, near, beside”
⚠️G. prep. “from”; see instead:
S. o “from, of”
S. interj. “O!”
⚠️G. a-² pref. “?”
S. #ab prep. “after”
⚠️G. abair n. “victory”; see instead:
N. tûr “mastery, victory”
ᴺS. !abgen- v. “to foresee, expect” [created by VQP]
S. ablad n. “prohibition, refusal”
⚠️G. abod adv. “again; in return, in exchange; back”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️G. abont adv. “back; backwards”
ᴺS. !abor¹ n. “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^abor² adj. “following, succeeding, close behind (of place), next behind or after (time or place)”
⚠️ᴺS. !ach n. “bone” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
ᴺS. asg “bone; ⚠️[G.] stone of fruit”
S. ach¹ “neck, *(upper) spine”
⚠️G. ach adv. “too, *excessively”
⚠️ᴱN., G. ach n. “waterfall”; see instead:
S. lanthir “waterfall”
S. ach¹ n. “neck, *(upper) spine”
S. ach² conj. “*but”
⚠️G. acha n. “waterfall”; see instead:
S. lanthir “waterfall”
S. achad n. “rock ridge, neck (geographically)”
S. #achar- v. “to avenge, do back, react, requite”
S. achared n. “vengeance”
S. acharn n. “vengeance, (an act of) revenge”
⚠️ᴺS. !achas n. “dread, fear” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. goe “terror, great fear, [N.] dread”
N. acho ?
⚠️N. aclod adj. “sloping, tilted”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adlod “sloping, tilted”
S. †-ad suf. “dual”
⚠️G. a(d) prep. “into”; see instead:
ᴺS. ! “(to the) inside; into”
S., N. #ad- pref. “back, again, re-”
⚠️N. ad prep. “*against”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
S. #-ad¹ suf. “noun-suffix”
S., N. -ad² suf. “gerund” see S. #-ed¹
N., G. ada n. “father (hypocoristic), [G.] daddy”
N. adab n. “building, ⚠️house”
⚠️ᴱN. adab- v. “to build, establish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adaba- “to build, erect, establish”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^adaba- v. “to build, erect, establish”
⚠️ᴱN. adag- v. “to build, erect, establish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adaba- “to build, erect, establish”
S. Adan n. “Man (as a species)”
S. adaneth n. “(mortal) woman”
S., N. adar n. “father”
⚠️ᴺS. !adbanna- v. “to refill” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
ᴺS. !adbannad(a)- “to refill”
ᴺS. !adbannad(a)- v. “to refill”
S. adbed- v. “to rephrase”
N. adel prep. “behind, in rear (of)”
⚠️ᴺS. !aden prep. “until” [created by Ánweg]; see instead:
ᴺS. !naden “until, up to, as far as”
⚠️ᴱN. adengion n. “builder”; see instead:
N. thavron “carpenter, wright, builder”
S. #adertha- v. “to reunite”
S., N. aderthad n. “reuniting”
S. adh conj. “and” see S.
⚠️G. adhin adv. “once (up a time), long ago, formerly” see G. dîn
⚠️G. adhwen n. “approach, avenue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwen “approach, avenue”
⚠️G. adi n. “daddy”; see instead:
N. ada “father (hypocoristic), [G.] daddy”
ᴺS. [N.] ^adlanna- v. “to slope, slant” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !adlannas n. “downfall, ruin” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. [N.] ^adlant adj. “oblique, slanted” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. †#adleg- v. “*to release”; see instead:
S. #leithia- “to release, [N.] set free”
⚠️N. adleitha- v. “*to release”; see instead:
S. #leithia- “to release, [N.] set free”
⚠️N. adleithian n. “*release, freeing”; see instead:
S. leithian “release from bondage, [N.] release, freeing”
ᴺS. [N.] ^adlod adj. “sloping, tilted”
⚠️ᴱN. adob n. “building”; see instead:
N. adab “building, ⚠️house”
⚠️G. †ador n. “father”; see instead:
S. adar “father”
⚠️G. adr prep. and adv. “across, athwart”; see instead:
S. thar “across, athwart, over”
⚠️G. adr(a) adj. “lying athwart; situated on far side”; see instead:
S. thar “across, athwart, over”
⚠️G. adron adv. “further, beyond, over; on other side”; see instead:
N. athan “beyond”
⚠️G. adros n. “crossing, ford”; see instead:
S. athrad “ford, crossing”
⚠️G. adrum n. “hammer”; see instead:
S. #dring “hammer, *beater”
S. adu adj. “double”
S. aduial n. “(evening) twilight, *evening”
S. advir n. “heirloom”
N. adwen n. “*approach, avenue”
S. ae interj. “O!” see S.
⚠️ᴺS. !ae conj. “if ” [created by David Salo]; see instead:
ᴺS. !ce “may(be), might”
ᴺS. !pi “if”
⚠️S. aear n. “sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
⚠️S. aearon n. “*ocean”; see instead:
S. gaearon “ocean, (lit.) great sea”
ᴺS. [G.] ^aebin n. “cherry (tree)”
ᴺS. !aeda- v. “to revere, worship”
ᴺS. !aedaith n. “reverence, worship, religion”
ᴺS. [G.] ^aedh n. “nest”
S. #aeg adj. “sharp, [N.] pointed, piercing”
ᴺS. [N.] ^aegas n. “mountain peak” [vetted by HSD]
S. #aeglir n. “line of peaks, [N.] range of mountain peaks; ⚠️[ᴱN.] peak, mountain top”
S. aeglos n. “icicle, (lit.) snow-point; snowthorn (a plant)”
S. #ael n. “lake, pool”
⚠️S. aelin n. “lake, pool”; see instead:
S. #ael “lake, pool”
ᴺS. !aemar n. “rookery, colony of birds” [created by Paul Strack]
S. aen adv. “*should, could”
ᴺS. !Aeni n. “(female) angel”
ᴺS. !aenor n. “god” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !Aenu n. “(male) angel”
S. aer adj. “*hallowed, holy”
⚠️N. #aer n. “sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
ᴺS. !aerem n. “icon” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
S. aerlinn n. “*hymn, (lit.) holy song”
ᴺS. !aeron n. “saint”
N. aes n. “cooked food, meat”
ᴺS. !aetha- v. “to narrow (intr.); to besiege [with o(h)]” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !aethad(a)- v. “to (make something) narrow” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !aethas n. “siege” [created by Ellanto]
S., N. aew n. “(small) bird”
S. #aewen adj. “of birds”
⚠️N. afarch adj. “arid, very dry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^apharch “arid, very dry”
⚠️S. #agar n. “blood”; see instead:
S. sereg “blood”
ᴺS. !agla- v. “to shine out, flash” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. agla n. “flash”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^agol “flash”
ᴺS. !aglad n. “lightning” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. agladhren adj. “radiant”; see instead:
S. aglareb “glorious, brilliant, *radiant”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^aglan n. “ray of light”
⚠️ᴱN. aglann n. “ray of light”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aglan “ray of light”
S., N., ᴱN., G. aglar n. “glory, brilliance, splendour, radiance”
S., N., ᴱN. aglareb adj. “glorious, brilliant, *radiant”
⚠️G. aglar(i)ol adj. “glorious”; see instead:
S. aglareb “glorious, brilliant, *radiant”
⚠️G. †aglath n. “glory”
⚠️G. aglen n. “flash”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^agol “flash”
⚠️S. aglor adj. “brilliant, glorious”; see instead:
S. aglareb “glorious, brilliant, *radiant”
ᴺS. [G.] ^agol n. “flash”
N. agor adj. “narrow”
⚠️ᴱN. agos adv. “very”
⚠️G. agra adj. “extreme, vehement, excessive”
⚠️G. agraith n. “contempt”; see instead:
ᴺS. agrech “contempt”
ᴺS. [G.] agrech n. “contempt”
⚠️G. agrectha- v. “to despise, contemn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^agreitha- “to despise, contemn”
⚠️G. agrectharol adj. “despicable, contemptible”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^agreitharol “despicable, contemptible”
⚠️G. agrecthion adj. “despised”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^agreithannen “despised”
ᴺS. [G.] ^agreitha- v. “to despise, contemn”
ᴺS. [G.] ^agreithannen adj. “despised”
ᴺS. [G.] ^agreitharol adj. “despicable, contemptible”
⚠️G. agros adv. “excessively, too; excess”
S. ah conj. “and” see S.
⚠️S. ahamar n. “*neighbor”; see instead:
S. sammar “*neighbor”
⚠️ᴱN. ai- pref. “[unglossed]” see ᴱN. ei-
S., N., ᴱN., G. ai¹ interj. “hail, ⚠️[ᴱN.] cry of pain or woe, [G.] oh!”
S. ai² pron. “*those who”
⚠️G. aibin n. “cherry (tree)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aebin “cherry (tree)”
⚠️G. aibios n. “cherry (tree)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aebin “cherry (tree)”
⚠️ᴺS. !aich adv. “also” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
S. eithro “*also”
⚠️ᴱN. aidh n. “pain, anguish, woe”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
⚠️G. aidha n. “nest”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aedh “nest”
⚠️G. aidlan n. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
⚠️G. aidra- v. “to expiate”
⚠️G. aidros n. “expiation”
⚠️ᴺS. !aif adj. “same” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
ᴺS. !ain “same, identical”
⚠️ᴱN. aig adj. “high, steep”; see instead:
S. #aeg “sharp, [N.] pointed, piercing”
N. baradh “steep”
⚠️G. aigli n. “bird”; see instead:
S. aew “(small) bird”
⚠️ᴱN. aiglir n. “peak, mountain top”; see instead:
S. #aeglir “line of peaks, [N.] range of mountain peaks; ⚠️[ᴱN.] peak, mountain top”
⚠️ᴱN., G. aigos n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
S. thôn “pine-tree”
⚠️G. aiguis n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
S. thôn “pine-tree”
⚠️G. ail n. “lake, pool”; see instead:
S. #ael “lake, pool”
⚠️ᴱN. ailin n. “lake”; see instead:
S. #ael “lake, pool”
⚠️G. ailion n. “lake, pool”; see instead:
S. #ael “lake, pool”
S. ain adv. “*should, could” see S. aen
ᴺS. !ain adj. “same, identical” [created by Fiona Jallings, Elaran]
⚠️G. ain¹ n. “god”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aenor “god”
⚠️G. ain² n. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
⚠️G. aina¹ adj. “small”
⚠️G. aina² n. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
⚠️G. ainan n. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
⚠️G. aindana n. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
⚠️G. aindanathon adj. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
⚠️G. ainil n. “(female) god”; see instead:
ᴺS. !Aeni “(female) angel”
⚠️G. ainog n. “*(male) god”; see instead:
ᴺS. !Aenu “(male) angel”
⚠️G. ainos n. “(male) god”; see instead:
ᴺS. !Aenu “(male) angel”
⚠️G. ainuil n. “*(female) god”; see instead:
ᴺS. !Aeni “(female) angel”
S. air adj. “lonely”
⚠️G. †air(in) adj. “holy, sacred”; see instead:
S. aer “*hallowed, holy”
⚠️G. ais n. “knowledge, wisdom”; see instead:
N. ist “lore, knowledge; ⚠️[G.] feeling, sensation; notion”
⚠️G. aisc adj. and n. “sharp, bitter; sharp edge of a blade”; see instead:
S. #aeg “sharp, [N.] pointed, piercing”
N. saer “bitter”
⚠️G. aist n. “reverence, awe”; see instead:
S. anwar “awe”
ᴺS. !aedaith “reverence, worship, religion”
⚠️G. aista- v. “to revere”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aeda- “to revere, worship”
⚠️G. aistog adj. “holy, revered, awful”; see instead:
S. aer “*hallowed, holy”
S. gorn¹ “revered”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. ^aith n. “spear-point, [ᴱN.] spear, ⚠️thorn”
⚠️G. aith² n. “sword”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
⚠️G. aitha- v. “to prick, sting”; see instead:
S. eitha-¹ “to prick with a sharp point, stab; to treat with scorn, insult”
⚠️G. aitheb adj. “sharp, piercing”; see instead:
S. #aeg “sharp, [N.] pointed, piercing”
⚠️G. †aithi n. “sword”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
⚠️G. †aith(i)or n. “warrior, swordsman”; see instead:
S. #magor “swordsman”
N. maethor “warrior”
⚠️ᴱN., G. aithl n. “spring, fount, source”; see instead:
S. eithel “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
⚠️G. aithla- v. “to spring (from), issue forth, bubble up”; see instead:
ᴺS. eithla- “to spring, well forth, *issue forth”
⚠️G. aithog adj. “thorny”; see instead:
ᴺS. eitheb “thorny, *(orig.) full of points; ⚠️sharp”
⚠️ᴱN. aithorn n. “lightning”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aglad “lightning”
⚠️G. aithos n. “thorn bush”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^eithos “thorn bush”
⚠️ᴱN. †aithr¹ n. “spearman, warrior”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^eithron “*spearman, ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior”
⚠️ᴱN., G. aithr² n. “thorn, sword”; see instead:
N. êg “thorn”
ᴺS. ^aith “spear-point, [ᴱN.] spear, ⚠️thorn”
⚠️G. aithra adj. “piercing, sharp; thorny”; see instead:
S. #aeg “sharp, [N.] pointed, piercing”
ᴺS. eitheb “thorny, *(orig.) full of points; ⚠️sharp”
⚠️G. aithrog n. “warrior”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^eithron “*spearman, ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior”
N. maethor “warrior”
⚠️G. aithron n. “warrior, †swordsman”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^eithron “*spearman, ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior”
S. #magor “swordsman”
N. maethor “warrior”
⚠️G. aithweg n. “warrior”; see instead:
N. maethor “warrior”
⚠️G. aithwen n. “sword”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
⚠️G. aithyl n. “spring”; see instead:
S. eithel “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
⚠️G. aivin n. “rookery, colony of birds”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aemar “rookery, colony of birds”
⚠️G. aivor n. “rookery, colony of birds”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aemar “rookery, colony of birds”
⚠️ᴱN. aiw n. “bird”; see instead:
S. aew “(small) bird”
⚠️G. âl n. “wood (material)”; see instead:
S. taw¹ “wood as material”
S., N. al-¹ pref. “no, not”
⚠️S. al-² pref. “well, happily”; see instead:
S. mae “well; excellent, admirable”
S. alae interj. “?”
S. alaf n. “elm”
⚠️G. alaf n. “broad of the back” see G. alm
N. alag adj. “rushing, impetuous”
N. alagon n. “storm” see N. alagos
N. alagos n. “storm (of wind)”
⚠️ᴱN. alaith n. “shielding, warding off, protect(ion)”
⚠️G. alan n. “shoulder”; see instead:
ᴺS. amoth “shoulder”
⚠️ᴱN. alanc adj. “*shielded, protected”
⚠️ᴺS. !alben pron. “no one” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !alphen “no one, nobody”
S. albeth n. “(word of) good omen”
⚠️ᴱN. alch n. “shield”; see instead:
S. #thand “shield”
⚠️G. alch(ar) n. “shrine, temple”; see instead:
N. iaun “holy place, fane, sanctuary, *shrine, temple”
⚠️G. alcharn adj. “of wood, wooden”; see instead:
S. tawen “wood (of material), wooden (of make)”
⚠️G. alc(hor) n. “shrine, fane, temple”; see instead:
N. iaun “holy place, fane, sanctuary, *shrine, temple”
⚠️ᴱN. alcor n. “temple”; see instead:
N. iaun “holy place, fane, sanctuary, *shrine, temple”
⚠️G. alepthog adj. “fingered, having fingers”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leberen “fingered, of fingers”
⚠️G. alewthion adj. “having fingers”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leberen “fingered, of fingers”
⚠️S. alf n. “flower”; see instead:
S. loth “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
⚠️G. alfa n. “swan”; see instead:
S. alph “swan”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^alfeg n. “cygnet, young swan”
S. alfirin adj. and n. “immortal, (lit.) not dying; a species of flower”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^alfuil n. “large white sea-bird, albatross, ⚠️†swan”
⚠️ᴱN., G. alfuilin n. “large white sea-bird, albatross, †swan”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^alfuil “large white sea-bird, albatross, ⚠️†swan”
ᴺS. !alhad pron. “nowhere” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ^aliavren adj. “barren”
ᴺS. !allu adv. “never” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN., G. alm n. “back (from shoulder to shoulder), [G.] shoulders”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^galf “back [of a body], shoulders [collectively]”
⚠️G. alm(oth) n. “forest”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
ᴺS. !alnad pron. “nothing” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. âlog adj. “of wood, wooden”; see instead:
S. tawen “wood (of material), wooden (of make)”
⚠️G. alos n. “forest”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
S., N., ᴱN., G. alph n. “swan”
ᴺS. !alphen pron. “no one, nobody” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. alt n. “bough, branch”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
⚠️G. altha n. “shoot, sprig, scion, sapling”; see instead:
ᴺS. tuig “shoot, sapling, ⚠️sprout”
N. tui “sprout, bud”
⚠️G. altha- v. “to shoot up, grow (high)”
S. *alu adj. “wholesome, *healthy”
ᴺS. !alvar n. “(good) luck, fortune”
⚠️S. alw adj. “wholesome”; see instead:
S. *alu “wholesome, *healthy”
S. alwed adj. “prosperous, fortunate”
⚠️G. alw(eg) adj. “lofty (of living things, trees, men)”; see instead:
S. *alu “wholesome, *healthy”
S. taer “lofty, *high”
⚠️G. †alwen n. “tree”; see instead:
S. galadh “tree”
ᴺS. !am adv. and adj. “more” [created by Fayanzār]
S., N., ᴱN., G. #am adv. “up, [G.] upwards, ⚠️towards head of, above”
N. am- pref. “snake”
⚠️G. am² n. “breast, front (chest)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ammos “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
⚠️G. amabwed adj. “having hands”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mabren “handed, having hands, dextrous”
⚠️G. amaith n. “mother”; see instead:
S. emel “mother”
S., N. amar n. “world, the Earth, (lit.) settlement, the great habitation”
S., N., ᴱN. amarth n. “fate, doom”
S. amartha- v. “to define, decree, destine”
ᴺS. !amarthannen adj. “decreed, destined, ordained”
⚠️N. amath n. “shield”; see instead:
S. #thand “shield”
⚠️ᴱN. am(b) n. “breast”; see instead:
ᴺS. ammos “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
N. amben adj. “uphill; [ᴱN.] arduous, difficult, tiresome”
N. †ambend adv. “uphill” see N. amben
N. ambenn adv. “uphill” see N. amben
⚠️ᴱN. am(b)os n. “breastplate”; see instead:
ᴺS. ammos “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
⚠️ᴱN. am(b)red adj. “fated”; see instead:
N. barad² “doomed, *fated”
⚠️G. am(b)ros(t) n. “dawn”; see instead:
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
S. amdir n. “hope [based on reason], *expectation, (lit.) looking up”
⚠️G. ami n. “mummy”; see instead:
N. nana “mother (hypocoristic), *mommy”
⚠️G. amil n. “mother”; see instead:
S. emel “mother”
⚠️G. amlad n. “surface”; see instead:
N. palath¹ “surface”
S. amloth n. “helm crest, (orig.) uprising flower”
N. amlug n. “dragon”
ᴺS. [OS.] ^ammal n. “(death) agony”
ᴺS. !amman adv. “why, (lit.) for what” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️S. †ammarth n. “fate, doom”; see instead:
S. amarth “fate, doom”
ᴺS. !ammatha- v. “to maul” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. ammogrint adj. “red-breast[ed]”; see instead:
ᴺS. amosgarn “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. ammos n. “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
ᴺS. !ammuia- v. “to work (hard) for, to earn” [created by Fayanzār]
S., N., ᴱN., G. amon n. “hill, (isolated) mountain; lump, clump, mass; ⚠️[G.] steep slope”
⚠️G. amon² adv. “uphill, against stream”; see instead:
N. amben “uphill; [ᴱN.] arduous, difficult, tiresome”
ᴺS. !amor n. “morning, early day”
ᴺS. !amorvad n. “breakfast” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] amosgarn n. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️G. amoth n. “breast”; see instead:
ᴺS. ammos “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] amoth n. “shoulder”
S. (a)moth n. “fen, marsh” see S. both
⚠️ᴱN., G. †amra- v. “*to rise; [G.] to go up and down; live in the mountains; roam, wander”; see instead:
N. eria- “to rise”
ᴺS. ^renia-¹ “to stray, wander”
⚠️G. amrad n. “nomand, wanderer (f.)”; see instead:
S. randir “wanderer, wandering man, pilgrim”
⚠️G. amraith n. “nomand, wanderer (f.)”; see instead:
S. randir “wanderer, wandering man, pilgrim”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] amrent n. “lark”
⚠️ᴱN. amrint n. “lark” see ᴱN. amrent
⚠️G. amrint n. “lark”; see instead:
ᴺS. amrent “lark”
⚠️G. amrod adj. “wandering, living in wilds”
⚠️G. amrog n. “nomand, wanderer”; see instead:
S. randir “wanderer, wandering man, pilgrim”
⚠️G. amrog-dorn n. “brown wanderer, gipsy”
⚠️ᴱN. amros adj. “rising, soaring, lofty”; see instead:
S. taer “lofty, *high”
⚠️ᴱN., G. amrost n. “rising, (esp.) sunrise, [G.] dawn”; see instead:
S. amrûn “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
⚠️ᴱN. amrosta- v. “*to rise”; see instead:
N. eria- “to rise”
S., N. amrûn n. “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
⚠️ᴱN. amvenn adj. and adv. “uphill; arduous, difficult, tiresome”; see instead:
N. amben “uphill; [ᴱN.] arduous, difficult, tiresome”
⚠️ᴱN. amvinn n. “slope, incline, hillside”; see instead:
S. pind “crest, ridge”
S., N., G. an prep. “to, for; ⚠️[N. and G.] of”
⚠️ᴱN. a(n) prep. “of (the)”
⚠️G. a(n) prep. “of”; see instead:
S. an “to, for; ⚠️[N. and G.] of”
S. na(n) “of; provided with or by, associated with, marked with, ⚠️with, along with, accompanied by; [N.] by”
S. #an- pref. “intensive prefix”
N. an- pref. “with, by”
⚠️G. an¹ n. “person, -body, one, anyone, someone, they; creature”; see instead:
S. pen² “one, somebody, anybody; ⚠️[N.] Elf”
S., N. anann adv. “(for) long”
N. †Anaur n. “Sun” see N. Anor
⚠️ᴱN. anc n. “spear”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aith “spear-point, [ᴱN.] spear, ⚠️thorn”
N. anc n. “jaw, row of teeth”
⚠️ᴺS. !and n. “gate, door” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. annon “(great) gate, door”
S. and adj. “long”
⚠️N. andabund n. “elephant”; see instead:
N. annabon “elephant”
S. andaith n. “long-mark”
⚠️N. andeith n. “long-mark”; see instead:
S. andaith “long-mark”
⚠️N. andrabonn n. “elephant”; see instead:
N. annabon “elephant”
⚠️N. andrand n. “*long cycle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^andrann “cycle, age, (lit.) long cycle”
ᴺS. [N.] ^andrann n. “cycle, age, (lit.) long cycle” [vetted by HSD]
S. andreth n. “long-suffering, patience”
ᴺS. !andrethui adj. “patient, long suffering”
S., N., ᴱN., G. ang n. “iron”
ᴺS. !angab- v. “to assail, (lit.) towards-leap” [created by Parmandil]
⚠️ᴱN. angath n. “fetters”; see instead:
N. angwedh “chain, fetter, (lit.) iron-bond”
⚠️ᴱN. angeb adj. “like iron”
S. angerthas n. “runic alphabetic, (lit.) long rune-rows”
S. #anglenna- v. “to approach”
N. †angol¹ n. “deep lore, magic”
N. angol² n. “stench” see N. ongol
N. angos n. “horror”
S., N., ᴱN. angren adj. “of iron”
⚠️G. angrin adj. “of iron, iron”; see instead:
S. angren “of iron”
N. angwedh n. “chain, fetter, (lit.) iron-bond”
⚠️S. anha- v. “to give”; see instead:
S. #anna- “to give, †add to”
S. #aníra- v. “to desire, *long for”
⚠️ᴱN., G. ann n. “door”; see instead:
S. fen(n) “door; ⚠️[N.] threshold”
S. annon “(great) gate, door”
S. ann¹ n. “gift”
S., N. ann² adj. “long” see S. and
S., N. #anna- v. “to give, †add to”
ᴺS. !anna- v. “to thank” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. anna n. “door, opening”; see instead:
S. fen(n) “door; ⚠️[N.] threshold”
S. annon “(great) gate, door”
N. annabon n. “elephant”
ᴺS. !annad n. “thanks” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. annai adv. “far away”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
ᴺS. !annas n. “length”
⚠️ᴱN. annas n. “face, countenance”; see instead:
S. thîr “face, [N.] look, expression, countenance”
ᴺS. !anneth n. “(act of) giving” [created by David Salo, GS]
S., N. annon n. “(great) gate, door”
ᴺS. !annor- v. “to attack, assault, (lit.) towards-run” [created by Parmandil]
⚠️G. annor(in) adj. “lofty”; see instead:
S. taer “lofty, *high”
S. annui adj. “west[ern]”
⚠️G. annuir adj. “lofty”; see instead:
S. taer “lofty, *high”
S., N. annûn n. “sunset, west; (lit.) going down”
S., N. Anor n. “Sun”
ᴺS. !anóren adj. “sunny” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. anos n. “man (fullgrown), warrior”
⚠️G. anoth n. “†manhood; man (fullgrown), warrior”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwas “manhood, *manliness, masculinity”
⚠️G. anothrin adj. “adult (of men), fullgrown; manly”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwathren “manly, masculine”
⚠️N. anrand n. “cycle, age, (lit.) long cycle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^andrann “cycle, age, (lit.) long cycle”
⚠️N. ant n. “gift”; see instead:
S. ann¹ “gift”
S., N. -ant suf. “3rd person past tense”
⚠️ᴱN., G. ant n. “face, front, forward surface; [G.] cheek”; see instead:
N. nîf “front, face”
N. crann “ruddy (of face); blush, the cheeks, ⚠️face”
N. ant “gift”
⚠️S. anta- v. “to give, add to”; see instead:
S. #anna- “to give, †add to”
⚠️G. antha- v. “to give”; see instead:
S. #anna- “to give, †add to”
⚠️G. antha adj. “upper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^orth “upper”
⚠️G. anthor(in) adj. “lofty (of mountains)”; see instead:
S. taer “lofty, *high”
⚠️G. anthos adv. “up, above”; see instead:
N. or “above; [G.] onto, ⚠️on top, on”
⚠️G. anthum prep. “upwards, cg. onto”
ᴺS. [N.] ^anu n. and adj. “male (person or animal)” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !anuir adv. “forever, everlastingly, eternally, in eternity” [created by Elaran]
⚠️S. anw n. “gift”; see instead:
S. ann¹ “gift”
⚠️N. anw n. and adj. “male (person or animal)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anu “male (person or animal)”
S. anwar n. “awe”
ᴺS. [G.] ^anwas n. “manhood, *manliness, masculinity”
ᴺS. [G.] ^anwathren adj. “manly, masculine”
ᴺS. [N.] ^anwen n. “approach, avenue”
ᴺS. !apha- v. “to touch”
S. aphad- v. “to follow”
S. aphadon n. “follower”
ᴺS. [N.] ^apharch adj. “arid, very dry” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !aphas n. “(sence of) touch”
⚠️S. aphed- v. “to answer”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dambed- “to answer”
S. adbed- “to rephrase”
⚠️S., N., ᴱN., G. ar conj. “and, [G.] too, besides”; see instead:
S. “and; †by, near, beside”
S., N., G. ar- pref. “[N.] outside; [S.] without; ⚠️by, beside, [G.] along with, compared with”
⚠️N. âr n. “king”; see instead:
S. aran “king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person; [N.] lord (of a specific region)”
⚠️G. ar¹ prep. “at; to, towards”
⚠️N. ar-² pref. “day”; see instead:
S. or- “-day”
S., N. ar(a)- pref. “noble, royal, high”
⚠️N. arad n. “daytime, a day”; see instead:
S. calan “day(light)”
⚠️N. araf n. “wolf, dog”; see instead:
N. garaf “wolf”
⚠️S. arahadhw n. “throne, (lit.) high seat”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^archadhu “throne, (lit.) high seat”
S., N. aran n. “king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person; [N.] lord (of a specific region)”
⚠️S. aranarth n. “*kingdom”; see instead:
S. arnad “*kingdom”
ᴺS. !aranas n. “kingship”
ᴺS. !ar(an)eg n. “kinglet” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
⚠️N. Aranor n. “*Sun-day”; see instead:
S. Oranor “*(lit.) Sun-day, Sunday”
S. aras n. “deer, hart, *stag”
S. arben n. “knight” see S. arphen
⚠️G. arc adj. “fierce, harsh, ill tempered; awkward, difficult”; see instead:
S. rhanc “awkward, hard”
⚠️ᴱN. arch adj. “rough”; see instead:
S. tarch “stiff, rough (or tough)”
⚠️G. arch adj. “fierce, harsh; awkward, difficult”; see instead:
S. rhanc “awkward, hard”
ᴺS. [S.] ^archadhu n. “throne, (lit.) high seat”
⚠️S. archaf n. “throne, (lit.) high seat”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^archadhu “throne, (lit.) high seat”
⚠️G. archod n. “difficulty”; see instead:
N. tarias “stiffness, toughness, difficulty”
⚠️G. archos n. “savagery, evil temper”
⚠️ᴱN. archos n. “roughness, ruggedness, rudeness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tarchas “roughness, ruggedness, rudeness”
⚠️G. archuis n. “evil temper” see G. archos
⚠️N. ardh n. “realm”; see instead:
S. arthor “realm”
S. gardh “region”
S. *ardhon n. “province” see S. ?gardhon
⚠️N. Ardórin n. “?Day of Kings”; see instead:
S. Rodyn “alternate name of the last day of the Eldarin six-day week”
⚠️G. arf adj. “barren, dry, desert”; see instead:
N. parch “dry”
⚠️N. Argalad n. “Tree Day”; see instead:
S. Orgaladh “Day of the Tree, *Tuesday”
⚠️N. Argaladath n. “*Day of the Trees”; see instead:
S. Orgaladhad “Day of the Two Trees, *Tuesday”
⚠️ᴱN. #argen- v. “?to search over”
⚠️N. Argilion n. “*Star-day”; see instead:
S. Orgilion “*Star-day, Saturday”
⚠️G. argulthion adj. “equal, equivalent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !asgolui “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
⚠️G. arin(g) n. “kiln”
⚠️N. Arithil n. “*Moon-day”; see instead:
S. Orithil “*Moon-day, Monday”
⚠️G. armin n. “desert, waste”; see instead:
N. eru “waste, desert”
⚠️ᴱN., G. arn n. “child, [G.] son”; see instead:
S. hên “child”
S. arnad n. “*kingdom”
S., N. arnediad adj. “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
N. arnen n. “?royal”
S., N. †arnoediad adj. “unnumbered, without reckoning”
S. arod adj. “noble”
⚠️N. Aroeren n. “Sea-day”; see instead:
S. Oraeron “Sea-day, *Thursday”
⚠️ᴱN., G. arog adj. “swift, [G.] rushing, torrential”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lagor “swift, rapid”
N. alag “rushing, impetuous”
⚠️N. aronoded adj. “innumerable, countless, endless”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
⚠️G. arp adj. “barren, dry, desert”; see instead:
N. parch “dry”
S. arphen n. “noble, knight”
⚠️G. art adv. “beside, along side of”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sa² “beside, alongside, next (to)”
⚠️G. artha- v. “to approach”; see instead:
S. #anglenna- “to approach”
⚠️G. artha prep. “alongside (of)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sa² “beside, alongside, next (to)”
⚠️G. arthaid- v. “to join”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ianna- “to join, connect”
⚠️G. arthi adv. “also, as well, besides, too”; see instead:
S. eithro “*also”
S. arthor n. “realm”
⚠️N. Arvelain n. “*Day of the Valar”; see instead:
S. Orbelain “*Day of the Valar, Friday”
⚠️N. Arvenel n. “*Heavens-day”; see instead:
S. Ormenel “*Heavens-day, Wednesday”
⚠️G. arwad n. “apple tree”
S., N. #-as suf. “abstract noun”
⚠️G. asc¹ n. “water”; see instead:
S. nen “water; lake, pool; (lesser) river, [ᴱN.] stream”
⚠️G. asc² n. “bone; stone of fruit” see G. asg
N. ascar adj. “violent, rushing, impetuous” see N. asgar
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. asg n. “bone; ⚠️[G.] stone of fruit”
N. asgar adj. “violent, rushing, impetuous”
ᴺS. !asgath n. “skeleton” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️ᴱN. asgatheb adj. “bony”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^asgeb “bony”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^asgeb adj. “bony”
ᴺS. !asgolui adj. “equivalent, (lit.) beside-bear-able”
ᴺS. [S.] ast n. “light or heat of the sun, *warmth”
N. ast n. “dust”
S. astor n. “loyalty”
S. astorad n. “loyalty”
S., N. -ath suf. “collective or group plural”
S. ath- pref. “easy, easily”
⚠️N. ath- pref. “on both sides, across”; see instead:
S. thar “across, athwart, over”
⚠️G. ath pron. “they, 3rd pl. pronoun” see G. atha¹
S. atha- v. “will (future)”
⚠️G. atha¹ pron. “they, 3rd pl. pronoun”
⚠️G. atha² num. card. “two”; see instead:
S. tâd “two”
S. athae n. and adj. “*healing herb, healing”
⚠️S. †athaelas n. “*healing herb”; see instead:
S. athelas “kingsfoil, a healing herb”
⚠️S. athal n. “stranger, guest”; see instead:
S. othol “stranger, guest”
N. athan prep. “beyond”
S. atheg n. “[little] father; thumb”
S., N., ᴱN. athelas n. “kingsfoil, a healing herb”
S. athgar adj. “easy (easy to do)”
S. athgen adj. “easily seen”
⚠️G. athla adv. “twice”
ᴺS. !athor n. “doctor” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. athra- v. “to face, look in a certain direction, oppose”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dadhra- “to face, oppose, stand in way; to resist, thwart”
ᴺS. ^nevra- “to face, go forward”
S. athra-¹ “to cross (to and fro)”
S. athra-¹ v. “to cross (to and fro)”
S. athra-² v. “to treat medically”
ᴺS. !athrabed- v. “to discuss, exchange words” [created by Elaran]
S. athrabeth n. “conversation, debate, (lit.) interchange of words”
S., N. athrad n. “ford, crossing”
N. athrada- v. “to cross, traverse”
⚠️S. athragardh n. “interaction”; see instead:
S. athragared “interaction”
S. athragared n. “interaction”
ᴺS. !athraweth- v. “to communicate, (lit.) inform to and fro” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !athren adj. “dusty” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. athron adj. “second, other”
⚠️G. athru adj. “secondly, once more, again”
⚠️G. athwi adj. “both”
⚠️N. atlanna- v. “to slope, slant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adlanna- “to slope, slant”
⚠️N. atlant adj. “oblique, slanted”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adlant “oblique, slanted”
⚠️ᴱN. au adv. “*negative”; see instead:
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
⚠️G. auba n. “shout”
⚠️G. augla n. “ray of sunlight, sunbeam”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aglan “ray of light”
⚠️G. auglas n. “bright sunshine”; see instead:
S. glaw “sunshine; [N.] radiance”
⚠️G. auglos n. “bright sunshine”; see instead:
S. glaw “sunshine; [N.] radiance”
⚠️G. áugwila adj. “sunny, sunlit”; see instead:
ᴺS. !anóren “sunny”
⚠️G. aul adv. “ill, badly”
⚠️G. aulin adj. “wrong”; see instead:
S. ogol “bad, evil, wrong; gloom(y)”
ᴺS. ^raeg “wrong, [G.] awry, twisted, distorted, perverse, leering (of face)”
⚠️ᴱN. aulos n. “forest”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
S., N. aur n. “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
⚠️G. aur(a) n. “Sun”; see instead:
S. aur “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
S. Anor “Sun”
⚠️G. aurin adj. “made (by craft of hand), wrought, fashioned”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tavnen “made (by craft of hand), wrought, fashioned”
⚠️G. aurost n. “dawn”; see instead:
S. amrûn “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️ᴱN. aus n. “hoard”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mírad “treasury, hoard”
⚠️G. ausin adj. and n. “rich; fortune”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maeligeb “wealthy, rich”
S. maelig “wealth, abundance”
⚠️G. ausirol n. “fortune”; see instead:
S. maelig “wealth, abundance”
⚠️G. aus(s)aith n. “avarice”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milf “greed”
⚠️ᴱN. aust n. “summer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
⚠️G. aust n. “summer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
S. auth n. “dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
N. auth n. “war, battle”
⚠️G. auth n. “sunshine, warmth; noontide”; see instead:
S. glaw “sunshine; [N.] radiance”
ᴺS. ast “light or heat of the sun, *warmth”
⚠️G. authmadri n. “midday meal”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nedhwad “lunch, (lit.) middle-meal”
⚠️G. authmeg n. “midday, high noon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nedhor “mid-day, noon”
S. #ava- v. “will not, do not”
S. avad n. “refusal, reluctance”
⚠️G. avas n. “wealth; luck”; see instead:
S. maelig “wealth, abundance”
⚠️G. avasaith n. “avarice, greed of gold”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milf “greed”
ᴺS. !avauth n. “ravishment; seizure”
ᴺS. !avautha- v. “to ravish, seize (forcibly)”
ᴺS. !avauthron n. “seizer, ravisher”
⚠️G. avin prep. “into”; see instead:
ᴺS. ! “(to the) inside; into”
⚠️G. -(a)vlid suf. “less”; see instead:
S. pen¹ “without, lacking, -less”
ᴺS. !avnedhor n. “afternoon”
⚠️ᴱN. avod adv. “again, back again, in return”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️G. avos n. “wealth, fortune, prosperity; luck”; see instead:
S. maelig “wealth, abundance”
⚠️ᴱN. avosaith n. “gloomy places”
⚠️G. avosaith n. “avarice, money-greed, greed of gold”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milf “greed”
S. avras n. “precipice”
N. awarth n. “abandonment”
N. awartha- v. “to forsake”
⚠️ᴱN. awes adj. “rich”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maeligeb “wealthy, rich”
⚠️ᴱN. awest n. “summer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
⚠️G. awl adj. “*lofty”; see instead:
S. *alu “wholesome, *healthy”
S. taer “lofty, *high”
⚠️G. adv. “away, off”
⚠️G. ba prep. “in”; see instead:
S. mi “*in”
⚠️G. bab- v. “to drink, quaff”; see instead:
N. #sog- “to drink”
⚠️G. bâb n. “father”
⚠️G. baba n. “mummy, mamma”; see instead:
N. nana “mother (hypocoristic), *mommy”
⚠️G. babi n. “mummy, mamma”; see instead:
N. nana “mother (hypocoristic), *mommy”
N. bach [mb-] n. “article (for exchange), ware, thing”
ᴺS. [G.] ^bach n. “jacket, coat”
⚠️G. bacha n. “jacket, coat”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bach “jacket, coat”
N. bachor [mb-] n. “pedlar, *trader, merchant”
⚠️G. bactha- v. “to walk”; see instead:
N. batha- “to trample”
S. padra- “to walk”
⚠️G. bactha n. “leg”; see instead:
ᴺS. !teleg “leg”
S., N., ᴱN., G. #bâd n. “road, [N.] beaten track, pathway, [ᴱN.] way, [G.] path”
N., G. *bad- v. “*to tread, ⚠️[G.] travel”
⚠️G. bad¹ n. “building, outhouse, shed”; see instead:
N. adab “building, ⚠️house”
⚠️G. bada- v. “to build”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adaba- “to build, erect, establish”
N. #badh- [mb-] v. “to judge”
N. badhor [mb-] n. “judge”
N. badhron [mb-] n. “judge”
⚠️G. badweg n. “traveller; pedlar”; see instead:
N. bachor “pedlar, *trader, merchant”
⚠️ᴱN., G. bag- v. “to sell, trade”; see instead:
N. banga- “to trade, *sell”
⚠️ᴱN. bagarth n. “market”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bangath “market”
⚠️G. bageth n. “market”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bangath “market”
⚠️ᴱN. bagod n. “trade, trading”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bangad “trade, trading”
⚠️G. bagri n. “wares”; see instead:
N. bach “article (for exchange), ware, thing”
⚠️G. bagron n. “trader”; see instead:
N. bachor “pedlar, *trader, merchant”
⚠️ᴱN. bagru n. “wares”; see instead:
N. bach “article (for exchange), ware, thing”
⚠️ᴱN. bai adj. “clad”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hammen “clothed, clad”
⚠️G. baidha- v. “to clothe”; see instead:
N. hamma- “to clothe, *put on clothes, get dressed”
⚠️ᴱN., G. bail n. “sheath, [G.] case, cover; pod”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwael “sheath, case, cover; pod”
⚠️ᴱN. bailchir n. “[unglossed]”
S. bain adj. “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
⚠️G. bain adj. “clad”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hammen “clothed, clad”
⚠️ᴱN., G. baith n. “clothes, garments, dress”; see instead:
N. hammad “clothing, *clothes”
⚠️G. baith² n. “way, road, journey”; see instead:
N. bâd “beaten track, pathway, [ᴱN.] way, [G.] path”
⚠️G. baithri n. “clothes, clothing”; see instead:
N. hammad “clothing, *clothes”
S. bal- v. “*to have power”
⚠️G. bâl adj. “worthy, important; great, mighty”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ball “worthy, important; ⚠️great, mighty”
⚠️ᴱN. bal- [mb-] pref. “evil-”; see instead:
S. rhû¹ “evil, wicked”
⚠️G. bal [mb-] n. “anguish, pain; evilness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
N. naeg “pain”
S. rhû¹ “evil, wicked”
⚠️ᴺS. !bâl¹ n. “divinity, divine power” [created by David Salo]; see instead:
ᴺS. !balas “divinity, divine power”
⚠️ᴺS. !bâl² adj. “divine” [created by David Salo]; see instead:
ᴺS. !balaen “divine”
⚠️ᴱN. bala n. “round hump, hump, hillock”
ᴺS. !baladh n. “worth, importance” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !balaen adj. “divine”
S., N. Balan n. “Vala, [N.] Power, ⚠️God”
ᴺS. !balas n. “divinity, divine power”
⚠️G. balc adj. “cruel, evil”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
S., N. balch adj. “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
⚠️G. bald adj. “*worthy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ball “worthy, important; ⚠️great, mighty”
⚠️G. †baldrin adj. “mighty”; see instead:
S. belaith “mighty”
ᴺS. !balf n. “excitement, emotion” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. balfaug adj. “drunken”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rhufaug “drunken”
⚠️ᴱN. balhant n. “illfated stroke”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ball adj. “worthy, important; ⚠️great, mighty” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !balla- v. “to matter; to be of significance, worth, moment” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. ballam adj. “with evil malicious tongue”
⚠️ᴱN. balodog adj. “too much”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othovor “too much, (lit.) abundant in a bad way”
⚠️G. balt adj. “rid, soluit, free”; see instead:
S. pen¹ “without, lacking, -less”
S., ᴱN. balt n. “force, [ᴱN.] might”
⚠️ᴱN. balt² n. “a plain”
ᴺS. !baltha- v. “to excite, rouse, stir up, agitate”
⚠️ᴱN. balthanc adj. “obstinate”
ᴺS. !balthannen adj. “excited, agitated”
⚠️ᴱN. balthir n. “evil king”
ᴺS. !balthol v. “exciting; excitable”
⚠️ᴱN. balvlaud n. “overweening pride”
⚠️ᴱN. balwidhion n. “?bad husband”; see instead:
N. herven “husband”
⚠️ᴺS. !bam [mb-] n. “sheep” [created by Paul Strack]; see instead:
ᴺS. !maf “sheep”
S. bân adj. “fair, good, wholesome, favorable” see S. bain
⚠️S. †ban- v. “?to go”; see instead:
S. #gwae- “to go [away], depart”
S. #men- “to go”
⚠️G. Ban¹ n. “god, one of the Valar”; see instead:
S. Balan “Vala, [N.] Power, ⚠️God”
ᴺS. !banath n. “beauty” [created by Lokyt]
⚠️G. banc n. “trade”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bangad “trade, trading”
S., N., ᴱN., G. band [mb-] n. “prison, custody, [N.] duress; ⚠️[ᴱN.] hell”
⚠️G. bandra adv. “away, gone, departed, lost”; see instead:
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. bang n. “staff”
N. banga- [mb-] v. “to trade, *sell”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bangad n. “trade, trading”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bangath n. “market”
ᴺS. !banna- [mb-] v. “to imprison” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !bannan [mb-] n. “prisoner, (lit.) imprisoned-one” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !bannen adj. “gone” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
⚠️G. bant n. “wall”; see instead:
S. ram “wall”
⚠️G. baptha- v. “to feed; to take sup of”; see instead:
ᴺS. !media- “to feed”
⚠️G. -bar suf. “dweller; home, -ham”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bar- [mb-] v. “to live, dwell, stay”
S., N., ᴱN., G. bâr [mb-] n. “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
S. bar [mb-] n. “house, dwelling, home” see S. bâr
⚠️G. bara [mb-] n. “home, cottage”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
N. bara adj. “fiery, eager”
S., N. barad n. “tower, great towering building, [N.] fort, fortress”
N. barad² [mb-] adj. “doomed, *fated”
N. baradh adj. “steep”
⚠️G. barai [mb-] adv. “at home, home”; see instead:
S. bardh “home”
S., N. baran adj. “brown, golden-brown; [N.] swart, dark brown”
⚠️G. barant [mb-] adv. “homewards, home” see G. barod
⚠️G. baravlid [mb-] adj. “homeless”
⚠️G. barc n. “dread, terror”; see instead:
S. goroth “horror, dread”
⚠️ᴱN. barch n. “horror”; see instead:
S. goroth “horror, dread”
⚠️ᴱN. barcheb adj. “horrible”; see instead:
S. gorthob “horrible”
⚠️G. barchol adj. “terrible, awful”; see instead:
S. gorthob “horrible”
S. bardh [mb-] n. “home”
⚠️G. bardha n. “realm”; see instead:
S. arthor “realm”
ᴺS. [G.] bardha- v. “to rule, reign”
ᴺS. !bardhon [mb-] n. “inhabitant, native” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !bardhor [mb-] adj. “habitable” [created by Paul Strack]
S. bardor [mb-] n. “home land, native land”
ᴺS. !barf n. “armour, armor” [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !barn adj. “safe, protected, secure” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] barna- [mb-] v. “to till (land), *cultivate; (orig.) to dwell in (a land)”
⚠️G. barod [mb-] adv. “homewards, home”
⚠️G. barog [mb-] adv. “from home, out, away, abroad”; see instead:
S. palan “afar, abroad, far and wide”
ᴺS. [G.] baron [mb-] adj. “tilled, inhabited”
⚠️G. baron¹ [mb-] adv. “from home, out, away, abroad”; see instead:
S. palan “afar, abroad, far and wide”
⚠️G. baron² [mb-] adj. “tilled, inhabited” see G. barn
⚠️G. baros [mb-] n. “hamlet”
⚠️G. bart¹ n. “change”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwist “change”
⚠️G. bart² n. “*fate”; see instead:
S. amarth “fate, doom”
⚠️ᴱN. barth n. “world, earth”; see instead:
S. amar “world, the Earth, (lit.) settlement, the great habitation”
⚠️N. barth n. “fate”; see instead:
S. amarth “fate, doom”
⚠️G. bartha- v. “to change, exchange, alter”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwista- “to change, alter, vary”
N. bartha- “to doom”
N. bartha- [mb-] v. “to doom”
S. barthan [mb-] n. “dwelling-house, large building of masonry used as a dwelling”
⚠️G. barthi [mb-] adv. “at home, home”; see instead:
S. bardh “home”
⚠️G. barwen [mb-] n. “homestead”
⚠️G. bas- [mb-] v. “to bake”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^basta- “to bake”
⚠️G. basbos n. “splash”; see instead:
ᴺS. !felaich “splash”
⚠️G. basbotha- v. “to splash”; see instead:
ᴺS. !felechia- “to splash”
⚠️G. basca- v. “to flap”; see instead:
N. #blab- “to flap, beat (wings etc.)”
⚠️G. bascovas n. “flapping and beating (especially of wings)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !blabed “flapping, beating (especially of wings)”
⚠️G. basga- v. “to flap”; see instead:
N. #blab- “to flap, beat (wings etc.)”
N., ᴱN., G. basgorn [mb-] n. “loaf, [G.] loaf of bread, [ᴱN.] round loaf, cake”
S. *basoneth [mb-] n. “breadgiver” see S. besain
⚠️G. bass n. “wing, pinion”; see instead:
S. raw “wing”
S. roval “winged; [N.] pinion, great wing (of an eagle)”
S., N., ᴱN., G. #bas(t) [mb-] n. “bread”
ᴺS. [G.] ^basta- [mb-] v. “to bake” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
N. batha- v. “to trample”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^bauch [mb-] n. “price, cost”
S. †bauda- v. “to ban, prohibit, refuse” see S. boda-
N. baudh [mb-] n. “judgement”
N. baug [mb-] adj. “tyrannous, cruel, oppressive”
N. baugla- [mb-] v. “to oppress”
S., N. bauglir [mb-] n. “constrainer; tyrant, oppressor”
N. baul [mb-] n. “torment”
⚠️G. baul n. “body, trunk”; see instead:
ᴺS. !polch “trunk, torso”
⚠️G. baur [mb-] n. “house”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
N. baur “need”
N. baur [mb-] n. “need”
ᴺS. !baura- [mb-] v. “to need, require” [created by Elaran]
S. baw¹ interj. “no, do not!”
S. baw² [mb-] n. “howling”
S. #be prep. “as, like; ⚠️in”
⚠️G. beb adv. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. (be)bilfir n. “conscience”
⚠️G. bectha n. “tip; chin”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bened “chin”
⚠️G. bedhgad n. “wedlock”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
⚠️G. bedhin adj. “wedded, married”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bestannen “wedded, married”
⚠️G. †bedhiod n. “wedlock”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
⚠️G. bedhren n. “brother in law, kinsman by marriage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethren “brother in law, kinsman by marriage”
⚠️G. bedhres n. “sister in law, *kinswoman by marriage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethres “sister in law, *kinswoman by marriage”
⚠️G. bedhri n. “wedding”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bestad “wedding, (lit.) a marrying”
ᴺS. !bedhril n. “judge (f.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. †bedhril n. “wife”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethril “spouse (f.)”
⚠️G. bedhron n. “husband”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethron “spouse (m.)”
⚠️G. †bedhwen n. “matrimony”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
⚠️G. beg n. “chin”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bened “chin”
⚠️G. begl n. “beard”; see instead:
S. fang “beard, ⚠️[G.] long beard”
⚠️ᴱN. be(i)gion n. “trader”; see instead:
N. bachor “pedlar, *trader, merchant”
⚠️N. bein adj. “fair, beautiful”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
ᴺS. !beinas n. “beauty” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. belaith [mb-] adj. “mighty”
⚠️G. belectha- v. “to extol, magnify”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^beleitha- “to extol, magnify”
S., N., ᴱN., G. beleg adj. “great, mighty; large, big, [ᴱN.] huge”
ᴺS. [G.] ^beleitha- [mb-] v. “to extol, magnify” [created by VQP]
ᴺS. [G.] ^belen adj. “expanded, unrolled, unfurled, set (of sails)”
⚠️G. beleth(os) n. “144, a gross; a great number”; see instead:
N. host “gross (144)”
⚠️G. belin adj. “expanded, unrolled, unfurled, set (of sails)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^belen “expanded, unrolled, unfurled, set (of sails)”
N. bellas n. “bodily strength”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. belon n. “[G.] sail”
N. belt adj. “strong in body”
ᴺS. [G.] beltha- v. “to open out (transitive), expand, unroll, set sail”
⚠️G. belu- v. “to unroll, unfurl (intransitively), belly (of sails), swell”; see instead:
ᴺS. beltha- “to open out (transitive), expand, unroll, set sail”
⚠️G. belwa- v. “to unroll, unfurl (intransitively), belly (of sails), swell”; see instead:
ᴺS. beltha- “to open out (transitive), expand, unroll, set sail”
⚠️G. benc n. “small boat”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lunt “boat”
ᴺS. !bened n. “chin”
⚠️G. benin adj. “shapely, pretty”; see instead:
S. maed¹ “shapely, *pretty”
⚠️G. benli n. “a pretty”
N., G. benn n. “man, male, †husband”
⚠️ᴱN. benn adj. “sloping, inclined, slanting, up or down hill”; see instead:
S. pend “slope, steep incline, hill side, [N.] declivity; [S.] sloping (down), steeply inclined”
⚠️G. benn² n. “shape, cut, fashion, shapeliness”; see instead:
S. #cant “shape; [N.] outline”
S. #rest “[N.] cut”
⚠️G. benna- v. “to wed”; see instead:
ᴺS. !besta- “to wed, marry”
N. bennas n. “angle”
⚠️G. bent n. “small boat”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lunt “boat”
⚠️G. bentha- v. “to cut, fashion, shape”; see instead:
S. echad- “to form, make, shape, cut out, [N.] fashion; [S.] (lit.) to shape out”
⚠️G. benthi adj. “pretty”; see instead:
S. maed¹ “shapely, *pretty”
⚠️G. benwed adj. “shapely, pretty”; see instead:
S. maed¹ “shapely, *pretty”
⚠️N. beor n. “follower, vassal”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bŷr “follower, vassal”
N. beren¹ adj. “bold”
⚠️N. beren² adj. “festive, gay, joyous”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^meren “festive, gay, joyous”
S., N. bereth n. and adj. “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
⚠️N. bereth² n. “feast, festival”; see instead:
S. mereth “feast, [N.] festival”
N. beria- v. “to protect”
⚠️N. beril n. “rose”; see instead:
S. meril “rose”
N. bertha- v. “to dare”
ᴺS. !berthas n. “adventure, bold undertaking” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !berthian n. “challenge; daring, audacity” [created by Sami Paldanius]
S. besain [mb-] n. “the Lady, breadgiver”
⚠️G. besgad n. “wedlock”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
S., N., G. bess n. “wife; ⚠️[N.] woman”
ᴺS. !best n. “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !besta- v. “to wed, marry” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !bestad n. “wedding, (lit.) a marrying” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !bestannen adj. “wedded, married” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethren n. “brother in law, kinsman by marriage”
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethres n. “sister in law, *kinswoman by marriage”
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethril n. “spouse (f.)”
ᴺS. [G.] ^bethron n. “spouse (m.)”
⚠️ᴱN. bhraig ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. bhregint ? “[unglossed]” see ᴱN. bhraig
⚠️ᴱN. bhreigros ? “[unglossed]” see ᴱN. bhraig
⚠️G. bi prep. “in”; see instead:
S. mi “*in”
ᴺS. !bída- v. “to compare, liken” [created by Fayanzār]
⚠️G. bil n. “bird”; see instead:
S. aew “(small) bird”
ᴺS. !bîl n. “likeness, similarity”
ᴺS. !bíleb adj. “equal”
ᴺS. !bilebra- v. “to equal”
ᴺS. !bilebren adj. “equable”
ᴺS. !bileutha- v. “to make equal, equalize”
⚠️G. bilin(c) n. “small bird, sparrow”; see instead:
N. fileg “small bird, [G.] *sparrow”
ᴺS. !biltha- v. “to resemble, seem like; to seem likely, be probable”
⚠️G. biltha- v. “to flutter, flit”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwilwa- “to flutter, flit”
ᴺS. !bilthadren adj. “probable”
⚠️G. bin prep. “into”; see instead:
ᴺS. ! “(to the) inside; into”
⚠️ᴱN. binn n. “slope, hillside, bank”; see instead:
S. pind “crest, ridge”
⚠️G. bir prep. “in, within, inside”
⚠️G. bith n. “juice, sap”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paich “juice, syrup, *sap”
N. #blab- v. “to flap, beat (wings etc.)”
ᴺS. !blabed n. “flapping, beating (especially of wings)”
⚠️ᴱN. blador n. “world”; see instead:
S. amar “world, the Earth, (lit.) settlement, the great habitation”
⚠️G. bladwen n. “plain”; see instead:
S. talath “flat lands, plain, vale”
⚠️G. blaith n. “spirit”; see instead:
S. fae “incarnate spirit, *soul”
S. faer “spirit (in general)”
⚠️ᴱN. blaith n. “fog, gloomy mist”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hithu “fog”
⚠️ᴱN. blaithren adj. “foggy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hethu “foggy, obscure, vague”
⚠️ᴱN. blaithrod ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. bland n. “deceit, lie”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cauth “deception, lie”
⚠️G. blant adj. “flat, open, expansive, candid, blunt (of words)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^plant “flat, open, expansive; candid, blunt (of words)”
⚠️G. blantos n. “sycamore”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mablanthos “sycamore”
⚠️G. blath n. “floor”; see instead:
N. panas “floor”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blaud n. “pride”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blê n. and adj. “fat of meat; *fatty, oily, greasy”
⚠️G. blectha n. “a flame”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
⚠️G. blectha- v. “to flash”; see instead:
ᴺS. !agla- “to shine out, flash”
⚠️G. bleg n. “a flame”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
⚠️G. blenc adj. “brilliant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celair “brilliant, *shining”
⚠️G. blencha- v. “to flash”; see instead:
ᴺS. !agla- “to shine out, flash”
⚠️G. bless [mb-] n. “grace, kindness, good feeling”; see instead:
ᴺS. list “grace, favour, kindness”
⚠️G. blethrin [mb-] adj. “gracious, kind”; see instead:
S. raen² “smiling, gracious, sweet-faced”
N. milui “friendly, loving, kind”
⚠️G. blid- v. “to free, rid”
⚠️ᴱN., G. blith n. “breeze, [G.] zephyr; air”; see instead:
S. ^hwest “breeze, puff, [N.] breath”
ᴺS. ^gwelu “air (as a substance)”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blîw n. “oil”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] blodren adj. “arrogant, *proud”
ᴺS. [G.] bloss [mb-] n. “wheat”
S. bo prep. “*on”
⚠️G. bo- pref. “son of”; see instead:
S. -ion¹ “-son”
⚠️ᴱN. bod adv. “back”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️G. bod adv. “behind, back, of time ago, ‘a while back’”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️ᴱN., G. bod- pref. “back, [G.] again; un- (= backwards)”; see instead:
S. #ad- “back, again, re-”
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
S. boda- v. “to ban, prohibit, refuse, forbid”
⚠️ᴱN. bodamros adj. “that lives again, renewed, renovated”; see instead:
S. cŷr “renewed”
⚠️ᴱN. bodamrost n. “resurrection”
⚠️G. bodra adj. “back(ward), hinder, rear”
⚠️G. bodra- v. “to hinder, delay, tarry”
⚠️G. bodron adv. “behind, further back”
⚠️ᴱN., G. bodruith n. “revenge”; see instead:
S. acharn “vengeance, (an act of) revenge”
⚠️G. bodruithog adj. “thirsting for vengeance (for a particular act)”
⚠️G. bodruithol adj. “vengeful (by nature)”
ᴺS. [N.] ^boe [mb-] v. “must (impersonal), (lit.) *[it] needs” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. boer adj. and n. “hot, raging; heat, rage”; see instead:
N. brassen “white-hot, *very hot”
⚠️ᴱN. bog n. “price, cost”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bauch “price, cost”
⚠️ᴱN. bogligen adj. “cheap”
⚠️ᴱN. bogodog adj. “dear, *expensive”
⚠️ᴱN. boir [mb-] adj. and n. “hot, raging; heat, rage”; see instead:
N. brassen “white-hot, *very hot”
⚠️ᴱN. bôn n. “back”
⚠️G. bon- pref. “son of”; see instead:
S. -ion¹ “-son”
⚠️G. bo(n) n. “son”; see instead:
S. ion(n) “son, *boy”
ᴺS. [N.] ^bond [mb-] adj. “snouted”
⚠️N. #bon(n) [mb-] adj. “snouted”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bond “snouted”
⚠️G. bont adv. “back(wards)”
N. bôr adj. and n. “steadfast; trusty man, faithful vassal”
⚠️S. bôr n. “heat”
⚠️G. bôr n. “descendant”
⚠️G. bóra adv. “always, ever, continuously”; see instead:
S. ui “ever”
N. brûn “old (has long endured)”
⚠️G. bordd n. “fireplace”; see instead:
S. ruist “fireplace, hearth”
⚠️ᴱN. bordh [mb-] n. and adj. “heat, rage; hot, raging, wroth”
N. borg adj. “big”
⚠️ᴱN., G. born n. “great age, age, period”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^andrann “cycle, age, (lit.) long cycle”
S. born¹ “hot, red”
S. born¹ [mb-] adj. “hot, red”
S. ?born² adj. “[stead]fast”
⚠️ᴱN. boron adj. “steadfast”; see instead:
N. bôr “steadfast; trusty man, faithful vassal”
⚠️N. borth ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. bost [mb-] n. “back from shoulder to shoulder”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^galf “back [of a body], shoulders [collectively]”
S., N. both n. “fen, marsh; [N.] puddle, small pool”
⚠️G. botheb- v. “to untie, undo, unloose”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dannod- “to untie, undo, unloose”
⚠️G. bothli [mb-] n. “oven”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bothol “oven”
ᴺS. [G.] ^bothol [mb-] n. “oven”
ᴺS. [G.] brach n. “shawl, wrap, ⚠️plaid”
⚠️G. bractha- v. “to refresh; to revive, arouse, awaken”; see instead:
ᴺS. !laeda- “to refresh, revive”
⚠️G. brada n. “wain, waggon, cart”; see instead:
S. rasg “wain, *wagon”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^braetha- v. “to wrap, swathe”
⚠️G. brag adj. “fresh”; see instead:
S. laew “fresh”
⚠️G. brageth n. “freshness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !laeweth “freshness”
⚠️S. bragol adj. “sudden”; see instead:
S. #bregol “quick, sudden, [N.] violent, *fierce”
⚠️S. bragollach n. “sudden flame”; see instead:
N. bregedur “wild fire”
⚠️ᴱN. braith ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. braitha- v. “to wrap, swathe”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^braetha- “to wrap, swathe”
⚠️ᴱN. braithgair n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. branc n. “bow (for shooting)”; see instead:
N. peng “bow (for shooting)”
⚠️G. brand n. “hall”; see instead:
S. barthan “dwelling-house, large building of masonry used as a dwelling”
N. tham “hall”
S., N. brand¹ adj. “towering, tall and massive, [N.] high; lofty, noble, fine”
S. brand² n. “steeple”
⚠️G. †brann n. “dwelling, hall”; see instead:
S. barthan “dwelling-house, large building of masonry used as a dwelling”
N. tham “hall”
S. brann adj. “towering, tall and massive, [N.] high; lofty, noble, fine” see S. brand¹
⚠️ᴱN. brann adj. “fierce”; see instead:
S. #bregol “quick, sudden, [N.] violent, *fierce”
ᴺS. [G.] ^branna- v. “to scorch”
N. brannon n. “lord”
ᴺS. [G.] brant adj. “cooked, done; overdone”
⚠️G. brant² n. “bow (for shooting)”; see instead:
N. peng “bow (for shooting)”
⚠️G. branta n. “bow (for shooting)”; see instead:
N. peng “bow (for shooting)”
⚠️G. brantha- v. “to scorch”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^branna- “to scorch”
⚠️ᴱN. branwen n. “ferocity”; see instead:
N. bregolas “fierceness, *ferocity”
N. brass n. “white heat, *extreme heat”
S. brass n. “great cliff”
N. brassen adj. “white-hot, *very hot”
S. brasta- v. “to tower up, loom”
ᴺS. [G.] brath- v. “to cook”
ᴺS. !brêg adj. “lively, sudden, quick” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
N. breged n. “violence, suddenness”
N. bregedur n. “wild fire”
⚠️ᴱN. bregil n. “mare”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^regil “mare”
S., N. #bregol adj. “quick, sudden, [N.] violent, *fierce”
N. bregolas n. “fierceness, *ferocity”
⚠️N. breig adj. “wild, fierce”; see instead:
S. #bregol “quick, sudden, [N.] violent, *fierce”
N. breitha- v. “to break out suddenly”
N. brenia- v. “to endure”
N. brennil n. “lady”
N. breth n. “mast, *fallen nuts or acorns”
⚠️N. brethel n. “beech”; see instead:
S. brethil¹ “silver-birch; ⚠️[N.] beech”
S., N. brethil¹ n. “silver-birch; ⚠️[N.] beech”
S. brethil² n. “princess, (lit.) queen-daughter”
⚠️G. brid- v. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwista- “to change, alter, vary”
⚠️G. bridh(n)ir n. “queen, princess”; see instead:
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
S. brethil² “princess, (lit.) queen-daughter”
⚠️G. bridhon n. “king, prince”; see instead:
S. aran “king, lord, chief, (lit.) high or noble person; [N.] lord (of a specific region)”
S. ernil “prince”
⚠️G. bridhweg n. “liege (m.)”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. bridhwig n. “liege (f.)”; see instead:
S. heryn “lady”
⚠️G. bridol adj. “changing, varying, variable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwistol “changing, varying, variable”
⚠️G. brig- v. “to fear, be afraid of”; see instead:
N. gosta- “to fear exceedingly”
⚠️G. brigla- v. “to change, vary”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwista- “to change, alter, vary”
⚠️G. brigli n. “variation”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwistanneth “alteration, variation”
⚠️G. brigol adj. “afraid; fearful, timid”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thossui “fearful, afraid”
S. [Ilk.] ?bril n. “glass, crystal”
⚠️ᴱN. brin n. “dwarf-glass”
⚠️G. brinc adj. “clear, transparent”
⚠️G. brindi n. “(Queen) Princess”; see instead:
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
⚠️G. bringlast n. “alabaster”
⚠️G. brin(in) n. “glassy substance”
⚠️G. brith- v. “to chance”
S., N. brith n. “gravel”
⚠️G. brithla n. “pearl”; see instead:
S. brith “gravel”
ᴺS. !gaessarn “pearl, (lit.) sea-pebble”
S. ?brithon adj. “pebbly”
⚠️G. broch n. “mare”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^regil “mare”
⚠️G. brod adj. “steadfast, firm”; see instead:
ᴺS. brond “firm, [G.] steadfast, *faithful, constant”
N. brôg n. “bear”
⚠️ᴱN., G. brog n. “horse”; see instead:
S. roch “horse”
⚠️ᴱN. brois n. “mare”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^regil “mare”
N. brona- v. “to last, survive”
ᴺS. !bronad n. “survival” [created by David Salo, GS]
N. bronadui adj. “enduring, lasting”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. brond adj. “firm, [G.] steadfast, *faithful, constant”
ᴺS. !bronnas n. “steadfastness, constancy”
⚠️G. bronniol adj. “constant, faithful”; see instead:
ᴺS. brond “firm, [G.] steadfast, *faithful, constant”
⚠️ᴱN. bronnuin n. “steadfastness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bronnas “steadfastness, constancy”
⚠️G. bront adv. “perpetually”; see instead:
S. ui “ever”
⚠️G. brontha adj. “continual, continuous, unceasing; everlasting”; see instead:
N. bronadui “enduring, lasting”
N. uireb “eternal”
N. bronwe n. “endurance”
⚠️G. bronwedieth n. “constancy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bronnas “steadfastness, constancy”
⚠️G. bronweth n. “constancy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bronnas “steadfastness, constancy”
⚠️G. bros(s) n. “mare”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^regil “mare”
S., N. #brui adj. “loud, *noisy”
⚠️G. brum n. “noise”; see instead:
S. lhôn “noise; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound”
⚠️G. brumla- v. “to make a noise”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lenia- “to sound, make a noise”
N. brûn adj. “old (has long endured)”
ᴺS. !brunnad n. “artefact (archeology), artifact, relic” [created by Ellanto]
S. budhu n. “large fly”
ᴺS. !budhulug n. “dragonfly” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️N. bui [mb-] v. “must (impersonal), (lit.) *[it] needs”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^boe “must (impersonal), (lit.) *[it] needs”
N. buia- v. “to serve, hold allegiance to”
⚠️G. buin n. “desire, wish”
⚠️ᴱN. buir n. “fire”; see instead:
S. naur “fire, ⚠️[N.] flame”
ᴺS. [N.] ^bund [mb-] n. “snout, nose; cape [of land]”
⚠️N. bunn [mb-] n. “snout, nose; cape [of land]”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bund “snout, nose; cape [of land]”
ᴺS. !bŷl n. “(single) service or favour” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. [N.] ^bŷr n. “follower, vassal” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. byr n. “fire”; see instead:
S. naur “fire, ⚠️[N.] flame”
⚠️G. #-c suf. “noun or adjective suffix”
⚠️ᴱN. n. “top”; see instead:
N. caw “top”
S., G. #cab- v. “to leap, [G.] jump”
S. cabed n. “leap”
N. cabor n. “frog”
⚠️G. cacha- v. “to laugh”; see instead:
S. #lala- “to laugh”
⚠️G. cactha- v. “to deride, mock, make fun of, laugh at”; see instead:
ᴺS. !iaeda- “to mock, deride, make fun of, laugh at”
S., N. #cad adv. “*after”
⚠️S. cadhad n. “dwarf”; see instead:
S. Hadhod “Dwarf”
⚠️S. Cadlaer n. “July, *After-summer”; see instead:
S. Cerveth “July”
⚠️N. Cadloer n. “July, *After-summer”; see instead:
S. Cerveth “July”
⚠️ᴱN. cadog adj. “?shapely”; see instead:
N. cadwor “shapely”
ᴺS. [N.] ^cadu adj. “shaped, formed” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !cadudew n. “allomorph, (lit.) shaped sign” [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
⚠️N. cadw adj. “shaped, formed”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cadu “shaped, formed”
⚠️N. cadwar adj. “shapely”; see instead:
N. cadwor “shapely”
N. cadwor adj. “shapely”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^cae n. “earth” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. ceven “*earth; Earth”
ᴺS. !caeda- v. “to lie; to lay (down)”
N. cael adj. “lying in bed, sickness, ⚠️bedridden”
N. caeleb adj. “bedridden, sick”
⚠️S. caen num. card. “ten”; see instead:
S. pae “ten”
⚠️S. caenui num. ord. “tenth”; see instead:
S. paenui “tenth”
S., N. caer n. “[N.] flat isle on a river”
⚠️N. caer¹ num. card. “ten”; see instead:
S. pae “ten”
ᴺS. [G.] ^caeth n. “cause, reason, motive”
ᴺS. [G.] ^caetha- v. “to make to do or be, cause, compel, induce, bring about”
⚠️ᴺS. !caethad n. “reason, cause” [created by Alexander Zapragajev]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caeth “cause, reason, motive”
ᴺS. [G.] ^caethas n. “causation”
ᴺS. [G.] ^caetheb n. “original”
N. caew n. “lair, resting-place”
⚠️G. caf- v. “to taste (used of the thing)”; see instead:
S. caw- “to taste”
⚠️G. caf n. “blade”; see instead:
ᴺS. cim “blade”
⚠️G. cafalon adj. “bald, *(lit.) head-naked”; see instead:
S. rûdh “bald”
⚠️G. cafol adj. “bald”; see instead:
S. rûdh “bald”
ᴺS. [S.] ^cafor n. “flea”
⚠️S. cáfru n. “?flea”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cafor “flea”
⚠️G. cafwen n. “sense of taste, taste, judgement”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caweth “sense of taste, taste, judgement”
⚠️G. cag n. “joke, jest”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glaudh “joke, jest”
⚠️G. cagli n. “joke, jest”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glaudh “joke, jest”
⚠️G. cagri n. “joke, jest”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glaudh “joke, jest”
⚠️G. cagrin adj. “funny, amusing”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lallen “funny, amusing”
⚠️G. cagriol adj. “jocular”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glodhren “jocular”
S. cai n. “hedge”
⚠️ᴱN. cai ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. caiad ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. caifr n. “flea”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cafor “flea”
S. cail n. “fence, palisade of spikes or sharp stakes”
⚠️G. cail n. “lip”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pemp “lip”
⚠️ᴱN. caileg n. “glass”; see instead:
S. heledh “glass”
⚠️G. cailtha- v. “to kiss”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mítha- “to kiss”
⚠️G. cailthi n. “kiss”; see instead:
ᴺS. mib “(little) kiss, peck”
⚠️G. caineglad n. “fortnight”
S., ᴱN. cair n. “ship”
⚠️ᴱN. cais n. “leap”; see instead:
S. cabed “leap”
⚠️G. caith n. “cause, reason, motive”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caeth “cause, reason, motive”
⚠️G. caitha- v. “to make to do or be, cause, compel, induce, bring about”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caetha- “to make to do or be, cause, compel, induce, bring about”
⚠️G. caithl n. “source, fount, origin”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celu “spring, source; ⚠️[G.] rill, stream, runlet”
⚠️G. caithonwed adj. “original”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caetheb “original”
⚠️G. caithos n. “causation”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caethas “causation”
⚠️ᴱN. caiw adj. “lively, quick”
S. #cal- v. “to shine”
S., N. calad n. “light, brightness, shining, ⚠️fire”
S. calan n. “day(light)”
S. calar n. “(portable) lamp”
S., N. calardan n. “lampwright”
S., N. calen adj. “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
N. callon n. “hero”
⚠️G. calon adj. “grown (of plants), budd[ing], in blade (of corn)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^galen “grown (esp. of plants)”
ᴺS. [N.], G. ^calph n. “water-vessel, [G.] bucket” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. caltha- v. “to wax, grow, flourish”; see instead:
S. gala- “to grow”
S. theria- “to be vigorous, flourish”
⚠️G. caltha n. “plant, herb”; see instead:
N. galas “plant, growth”
N. salab “herb”
⚠️G. calw n. “green shoot, sapling, sprout”; see instead:
ᴺS. tuig “shoot, sapling, ⚠️sprout”
N. tui “sprout, bud”
⚠️G. calwed adj. “flourishing, adolescent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !theriol “flourishing”
ᴺS. !gwidhren “adolescent, pre-adult”
S., N. cam n. “(cupped) hand, holding hand; handful”
⚠️G. cam adj. “bent, bowed; submissive, humble”; see instead:
N. cûn “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
ᴺS. ^hogren “lowly, humble, mean”
⚠️G. camba- v. “to stoop, cower”; see instead:
ᴺS. !logra- “to stoop, bow, cower; to submit”
⚠️ᴺS. !cambaen num. card. “forty” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !caphaen “forty”
⚠️N. camland n. “palm of hand”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^camlann “palm of hand”
ᴺS. [N.] ^camlann n. “palm of hand” [vetted by HSD]
S., N. †camm n. “hand” see S. cam
ᴺS. !camma- v. “to make fit, suit, accommodate, adapt” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. cam(m)a- v. “to stoop, bend, bow, cower; to submit”; see instead:
ᴺS. !logra- “to stoop, bow, cower; to submit”
ᴺS. !cammui adj. “suitable, fitting, convenient” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. camp n. “leap”; see instead:
S. cabed “leap”
S. can- v. “to cry out, shout, call”
⚠️ᴺS. !canab num. card. “fourteen” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paegan “fourteen”
S., N. canad num. card. “four”
S. canath n. “quarter”
⚠️G. canc n. “laughter, mirth, merriment”; see instead:
S. lalaith “laughter”
⚠️G. cancha- v. “to laugh”; see instead:
S. #lala- “to laugh”
⚠️G. cancol adj. “laughing”; see instead:
S. lalaith “laughter”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^cand adj. “bold” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
N. beren¹ “bold”
ᴺS. [G.] cang adj. and n. “tangled, confused, mixed up, awry; tangle, confusion, mêllay”
ᴺS. [G.] canga- v. “to tangle; *to get tangled, [by extension] go wrong”
⚠️G. cangi- v. “to go wrong, get tangled”; see instead:
ᴺS. canga- “to tangle; *to get tangled, [by extension] go wrong”
⚠️S. canhui num. ord. “fourth”; see instead:
S. canthui “fourth”
⚠️N. cann adj. “bold”; see instead:
N. beren¹ “bold”
S. #cannas n. “[abstract] shape”
⚠️G. cant num. card. “four”; see instead:
S. canad “four”
S., N. #cant n. “shape; [N.] outline”
⚠️ᴱN. cant n. “edge”; see instead:
S. #cant “shape; [N.] outline”
S. lanc¹ “sharp edge (not of tools), sudden end”
S. glân² “hem, border”
⚠️G. cantha n. “flame”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
⚠️G. cantharol adj. “glaring, flaming”
ᴺS. !canthil n. “square”
⚠️G. canthor n. “blaze, flare, glare”
S. canthui num. ord. “fourth”
⚠️G. cantrib n. “square”; see instead:
ᴺS. !canthil “square”
⚠️S. cantui num. ord. “fourth”; see instead:
S. canthui “fourth”
ᴺS. !caphaen num. card. “forty” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. captha- v. “to startle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cotha- “to startle”
S., N., ᴱN. car- v. “to do, make”
⚠️ᴱN. cara- v. “to make, do, perform, act (trans. and absolute)”; see instead:
S. car- “to do, make”
⚠️G. cara n. “deed, act”; see instead:
S. #carth “deed”
N. carab n. “hat”
S., N. carach n. “jaws, rows of teeth”
ᴺS. !caraed adj. “effective, productive, effectual, efficacious” [created by Röandil, NotD]
N. #caraes n. “*jagged hedge of spikes”
N. carag n. “spike, tooth of rock”
⚠️S. caralluin adj. “*red-blue”
S., N. caran adj. “red”
S., N. caras n. “city, [N.] city (built above ground); [S.] (orig.) fort or dwelling surrounded by bulwarks, circular earthwall with dike”
⚠️ᴱN. carbh n. “deed”; see instead:
S. #carth “deed”
⚠️G. carc n. “jag, point, fang”; see instead:
S. carch “fang, ⚠️[N.] tooth”
S., N. carch n. “fang, ⚠️[N.] tooth”
⚠️ᴱN. carch adj. “chilly”; see instead:
S. ring “cold, chill, [G.] cool”
N. car(dh) n. “house, *construction, structure”
S. #cared n. “action, *doing, making”
ᴺS. !carf n. “tool, implement, weapon” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️S. carfa- v. “to talk, speak, use tongue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paetha- “to utter, speak, talk”
⚠️G. cariod(wen) n. “activity”; see instead:
ᴺS. !carthas “activity”
⚠️G. carm n. “deed, act, exploit”; see instead:
S. #carth “deed”
⚠️S. #carn n. “deed”; see instead:
S. #carth “deed”
⚠️G. carn adj. “done, finished”; see instead:
ᴺS. !carnen “done, made, finished”
⚠️ᴱN. -carn suf. “*-made” see ᴱN. -garn
⚠️G. carna n. “gore, blood (especially fresh blood)”; see instead:
ᴺS. mechor “gore”
S. sereg “blood”
ᴺS. !carnen adj. “done, made, finished”
⚠️G. carn(in) adj. “scarlet”; see instead:
S. caran “red”
⚠️N. caron adj. “red”; see instead:
S. caran “red”
ᴺS. !caron n. “actor, agent, doer, maker” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. carp n. “bundle, bunch”
⚠️G. carpa adv. “together, in a bunch, bunched-up”
ᴺS. !carrant n. “tactics, strategy, (lit.) action-course” [created by Rínor]
S., N. #carth n. “deed”
⚠️G. cartha- v. “to finish, make”; see instead:
S. car- “to do, make”
ᴺS. !tel- “to end, finish, be done”
ᴺS. !carthas n. “activity”
⚠️G. carthion adj. “complete, perfect”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^crannen “perfect”
S. carweg adj. “active; busy”
⚠️ᴱN., G. cas n. “skull, [G.] head”; see instead:
ᴺS. corob “skull”
S. dol(l) “head, hill”
⚠️N. câs n. “top, summit”; see instead:
N. caw “top”
⚠️S. #cast n. “cape, headland”; see instead:
S. ras(t) “cape, shore”
S. castol n. “helmet”
⚠️G. cathor n. “helmet, (lit.) head-ward”; see instead:
S. castol “helmet”
S. cathr n. “carpenter”
S. cathrae n. “tressure, *headdress”
⚠️N. Cathriw n. “January, *After-winter”; see instead:
S. Narwain “January, *(lit.) New Fire”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cauda- v. “to get flavour of, perceive, notice; ⚠️to taste (of the taster or person)”
ᴺS. [G.] ^caudol adj. “tasteful, endowed with good taste; discreet, circumspect”
⚠️G. caug¹ n. “humpback”
⚠️G. caug² adj. “humped, bulging; bent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tomp “humped, bulging”
N. cûn “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
⚠️ᴱN. caul n. “helmet”; see instead:
S. castol “helmet”
S. caul n. “(great) burden; affliction”
⚠️G. caum n. “knob”; see instead:
N. dolt¹ “round knob, boss”
S. caun¹ n. “prince, chief, head”
⚠️N. caun¹ n. “valour”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thalas “valour, courage”
S. caun² n. “outcry, clamour”
⚠️N. caun² n. “empty, void”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^covn “empty, void”
ᴺS. !caur n. “action, doing, making; verb” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. caura adj. “sour (of milk)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cordh “sour (of milk), curdled”
⚠️G. cauri n. “cheese”; see instead:
ᴺS. cûr “cheese”
ᴺS. !caust n. “savour, flavour”
ᴺS. !cauth n. “deception, lie” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. cautha-¹ v. “to taste (of the taster or person); to get flavour of, perceive, notice”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cauda- “to get flavour of, perceive, notice; ⚠️to taste (of the taster or person)”
⚠️G. cautha-² v. “to shave”; see instead:
ᴺS. thas- “to shave”
⚠️G. cauthiol adj. “tasteful, endowed with good taste; discreet, circumspect”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^caudol “tasteful, endowed with good taste; discreet, circumspect”
ᴺS. !cav- v. “to receive, *accept” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. cav- v. “to bend, make stoop”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️G. cavra- v. “to stoop, cower”; see instead:
ᴺS. !logra- “to stoop, bow, cower; to submit”
ᴺS. !cavren adj. “acceptable” [created by Paul Strack]
N. caw n. “top”
S. caw- v. “to taste”
ᴺS. [G.] ^caweth n. “sense of taste, taste, judgement”
ᴺS., S. !ce adv. “may(be), might” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., N. ceber n. “stake, spike; ⚠️[N.] ?limestone, -rock”
⚠️G. cectha- v. “to spout out”
N. cef n. “soil”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^cefn adj. “of earth, earthen” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
N. cevn “of earth, earthen”
⚠️N. ceir n. “ship”; see instead:
S. cair “ship”
ᴺS. !ceiria- v. “to cause, bring about” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. [N.] ^celair adj. “brilliant, *shining” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. celaith adj. “of silver”; see instead:
N. celevon “*of silver”
⚠️G. celc n. “glass, a glass”; see instead:
S. heledh “glass”
⚠️ᴱN. celch n. “glass”; see instead:
S. heledh “glass”
⚠️G. celchin adj. “of glass”; see instead:
ᴺS. !heledhren “glassy, like glass, of glass”
⚠️G. celchwed adj. “glassy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !heledhren “glassy, like glass, of glass”
S., N., ᴱN., G. celeb n. “silver”
⚠️N., ᴱN. celebren adj. “of silver, like silver”; see instead:
S. celebrin “like silver (in hue or worth), ⚠️[G.] of silver”
S., G. celebrin adj. “like silver (in hue or worth), ⚠️[G.] of silver”
⚠️G. celebriol adj. “like silver”; see instead:
S. celebrin “like silver (in hue or worth), ⚠️[G.] of silver”
ᴺS. !celef n. “deer, hind” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
S., N., ᴱN. celeg adj. “hasty; [N.] agile, swift; ⚠️[ᴱN.] lambent”
⚠️G. †celeg n. “glass”; see instead:
S. heledh “glass”
⚠️G. celegrin adj. “glassy, like glass”; see instead:
ᴺS. !heledhren “glassy, like glass, of glass”
⚠️N. celeir adj. “brilliant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celair “brilliant, *shining”
⚠️G. celeptha adj. “silvern”; see instead:
N. celevon “*of silver”
N. celeth n. “stream, *brook, rill, runlet; (lit.) a flowing”
N. celevon adj. “*of silver”
ᴺS. !celf n. “channel” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !celia- v. “to illuminate, light up; to illustrate” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !celias n. “(artificial) light, illumination” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. celin ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [N.] ^celu n. “spring, source; ⚠️[G.] rill, stream, runlet” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. celu n. “rill, stream, runlet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celu “spring, source; ⚠️[G.] rill, stream, runlet”
⚠️G. celu- v. “to trickle”
⚠️N. celw n. “spring, source”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celu “spring, source; ⚠️[G.] rill, stream, runlet”
⚠️G. celwa- n. “to trickle” see G. celu-
⚠️G. celwin n. “rill, stream, runlet”; see instead:
N. celeth “stream, *brook, rill, runlet; (lit.) a flowing”
S. #cen- v. “to see, perceive, look”
S. #cened¹ n. “looking, *seeing”
⚠️S. cened² num. ord. “four”; see instead:
S. canad “four”
S. cenedril n. “mirror, looking-glass, (lit.) looking-crystal”
N. cennan n. “potter”
⚠️G. ceral n. “jar”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^perol “jar”
N. cerch n. “sickle”
N. ceredir n. “doer, maker, *crafter (m.)”
ᴺS. !ceredis n. “crafter (f.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cerf n. “knife” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
S., N. cerin n. “circular mound, artificial hill; [N.] round enclosure”
S. certh n. “rune”
S. certhas n. “runes-rows, runic alphabet”
S., N. Cerveth n. “July”
ᴺS. !cesta- v. “to seek, search for, look for” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cestaed adj. “curious, seeking, inquisitive” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !cestaedas n. “curiosity” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ceth- v. “to examine, search, interrogate” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cethaeg n. “horizon” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !cethia- v. “to cause interest, to interest (oneself)” [created by Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. !cethiol adj. “interesting” [created by Jack Harrison]
ᴺS. !cevemphast n. “earth quake” [created by Paul Strack]
S. ceven n. “*earth; Earth”
N. cevn adj. “of earth, earthen”
N. cevnas n. “earthenware”
⚠️N. cevnor n. “potter”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cevorf n. “potato, (lit.) earth-apple” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. -chi suf. “dim[inutive] suffix”; see instead:
S. -eg¹ “diminutive/singular ending”
⚠️N. chwann n. “sponge, fungus”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwand “sponge, fungus”
⚠️N. chwest n. “puff, breath, breeze”; see instead:
S. ^hwest “breeze, puff, [N.] breath”
⚠️N. chwîn n. “giddiness, faintness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwîn “giddiness, faintness”
⚠️N. chwinia- v. “to twirl, whirl, eddy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwinia- “to twirl, whirl, eddy”
⚠️N. chwiniol adj. “whirling, giddy, mad, fantastic”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwiniol “whirling, giddy, mad, fantastic”
⚠️N. chwinn n. “eddy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwind “eddy”
S. ci pron. “thou”
⚠️ᴺS. ! conj. and adv. “may, might, maybe, perhaps, if” [created by David Salo, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !ce “may(be), might”
ᴺS. !pi “if”
⚠️G. adv. “here”
⚠️ᴱN. ciann ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️S. cidinn ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. cig n. “cud”; see instead:
ᴺS. !toch “cud”
ᴺS. !cil- v. “to choose, select” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️N. cîl n. “cleft, pass between hills, gorge”; see instead:
S. cirith “cleft, ravine, defile, [N.] pass”
ᴺS. !cilith n. “choice, choosing, *selection” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. cilm n. “rim, brink, edge”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rîw “brink, brim”
⚠️G. ciloba- v. “to twitter, chirp, chirrup”
⚠️G. cílobi n. “robin”; see instead:
ᴺS. amosgarn “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️G. cilobinc n. “robin”; see instead:
ᴺS. amosgarn “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️G. ciloptha- v. “to twitter, chirp, chirrup” see G. ciloba-
⚠️G. cilt n. “jerk”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rinc “twitch, jerk, sudden move”
⚠️G. ciltha- v. “to tug, jerk (out)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ritha- “to jerk, twitch, snatch”
ᴺS. [G.] cim n. “blade” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !cin pron. “you (sg. fam.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !cîn pron. “your (sg. fam.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️N. cîn n. “wedge, gore”; see instead:
S. naith “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
⚠️G. cinga- v. “to go wrong, get tangled”; see instead:
ᴺS. canga- “to tangle; *to get tangled, [by extension] go wrong”
⚠️G. cingra adj. “plaited”
⚠️G. cingra- v. “to plait”
⚠️G. cingrafindl n. “pigtail”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwirfin “braid, pigtail, (lit.) woven-tress”
⚠️G. cing(win) n. “spider”; see instead:
S. ungol “spider”
⚠️S. cinnog ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. cint adv. “hither”; see instead:
S. nef “hither, on this (the speaker’s) side of; †beyond [loose translation]; *near”
⚠️G. cintha- v. “to light, set alight”; see instead:
N. nartha- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
⚠️N. cîr n. “ship”; see instead:
S. cair “ship”
S. cîr adj. “fresh, new” see S. cîw
⚠️ᴱN., G. cîr adj. “sour, curdled”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cordh “sour (of milk), curdled”
⚠️G. cír n. “cheese”; see instead:
ᴺS. cûr “cheese”
N. cirban n. “[ship] haven”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^círbann n. “[ship] haven” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
N. cirban “[ship] haven”
S., N. círdan n. “shipbuilder, shipwright”
ᴺS. !cirgarvas n. “shipyard” [created by Ellanto]
N. ciriaeth n. “shipwright”
ᴺS. !cirias n. “fleet (of ships)”
⚠️G. cîrin adj. “present (place or time), modern”
ᴺS. !cirion n. “sailor, shipman” [created by David Salo, GS]
S., N. cirith n. “cleft, ravine, defile, [N.] pass”
⚠️ᴱN. cirtha- v. “to turn sour (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cor- “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese”
⚠️G. cith n. “affair, matter, thing”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^sith “affair, matter”
S. cîw adj. “fresh, new, ⚠️renewed”
⚠️G. clamfa- v. “to grab, claw at”
⚠️G. clam(p) n. “grasp, claw”; see instead:
S. gamp “hook, crook; [N.] claw”
ᴺS. manc “grip, grasp, hold”
⚠️G. clann n. “branch”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
⚠️G. clast n. “bud, shoot, sprout”; see instead:
N. tui “sprout, bud”
⚠️G. clath n. “small branch, twig”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
N. claur adj. and n. “splendid; †splendour, glory”
⚠️N. clei ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. *cli adj. “?attractive”
⚠️G. clib- v. “to uphold, support; to lean”
⚠️G. clidhron n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. climbol n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. climli n. “heaven, sky”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
S. menel “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
⚠️G. cloch n. “stone (small), stone of fruit”; see instead:
S. sarn “(small) stone, pebble, gem; stony (place); ⚠️[N.] stone as a material”
⚠️G. clochiol adj. “stone”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gonneb “stony, rocky”
⚠️G. clochrin adj. “stony, stone-like”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gonneb “stony, rocky”
⚠️G. clochwed adj. “stony, stone-covered”; see instead:
N. #gondren “*of stone”
⚠️G. clocthi n. “pebble”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sarneg “pebble”
⚠️G. clog n. “stone (small)”; see instead:
S. sarn “(small) stone, pebble, gem; stony (place); ⚠️[N.] stone as a material”
⚠️G. clogod n. “shingle beach”; see instead:
S. serni “shingle, pebble bank”
⚠️G. clogrin adj. “stony, stone-like”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gonneb “stony, rocky”
⚠️G. clogwed adj. “stony, stone-covered”; see instead:
N. #gondren “*of stone”
⚠️G. closs n. “shingle”
⚠️G. cluim adj. “warm, cosy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laug “warm”
⚠️G. cluimri n. “pleasant warmth, cosiness”
⚠️G. clum(mi) n. “mushroom”; see instead:
ᴺS. !telum “mushroom”
⚠️N. cobar n. “knob, head, tip”
⚠️G. cod n. “nut”
ᴺS. !codhon n. “idol”
⚠️G. codiavol adj. “nutbearing” see G. codiof
⚠️G. codiof adj. “nutbearing”
⚠️G. codomla n. “*chestnut”
⚠️G. codorn n. “*nut tree”
⚠️G. codrin adj. “nutty”
⚠️G. codron n. “*nut tree” see G. codorn
⚠️G. codwalion n. “walnut, chestnut”
⚠️G. codwed adj. “nutbearing”
⚠️N. coe n. “earth”; see instead:
S. ceven “*earth; Earth”
⚠️N. coen ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️N. coenel n. “gore, wedge”; see instead:
S. naith “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
⚠️G. côf n. “savour, smack, odour”; see instead:
ᴺS. !caust “savour, flavour”
N. ûl “odour, *smell, scent”
⚠️S. côf n. “bay”; see instead:
N. hûb “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
⚠️G. cog n. “claw, fist”
ᴺS. !col- v. “to bear, carry, wear” [created by David Salo, VQP]
⚠️G. côl n. “herb, vegetable, edible plant; wort”
⚠️N. côl n. “gold (metal)”; see instead:
S. malt “gold (as metal)”
⚠️G. colc n. “chest, box”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^colch “box, chest”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^colch n. “box, chest” [created by Súlien]
ᴺS. !coleb adj. “burdensome” [created by Elaran, Hialmr, VQP]
N. coll adj. “red, scarlet”
S. #coll¹ n. “cloak, mantle”
S. coll² adj. “hollow”
ᴺS. !collorn n. “laburnum, *(lit.) orange-tree” [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !colof n. “orange [fruit]” [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !colron n. “bearer” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !coltha- v. “to bear up; to weigh, balance it on scales; to be worth, value or be equivalent to; ⚠️to endure”
⚠️G. colu n. “pestilence”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhîw “sickness, disease”
ᴺS. !colui adj. “light (to carry), not heavy, (lit.) carryable” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. coluid adj. “pestilent”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhîw “sickness, disease”
⚠️G. colw adj. “black”; see instead:
S. morn “black, dark; ⚠️night”
ᴺS. !com adj. “bellied” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. côm n. “sickness”; see instead:
N. paw “sickness, *illness, ailment”
⚠️G. côma n. “disease, illness”; see instead:
N. paw “sickness, *illness, ailment”
⚠️G. cômathol adj. “diseased, ill”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhaew “sickly, sick, ill”
N. caeleb “bedridden, sick”
⚠️ᴱN. cón n. “box”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^colch “box, chest”
S. condir n. “mayor, *(lit.) chief-man”
ᴺS. !conui adj. “commanding” [created by David Salo, GS]
S. cor n. “ring, circle”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^cor- v. “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese”
ᴺS. !coranor n. “solar year, (lit.) sun-round” [created by Shihali]
N., ᴱN. corch n. “crow”
ᴺS. !cordh n. “sour (of milk), curdled”
S. cordof n. “pippin, *a type of yellow and red apple”
ᴺS. !corf n. “ring (for fingers)” [created by Unknown]
⚠️G. corin adj. “round, circular; rolling”; see instead:
N. corn “round, globed”
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
⚠️G. corm n. “ring, circle, disc”; see instead:
S. cor “ring, circle”
N. corn adj. “round, globed”
⚠️G. corn n. “loaf”; see instead:
N. corn “round, globed”
N. basgorn “loaf, [G.] loaf of bread, [ᴱN.] round loaf, cake”
⚠️ᴱN. corn¹ n. “round ball”; see instead:
N. coron “globe, ball”
N. corn “round, globed”
⚠️ᴱN. corn² n. “cheese”; see instead:
ᴺS. cûr “cheese”
N. corn “round, globed”
ᴺS. [G.] corob n. “skull”
S. *corod n. “circle”
⚠️G. corol adj. “round, circular; rolling”; see instead:
N. corn “round, globed”
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
N. coron n. “globe, ball”
ᴺS. [G.] ^corth n. “curd”
⚠️G. cortheb n. “bounds, boundary”; see instead:
S. glan(n) “boundary”
ᴺS. [N.] ^coru adj. “cunning, wily” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. corw adj. “cunning, wily”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^coru “cunning, wily”
N. cost n. “quarrel, *dispute”
S., N. #coth n. “enemy, foe; [N.] enmity”
⚠️ᴱN. coth n. “wish”; see instead:
N. iest “wish”
⚠️G. coth n. “nutshell, husk”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cotha- v. “to startle” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !cothren adj. “hostile” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !cov- v. “to bow” [created by Elaran]
S. cova- v. “to come together, meet; to gather, assemble”
S. covad(a)- v. “to bring together, make meet”
ᴺS. !covas n. “community” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^covn n. “empty, void”
ᴺS. !covra- v. “to empty” [created by Sami Paldanius]
S. craban n. “bird of crow-kind, *raven”
⚠️G. craig adj. “crooked”; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
⚠️ᴱN. craith n. “circle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rind “circle”
⚠️G. craith n. “foam, froth, spume”
⚠️G. craitho- v. “to spit”; see instead:
N. puia- “to spit”
⚠️N. cram n. “cake of compressed flour or meal”; see instead:
Wes. cram
N. crann adj. and n. “ruddy (of face); blush, the cheeks, ⚠️face”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] cranna- v. “to accomplish, finish, complete, [G.] achieve”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^crannen adj. “perfect”
⚠️G. cranta- v. “to finish, achieve, accomplish, complete”; see instead:
ᴺS. cranna- “to accomplish, finish, complete, [G.] achieve”
⚠️G. crantha- v. “to complete”; see instead:
ᴺS. cranna- “to accomplish, finish, complete, [G.] achieve”
⚠️ᴱN. cranthir adj. “perfect”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^crannen “perfect”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. crech n. “spittle”
⚠️G. crectha- v. “to spit”; see instead:
N. puia- “to spit”
⚠️G. crî n. “knife”; see instead:
N. sigil “dagger, knife”
⚠️G. crib- v. “to gather, pluck”; see instead:
ᴺS. hosta- “to gather, collect”
ᴺS. leb- “to pick, pluck, take or feel or touch with fingers, cull”
⚠️ᴱN. crib- v. “to bend”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️G. crictha- v. “to bend”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
ᴺS. [G.] crig n. “elbow”
⚠️ᴱN. crigen adj. “circular”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
⚠️ᴱN. crimtha- v. “to bend (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️G. crinc adj. and n. “bent and thin; crescent”; see instead:
N. cûn “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
S. “bow; [N.] arch, crescent; ⚠️[G.] waxing or waning moon”
⚠️G. crintha adj. “rosy, pink”
⚠️G. crinthammos n. “robin, (lit.) red-breast”; see instead:
ᴺS. amosgarn “robin, (lit.) red-breast”
⚠️G. criptha adj. and adv. “together, in a bunch, bunched-up”
⚠️G. crisc adj. “sharp”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^crisg “sharp [edged]”
⚠️G. criscolas n. “holly, (lit.) *sharp-leaf”; see instead:
S. ereg “holly, [N.] holly-tree, ⚠️[S.] thorn”
ᴺS. [G.] ^crisg adj. “sharp [edged]”
S., N., G. criss n. “cleft, [N.] cut, slash, [G.] gash; ⚠️[N.] pass, [G.] gully, ravine”
S., N., G. crist n. “cleaver; ⚠️[N.] sword; [G.] knife; slash, slice”
ᴺS. [G.] crista- v. “to slash, cut, slice”
N. critha- v. “to reap”
⚠️G. crithiol adj. “circular”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
⚠️G. crithla- v. “to encircle; to circle, go round”
⚠️G. crithog adj. “circular”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
⚠️ᴱN., G. crithos n. “ring; [G.] circle”; see instead:
S. cor “ring, circle”
⚠️ᴱN. crithui adj. “circular”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
⚠️G. croctha- v. “to catch, snare, trap”; see instead:
N. gad- “to catch”
⚠️G. crog n. “hook”; see instead:
S. gamp “hook, crook; [N.] claw”
⚠️G. crogin adj. “hooked”
⚠️G. crôl adj. “round”; see instead:
N. corn “round, globed”
⚠️N. crom adj. “left”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hair “left (hand)”
⚠️G. cross n. “ball”; see instead:
N. coron “globe, ball”
⚠️G. crost n. “lump, ball, cake”; see instead:
N. coron “globe, ball”
N. basgorn “loaf, [G.] loaf of bread, [ᴱN.] round loaf, cake”
⚠️G. crug n. “beak (espec. of a ship)”
ᴺS. [G.] crui n. “colour”
⚠️G. cruim adj. “coloured”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cruin “coloured”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cruin adj. “coloured”
ᴺS. [G.] cruith n. “colour, complexion, appearance”
⚠️ᴱN. cruith n. “spume”
⚠️N. crum n. “left hand”; see instead:
S. harvo “left hand, left side”
N. crumguru n. “wiley, sinister, guilty”
⚠️N. crumui adj. “left-handed”; see instead:
N. harwed “left-handed”
⚠️ᴱN., G. crunc n. “crow”; see instead:
N. corch “crow”
⚠️ᴱN. n. “bay, cove”; see instead:
N. hûb “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
S., N., G. n. “bow; [N.] arch, crescent; ⚠️[G.] waxing or waning moon”
⚠️G. cub adj. “hollow”; see instead:
S. coll² “hollow”
⚠️G. cuctha n. “consideration”
⚠️G. cucthol adj. “painstaking”
S. #cûd n. “foe”
N. cuen n. “small gull, petrel, sea-bird”
⚠️G. cug- v. “to ponder, resolve, think, consider”
N. cugu n. “dove”
S., N. #cuia- v. “to live”
⚠️G. cuib adj. “alive”; see instead:
N. cuin “alive”
⚠️G. cuibri n. “vitality”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cuinas “vitality, liveliness”
ᴺS. !cuid adj. “hostile” [created by Röandil]
⚠️G. cuid n. “animal, living creature”; see instead:
S. lavan “animal”
ᴺS. !cuida- v. “to bring to life, enliven, energize” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. cuif (cuiv-) adj. “alive”; see instead:
N. cuin “alive”
N., ᴱN., G. cuil n. “life, [G.] lifetime”
⚠️G. cuilborn n. “lifetime”; see instead:
ᴺS. cuilvorn “lifetime”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cuileb adj. “lively, ⚠️alive”
⚠️G. cuilin adj. “golden”; see instead:
S. #glóriel “golden”
S. mallen “golden, ⚠️[N.] of gold”
⚠️G. cuilog adj. “alive, lively”; see instead:
N. cuin “alive”
ᴺS. ^cuileb “lively, ⚠️alive”
⚠️G. cuilogri n. “liveliness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cuinas “vitality, liveliness”
⚠️G. cuilogwi n. “liveliness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cuinas “vitality, liveliness”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] cuilvorn n. “lifetime”
N. cuin adj. “alive”
S., N. #cuina- v. “to be alive”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cuinas n. “vitality, liveliness”
ᴺS. [G.] cuith n. “[biological process of] life, the vital principle; ⚠️living body”
⚠️G. cuitha- v. “to live, be alive”; see instead:
S. #cuina- “to be alive”
S. #cuia- “to live”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cuithas n. “life (period of life); living, livelihood”
⚠️G. cuithos n. “life (period of life); living, livelihood”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cuithas “life (period of life); living, livelihood”
⚠️ᴱN. cuivros n. “awakening”; see instead:
S. echui “awakening”
ᴺS. [G.] ^cui(w) adj. “awake, alert, ⚠️alive”
⚠️N. cûl n. “flame”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
S. cûl n. “load”
⚠️G. †culon n. “*gold”; see instead:
S. malt “gold (as metal)”
⚠️G. †culu n. “gold”; see instead:
S. malt “gold (as metal)”
ᴺS. !culuin adj. “golden-red, orange (in colour)” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. culwin adj. “golden”; see instead:
S. #glóriel “golden”
S. mallen “golden, ⚠️[N.] of gold”
ᴺS. !cum n. “belly” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️N., ᴱN., G. cum n. “mound, heap, [G.] burial mound”; see instead:
S. haudh “(funeral) mound, grave, [N.] tomb; [orig.] †heap, piled mound”
S. amon “hill, (isolated) mountain; lump, clump, mass; ⚠️[G.] steep slope”
⚠️G. cum- v. “to lie (down)”; see instead:
ᴺS. haw- “to lie”
⚠️G. cumli n. “couch”
N., G. cûn adj. “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
S. ^#cund n. “*prince” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !cungan(d) n. “viol(in), (lit.) bow-harp” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. cunghol adj. “painstaking”
⚠️N. †cunn n. “prince”; see instead:
S. ^#cund “*prince”
⚠️ᴱN. cunn n. “dragon”; see instead:
N. amlug “dragon”
⚠️ᴱN. cunnas n. “dragon’s lair” see ᴱN. gonnas
⚠️G. cuno n. “care, thought, ‘pains’”
⚠️G. cunwed adj. “bowed, bent, concave”; see instead:
N. cûn “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
⚠️G. cuptha- v. “to bend (tr).”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️G. cur- v. “to turn sour, curdle, congeal”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cor- “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. cûr n. “cheese”
⚠️N. cúran n. “crescent moon”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cúron “crescent moon”
⚠️ᴱN. #curann- v. “to curdle (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cor- “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese”
⚠️G. curdhu n. “sin, wickedness, evil”; see instead:
S. rhû¹ “evil, wicked”
S. rhugar “evil deed, *sin”
⚠️G. curdhuig n. “sinner [m.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rhugaron “sinner”
⚠️G. curdhuin n. “sinner [f.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rhugaron “sinner”
⚠️G. curdhweg n. “sinner [m.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rhugaron “sinner”
⚠️G. curdhwin n. “sinner [f.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rhugaron “sinner”
⚠️G. curin adj. “magical”
ᴺS. [N.] ^cúron n. “crescent moon” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. curth n. “curd”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^corth “curd”
⚠️G. curtha- v. “to curdle, to make cheese (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cor- “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese”
S., N., ᴱN., G. curu n. “skill (of the hand), craft, magic; [N.] cunning”
⚠️G. curug n. “wizard”; see instead:
S. curunír “wizard, [N.] man of craft”
S., N. curunír n. “wizard, [N.] man of craft”
ᴺS. [G.] ^curunis n. “witch” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. curus n. “witch”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^curunis “witch”
⚠️G. curusôn n. “witchcraft”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lúthad “enchantments, sorcery”
S. guldur “black arts, sorcery”
⚠️G. curuthli n. “enchantments, sorcery”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lúthad “enchantments, sorcery”
S. guldur “black arts, sorcery”
⚠️G. cusc adj. “hushed, quiet; abashed” see G. susc
ᴺS. !cútha- v. “to deceive, lie” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. cuvon adj. “bowed, bent, concave”; see instead:
N. cûn “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
⚠️G. cwam adj. “ill”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhaew “sickly, sick, ill”
⚠️G. cwanc adj. “sickly, poorly, seedy”; see instead:
N. gem “sickly”
⚠️G. cwancha- v. “to ail”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pavra- “to ail, be ill”
⚠️G. cwanchri n. “ailment”; see instead:
N. paw “sickness, *illness, ailment”
⚠️G. cwant adj. “the whole, all the (with article); full”; see instead:
S. #pant “full; [G.] (with article) the whole, all the”
⚠️G. cwarth (cwardh-) adj. “evil, bad, wicked”; see instead:
S. ogol “bad, evil, wrong; gloom(y)”
⚠️G. cwas- v. “to shake, wag, nod, flap”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pasta- “to shake, wag, nod, flap”
⚠️G. cwast adj. “shaking”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^past “shaking”
⚠️G. cwath- v. “to shake, wag, nod”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pasta- “to shake, wag, nod, flap”
⚠️G. cwathil n. “plume”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pesson “plume, (great) feather”
⚠️G. cwathli n. “plume, spray, tassel”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pesson “plume, (great) feather”
⚠️G. cwathra- v. “to shake (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pasta- “to shake, wag, nod, flap”
⚠️G. cwed- v. “to say, tell”; see instead:
S. ped- “to say, speak”
⚠️G. Cwedhrin n. “*Elvish (Qenya)” see G. Cweneglin
⚠️G. cwedri n. “telling (of tales)”
⚠️G. cwel- v. “to fade, wither”; see instead:
S. #pel- “*to fade, wane”
⚠️G. cweleg n. “corpse, dead body”; see instead:
N. daen “corpse”
⚠️G. cwelm n. “dusk”; see instead:
S. moth “dusk”
⚠️G. cweloth n. “fading”; see instead:
S. #peleth “waning, *fading”
⚠️G. Cweneglin n. “*Elvish (Qenya)”
⚠️G. Cwenn n. “Elf”; see instead:
S. †penedh “Elf”
⚠️ᴱN., G. cwent n. “?tale”; see instead:
N. pent “tale, story”
⚠️G. cwerc n. “throat”; see instead:
S. lang “passage; neck, *throat”
⚠️G. cwess n. “saying, proverb”; see instead:
ᴺS. pess¹ “saying, [G.] proverb”
⚠️G. cweth n. “word”; see instead:
S. peth “word”
⚠️G. cwibra- v. “to arouse (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !baltha- “to excite, rouse, stir up, agitate”
⚠️G. cwidhra- v. “to rustle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhossa- “to whisper, rustle”
⚠️G. cwil n. “hue, tint”; see instead:
ᴺS. crui “colour”
⚠️G. cwîl adj. “quiet, peaceful, gentle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pell “still, quiet, hushed”
ᴺS. !sídheb “peaceful, full of peace”
ᴺS. muig² “soft, gentle”
⚠️G. cwildred n. “bat (animal)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pillor “bat (animal)”
⚠️G. cwileg n. “alder”
⚠️G. cwiliog adj. “bright-hued”; see instead:
S. calen “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
⚠️G. cwilon adj. “bright-hued”; see instead:
S. calen “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
⚠️G. cwim adj. “awake, alert, alive”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cui(w) “awake, alert, ⚠️alive”
⚠️G. cwimp adj. “alert, vigilant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cui(w) “awake, alert, ⚠️alive”
⚠️G. cwim(ri) n. “body, flesh”; see instead:
S. rhond “body”
S. rhaw² “flesh, ⚠️body”
⚠️G. cwing n. “bow”; see instead:
N. peng “bow (for shooting)”
⚠️G. cwingfim adj. “skilled at archery”
⚠️G. cwingfimli n. “skill at archery”
⚠️G. cwinglios n. “archery”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pengas “archery”
⚠️G. cwingron n. “archer”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pengron “archer”
⚠️G. cwintha- v. “to fill”; see instead:
N. pathra- “to fill (intr.)”
⚠️G. cwiptha- v. “to arouse (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !baltha- “to excite, rouse, stir up, agitate”
⚠️G. cwir- v. “to stir, stir round, make spin”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pir- “to stir, stir round, make spin”
⚠️G. cwîr n. “cream”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pîr “cream”
⚠️G. cwira- v. “to rustle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhossa- “to whisper, rustle”
⚠️G. cwiril n. “spindle”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwiril “spindle”
⚠️G. cwiruin n. “spinning wheel”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^piruin “spinning wheel”
⚠️G. cwist n. “secret”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. cwitha- v. “to murmur, whisper”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhossa- “to whisper, rustle”
⚠️G. cwithra- v. “to murmur, whisper”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhossa- “to whisper, rustle”
⚠️G. cwithri n. “whisper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhoss “whispering or rustling sound”
⚠️G. cwithwiros n. “poplar”; see instead:
N. tulus “poplar-tree”
⚠️G. cwiv- v. “to be awake”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cui(w) “awake, alert, ⚠️alive”
⚠️G. cwivra- v. “to awaken (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !echuia- “to awaken, wake up (intr.)”
⚠️G. cwivros n. “awakening”; see instead:
S. echui “awakening”
S. cŷl n. “*renewal”
S. cŷr adj. “renewed”
S. cýra- v. “to renew”
ᴺS. !cýranor n. “new sun after solstice” [created by Echuidor]
S. cýron n. “new-moon”
⚠️ᴱN., G. adj. “high”; see instead:
S. taer “lofty, *high”
⚠️G. da prep. “?with, into”; see instead:
S. di¹ “beneath, under; ⚠️[N.] in”
ᴺS. !gu “(together) with”
N., ᴱN. dad adv. “down”
ᴺS. [G.] dâd n. “grandfather”
N. dadben adj. and adv. “downhill, inclined, prone; [ᴱN.] (figuratively) easy-going, easy, not arduous”
N. dadbenn adj. “downhill” see N. dadben
ᴺS. !dadhra- [nd-] v. “to face, oppose, stand in way; to resist, thwart”
ᴺS. !dadhren [nd-] adj. “opposing, facing, opposite”
⚠️ᴺS. !dadhren- [nd-] v. “to forget” [created by David Salo, VQP]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lítha- “to let slip, lose, mislay; (intr.) to be lost; forget”
⚠️ᴱN. dadnuin adj. “sinking (down)”; see instead:
S. annûn “sunset, west; (lit.) going down”
⚠️ᴱN. dadnuv- v. “*to sink, go down”; see instead:
ᴺS. !duia- “to descend, sink, set [of sun]”
⚠️ᴱN. dadvenn adj. and adv. “downhill; (figuratively) easy-going, easy, not arduous”; see instead:
N. dadben “downhill, inclined, prone; [ᴱN.] (figuratively) easy-going, easy, not arduous”
⚠️ᴱN. dadvinn n. “downhill slope; rash course, impetus, path to destruction”; see instead:
N. dadben “downhill, inclined, prone; [ᴱN.] (figuratively) easy-going, easy, not arduous”
⚠️S. dadwen- [nd-] v. “to return, go back”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dammen- “to return, go back”
ᴺS. [N.] dae adv. “very”
⚠️S., N. dae n. “shadow (cast by an object or form), [N.] shade”; see instead:
S. #morchant “shadow cast by light, (lit.) dark shape”
S. gwath “shadow, dim light, [N.] shade”
S. dae- [nd-] pref. “dreadful, abominable, detestable”
S. daebeth [nd-] n. “blasphemy”
S. daedelos [nd-] n. “horrible fear”
⚠️N. daedelu n. “canopy”; see instead:
S. esgal “cast shadow, shade; screen, hiding; ⚠️veil”
N. orthelian “canopy”
S. dael [nd-] n. “horror”
N. daen [nd-] n. “corpse”
ᴺS. [N.] ^daer [nd-] n. “bridegroom” [vetted by HSD]
S. daer¹ adj. “great, large”
⚠️S. daer² [nd-] adj. “dreadful, abominable, detestable”; see instead:
S. naer “dreadful, horrible, unendurable; [N.] lamentable, ⚠️sad”
S. #gaer¹ “awful, fearful, [N.] dreadful”
⚠️ᴺS. !daetha- v. “to praise” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
S. #egleria- “to glorify”
⚠️N. daew n. “shadow”; see instead:
S. dae “shadow (cast by an object or form), [N.] shade”
N. dâf n. “permission”
⚠️G. dâf n. “bark”; see instead:
S. #flâd “skin”
S. #rîf “bark”
⚠️G. daf- v. “to strip, flay, peel skin”; see instead:
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
⚠️G. dafros n. “bark, skin, peel”; see instead:
S. #flâd “skin”
S. #rîf “bark”
⚠️ᴱN. dafuig adj. “dirty”; see instead:
N. gwaur “soiled, dirty”
S., N., ᴱN. #dag- [nd-] v. “to slay, [ᴱN.] kill”
S. dagnir [nd-] n. “slayer, bane”
ᴺS. !dagnis [nd-] n. “slayer, bane (f.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., N. dagor [nd-] n. “battle”
N. dagra- [nd-] v. “to battle”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^dagras [nd-] n. “slaughter”
ᴺS. !dagrassaeb adj. “bloodthirsty, (lit.) slaughter-hungry”
ᴺS. !dagrassaeg n. “bloodthirstiness, (lit.) slaughter-hunger”
⚠️ᴱN. dagros [nd-] n. “slaughter”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dagras “slaughter”
⚠️ᴱN., G. dai n. and adj. “sky; high”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
S. menel “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
S. dae “shadow (cast by an object or form), [N.] shade”
⚠️G. dai² adv. “very, exceedingly”; see instead:
ᴺS. dae “very”
S. dail adj. “beautiful, fine, delicate, lovely”
⚠️ᴱN. dail n. “axe (blade)”; see instead:
S. hathol “axe”
N. hathel “broadsword-blade, axe-blade”
S. dail “beautiful, fine, delicate, lovely”
⚠️ᴱN. daila- v. “to cleave”; see instead:
N. hasta- “to hack through, *cleave”
⚠️ᴱN. dailir n. “cleaver”; see instead:
S. crist “cleaver; ⚠️[N.] sword; [G.] knife; slash, slice”
⚠️G. daimoth n. “heaven”; see instead:
S. menel “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
⚠️ᴱN. dain¹ adj. “high, noble, lofty, sublime, divine”; see instead:
S. raud¹ “noble, eminent; lofty, high, tall; excellent”
N. taur² “vast, mighty, overwhelming, awful, huge; high, sublime”
ᴺS. !balaen “divine”
⚠️ᴱN. dain² n. “height, summit; height, loftiness, sublimity”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
⚠️G. dair n. “play, merriment”
⚠️G. daira- v. “to play”; see instead:
N. telia- “to play”
⚠️G. dairiol adj. “merry (of things), funny”; see instead:
S. gelir “merry”
ᴺS. !lallen “funny, amusing”
⚠️ᴱN. dairion n. “lord, chief”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. dairion adj. “merry”; see instead:
S. gelir “merry”
⚠️G. dairog adj. “merry (of persons)”; see instead:
S. gelir “merry”
⚠️G. dairtha- v. “to play, amuse”; see instead:
N. telia- “to play”
⚠️G. dairwed adj. “merry, funny (common)”; see instead:
S. gelir “merry”
ᴺS. !lallen “funny, amusing”
⚠️G. dairwen n. “mirth”
⚠️G. dal n. “cairn”; see instead:
N. sarnas “cairn”
⚠️G. dala- [nd-] v. “to sing or ring”; see instead:
S. linna- “to sing, chant”
N. nella- “to sound (of bells), *ring”
⚠️S., N., ᴱN. dalath n. “plain, low lying/flat ground; [N.] flat surface, plane; [ᴱN.] vale”; see instead:
S. talath “flat lands, plain, vale”
⚠️G. dalech n. “(upright) stone”
⚠️G. daleg n. “(upright) stone” see G. dalech
⚠️N. dalf n. “palm of hand”; see instead:
S. plad “palm, flat of the hand”
⚠️ᴱN. dalhung adj. “not heavy”
⚠️G. daltha- v. “to erect, set up”
⚠️N. dalv n. “palm of hand”; see instead:
S. plad “palm, flat of the hand”
⚠️N. dalw adj. “flat”; see instead:
S. #laden “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
N. dam [nd-] n. “hammer”
⚠️ᴱN. dam(b) adj. “blind”; see instead:
ᴺS. dom “blind”
ᴺS. !dambed- [nd-] v. “to answer” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️S. damen- [nd-] v. “to return”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dammen- “to return, go back”
N. damma- [nd-] v. “to hammer”
ᴺS. [S.] ^dammen- [nd-] v. “to return, go back”
⚠️ᴱN. dammog adj. “valueless”
⚠️ᴱN. damor adj. “no good”
⚠️G. dân n. “day”; see instead:
S. aur “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
S. dan [nd-] prep. “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️ᴱN. dan- pref. “negative prefix attached to adjectives”
⚠️G. dana n. “day (24 hours)”; see instead:
S. aur “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
ᴺS. !dananna- [nd-] v. “to give back, return [something]” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️S. danbeth [nd-] n. “*answer, (lit.) back-word”; see instead:
S. dangweth “answer, *(lit.) back-report”
⚠️ᴱN. danc adj. “killed in battle”; see instead:
S. dangen “slain”
S. dandol- [nd-] v. “to return, come back”
⚠️ᴱN. daneitheb adj. “thornless”
⚠️ᴱN. dangair adj. “mirthless”
S. dangar- [nd-] v. “to undo”
S., N. dangen [nd-] adj. “slain”
⚠️ᴱN. danglarweb adj. “without light”
S. dangweth [nd-] n. “answer, *(lit.) back-report”
S. danna- v. “to fall”
ᴺS. !dannad n. “falling” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️N. dannas n. “autumn”; see instead:
S. iavas “autumn, *harvest (time)”
S. dannen [nd-] n. “ebb, lowtide”
N. dannen adj. “fallen”
ᴺS. !dannod- v. “to untie, undo, unloose” [created by Gilruin]
⚠️G. danoriol adj. “daily”; see instead:
S. ilaurui “*daily”
⚠️G. dant n. “lamp”; see instead:
S. calar “(portable) lamp”
⚠️N. dant- v. “to fall”; see instead:
S. danna- “to fall”
S., N. dant n. “*fall”
⚠️G. dantha- v. “to illuminate, light up, illustrate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !celia- “to illuminate, light up; to illustrate”
⚠️G. danthos n. “(artificial) light, illumination”; see instead:
ᴺS. !celias “(artificial) light, illumination”
⚠️N. Dantilais n. “autumn”
S. danwedh [nd-] n. “ransom”
S., N. #dar- v. “[N.] to stop, halt”
⚠️G. dara adj. “lofty”; see instead:
S. taer “lofty, *high”
⚠️G. darath n. “summit, peak”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
⚠️ᴱN. darhod adj. “not free”
⚠️ᴱN., G. daroth n. “top, peak, point, tip, spike, [G.] summit”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
ᴺS. ^aegas “mountain peak”
N. dartha- v. “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure”
⚠️ᴱN. darw adj. “tired, weary”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lom “weary, *tired”
N. dath n. “hole, pit; steep fall, abyss”
⚠️ᴱN. dathanc adj. “unsteady”
⚠️N. daudh n. “pit”; see instead:
N. dath “hole, pit; steep fall, abyss”
N. daug [nd-] n. “warrior, soldier [with evil connotations]”
S. daur n. “league; †stop, pause”
⚠️N. daur adj. “great, large”; see instead:
S. daer¹ “great, large”
S. daur “league; †stop, pause”
⚠️G. dauth n. “skin, hide”; see instead:
S. #flâd “skin”
N. helf “fur, *hide”
⚠️G. dautha adj. “naked, stripped”; see instead:
N. hell¹ “naked, *stripped”
⚠️G. dauth(r)a- v. “to strip, flay”; see instead:
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
ᴺS. !dav-¹ v. “to allow, yield, permit” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴺS. !dav-² v. “to judge” [created by Fayanzār]; see instead:
N. #badh- “to judge”
⚠️N. davnan adj. “?closed”; see instead:
S. hollen “closed, shut”
⚠️N. daw n. “night-time, gloom”; see instead:
S. “night, dimness; [N.] night-fall, late evening; ⚠️[S.] dim, dark”
N. maur “gloom”
⚠️ᴱN. daw interj. “hush, be silent”
S. de pron. “you”
⚠️G. deg pron. “what (n[euter])”; see instead:
S. man “*what, who”
ᴺS. !degil [nd] n. “victor, winner” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
S. †deil adj. “beautiful, fine, delicate, lovely” see S. dail
⚠️ᴱN. deilian n. “beech-tree”; see instead:
S. neldor “beech”
⚠️G. deil(i)an n. “beech tree”; see instead:
S. neldor “beech”
⚠️ᴱN. †dein n. “height, summit; height, loftiness, sublimity”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
⚠️ᴱN. de(i)rion n. “lord, chief”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
S., N. del n. “horror”
ᴺS. !dêl n. “disgust” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. [S.] delch [nd-] adj. “dense”
⚠️G. deldrin grontholas [nd-] n. “oakleaved beech” see G. deldron grondolas
⚠️G. deldrinwed [nd-] adj. “beechen”
⚠️G. deldrogod [nd-] n. “beech nut”
⚠️G. deldron [nd-] n. “beech (tree)”; see instead:
S. neldor “beech”
⚠️G. deldron grondolas [nd-] n. “oakleaved beech”
N. deleb adj. “horrible, abominable, loathsome”
⚠️N. deleg n. “sword?”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
N. delia- v. “to conceal”
⚠️ᴱN. delin ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. delmos n. “beech nuts, mast [= fruit of beech, oak, chestnut]”; see instead:
N. breth “mast, *fallen nuts or acorns”
⚠️N. delos n. “abhorrence, detestation, loathing”; see instead:
S. deloth “abhorrence, [N.] detestation, loathing”
S., N. deloth n. “abhorrence, [N.] detestation, loathing”
ᴺS. [N.] ^delu adj. “hateful, deadly, fell” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. delu adj. “horrible, loathly”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^delu “hateful, deadly, fell”
⚠️N. delw adj. “hateful, deadly, fell”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^delu “hateful, deadly, fell”
⚠️S. delw adj. “thick (of a single thing)”; see instead:
N. tûg “thick, fat”
⚠️G. delwen n. “beech tree”; see instead:
S. neldor “beech”
ᴺS. [Ilk.] dem adj. “sad, gloomy” [vetted by HSD]
N. dem (dimb-) adj. “sad, gloomy” see Ilk. dem
⚠️S. den prep. “?against”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️S. dern adj. “tough, thrawn”; see instead:
S. dorn “tough, stiff, thrawn, obdurate”
ᴺS. !dertha- v. “to complicate, (lit.) make difficult” [created by Echuidor]
⚠️N. †dess n. “young woman”; see instead:
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
S. dev- [nd-] v. “to try, *seek opportunity, experiment”
S. #dew- v. “to fail, miss”
⚠️S. dha v. “there is”
ᴺS. [N.] [nd-] n. “woman, ⚠️lady, bride” [created by Elaran]
S., N. di¹ [nd-] prep. “beneath, under; ⚠️[N.] in”
⚠️S. di² prep. “with”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gu “(together) with”
⚠️ᴱN. diant adv. “most”
⚠️G. difedhin adj. and n. “*outlaw”; see instead:
ᴺS. !uwedhen “outlaw, outcast”
ᴺS. !uwedhron “outlaw, outcast”
⚠️ᴱN. difedhui adj. “?outlaw”; see instead:
ᴺS. !uwedhen “outlaw, outcast”
S. #díhena- v. “*to forgive”
S. #-dil suf. “friend, lover”
N. dîl n. “stopper, stopping, stuffing”
N. dilia- v. “to stop (up)”
ᴺS. !dilith [nd-] n. “friendship” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN., G. dim adj. “bygone, past, ancient, [G.] over, former”; see instead:
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
ᴺS. [Ilk.] dim n. “gloom, sadness”
S. #dim n. “stair”
⚠️ᴱN., G. #dimvorn n. “past ages, [G.] the past, past days, olden times”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwanwas “the past, past days, olden times”
S. dîn n. and adj. “silence; silent, quiet”
⚠️G. dîn adv. “once (up a time), long ago, formerly”
N. dîn n. “opening, gap, pass in mountains”
S., N. dínen adj. “silent”
N. dineth [nd-] n. “bride”
⚠️ᴱN. dir prep. “through, over”
⚠️G. dir pron. “who (f.)”; see instead:
S. man “*what, who”
⚠️G. dîr adj. “long (of time)”
⚠️ᴱN. dîr n. “secret”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
S., N. dîr¹ [nd-] n. “man, [N.] adult male; agental suffix”
S. dîr² adj. “hard, difficult”
⚠️G. diradhim adv. “once upon a time” see G. diradhin
⚠️G. diradhin adv. “once upon a time”
⚠️N. diragas ? “[unglossed]”
N. diragath ? see N. diragas
S. dirbedui adj. “hard to utter, difficult to pronounce”
⚠️G. diriol adj. “tedious”
S. dírnaith [nd-] n. “wedge-shaped battle-formation, (lit.) man-spearhead”
N. #-dis suf. “feminine agent”
N. dîs [nd-] n. “bride”
ᴺS. [G.] dod n. “berry”
ᴺS. [G.] dod- v. “to drop, ⚠️fall down”
⚠️G. dodri n. “falling”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dannad “falling”
⚠️G. dodri·lassion n. “autumn, *(lit.) falling of leaves”; see instead:
S. iavas “autumn, *harvest (time)”
ᴺS. ^lasbelin “leaf-fall, autumn”
⚠️N. doer [nd-] n. “bridegroom”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^daer “bridegroom”
⚠️G. dôf n. “hide, skin”; see instead:
N. helf “fur, *hide”
S. #flâd “skin”
⚠️N. dofn adj. “gloomy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dovn “gloomy”
⚠️ᴱN. doirion n. “lord (of a certain district), chief”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. dol- [nd-] v. “to dig”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sab- “to dig”
⚠️N. dôl [nd-] n. “head, hill”; see instead:
S. dol(l) “head, hill”
⚠️ᴱN. dol n. “island”; see instead:
S. tol(l) “island, (high steep-sided) isle”
⚠️G. dolc [nd-] adj. “deep”; see instead:
N. nûr² “deep”
⚠️ᴱN. dolch adj. “stout, thick”; see instead:
N. tûg “thick, fat”
⚠️G. doldrin [nd-] n. “mole”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dolph “mole”
S., N. dolen adj. “hidden, [N.] secret”
⚠️G. dolfa [nd-] n. “mole”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dolph “mole”
⚠️G. dólin n. “song”; see instead:
S. lind¹ “song, chant, singing, ⚠️[N.] air, tune; [N. and S.] singer”
S. dolen “hidden, [N.] secret”
S. dol(l) n. “head, hill”
N. doll [nd-] adj. “obscure, dark, dusky, hidden, secret”
ᴺS. !dollon [nd-] n. “phoneme, underlying sound, (lit.) hidden-sound” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. dolm [nd-] n. “pit”; see instead:
N. dath “hole, pit; steep fall, abyss”
⚠️G. dolmeg [nd-] n. “mole”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dolph “mole”
ᴺS. [G.] ^dolph [nd-] n. “mole”
N. dolt¹ [nd-] n. “round knob, boss”
N. dolt² [nd-] adj. “obscure” see N. doll
N. doltha- v. “to conceal”
ᴺS. [S.] dom adj. “blind”
⚠️G. don pron. “who”; see instead:
S. man “*what, who”
⚠️G. dôn ? “[unglossed]”
S. dond n. “fist”
S. donn n. “fist” see S. dond
N. donn adj. “swart, swarthy; shady, shadowy”
⚠️G. dont n. “fall, bump, drop”; see instead:
S. dant “*fall”
S., N. -dor suf. “*king, lord”
S., N., ᴱN., G. dôr [nd-] n. “land, [N.] region where certain people live, [ᴱN.] country; ⚠️[G.] people of the land”
S. dorgannas [nd-] n. “shapes of the lands, *geography”
ᴺS. [G.] ^dorgant [nd-] n. “landscape, scene, *(lit.) land-shape”
⚠️G. dori n. “queen”; see instead:
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
⚠️G. dorm n. “summit”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
S. dorn adj. “tough, stiff, thrawn, obdurate”
⚠️G. dorn n. “seat”; see instead:
S. hadhu “seat, *chair”
⚠️G. dorn(a) [nd-] n. “(holm) oak, ilex”; see instead:
N. doron “oak”
N. doron n. “oak”
⚠️G. doros n. “throne”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^archadhu “throne, (lit.) high seat”
N., G. dortha- [nd-] v. “to dwell, stay, [G.] settle”
⚠️G. dorven [nd-] n. “landscape, scene, *(lit.) land-shape”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dorgant “landscape, scene, *(lit.) land-shape”
⚠️G. dos adv. “when”; see instead:
S. ir “?when, while”
ᴺS. !mallú “when, (orig.) what time”
⚠️N. dost ? “?brown/?burn”; see instead:
S. baran “brown, golden-brown; [N.] swart, dark brown”
ᴺS. ^orna- “to burn (tr. and intr.)”
⚠️G. doth [nd-] n. “drizzle, damp, moisture”; see instead:
S. mîdh “dew, *moisture, damp(ness); ⚠️[ᴱN.] mist, drizzle”
⚠️G. dothli n. “drizzle”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
ᴺS. !dov- v. “to lie heavy” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^dovn adj. “gloomy”
ᴺS. [G.] drab n. “labour, toil, irksome work”
ᴺS. [G.] drab- v. “to labour, work; (impersonal) to irk, annoy”
ᴺS. [G.] ^drabol adj. “labouring”
⚠️G. drabri adj. “labouring”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^drabol “labouring”
⚠️N. drafn n. “hewn log”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dravn “hewn log”
N., ᴱN. dram n. “heavy stroke, heavy blow”
N., G. drambor n. “clenched fist; blow with a fist; ⚠️[G.] thudder”
S., N. draug n. “wolf”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. drauth adj. “[G.] weary, toilworn, tired; ⚠️[ᴱN.] labour”
ᴺS. [G.] drautha- v. “to weary, tire out”
ᴺS. [G.] ^drauthas n. “[wearisome] toil, weariness from labour”
ᴺS. [G.] ^drauthiel adj. “arduous, labourious”
⚠️G. drauthiol adj. “arduous, labourious”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^drauthiel “arduous, labourious”
⚠️G. drauthos n. “toil, weariness from labour”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^drauthas “[wearisome] toil, weariness from labour”
N. drava- v. “to hew”
ᴺS. [N.] ^dravn n. “hewn log”
⚠️ᴱN. dre adj. “wearisome, irksome”
S. #drega- v. “to flee”
⚠️G. drib- [nd-] v. “to rot, decay, wear out”
⚠️G. dribin adj. “worn out”; see instead:
N. gern “worn, old, decrepit (of things)”
⚠️G. drim n. “dew”; see instead:
S. mîdh “dew, *moisture, damp(ness); ⚠️[ᴱN.] mist, drizzle”
⚠️ᴱN. drim n. “host, countless number”; see instead:
S. rim “host, great number, people (of one kind or origin), [N.] crowd”
⚠️G. -drin suf. “suffix in the name of languages”; see instead:
S. #-ren “adjective suffix”
S., N. #dring n. “hammer, *beater”
N. dringa- v. “to beat”
⚠️G. †drinn n. “ring, disc”; see instead:
S. cor “ring, circle”
ᴺS. [G.] ^drinna- v. “to turn, twist”
ᴺS. [G.] drint n. “twist, wrench, turn”
⚠️G. drintha- v. “to turn (tr.), twist”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^drinna- “to turn, twist”
⚠️G. †drio [nd-] n. “hero, warrior”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
S. dîr¹ “man, [N.] adult male; agental suffix”
⚠️G. driod [nd-] n. “heroism, valour”; see instead:
N. caun¹ “valour”
ᴺS. ^thalas “valour, courage”
⚠️G. driodweg [nd-] n. “hero, warrior”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
⚠️G. driodwen [nd-] n. “heroism, valour”; see instead:
N. caun¹ “valour”
ᴺS. ^thalas “valour, courage”
⚠️G. driog [nd-] adj. “valiant”; see instead:
N. beren¹ “bold”
N. thala “stalwart, steady, firm, [ᴱN.] hardy, valiant, bold”
⚠️G. driothweg [nd-] n. “hero, warrior”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
⚠️G. driothwen [nd-] n. “heroism, valour”; see instead:
N. caun¹ “valour”
ᴺS. ^thalas “valour, courage”
⚠️G. drith [nd-] n. “savour, smell, flavour; suggestion, inkling”
⚠️G. drith- v. “it smells, smacks of, savours of”
ᴺS. [G.] drô n. “wheel track, rut”
⚠️ᴱN., G. drog n. “slave”; see instead:
S. mûl “slave”
⚠️G. drogla n. “cart”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^drogol “cart”
⚠️G. drogod n. “slavery, bondage, thraldom”
ᴺS. [G.] ^drogol n. “cart”
⚠️G. drogol adj. “servile, slavish; base, mean” see G. drogwed
⚠️G. drogwed adj. “servile, slavish; base, mean”
⚠️G. drogwin n. “slave woman”
⚠️ᴱN. dron n. “wood”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
⚠️G. dronn [nd-] n. “race, course, track”; see instead:
S. north “riding, race (of people running), charge or gallop”
S. rant “course, water-channel; lode, [N.] vein”
N. bâd “beaten track, pathway, [ᴱN.] way, [G.] path”
⚠️G. drû n. “wood, forest”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
⚠️ᴱN. drú adj. “dark”; see instead:
S. dûr “dark (with evil implications), gloomy, hellish”
⚠️G. drui n. “wood, forest”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
⚠️G. drum adj. “stout, firm, strong”; see instead:
S. taug “firm, strong, (?withstand)”
S., N. n. “night, dimness; [N.] night-fall, late evening; ⚠️[S.] dim, dark”
S., N. dúath n. “night shadow, dark/black shadow, [N.] night-shade”
ᴺS. !dúda- [nd-] v. “to lower [something]” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️N. dufui adj. “gloomy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dovn “gloomy”
⚠️G. dui adv. “where”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mivan “where, (lit.) in/at what”
ᴺS. !duia- [nd-] v. “to descend, sink, set [of sun]” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^duidhrad n. “canal”
⚠️G. duif (duiv-) n. “stream”; see instead:
N. celeth “stream, *brook, rill, runlet; (lit.) a flowing”
⚠️G. duil¹ n. and adj. “flight, power of flight; having power of flight, fledged”
⚠️G. duil² n. “swallow”; see instead:
N. tuilinn “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
⚠️G. duila- v. “to fly”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwil- “to fly, ⚠️sail, float”
⚠️G. duileg adj. “having power of flight, fledged”
N. duilin n. “nightingale” see N. dúlin(n)
⚠️ᴱN., G. duilin n. “swallow”; see instead:
N. tuilinn “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
⚠️G. duilinc n. “swallow”; see instead:
N. tuilinn “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
S., N. duin n. “(large) river; ⚠️[N.] water”
S. duinen n. “flood, high tide”
ᴺS. [G.] ^duiniant n. “aqueduct”
N. duirro n. “*river-bank”
⚠️G. duivrad n. “canal”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^duidhrad “canal”
⚠️G. duivrant n. “aqueduct”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^duiniant “aqueduct”
⚠️G. dûl [nd-] adj. “hollow”; see instead:
S. coll² “hollow”
S., N. dúlin n. “nightingale”
⚠️G. dultha- v. “to dine”; see instead:
S. #mad- “to eat”
⚠️G. dultha n. “supper, dinner”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dúvad “supper, dinner”
⚠️G. dulwen n. “feast”; see instead:
S. mereth “feast, [N.] festival”
⚠️G. dum adj. “secret, not to be spoken”
⚠️N. dum n. “root, foundation”; see instead:
S. thond “root, [N.] base; ⚠️root-word”
N. thonnas “root-word; *foundation; ⚠️base, root”
⚠️G. dumgort n. “(evil) idol” see G. dungort
S., N. dûn [nd-] n. “west”
S. dúnad n. “descent”
ᴺS. !dúnen adj. “western” [created by Röandil]
⚠️G. dungort n. “(evil) idol”
S., N. dûr [nd-] adj. “dark (with evil implications), gloomy, hellish”
⚠️N. durgul n. “sorcery”; see instead:
S. guldur “black arts, sorcery”
⚠️G. durog adj. “wooden”; see instead:
S. tawen “wood (of material), wooden (of make)”
⚠️G. duru n. “wood; pole, beam, log”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dravn “hewn log”
⚠️G. duruin adj. “wooden”; see instead:
S. tawen “wood (of material), wooden (of make)”
ᴺS. !dúvad n. “supper, dinner”
ᴺS. !dúvechuior n. “nocturnal animal, (lit.) night-waker” [created by Echuidor]
⚠️N. dúven [nd-] n. “*sunken, western”; see instead:
S. annui “west[ern]”
ᴺS. !duia- “to descend, sink, set [of sun]”
S. duwath n. “night shadow, dark/black shadow, [N.] night-shade” see S. dúath
⚠️G. dwindi n. “a swift (bird)”
S. dýgar n. and adj. “mistaken act; doing a wrong thing”
S. dŷl n. “mistake”
⚠️ᴺS. !dŷr [nd] n. “successor” [created by Ambar Eldaron]; see instead:
S. dŷr “mistaken, off point, not right”
S. #hîl “heir”
S. dŷr adj. “mistaken, off point, not right”
S. e pron. “he”
⚠️S., N. #eb prep. “?before”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nui “before (of time); ⚠️[G.] afterwards, again, later”
S., N., ᴱN. -eb suf. “adjective suffix”
ᴺS. !eb prep. “save, except” [created by Elaran]
⚠️S. Eblaer n. “June, ?Before-summer”; see instead:
S. Nórui “June, *Fiery”
⚠️N. Ebloer n. “June, ?Before-summer”; see instead:
S. Nórui “June, *Fiery”
N. ech n. “spine, *spiny quill or bristle”
⚠️ᴱN. ech adv. “far away”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
S. ech pron. “?you, yourself (singular)”
S. echad n. “camp”
S., N. echad- v. “to form, make, shape, cut out, [N.] fashion; [S.] (lit.) to shape out”
N. echain adj. “new, built again”
S. #echil n. “follower”
S. echor n. and adj. “outer circle; encircling”
S., N. echui n. “awakening”
ᴺS. !echuia- v. “to awaken, wake up (intr.)” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !echuida- v. “to wake up (trans.), waken, rouse” [created by Fayanzār]
S., N. echuir n. “early Spring, (lit.) stirring”
⚠️ᴺS. !echuira- v. “to come to life” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !echuiru- “to come to life”
ᴺS. !echuiru- v. “to come to life”
⚠️G. †ectha- v. “to spout, jet”
⚠️G. ectha n. “sword”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
⚠️G. ecthadra- v. “to slay, put to the sword”; see instead:
S. #dag- “to slay, [ᴱN.] kill”
⚠️N. ecthel n. “?point (of spear)”; see instead:
N. thela “point (of spear)”
S. naith “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
ᴺS. !ecthelorn n. “spruce, fir-tree” [created by Hialmr]
⚠️G. ecthel(uin) n. “fountain, fount”; see instead:
S. eithel “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
⚠️G. ecthor n. “warrior, swordsman”; see instead:
S. #magor “swordsman”
N. maethor “warrior”
⚠️G. ed prep. “close by”; see instead:
S. ed¹ “out, out of, [N.] forth”
S. nef “hither, on this (the speaker’s) side of; †beyond [loose translation]; *near”
S., N. #-ed¹ suf. “gerund”
S., N. ed¹ prep. and pref. “out, out of, [N.] forth”
S. -ed² suf. “3rd person singular possessive suffix”
S. ed² pron. “*it”
S. edaid adj. “double”
ᴺS. !edanna- v. “to publish, (lit.) out-give” [created by Cellindir, NotD]
⚠️ᴱN. edebion n. “builder”; see instead:
N. thavron “carpenter, wright, builder”
⚠️S. Edel n.; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
N. eden adj. “new, begun again”
⚠️ᴱN. edengion n. “builder”; see instead:
N. thavron “carpenter, wright, builder”
⚠️G. edh prep. “outside, near borders of, near, hard by, beside”; see instead:
S. ed¹ “out, out of, [N.] forth”
ᴺS. !sa² “beside, alongside, next (to)”
S. Edhel n. “Elf”
⚠️N. Edhel n. “firstborn, eldest”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
S. edhellen adj. “elvish”
S. edhelvein adj. “elven fair”
⚠️N. edhen adj. “first”; see instead:
S. minui “first”
⚠️G. edhos prep. “just without, close by”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sa² “beside, alongside, next (to)”
⚠️N. edinar n. “anniversary day”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^edinor “anniversary day”
ᴺS. [N.] ^edinor n. “anniversary day” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^edledhia- v. “to go into exile” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^edledhron n. “exile” [vetted by HSD]
S. edlen(n) adj. “exiled”
S. edlon n. “outsider, stranger, *foreigner”
ᴺS. !edlonui adj. “foreign”
⚠️ᴺS. !edlothia- v. “to flower, blossom” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^losta-¹ “to bloom, blossom”
ᴺS. [G.] ^edol n. “ivy” [created by Paul Strack]
N. edonna- v. “to beget”
S., N. edra- v. “to open (out)”
⚠️N. edraenui adj. “?outside, bordering, outer”
ᴺS. [N.] ^edrain n. “*(outer) border” [vetted by HSD]
S. edraith n. “rescue, saving”
S. edregol adv. “in especial, *especially”
⚠️N. edrein n. “*(outer) border”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^edrain “*(outer) border”
ᴺS. !edren adj. “outer”
⚠️S. edwen num. ord. “second”; see instead:
S. tadui “second”
⚠️G. #-eg suf. “adjectival suffix”; see instead:
S. -eb “adjective suffix”
ᴺS. !eg- v. “to have a chance of; may” [created by Luno]
N. êg n. “thorn”
⚠️ᴱN., G. eg adv. “far, †wide; [G.] far away, wide, distant, far off”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
⚠️G. eg¹ n. “point”; see instead:
S. till “point, spike, (sharp) horn, tine, ending”
N. êg “thorn”
S., N. -eg¹ suf. “diminutive/singular ending”
⚠️N. -eg² suf. “suffix for ordinal numbers”; see instead:
S. -ui “-ful, having quality, adjective suffix; [as verbal suffix] possibility, suitability, *-able”
S. -eg² suf. “2nd person singular familiar possessive suffix”
⚠️ᴱN. egall adj. “very broad”; see instead:
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
ᴺS. !egel adj. “other” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. egelmion adj. “broadshouldered”
ᴺS. !egelren adj. “different, strange” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️N. eges n. “mouths”; see instead:
S. ethir¹ “mouth of a river, (lit.) outflow”
⚠️G. egiont adj. “further, farther”
S. -egir suf. “2nd person plural familiar possessive suffix”
⚠️G. Egla n. “fairy, (lit.) being from outside”; see instead:
S. †Eglan “Forsaken (Elf)”
S. Edhel “Elf”
S. eglan adj. “forsaken”
⚠️ᴱN. eglann adj. “very wide”; see instead:
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
⚠️N. egledhia- v. “to go into exile”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^edledhia- “to go into exile”
⚠️N. egledhron n. “exile”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^edledhron “exile”
⚠️N. eglenn adj. “exiled”; see instead:
S. edlen(n) “exiled”
S. #egleria- v. “to glorify”
ᴺS. [G.] eglin n. “needle”
N. egnas n. “sharp point, peak”
S. ego interj. “be off!”
⚠️ᴱN. Egol n. “elf”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
ᴺS. [G.] ^egol adv. and n. “else, something else”
S. egor conj. “or”
⚠️ᴱN. egos n. “distance”; see instead:
S. haered “remoteness, (remote) distance”
⚠️G. egra adj. “distant, far away”; see instead:
S. haer “remote, *distant”
⚠️ᴱN. egren adj. “distant”; see instead:
S. haer “remote, *distant”
⚠️G. egrin adj. “wide, vast, broad; far”; see instead:
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
⚠️G. egriol adj. “excessive”
⚠️G. egros adv. “distant, far away”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
⚠️G. egwed adj. “far, distant”; see instead:
S. haer “remote, *distant”
⚠️ᴱN. ei- pref. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. eiben n. “cherry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aebin “cherry (tree)”
⚠️N. eil- v. “to rain”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^uil- “to rain”
⚠️G. eilian n. “branch”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
⚠️ᴺS. !eiliant n. [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. ninniach “rainbow”
⚠️N. eilian(w) n. “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge”; see instead:
S. ninniach “rainbow”
⚠️G. eilin n. “pool”; see instead:
S. #ael “lake, pool”
S. ein- pref. “excellent, admirable”
⚠️ᴱN. e(i)ngion n. “spearman, †warrior”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^eithron “*spearman, ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior”
S. einior adj. “elder”
S. eirien n. “daisy”
⚠️G. eirin adj. “holy”; see instead:
S. aer “*hallowed, holy”
⚠️N. eith n. “spear-point”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aith “spear-point, [ᴱN.] spear, ⚠️thorn”
S. eitha-¹ v. “to prick with a sharp point, stab; to treat with scorn, insult”
⚠️S. eitha-² v. “to ease, assist”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ethia- “to ease, assist”
S. eithad n. “*insult”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] eitheb adj. “thorny, *(orig.) full of points; ⚠️sharp”
S., N. eithel n. “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] eithla- v. “to spring, well forth, *issue forth”
⚠️ᴱN. eithlios n. “fountain”; see instead:
S. eithel “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
⚠️ᴱN. eithlod n. “springing, welling forth”
⚠️ᴱN. eithlos n. “fountain”; see instead:
S. eithel “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
⚠️G. eithlos n. “family”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwaren “[nuclear] family”
⚠️G. eithog n. “ancestor, †father, sire”
⚠️ᴺS. !eithor adj. “other, another” [created by Roman Rausch]; see instead:
ᴺS. !egel “other”
ᴺS. [G.] ^eithos n. “thorn bush”
⚠️ᴱN. eithra- v. “to prick, stab”; see instead:
S. eitha-¹ “to prick with a sharp point, stab; to treat with scorn, insult”
S. eithro adv. “*also”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^eithron n. “*spearman, ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior”
⚠️G. eithweg n. “ancestor, †father, sire” see G. eithog
⚠️G. el conj. “or”; see instead:
S. egor “or”
S. -el suf. “2nd person singular polite possessive suffix”
S., N. †êl n. “star”
⚠️ᴱN. elaig- v. “to shield, ward off, protect”
S., N. elanor n. “pimpernel, small golden star-shaped flower, (lit.) sun-star”
⚠️G. elc adv. and n. “else, something else”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^egol “else, something else”
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] ^elch adv. and n. “else, something else”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^egol “else, something else”
ᴺS. !elchith n. “nebula, star cloud” [created by Ellanto]
S., N. †Eledh n. “Elf”
S. Eledhes n. “*Elf-maid”
S. Eledhon n. “*Elf-man”
⚠️G. elef n. “half, half a ...”; see instead:
N. perin “half”
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] eleg adj. “other, else”; see instead:
ᴺS. !egel “other”
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] ^elegren adj. “different, strange” [created by Paul Strack]; see instead:
ᴺS. !egelren “different, strange”
⚠️G. elegrin adj. “different, strange”; see instead:
ᴺS. !egelren “different, strange”
S. †Elen n. “Elf” see S. †Eledh
S. †elen n. “star” see S. †êl
⚠️G. elf n. “heart”; see instead:
S. ind “some particular purpose or intention of an individual; heart [metaphorical], [N.] inner thought, meaning”
⚠️N. elf n. “friend”; see instead:
S. mellon “friend”
⚠️G. elfeg adj. “half”; see instead:
N. perin “half”
⚠️G. elfel adj. “different, like something else”; see instead:
ᴺS. !egelren “different, strange”
⚠️G. elf(in) num. card. “five”; see instead:
S. leben “five”
⚠️ᴱN. elflin n. “cygnet, *young swan”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^alfeg “cygnet, young swan”
S. elia- v. “to cause to prosper, bless (a work), help one”
ᴺS. !eliad n. “blessing”
⚠️N. elianw n. “rainbow, (lit.) sky-bridge”; see instead:
S. ninniach “rainbow”
ᴺS. !elias n. “blessedness”
S. -elir suf. “2nd person plural polite possessive suffix”
⚠️ᴱN. elirdhi n. “cruelty”
S. †Ell n. “Elf”
N. #ell n. “sky”
⚠️S. Ellas n. “*Elf-maid”; see instead:
S. Elleth “Elf-maid”
⚠️S. Elles n. “*Elf-maid”; see instead:
S. Elleth “Elf-maid”
S. Elleth n. “Elf-maid”
S. Ellon n. “Elf-man”
S. elloth n. “single flower”
⚠️G. elma- v. “to marvel at, admire”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^elva- “to marvel at, admire”
⚠️G. elm(en) n. “wonder; singular, marvelous or unique thing; something strange”; see instead:
ᴺS. elven “wonder, wonderment”
S. elo interj. “behold!”
⚠️G. elt¹ n. “change”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwist “change”
⚠️G. elt² n. “dig, poke (probe), tug, lug”
⚠️G. elta- v. “to draw, tug, lug; to thrust, dig, poke (inward)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !log- “to haul, drag”
N. nasta- “to prick, point, stick, thrust”
⚠️G. eltha adv. “or, otherwise”; see instead:
S. egor “or”
⚠️G. eltha- v. “to alter, change”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwista- “to change, alter, vary”
ᴺS. [N.] ^elu adj. “(pale) blue” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !elui adj. “starry” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
⚠️G. el(u)m interj. “think of that!”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^elva- “to marvel at, admire”
ᴺS. [G.] ^elva- v. “to marvel at, admire”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] elvain adj. “wondrous, marvelous, wonderful; ⚠️wonder(ful thing), marvel”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] elven n. “wonder, wonderment”
⚠️ᴱN. elvennai adj. “wonderful, marvelous”; see instead:
ᴺS. elvain “wondrous, marvelous, wonderful; ⚠️wonder(ful thing), marvel”
⚠️N. elw adj. “(pale) blue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^elu “(pale) blue”
ᴺS. !em n. “picture, image” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. em adj. “named, called by name”; see instead:
ᴺS. !estannen “named, called”
⚠️G. embrin adj. “by name, named”; see instead:
ᴺS. !estannen “named, called”
S. emel n. “mother”
⚠️G. emfeg adj. “infamous, of evil name”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othestannen “infamous, of evil name, (lit.) ill-named”
S. emig n. “[little] mother, *mommy”
⚠️N. †emil n. “mother”; see instead:
S. emel “mother”
S. -emir suf. “1st person plural exclusive possessive”
N. emlin n. “yellow bird, yellow hammer”
ᴺS. !emma- v. “to paint, draw (something)” [created by Arael]
ᴺS. !emmas v. “painting, drawing” [created by Arael]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. ^en adv. “then, [G.] that past, ⚠️that by you, that already mentioned (by you)”
S. #en- v. “*to name”
S., N. #-en¹ suf. “adjective suffix”
S. en¹ prep. “of the”
S. -en² suf. “my, 1st sg. poss. suffix”
S. en² pron. “1st sg pronoun”
S. en³ ? “?”
⚠️S. enaid adj. “central, middle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^enaidh “central, middle”
ᴺS. [S.] ^enaidh adj. “central, middle”
ᴺS. [G.] ^enas n. “title”
S. -enc suf. “our (inclusive), 1st pl. incl. poss. suffix”
S. enchui num. ord. “sixth”
⚠️S. encui num. ord. “sixth”; see instead:
S. enchui “sixth”
⚠️G. end n. “birds nest”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aedh “nest”
⚠️ᴺS. !enebaen num. card. “sixty” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !enephaen “sixty”
⚠️S. enecthui num. ord. “sixth”; see instead:
S. enchui “sixth”
ᴺS. !ened adv. “moreover” [created by Fayanzār]
⚠️S. ened n. “centre”; see instead:
S. enedh “centre, middle; [N.] core”
S., N. enedh n. “centre, middle; [N.] core”
ᴺS. !enedhren adj. “central, essential” [created by Sami Paldanius]
S., N., ᴱN. eneg num. card. “six”
⚠️ᴺS. !enem num. card. “sixteen” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paeneg “sixteen”
⚠️ᴺS. !eneph num. card. “sixteen” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paeneg “sixteen”
ᴺS. !enephaen num. card. “sixty” [created by Elaran]
S. eneth n. “*name”
⚠️G. enfeg adj. “infamous, of evil name”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othestannen “infamous, of evil name, (lit.) ill-named”
⚠️G. eng adj. and n. “smooth, level”; see instead:
S. #laden “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
N. path “smooth”
⚠️G. eng(a) n. “plain, vale”; see instead:
S. talath “flat lands, plain, vale”
⚠️G. engan n. “spear”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aith “spear-point, [ᴱN.] spear, ⚠️thorn”
S. -engir suf. “our (inclusive), 1st pl. incl. poss. suffix” see S. -enc
⚠️ᴱN. engluid coll. “Stonefaces”
⚠️G. engri n. “flat surface, level, plane”; see instead:
N. palath¹ “surface”
⚠️G. engri[n] adj. “of iron”; see instead:
S. angren “of iron”
⚠️G. engriol adj. “vale like, of the vale”; see instead:
ᴺS. !imladren “vale like, of the vale”
ᴺS. !enia- v. “to be born, be generated, result” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️G. enn n. “name”; see instead:
S. eneth “*name”
ᴺS. !ennais n. “signature, (lit.) name sign” [created by Ellanto]
S. ennas adv. “there”
⚠️ᴱN. enne(i)rion n. “adversary, rival”
ᴺS. !ennen adj. “named”
N. ennin n. “Valian year”
⚠️ᴱN. ennion n. “porter, doorkeeper”
S. eno adv. “*still”
⚠️G. enos n. “title”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^enas “title”
S. -ent suf. “their, 3rd pl. poss. suffix”
S. ent pron. “they, 3rd pl. pronoun”
⚠️G. entha- v. “to name, call, indicate, point out”; see instead:
S. #en- “*to name”
⚠️G. entha adv. “there by you, thither”
⚠️G. enu- v. “to be called, be named”; see instead:
S. #esta- “to call, *name”
⚠️G. enuith n. “title”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^enas “title”
⚠️G. enwa- v. “to be called, be named”; see instead:
S. #esta- “to call, *name”
⚠️G. enweg n. “name sake”; see instead:
ᴺS. !imeneth “namesake, (lit.) same name”
ᴺS. !enweria- v. “to revere” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. [G.] enwiol adj. “nominal”
S. ephed- v. “to say out; [ᴺS.] to confess”
S., N. ephel n. “outer fence, surrounding ring”
S. ephola- v. “?to remember”
⚠️N. Ephriw n. “December, *First-winter”; see instead:
S. Girithron “December, *Shuddering-one”
S., N., G. er adj. “one, alone”
⚠️N. erceleb n. “*true-silver”; see instead:
S. mithril “Moria-silver, true-silver”
N. erch n. “prickle”
N. ercha- v. “to prick”
ᴺS. !erchion adj. “orchish” [created by David Salo, GS]
S., N. ereb adj. “single, alone, lonely, [N.] isolated”
N. eredh n. “seed, germ”
⚠️G. ereg adj. “alone, only”; see instead:
S. ereb “single, alone, lonely, [N.] isolated”
S. ereg “holly, [N.] holly-tree, ⚠️[S.] thorn”
S., N. ereg n. “holly, [N.] holly-tree, ⚠️[S.] thorn”
⚠️N. ereg² adj. “first”; see instead:
S. minui “first”
N. eregdos n. “holly, holly-tree”
ᴺS. [G.] ereth n. “solitude, oneness, loneliness”
⚠️G. er(e)tha- v. “to isolate, rob, deprive”; see instead:
S. #ertha- “to unite”
S. #neitha- “to wrong, deprive”
⚠️G. erethog adj. “isolated, solitary, lonely”; see instead:
S. ereb “single, alone, lonely, [N.] isolated”
⚠️G. erethrin adj. “isolated, solitary, lonely”; see instead:
S. ereb “single, alone, lonely, [N.] isolated”
N. eria- v. “to rise”
ᴺS. !eriab n. “badger” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !eriad n. “rising”
S. erin ? “on the ... day”
N. eriol adj. “single, alone”
ᴺS. !erlu adv. “once, one time”
⚠️G. ermin n. “desert, waste”; see instead:
N. eru “waste, desert”
S., N. ernil n. “prince”
S. ero adv. “*only, alone”
⚠️G. ert adv. “once, once only”; see instead:
ᴺS. !erlu “once, one time”
⚠️G. erth (erdh-) n. “wish”; see instead:
N. iest “wish”
S. #ertha- v. “to unite”
ᴺS. !erthad n. “union, uniting” [created by David Salo, GS]
⚠️G. erthi adv. “also, as well, besides, too”; see instead:
S. eithro “*also”
ᴺS. !Eru n. “God” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
N. eru n. “waste, desert”
⚠️G. erw adv. “only”; see instead:
S. ero “*only, alone”
⚠️G. erwed adj. “unique”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^minai “distinct, unique, single”
S. eryn n. “wood, forest (of trees)”
S. esbin n. “thin thread, ⚠️tress”
⚠️ᴱN., G. esk n. “sharp upstanding rock in water”; see instead:
N. carag “spike, tooth of rock”
N. egnas “sharp point, peak”
ᴺS. !escar n. “weapon” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴱN. esg n. “sharp upstanding rock in water; [G.] sharp point, sharp edge”; see instead:
N. carag “spike, tooth of rock”
N. egnas “sharp point, peak”
S. esgal n. “cast shadow, shade; screen, hiding; ⚠️veil”
ᴺS. !esgia- v. “to smoke (intr.)” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !ess n. “name” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
S. eneth “*name”
S. est¹ pron. “he, she, it, 3rd sg. pronoun”
S. est² pron. “they, 3rd pl. pronoun” see S. ent
S. #esta- v. “to call, *name”
ᴺS. !estannen adj. “named, called”
S. estel n. “hope, trust, *faith [in]”
ᴺS. !estelia- v. “to hope for, trust in” [created by David Salo]
S. esten(t) adj. “short”
⚠️G. est(i)rin n. “pinnacle, tower”; see instead:
N. egnas “sharp point, peak”
S. barad “tower, great towering building, [N.] fort, fortress”
⚠️G. estirion n. “pinnacle, tower”; see instead:
N. egnas “sharp point, peak”
S. barad “tower, great towering building, [N.] fort, fortress”
S. ?estola- v. “to encamp, *erect tents”
S. estolad n. “encampment”
S. eth pron. “he, she, it, 3rd sg. pronoun” see S. est¹
S. -eth suf. “feminine ending”
ᴺS. !eth adj. and adv. “outside” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. -eth suf. “abstract noun”; see instead:
S. -th “abstract noun”
ᴺS. [S.] ^ethia- v. “to ease, assist” [created by Elaran]
S., N. ethir¹ n. “mouth of a river, (lit.) outflow”
S. #ethir² n. “spy”
ᴺS. !ethiria- v. “to flow out” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. ethl(in) n. “ivy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^edol “ivy”
⚠️ᴱN. ethlios n. “fountain”; see instead:
S. eithel “source, spring, well, [N.] issue of water, fountain”
ᴺS. !ethog- v. “to lead out, *bring out” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ethol- v. “to come forth, come out” [created by Rínor]
ᴺS. !etholtha- v. “to extract, make come out” [created by Hialmr]
S., N. ethuil n. “spring [the season]”
⚠️G. fâ- v. “to have, hold, possess”; see instead:
N. gar- “to hold, have, *possess”
⚠️G. fab- v. “to handle, touch, feel”; see instead:
N. matha- “to stroke, feel, handle”
ᴺS. !apha- “to touch”
⚠️G. fabli n. “sense of touch”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aphas “(sence of) touch”
⚠️G. fabwed adj. “corpulent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !túgomui “corpulent, (lit.) having a fat belly”
⚠️G. fad adv. “enough”; see instead:
N. far “sufficient, enough, quite”
⚠️ᴱN. fadhw n. “parchment”
⚠️G. fadin adj. “sated, saturated”; see instead:
ᴺS. !farthannen “sated, satisfied”
⚠️G. fadra- v. “to sate, weary, ‘feed up’”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fartha- “to sate, satisfy”
⚠️G. fadrin adj. “sufficient”; see instead:
N. far “sufficient, enough, quite”
⚠️G. fadriol adj. “sufficient”; see instead:
N. far “sufficient, enough, quite”
⚠️G. fadrog adj. “tiresome”; see instead:
N. amben “uphill; [ᴱN.] arduous, difficult, tiresome”
⚠️G. fadro(n) adj. “too much”
⚠️G. fadros n. “satiety, weariness of anything”; see instead:
ᴺS. !farthas “satiety, satisfaction”
S. fae n. “incarnate spirit, *soul”
ᴺS. !faefelf n. “soul-feeling, *emotion” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [N.] ^faeg adj. “mean, poor, bad” [vetted by HSD]
S. #fael¹ n. and adj. “gleam of the sun; *gleaming”
S. fael² adj. “fair-minded, just, generous”
ᴺS. !faelas n. “fairness, equity”
S. faen n. “vapour; ⚠️[disembodied] spirit”
S. faer n. “spirit (in general)”
ᴺS. !faergol n. “depression, grief, (lit.) spirit-burden” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. faf- v. “to puff, blow, pant”; see instead:
ᴺS. !faw- “to puff, blow, pant”
⚠️G. fafli n. “bladder”; see instead:
ᴺS. !faul¹ “bladder, (orig.) inflated thing”
⚠️G. fag- v. “to cut”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rista- “to cut; to rend, rip”
⚠️G. fagin adj. “cut”
⚠️G. faidwen n. “freedom”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leinas “freedom, liberty”
⚠️G. faig adj. “cruel”
⚠️G. faigli n. “hair, long tresses”; see instead:
S. fing “lock of hair”
⚠️G. faiglim adj. “having long hair”; see instead:
S. finnel “head of hair, fax, mass of long hair; having fine or beautiful hair; ⚠️[N.] (braided) hair; [G.] tress”
⚠️G. faiglion adj. “having long hair”; see instead:
S. finnel “head of hair, fax, mass of long hair; having fine or beautiful hair; ⚠️[N.] (braided) hair; [G.] tress”
⚠️G. faigri n. “cruelty”
⚠️G. fail adj. “pale, pallid”; see instead:
S. niphred “pallor; [N.] fear”
⚠️G. failtha- v. “go pale”
⚠️G. failthi n. “pallor”; see instead:
S. niphred “pallor; [N.] fear”
S. fain adj. and n. “white, shimmering, shining, [N.] radiant; [S.] white and shining [thing]; ⚠️dim, dimmed; filmy, fine-woven; (vague) apparition; cloud”
⚠️G. faina- v. “to get free”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^othra- “to get away, escape”
⚠️G. fair adj. “free, unconstrained”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rain² “free, *unconstrained”
S. fair adj. “quick, ready, prompt”
⚠️ᴺS. ^fair adj. “right (hand)” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
ᴺS. fuir “[N.] right (hand); ⚠️north”
⚠️G. fairtha- v. “to set free, release”; see instead:
S. #leithia- “to release, [N.] set free”
⚠️G. fairthos n. “liberty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leinas “freedom, liberty”
⚠️G. faith n. “liberty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leinas “freedom, liberty”
⚠️G. faithir n. “liberator, Saviour”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leidhron “liberator, saviour”
S., N., G. falas n. “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. falc n. “cleft, gash; cleft, ravine, cliffs”; see instead:
S. #falch “[ᴱN.] cleft, ravine”
S. criss “cleft, [N.] cut, slash, [G.] gash; ⚠️[N.] pass, [G.] gully, ravine”
S. brass “great cliff”
S., ᴱN. #falch n. “[ᴱN.] cleft, ravine”
ᴺS. [G.] falchon n. “great two-handed sword, twibill”
⚠️G. falchor n. “cliffs”; see instead:
S. brass “great cliff”
⚠️G. falchos n. “cliffs”; see instead:
S. brass “great cliff”
N. falf n. “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
⚠️G. falin adj. “naked”; see instead:
N. hell¹ “naked, *stripped”
⚠️G. falm n. “breaker, wave”; see instead:
N. falf “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
⚠️G. falon adj. “naked”; see instead:
N. hell¹ “naked, *stripped”
⚠️G. falos n. “sea-marge, surf, coast, line, beach; margin, fringe, edge”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
S. faloth n. “large foamy wave”
⚠️G. falt adj. “bare”; see instead:
S. paran “bare, naked; smooth, shaven”
N. faltha- v. “to foam”
⚠️G. faltha- v. “to strip, despoil, rob, make bare”; see instead:
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
⚠️G. fam n. “fat belly, paunch”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cum “belly”
⚠️G. famfa- v. “to maul”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ammatha- “to maul”
⚠️G. famfolc adj. “fat-bellied”; see instead:
ᴺS. !túgom “fat-bellied”
⚠️G. famp n. “handling, touching, feeling; stroking, caressing, ‘fuss’; fingering, appraising, assay”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mathad “handling, feeling, stroking, caressing; appraising, assay”
S. fân n. “(white) cloud; veil, curtain; form or vision of a spiritual being; ⚠️spirit [embodied]”
⚠️G. fanc n. “cut”; see instead:
S. #rest “[N.] cut”
⚠️ᴱN. fan(d) n. “dog”; see instead:
S. huan “great dog, hound”
S., N., ᴱN., G. fang n. “beard, ⚠️[G.] long beard”
S. †fanha- v. “to veil, cloak” see S. *fanna-
⚠️G. fann n. “year”; see instead:
S. #în¹ “year”
S. *fanna- v. “to veil, cloak”
⚠️G. fant adj. “crooked, bent, bowed”; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
ᴺS. !fanu n. “vapour, steam”
S., N. fanui adj. “cloudy, (lit.) having much cloud”
S. ?fanwos n. “mind-picture (of apparition in dream)”
N. far adj. and adv. “sufficient, enough, quite”
⚠️G. far adv. “yet, however”
⚠️G. far- v. “to separate, sever, divide; to depart, leave”
N. fara- v. “to hunt”
S. faran n. “rowan, *ash”
⚠️N. faras n. “hunting”; see instead:
S. faroth “*hunting”
⚠️G. farc n. “split, crack; division, quarrel”; see instead:
S. #thanc “forked, [N.] cleft, split, [ᴱN.] divided, cloven, bifurcated; [ᴱN.] cleft, break, breach”
N. cost “quarrel, *dispute”
N. farf n. “?carpet”
N. farn adj. “enough”
⚠️ᴱN. farn ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. farn n. “mark, boundary; shore”; see instead:
S. glan(n) “boundary”
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
N. farn “enough”
⚠️G. far(o)n adj. “separate, different, strange”
N. #faron n. “hunter”
⚠️G. faronwed adj. “foreign”; see instead:
ᴺS. !edlonui “foreign”
⚠️G. faronweg n. “foreigner (m.)”; see instead:
S. edlon “outsider, stranger, *foreigner”
⚠️G. faronwin n. “foreigner (f.)”; see instead:
S. edlon “outsider, stranger, *foreigner”
S. faroth n. “*hunting”
⚠️G. faroth n. “boundary”; see instead:
S. glan(n) “boundary”
S. faroth “*hunting”
ᴺS. !fartha- v. “to sate, satisfy”
⚠️G. fartha- v. “to divide (tr.)”
ᴺS. !farthannen adj. “sated, satisfied”
ᴺS. !farthas n. “satiety, satisfaction” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. fas- v. “to wash”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puida- “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify”
ᴺS. !hwal- “to wash”
⚠️G. fasc adj. “clean”; see instead:
N. puig “clean, tidy, neat”
⚠️G. fasca- v. “to splash, sprinkle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !felechia- “to splash”
ᴺS. [G.] fass n. “tassle”
N. fast n. “shaggy hair”
⚠️G. fast¹ n. “wash, cleaning”; see instead:
ᴺS. !puidh “wash, cleaning”
N. fast “shaggy hair”
⚠️G. fast² n. “holder, stand”
ᴺS. !fastui n. “shaggy, hairy, hirsute”
⚠️G. fath n. “tassle”; see instead:
ᴺS. fass “tassle”
⚠️G. fath² n. “possession, property; rights, legality”; see instead:
N. garn “‘own’, property”
⚠️G. fathli n. “tasselled fringe”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fathol “(tasselled) fringe”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fathol n. “(tasselled) fringe”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fathren adj. “tasselled”
⚠️G. fathrin adj. “tasselled”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fathren “tasselled”
⚠️G. fathwed adj. “tasselled”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fathren “tasselled”
⚠️G. fau- v. “to smell, give off a smell”; see instead:
N. thosta- “to stink, *give off a smell”
S., N., ᴱN. faug adj. “[N.] thirsty, ⚠️[S.] gape”
⚠️G. faug¹ adj. “stinking”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️G. faug² n. “wood smoke”; see instead:
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. fauglas n. “tobacco”; see instead:
S. galenas “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
ᴺS. !faul¹ n. “bladder, (orig.) inflated thing”
⚠️ᴺS. !faul² n. “thirst” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
⚠️N. faun n. “cloud”; see instead:
S. fân “(white) cloud; veil, curtain; form or vision of a spiritual being; ⚠️spirit [embodied]”
⚠️N. faur n. “beach, shore”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] faus(t) n. “thirst”
⚠️G. faust n. “smell, odour (neither pleasant nor unpleasant)”; see instead:
N. ûl “odour, *smell, scent”
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
⚠️G. fautha- v. “to snow” see G. fôtha-
S. faw n. “*breath, puff of breath”
ᴺS. !faw- v. “to puff, blow, pant” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. fech adj. “bad” see G. fêg
⚠️G. fectha- v. “to destroy, ruin, spoil”; see instead:
ᴺS. tertha- “to destroy, *ruin, †(orig.) to make pierced; ⚠️to devour”
⚠️G. fecthi adj. “less bad; baddish, naughty”
⚠️G. †fecthir n. “destroyer, slayer; bane”; see instead:
S. dagnir “slayer, bane”
⚠️G. fedhin n. and adj. “bound by agreement; ally, friend”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwedhen “oath-bound, allied”
⚠️G. fedhir n. “law; properly bond, convention, agreement”; see instead:
N. gowest “contract, compact, treaty”
ᴺS. !theinas “law, rule”
⚠️G. fedhirweg n. “lawman, lawyer”; see instead:
ᴺS. !theinweg “lawman, lawyer”
⚠️G. fedhra- v. “to unite in a band”; see instead:
S. #ertha- “to unite”
⚠️G. fedhril n. “one bound by oath [f.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwedhron “ally, one bound by oath”
⚠️G. fedhrog n. “one bound by oath”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwedhron “ally, one bound by oath”
⚠️ᴱN. fedhui adj. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. fedhwed adj. “lawful”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thain¹ “law-abiding, regular, normal, *lawful, formal, according to custom”
⚠️G. fedhwen n. “treaty”; see instead:
N. gowest “contract, compact, treaty”
⚠️ᴱN., G. feg adj. “bad, [G.] poor, wretched”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^faeg “mean, poor, bad”
⚠️G. fegla adj. “worse”
⚠️G. fegrin adj. “free”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lain “free(d), *liberated”
⚠️G. feigien adj. “worse”
⚠️N. fein adj. “white, radiant”; see instead:
S. fain “white, shimmering, shining, [N.] radiant; [S.] white and shining [thing]; ⚠️dim, dimmed; filmy, fine-woven; (vague) apparition; cloud”
S., N. Feir n. “Mortal, [N.] mortal man”
⚠️N. feir² adj. “right (hand)”; see instead:
ᴺS. fuir “[N.] right (hand); ⚠️north”
N. feira- v. “to suffice”
⚠️G. fel prep. and adv. “like; (as av.) as, like”; see instead:
S. #be “as, like; ⚠️in”
ᴺS. !bîl “likeness, similarity”
ᴺS. !fel- v. “to feel (a sensation or emotion)” [created by Unknown]
S., N. fela n. “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwelling; ⚠️minor excavations, den; [N.] cave”
⚠️S. felagund n. “den-dweller; brock, badger”; see instead:
ᴺS. !eriab “badger”
ᴺS. !felaich n. “splash” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. felcha- v. “to equal”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bilebra- “to equal”
ᴺS. !felechia- v. “to splash” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. felectha- v. “to make equal, equalize”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bileutha- “to make equal, equalize”
⚠️G. feleg adj. “equal”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bíleb “equal”
S. feleg “cave, ⚠️mine, underground dwelling”
S. feleg n. “cave, ⚠️mine, underground dwelling”
⚠️N. feleg n. “(animal’s) horn; steep mountain peak”; see instead:
S. feleg “cave, ⚠️mine, underground dwelling”
⚠️G. felegra- v. “to equal”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bilebra- “to equal”
⚠️G. felegrin adj. “equable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bilebren “equable”
ᴺS. !feleitha- v. “to excavate, tunnel, mine” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !felf n. “feeling, sensation” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. feltha- v. “to resemble, seem like; to seem likely, be probable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !biltha- “to resemble, seem like; to seem likely, be probable”
⚠️G. feltha adj. “similar, like”; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️G. felthadrin adj. “probable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bilthadren “probable”
⚠️G. felu- v. “to seem”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nev- “to seem, appear”
⚠️G. felweg n. “one’s fellow or equal, rival”
⚠️G. fem n. “venom (of snakes), poison in general”; see instead:
S. lhoer “venom, poison(ousness)”
ᴺS. !fend n. “threshold”
⚠️G. feng n. “arrow, war arrow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pilin(d) “arrow, [G.] dart”
⚠️G. fengvain n. “quiver”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwaelphilin “quiver, (lit.) case of arrows”
⚠️G. fengwathil n. “arrow feathering”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pilimbes “arrow feathering”
⚠️G. fenlug n. “snake”; see instead:
S. lŷg “snake”
S., N. fen(n) n. “door; ⚠️[N.] threshold”
S. fennas n. “great door, doorway, gateway”
⚠️G. fenog adj. “venomous”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhoereb “venomous, poisonous”
⚠️G. fent n. “snake”; see instead:
S. lŷg “snake”
⚠️G. fenwed adj. “venomous”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhoereb “venomous, poisonous”
N. †fêr n. “beech-tree”
N. feredir n. “hunter”
ᴺS. !feredis n. “hunter (f.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. fergar adj. “soon done”
S. fergenol adj. “quick to see or perceive, sharp-sighted or witted”
S. feria- v. “to make ready (promptly)”
S., N. #fern n. and adj. “dead person; [N.] dead (of mortals)”
S. ferui adj. “ready to hand, (quickly) available”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^fervain adj. “northern”; see instead:
N. forodren “northern”
⚠️N. fervein adj. “northern”; see instead:
N. forodren “northern”
⚠️G. fesc adj. “itching, irritating”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fesg “itching, irritating”
⚠️G. fesca- v. “to itch, irritate”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fesga- “to itch, irritate”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fesg adj. “itching, irritating” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^fesga- v. “to itch, irritate” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] fess n. “itch, itching”
⚠️G. fest n. “breath, breathing”; see instead:
N. thûl “breath”
⚠️G. festa- v. “to breath[e]”; see instead:
N. thuia- “to breathe”
⚠️G. feth n. “one breath”; see instead:
S. faw “*breath, puff of breath”
⚠️G. fi- pron. “you, 2nd-person singular”
⚠️G. n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. fidhra n. “collective hair”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fidhras “collective hair, *all hair on the body”
⚠️G. fidhrad adj. “hairy, hirsute”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fastui “shaggy, hairy, hirsute”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fidhras n. “collective hair, *all hair on the body”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fidhren adj. “having hair, -haired”
⚠️G. #fidhrin adj. “haired”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fidhren “having hair, -haired”
⚠️G. fien adv. “worse”
⚠️G. filc n. “fern”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fileb “fern”
N. fileg “small bird, [G.] *sparrow”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fileb n. “fern”
⚠️G. fileg n. “fern”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fileb “fern”
N. fileg “small bird, [G.] *sparrow”
N. fileg n. “small bird, [G.] *sparrow”
N. filigod n. “small bird” see N. fileg
⚠️G. fim adj. “clever, right hand”; see instead:
N. maen “skilled, clever”
S. fim adj. “slender, slim”
⚠️G. fimli n. “skill”; see instead:
S. curu “skill (of the hand), craft, magic; [N.] cunning”
⚠️G. fimlios n. “skilfulness”
S. fîn n. “(single) hair, filament”
ᴺS. [G.] finc n. “trick”
S., ᴱN., G. find n. “tress, [ON.] lock of hair; [ᴱN.] hair (in general); ⚠️[S.] single hair”
S. †findel n. and adj. “head of hair, fax, mass of long hair; having fine or beautiful hair” see S. finnel
S. fineg n. “*lock of hair” see S. fing
⚠️G. fing adj. “narrow”; see instead:
N. agor “narrow”
S. fing “lock of hair”
S. fing n. “lock of hair”
⚠️G. fingl n. “tress”; see instead:
S. fing “lock of hair”
⚠️G. fingli n. “narrow place, straits, sound, pass in mountains”; see instead:
S. cirith “cleft, ravine, defile, [N.] pass”
⚠️G. finig n. “trick”; see instead:
ᴺS. finc “trick”
ᴺS. [G.] finios n. “larch”
S., ᴱN. finn n. “tress; single hair; [ᴱN.] hair; [G.] lock of hair” see S. find
ᴺS. [G.] ^finna- v. “to trick, deceive, cheat, take in”
S., N., G. finnel n. and adj. “head of hair, fax, mass of long hair; having fine or beautiful hair; ⚠️[N.] (braided) hair; [G.] tress”
⚠️G. finnil n. “tress”; see instead:
S. fing “lock of hair”
⚠️G. fintha- v. “to twist; to deceive, cheat, take in”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^finna- “to trick, deceive, cheat, take in”
ᴺS. !ritha- “to jerk, twitch, snatch”
⚠️G. fintha pron. “thine”
⚠️G. finthi n. “idea, notion”; see instead:
N. inc “guess, idea, notion”
⚠️G. finweg n. “craftsman, man of skill”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maenor “craftsman”
⚠️G. finwi n. “skill”; see instead:
S. curu “skill (of the hand), craft, magic; [N.] cunning”
⚠️ᴱN. fion n. “mortal man”; see instead:
S. Feir “Mortal, [N.] mortal man”
⚠️G. fion n. “bowl, goblet”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tolph “bowl, basin”
N. sûl “goblet”
⚠️ᴱN. fion(n)iel n. “(fem.) mortal man”; see instead:
S. Firieth “(Female) Mortal”
⚠️G. fiont adj. “least”
⚠️G. fiont(ha) adj. “later”
⚠️ᴱN. fionweg n. “a man”; see instead:
S. Firion “(Male) Mortal”
⚠️ᴱN. fionwin n. “woman; (fem.) mortal man”; see instead:
S. Firieth “(Female) Mortal”
⚠️ᴱN. fîr n. “a hair”; see instead:
S. fîn “(single) hair, filament”
⚠️G. fir adj. “less”
S. #fir- v. “to fade, *die”
⚠️G. fîr adj. “late”
S. Fíreb n. “Mortal”
S. fíreb adj. “mortal”
⚠️N. firen adj. “human”; see instead:
S. firin “dying, ⚠️mortal; [N.] human”
S. Firieth n. “(Female) Mortal”
S. firin adj. “dying, ⚠️mortal; [N.] human”
S. Firion n. “(Male) Mortal”
S., N. firith n. “fading; [late] autumn”
⚠️G. fith (fidh-) n. “single hair”; see instead:
S. fîn “(single) hair, filament”
⚠️G. flad n. “sward, grass”; see instead:
S. parth “field, lawn, sward, garden, enclosed grassland”
S. #flâd n. “skin”
⚠️G. fladwen n. “meadow, grassland”; see instead:
S. parth “field, lawn, sward, garden, enclosed grassland”
⚠️G. fladweth n. “meadow, grassland”; see instead:
S. parth “field, lawn, sward, garden, enclosed grassland”
⚠️N. flaew adj. “sickly, sick, ill”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhaew “sickly, sick, ill”
⚠️ᴱN. flair ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. flaith ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. flan n. “scorn”; see instead:
N. iaew “mocking, scorn”
⚠️G. flant n. “expression of scorn, leer, sneer”
⚠️G. flantha- v. “to scorn, utterly despise”; see instead:
S. eitha-¹ “to prick with a sharp point, stab; to treat with scorn, insult”
ᴺS. ^agreitha- “to despise, contemn”
⚠️G. flanthog adj. “scornful”; see instead:
ᴺS. !iaewen “scornful”
⚠️G. flass n. “sea-marge, surf; foam; margin, ragged margin, fringe”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. flathnir n. “foam fay”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwingil “mermaid, (lit.) foam maiden”
⚠️G. flathrin adj. “foamy, tasseled”
⚠️G. flathwi n. “scud, spray, spindrift”; see instead:
S. gwing “foam, spindrift, [N.] flying spray; [G.] wave-crest”
⚠️G. flathwin n. “foam fay”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwingil “mermaid, (lit.) foam maiden”
⚠️G. flathwing n. “scud, spray, spindrift”; see instead:
S. gwing “foam, spindrift, [N.] flying spray; [G.] wave-crest”
⚠️G. flidhra adj. “‘willowy’, graceful”
⚠️G. flig- v. “to hew”; see instead:
N. drava- “to hew”
S., N. flinc n. “finch”
⚠️G. flinc n. “chip”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^techu “chip”
⚠️ᴱN. flind adj. “fleet-footed, swift”
⚠️ᴱN. flinn adj. “fleet-footed, swift” see ᴱN. flind
⚠️N. fliw n. “sickness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhîw “sickness, disease”
⚠️G. floss n. “breaker”; see instead:
N. falf “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
⚠️N. floss n. “whispering or rustling sound”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhoss “whispering or rustling sound”
⚠️ᴱN. floth ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. fluim n. “(black) smoke, reek”; see instead:
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. fo n. “a clan”
⚠️G. n. “snow”; see instead:
S. loss “snow”
⚠️G. fod n. “end, butt, bottom”; see instead:
S. methed “end”
S. tâl “foot; [lower] end”
⚠️G. fodra adj. “the last, latest, endmost”; see instead:
S. medui “end, final, last”
⚠️G. fodra- v. “to bring to an end, end, finish; to come to an end, end, finish”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tel- “to end, finish, be done”
⚠️N. foeg adj. “mean, poor, bad”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^faeg “mean, poor, bad”
⚠️N. foen adj. “radiant, white”; see instead:
S. fain “white, shimmering, shining, [N.] radiant; [S.] white and shining [thing]; ⚠️dim, dimmed; filmy, fine-woven; (vague) apparition; cloud”
S. foen n. “long sight”
ᴺS. [G.] fôf n. “fool”
⚠️G. fofri n. “folly”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fovas “folly”
⚠️G. fofru n. “folly”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fovas “folly”
⚠️G. fôl adj. “empty, bare, leafless (esp. of trees)”; see instead:
S. paran “bare, naked; smooth, shaven”
⚠️G. folc adj. “evil-smelling”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️G. folorin n. “winter”; see instead:
S. rhîw “winter”
⚠️G. foltha- v. “to emit smoke, smoulder, reek”; see instead:
ᴺS. !esgia- “to smoke (intr.)”
S. for- pref. “north”
⚠️G. fôr n. “gulf, gap”; see instead:
S. “chasm, pit; void, abyss; [N.] gulf”
ᴺS. !Forchalad n. “aurora, (lit.) northern radiance” [created by Röandil, Gilruin]
ᴺS. !fordûn n. “northwest” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !fordúnen adj. “northwestern” [created by Röandil]
⚠️N. forgam adj. “righthanded”; see instead:
S. forvo “right hand, right side”
S., N. forn adj. “north, [N.] right”
⚠️N. forn(en) adj. “closed”; see instead:
S. hollen “closed, shut”
S., N. forod n. “north”
N. forodren adj. “northern”
⚠️G. forog n. “enemy”; see instead:
S. #coth “enemy, foe; [N.] enmity”
ᴺS. !forrûn n. “northeast” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !forrúnen adj. “northeast” [created by Röandil]
⚠️N. forven n. “north”; see instead:
S. forod “north”
S. forvo n. “right hand, right side”
⚠️G. fôs n. “bath”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sûn “bath”
⚠️G. fost n. “odour”; see instead:
N. ûl “odour, *smell, scent”
⚠️G. fostrin adj. “odorous”; see instead:
ᴺS. !úlren “odorous”
⚠️G. fôtha- v. “to snow”
⚠️G. fô(tha) n. “hoard”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mírad “treasury, hoard”
ᴺS. !fovas n. “folly”
ᴺS., G. !fovren adj. “foolish”
⚠️ᴱN. fraith ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN., G. fring n. “necklace, [G.] carcanet”; see instead:
S. sigil “necklace”
⚠️G. fripthon n. “stalk”; see instead:
ᴺS. thrimp “stalk”
S. ? n. “path”
⚠️G. fuctha- v. “to smoke (over a wood fire)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !uitha- “to smoke (trans.)”
⚠️G. fufril n. “moth”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^fyvril “moth”
⚠️G. fufuin n. “hoard”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mírad “treasury, hoard”
⚠️G. fug- v. “to smoulder”; see instead:
ᴺS. !esgia- “to smoke (intr.)”
⚠️G. fugla- v. “to smoke (a pipe)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !uitha- “to smoke (trans.)”
⚠️G. fuglas n. “tobacco, *(lit.) smoke leaf”; see instead:
S. galenas “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
⚠️G. fuglathrod n. “pipe”; see instead:
ᴺS. !galenathrod “(smoking) pipe”
⚠️G. fuglos n. “tobacco”; see instead:
S. galenas “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
⚠️G. fugri n. “smother (of smoke)”; see instead:
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. fui n. “night”; see instead:
S. fuin “night, gloom, darkness, [N.] dead of night”
N. fuia- v. “to feel disgust at, abhor”
⚠️N. fuilas n. “pipeweed”; see instead:
S. galenas “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
S., N., ᴱN. fuin n. “night, gloom, darkness, [N.] dead of night”
⚠️G. fuin¹ adj. “secret, dark; hoarded”; see instead:
S. fuin “night, gloom, darkness, [N.] dead of night”
N. doll “obscure, dark, dusky, hidden, secret”
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. fuin² adv. “worse” see G. fien
ᴺS. !fuiol adj. “disgusting” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. fuior n. “deadly nightshade”
ᴺS. [S.] fuir adj. “[N.] right (hand); ⚠️north”
⚠️G. fuis n. “hoard”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mírad “treasury, hoard”
⚠️G. fuitha-¹ v. “to hide (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tobla- “to hide”
⚠️G. fuitha-² v. “to fall (of night); to grow dark”
⚠️G. fuithlog n. “dragon (who guards treasure)”; see instead:
N. amlug “dragon”
⚠️G. fuithlug n. “dragon (who guards treasure)”; see instead:
N. amlug “dragon”
⚠️G. fûn n. “hoard”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mírad “treasury, hoard”
⚠️G. func n. “smoke”; see instead:
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. fund n. “hoard”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mírad “treasury, hoard”
⚠️G. fung adj. “dark (esp. of colour)”; see instead:
S. morn “black, dark; ⚠️night”
⚠️G. funt n. “elephant”; see instead:
N. annabon “elephant”
⚠️G. fûr n. “lie”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cauth “deception, lie”
⚠️G. fur- v. “to conceal; to lie”; see instead:
N. doltha- “to conceal”
ᴺS. !cútha- “to deceive, lie”
⚠️G. furion adj. “secret, concealed, hidden”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. furn adj. “secret, concealed”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. fweg n. “broom”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hweg “broom”
⚠️G. fwegli n. “brush”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwegol “brush”
⚠️G. fwegra- v. “to sweep”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwegra- “to sweep”
⚠️G. fwi- pref. “fem. patronymic prefix”; see instead:
S. -iel¹ “daughter; feminine suffix”
⚠️G. fwion n. “nephew”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwion “nephew”
⚠️G. fwîr n. “niece”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hwiel “niece”
ᴺS. [G.] ^fyvril n. “moth” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. ga- pref. “very, more”; see instead:
ᴺS. gant “larger, greater, more, (lit.) increased”
⚠️G. gab- v. “to bark, bay (of dogs)”; see instead:
N. gaw- “to howl”
ᴺS. [G.] gach n. “cow”
N. gad- v. “to catch”
⚠️G. gad(a) n. “joint, link; small lane, track; isthmus”; see instead:
S. #lîf “link, *joint”
⚠️G. gada- v. “to join, connect, unite”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ianna- “to join, connect”
S. #ertha- “to unite”
ᴺS. !gadas n. “trap” [created by Fiona Jallings]
N. gador n. “prison, dungeon”
⚠️G. gadorwen n. “society”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwadoras “union, association, fellowship, society”
⚠️G. gados n. “union, association, fellowship”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwadoras “union, association, fellowship, society”
⚠️G. gadr n. “joint, link of chain”; see instead:
S. #lîf “link, *joint”
⚠️G. gadren n. “*brother in law, kinsman by marriage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethren “brother in law, kinsman by marriage”
⚠️G. gadres n. “*sister in law, kinswoman by marriage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethres “sister in law, *kinswoman by marriage”
⚠️G. gadron n. “fellow, associate”; see instead:
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
N. gwathel “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
⚠️G. gadros n. “union, association, fellowship”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwadoras “union, association, fellowship, society”
⚠️G. gadu adj. “joined, connected”; see instead:
ᴺS. !iannen “joined, connected”
⚠️ᴱN. gaduin n. “bond, obstacle, hindrance”
⚠️G. gadweth n. “union, joining; wedding”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bestad “wedding, (lit.) a marrying”
⚠️G. gadwi n. “twins”; see instead:
S. gwanon “twin”
N. gae n. “dread”
S. gaear n. “sea”
S. gaearon n. “ocean, (lit.) great sea”
ᴺS. !gaeda- v. “to astound, make aghast (& surprise, shock)” [created by Elaran]
N. gael adj. “pale, glimmering”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^gaer adj. “red, copper-coloured, ruddy” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. caran “red”
S. #gaer¹ “awful, fearful, [N.] dreadful”
S., N. #gaer¹ adj. “awful, fearful, [N.] dreadful”
⚠️S. gaer² n. “sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
⚠️S. gaeron n. “*ocean”; see instead:
S. gaearon “ocean, (lit.) great sea”
ᴺS. [N.] ^gaeruil n. “seaweed” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaes n. “steel”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaesen adj. “of steel”
ᴺS. !gaessarn n. “pearl, (lit.) sea-pebble” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaethren adj. “like steel”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaew adj. “pregnant”
⚠️G. gag n. “jaw”; see instead:
N. anc “jaw, row of teeth”
⚠️ᴱN. gag adj. “greedy”; see instead:
N. melch “greedy”
⚠️ᴱN. gagl adj. “foolish”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fovren “foolish”
⚠️G. gagron n. “yoke ox, bullock”; see instead:
S. mund “bull”
⚠️ᴱN. gagros n. “greed”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milf “greed”
⚠️ᴱN. gagrosaith n. “greed”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milf “greed”
⚠️G. gaib adj. “*pregnant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaew “pregnant”
⚠️G. gaibra- v. “to impregnate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gýda- “to impregnate, make pregant”
⚠️G. gaid adv. “more”; see instead:
ᴺS. gant “larger, greater, more, (lit.) increased”
⚠️G. gaig n. “weapon, tool”; see instead:
ᴺS. !carf “tool, implement, weapon”
⚠️G. gaigin n. “arms”; see instead:
ᴺS. !carf “tool, implement, weapon”
N. gail adj. “bright, light”
⚠️S., ᴱN., G. gail n. “silver spark, [ᴱN.] star; sign, token, heavenly body”; see instead:
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
⚠️ᴱN. gair- v. “there is room (for)”
⚠️ᴱN. gair adj. “merry”; see instead:
S. gelir “merry”
⚠️ᴱN. gairion n. “jester”
⚠️ᴱN. gairuid adj. “funny”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lallen “funny, amusing”
⚠️ᴱN. gairwen adj. “mirth, fun”
⚠️G. gais n. “steel”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaes “steel”
⚠️G. gaisin adj. “of steel”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaesen “of steel”
⚠️G. gaist n. “torment, oppression”; see instead:
N. baul “torment”
⚠️G. gaista- [ng-] v. “to oppress, cause great grief to”; see instead:
ᴺS. !naeda- “to oppress, cause great grief to”
⚠️G. gaithrin adj. “like steel”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaethren “like steel”
⚠️G. gaiw adj. “pregnant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaew “pregnant”
S., G. gal- [ng-] v. “to shine clear, [G.] shine golden as the Sun”
⚠️ᴺS. !gal- pref. “well, blessedly” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
S. mae “well; excellent, admirable”
S. gal- “to shine clear, [G.] shine golden as the Sun”
S., N. gala- v. “to grow”
⚠️G. gal(a) n. “daylight, light”; see instead:
S. galad “radiance, glittering reflection; ⚠️light, fire, brightness, shining; bliss; [ᴱN.] dawn”
S. calad “light, brightness, shining, ⚠️fire”
S., N., ᴱN. galad [ng-] n. “radiance, glittering reflection; ⚠️light, fire, brightness, shining; bliss; [ᴱN.] dawn”
S., N. galadh n. “tree”
S. galadhremmen adj. “tree-meshed”
N. galas n. “plant, growth”
⚠️ᴺS. !galdol interj. “welcome” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !maedol “welcome”
⚠️G. galdon n. “tree”; see instead:
S. galadh “tree”
ᴺS. [G.] ^galen adj. “grown (esp. of plants)”
S., N. galenas n. “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
ᴺS. !galenathrod n. “(smoking) pipe” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^galf n. “back [of a body], shoulders [collectively]”
⚠️ᴱN. gall adj. “wide, broad”; see instead:
S. #land “wide, broad; [N.] open space, level”
⚠️G. galoth n. “window, *(lit.) light hole”; see instead:
S. henneth “window”
⚠️G. galt n. “yoke”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ialt “yoke”
ᴺS. !galtha- v. “to be glad” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. galtha- v. “to kindle”; see instead:
N. nartha- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
ᴺS. [N.] ^galu n. “increase, growth; ⚠️good fortune, blessedness, blessings” [created by HSD, Paul Strack]
S. galvorn n. “type of dark metal devised by Eöl, *(lit.) shining-black”
⚠️N. galw n. “?increase, growth”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^galu “increase, growth; ⚠️good fortune, blessedness, blessings”
ᴺS. !alvar “(good) luck, fortune”
⚠️G. galwed adj. “brilliant, shining”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celair “brilliant, *shining”
⚠️G. galwen n. “brilliance”; see instead:
S. aglar “glory, brilliance, splendour, radiance”
⚠️G. gam n. “shout”; see instead:
N. ial “*cry, shout”
⚠️G. gama- v. “to call, shout to”; see instead:
N. ialla- “to call”
S. can- “to cry out, shout, call”
⚠️G. gam(m)a- v. “to gain, profit, increase; to be profitable, bring in revenue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ganna- “to gain, profit, increase; to be profitable, bring in revenue”
N. gammas n. “s-sign”
S., N. gamp n. “hook, crook; [N.] claw”
⚠️G. gân adj. “young”; see instead:
S. #gwain¹ “young, *new”
N. neth “young”
⚠️G. gand adj. “dark & gloomy; morose; harsh, ill tempered, sour, gloomy of temper”
⚠️G. gandos n. “morose temper”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ganna- v. “to gain, profit, increase; to be profitable, bring in revenue”
N. gann(ad)a- [ng-] v. “to play a harp”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gannan adj. “waxen, grown big, grown up, adult, [originally?] large”
N. gannel [ng-] n. “harp”
⚠️G. ganos n. “youth”; see instead:
S. gwîn “youth”
N. nîth “youth”
⚠️G. ganothrin adj. “youthful”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwineb “youthful”
ᴺS. [G.] gant adv. “larger, greater, more, (lit.) increased”
⚠️G. gantha adv. “more”; see instead:
ᴺS. gant “larger, greater, more, (lit.) increased”
⚠️G. ganthan adj. “waxen, grown big, grown up, adult, [originally?] large”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gannan “waxen, grown big, grown up, adult, [originally?] large”
⚠️ᴱN. gar v. “?to go”
N. gar- v. “to hold, have, *possess”
⚠️ᴱN. gara n. “throat”; see instead:
S. lang “passage; neck, *throat”
⚠️ᴱN. garadren adj. “having room for, convenient, adequate, opportune”
⚠️ᴱN. garadros n. “opportunity”
N. garaf [ng-] n. “wolf”
S. gardh n. “region”
S. ?gardhon n. “province”
⚠️ᴱN. garion n. “hauberk”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] -garn suf. “-made”
N. garn n. “‘own’, property”
ᴺS. !garnen adj. “own, held, possessed”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. garob n. “robe, [G.] outer garment, ⚠️cloak”
⚠️ᴱN., G. garth n. “place, [G.] district”; see instead:
S. sad “place, spot”
S. gardh “region”
N. garth “fort, fortress”
N. garth n. “fort, fortress”
⚠️G. garth adj. “beloved”; see instead:
S. mell “dear, beloved”
ᴺS. [N.] gartha- v. “to defend, ⚠️keep”
⚠️ᴱN. gartha- v. “to set, put in position, appoint”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
ᴺS. gartha- “to defend, ⚠️keep”
⚠️G. gartha- v. “to admire, have affection or respect for”
⚠️ᴱN. garthad n. “open place, square”; see instead:
S. sad “place, spot”
ᴺS. !canthil “square”
⚠️ᴱN. garthant adj. “placed, appointed, ordained, decreed”; see instead:
ᴺS. !amarthannen “decreed, destined, ordained”
⚠️ᴱN. garw n. “shout”; see instead:
N. ial “*cry, shout”
⚠️G. garw n. and adj. “sown-field; tilled”; see instead:
S. rîdh “sown field, [N.] acre”
N. gas n. “hole, gap”
N. gasdil n. “stopgap”
⚠️N. gath n. “cavern”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
⚠️G. gath¹ n. “neck”; see instead:
S. ach¹ “neck, *(upper) spine”
⚠️G. †gath² (gadh-) n. “gloom, blight”; see instead:
S. fuin “night, gloom, darkness, [N.] dead of night”
⚠️G. gatha ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️N. gathrod n. “cave”; see instead:
S. groth “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling; [N.] cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”
N. gaud n. “device, contrivance, machine”
ᴺS. !gauda- v. “to invent, originate, devise” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. gaudhwen n. “fever”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gaug adj. “clumsy; ⚠️left (hand)”
⚠️ᴱN. gaug adj. “crooked”; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
N. gaul [ng-] n. “wolfhowl”
⚠️G. gaul¹ n. “burden”; see instead:
S. caul “(great) burden; affliction”
N. gaul “wolfhowl”
⚠️G. gaul² n. “light”; see instead:
S. galad “radiance, glittering reflection; ⚠️light, fire, brightness, shining; bliss; [ᴱN.] dawn”
S. calad “light, brightness, shining, ⚠️fire”
S., N. gaur [ng-] n. “werewolf”
⚠️G. gaust n. “corn, crop (espec. of cereal)”; see instead:
N. iau¹ “corn, *cereal crop”
ᴺS. ^iaust “crop, *yield, produce; ⚠️corn”
⚠️G. gauth n. “heat (esp. of body)”
⚠️G. gav- v. “to produce, yield, bear fruit”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^iav- “to produce, yield, bear fruit”
⚠️S. Gavar n. “*Refuser”; see instead:
S. †Avar “Refuser”
⚠️G. gavon n. “harvest (time)”; see instead:
S. iavas “autumn, *harvest (time)”
⚠️G. gavos n. “yield, crop, produce”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^iaust “crop, *yield, produce; ⚠️corn”
N. gaw n. “void”
N. gaw- [ng-] v. “to howl”
N. gawad [ng-] adj. “howling”
⚠️G. gawlas n. “forest” see G. goloth
⚠️ᴺS. !ge conj. “maybe, if” [created by VQP]; see instead:
ᴺS. !ce “may(be), might”
ᴺS. !pi “if”
ᴺS. !ged- [ng-] v. “to get, catch, obtain, take” [created by Röandil]
⚠️G. ged n. “kinsman†; friend, chum”; see instead:
S. mellon “friend”
N. gwanur “kinsman, kinswoman”
⚠️G. gedfel adj. “friendly, affable, amiable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nathol “affable, kindly, welcoming”
N. milui “friendly, loving, kind”
⚠️G. gedren n. “second cousin (m.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. rend² “male cousin, relative”
⚠️G. gedres n. “second cousin (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ress¹ “female cousin, relative”
⚠️G. gedrin adj. “sib, akin”; see instead:
ᴺS. goredhin “sib, akin, [closely] related”
⚠️G. gedweth n. “kinship†, friendship”; see instead:
N. gwend “bond, friendship”
ᴺS. !rennas “kinship, relation”
⚠️N. geil n. “star”; see instead:
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
S. #gêl n. “weeping”
ᴺS. !gelia- [ng-] v. “to learn” [created by Thorsten Renk]
S. gelir adj. “merry”
N. gell n. “joy, triumph”
ᴺS. !gella- v. “to rejoice, delight” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
N. gellam n. “jubilation”
N. gellui adj. “triumphant”
N. gem adj. “sickly”
⚠️G. -gen suf. “*earth”
⚠️G. gen n. “closed hand, grip”
S. #genedia- v. “to reckon”
S. genediad n. “reckoning”
⚠️G. gentha- v. “to grip, seize, lay hold of”
ᴺS. [G.] ger n. “ore, [unrefined] metal”
⚠️G. gerd(h)olm n. “mine”; see instead:
S. fela “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwelling; ⚠️minor excavations, den; [N.] cave”
S. geria- v. “to ponder”
⚠️G. gerin adj. “metallic”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tingen “metallic”
N. gern adj. “worn, old, decrepit (of things)”
⚠️G. gersauth n. “mine”; see instead:
S. fela “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwelling; ⚠️minor excavations, den; [N.] cave”
⚠️G. gersoth n. “mine”; see instead:
S. fela “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwelling; ⚠️minor excavations, den; [N.] cave”
⚠️ᴱN. gerwen adj. “mirth, fun” see ᴱN. gairwen
⚠️ᴱN. geryd ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. geth¹ n. “clan, kindred, folk”; see instead:
S. nos(s) “family, kindred, clan, house; race, tribe, people”
⚠️G. geth² n. “ore of metals (esp. raw iron)”
⚠️G. gethli n. “friendship”; see instead:
N. gwend “bond, friendship”
⚠️G. gethlir n. “friend; †kinswoman”; see instead:
N. meldis “friend (f.)”
N. gwanur “kinsman, kinswoman”
S. gil [ng-] n. “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
ᴺS. [G.] gil- [ng-] v. “to gleam, shine pale and silver (as of the moon [or stars])”
⚠️G. gî(laith) adv. “once, in past”; see instead:
ᴺS. ! “once, at one time; was”
N. gildin n. “silver spark”
N. gilhof n. “dew, *(lit.) star-juice”
⚠️G. Gilim n. “winter”; see instead:
S. rhîw “winter”
N. gilith n. “starlight, *region of the stars”
⚠️S. gill n. “star”; see instead:
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
⚠️G. gilm n. “moonlight, silver light”; see instead:
N. silith “light of Silpion, *moonlight”
N. gilith “starlight, *region of the stars”
⚠️G. gilt n. “a gleam”; see instead:
S. glîn(n) “gleam, glint”
⚠️G. giltha n. “white metal”; see instead:
S. celeb “silver”
S. mithril “Moria-silver, true-silver”
⚠️G. gima- v. “to hear”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhassa- “to hear”
⚠️G. gimli n. “(sense of) hearing”; see instead:
ᴺS. !last “(sense of) hearing”
⚠️G. gimra- v. “to hearken to, listen to”; see instead:
S. lasta- “to listen, give ear”
⚠️G. gimri n. “hearkening, attention”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lastad “listening, hearkening, attention”
⚠️G. gimriol adj. “audible, noticeable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lastadui “audible”
⚠️G. ging n. “spider”; see instead:
S. ungol “spider”
⚠️G. gintha- v. “to join to (intr.), add, increase, add to”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ganna- “to gain, profit, increase; to be profitable, bring in revenue”
S. #anna- “to give, †add to”
⚠️G. giol adj. “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gŷl “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”
⚠️G. gioth n. “germ, foetus, embryon”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gŷth “germ, foetus, embryon”
⚠️G. giothra- v. “to germinate, be conceived”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gythra- “to germinate, be conceived”
⚠️G. giothrin adj. “embryonic”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gythren “embryonic”
S., N. #gir- v. “to shudder”
⚠️ᴱN. gir n. “interior, inwards, centre, inner parts, inside, heart”
⚠️G. gîr n. “yesterday”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nuir “yesterday”
⚠️ᴱN. girdh n. “entrails, bowels, inwards”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^irdh “entrails, bowels, innards”
⚠️G. gîrin adj. “bygone, old, belonging to former days, olden, former, ancient”; see instead:
S. iaur “old; [N.] ancient, olden”
S., N. girith n. “shuddering; [N.] horror”
S., N. Girithron n. “December, *Shuddering-one”
⚠️ᴱN. gist- v. “to know”; see instead:
N. ista- “to have knowledge, [G.] know, ⚠️be aware, perceive, feel”
⚠️G. giwl adj. “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gŷl “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”
⚠️G. giwol adj. “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gŷl “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”
⚠️G. giwth n. “germ, foetus, embryon”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gŷth “germ, foetus, embryon”
⚠️G. glâ n. “day, daytime”; see instead:
S. aur “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
⚠️ᴱN. glab- v. “to babble”
⚠️ᴱN. #glaba- v. “to babble”; see instead:
N. glavra- “to babble”
⚠️ᴱN. glabadol adj. “chattering, talkative”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glavradol “chattering, talkative”
⚠️ᴱN. glabros n. “babble, chatter, babel, din of voices”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glavras “babble, chatter, babel, din of voices”
⚠️ᴱN. glabroseb adj. “full of the din of voices”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glavradeb “full of the din of voices”
S. glad n. “wood”
S. gladh- v. “to laugh [at a joke], *guffaw”
ᴺS. !gladhweg adj. “cheerful, (lit.) apt to laugh” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴱN. gladwen n. “radiance, sunshine”; see instead:
S. glawar “gold (light or colour); [N.] sunlight, radiance (of Laurelin)”
S. glae n. “grass”
S. glae(gal) n. “light (as an ethereal substance), *photons”
ᴺS. [G.] ^glaen adj. “serene, clear, fair (espec. of weather)”
ᴺS. !glaenas n. “fair weather; serenity”
S., N. glaer n. “[N.] long lay, narrative poem, ⚠️[S.] tale, song”
N. glaew n. “ointment, salve”
⚠️G. glaib adj. “dripping wet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^limp “wet”
ᴺS. !glaich adj. “merry, joyous, happy” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. glaim adj. “serene, clear, fair (espec. of weather)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glaen “serene, clear, fair (espec. of weather)”
⚠️G. glaimri n. “serenity, fair weather”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glaenas “fair weather; serenity”
⚠️N. glair n. “*poem”; see instead:
S. glaer “[N.] long lay, narrative poem, ⚠️[S.] tale, song”
⚠️G. glair n. “meadow”; see instead:
S. glaer “[N.] long lay, narrative poem, ⚠️[S.] tale, song”
⚠️G. #(g)lairin n. “*poem”; see instead:
S. glaer “[N.] long lay, narrative poem, ⚠️[S.] tale, song”
⚠️G. glais n. “sweetness”
⚠️ᴱN. glaith ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. glaithfedhui ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. glaithraith n. “polisher (feminine)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rothron “polisher”
⚠️ᴱN. glaiw n. “light”; see instead:
S. glae(gal) “light (as an ethereal substance), *photons”
N. glaiw n. “salve” see N. glaew
S., N., ᴱN., G. glam n. “din, uproar, bellowing of beasts, [N.] shouting, confused noise; barbarous speech; ⚠️[ᴱN.] hatred, [G.] loathing, fierce hate”
S. glamog n. “orc”
⚠️G. glamog adj. “loathsome”; see instead:
N. deleb “horrible, abominable, loathsome”
S. glamog “orc”
⚠️N. glamor n. “echo”; see instead:
S. #lam² “echo”
⚠️G. glamra- v. “to abominate, loath, detest”
⚠️N. glamren adj. “echoing”; see instead:
S. loven “echoing”
⚠️G. glamri n. “bitter feud”
S., N., ᴱN., G. #glân¹ adj. “[bright shining] white; [N.] clear; [G.] pure, †bright; ⚠️[ᴱN.] clean”
S. glân² n. “hem, border”
S. glandagol n. “boundary mark”
ᴺS. !glandor n. “march, mark, boundary land” [created by Valerie]
S. glan(n) n. “boundary”
ᴺS. [G.] ^glanna- v. “to cleanse, purify, purge, *to clear, make clear”
ᴺS. [G.] ^glannaith n. “cleanliness, purity”
ᴺS. !glannas n. “purification”
ᴺS. [G.] ^glannen adj. “cleanly, pure”
⚠️G. glantha- v. “to cleanse, purify, purge”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glanna- “to cleanse, purify, purge, *to clear, make clear”
⚠️G. glant(hi) n. “cleanness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glannaith “cleanliness, purity”
⚠️G. glanthin adj. “cleanly, pure”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glannen “cleanly, pure”
⚠️G. glanweth n. “cleanliness, purity”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glannaith “cleanliness, purity”
⚠️G. glanwethrin adj. “cleanly, pure”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glannen “cleanly, pure”
⚠️G. glar(os) n. “glare, blaze, splendour”; see instead:
S. glaw “sunshine; [N.] radiance”
S. aglar “glory, brilliance, splendour, radiance”
⚠️G. glarossiol adj. “dazzling”
⚠️G. glarosta- v. “to dazzle”
⚠️G. glartha- v. “to dazzle” see G. glarosta-
⚠️ᴱN. glarw n. “ray, radiance”; see instead:
S. glaw “sunshine; [N.] radiance”
⚠️ᴱN. #glarweb adj. “bright, light”; see instead:
N. gail “bright, light”
⚠️G. glarw(ed) adj. “bright, light”; see instead:
N. gail “bright, light”
N. glas n. “joy” see N. glass
⚠️G. glâs n. “brilliance, clarity”; see instead:
S. aglar “glory, brilliance, splendour, radiance”
N. glass “joy, *happiness”
N. glass n. “joy, *happiness”
⚠️G. glass n. “brilliance, clarity”; see instead:
S. aglar “glory, brilliance, splendour, radiance”
N. glass “joy, *happiness”
ᴺS. !glassui adj. “joyful, happy” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] glast n. “marble”
ᴺS. !glasta-¹ v. “to joke” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !glasta-² v. “to make happy” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. glastrin adj. “marble”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glathren “[of or like] marble”
⚠️ᴱN. glathra- v. “to polish”; see instead:
ᴺS. !runna- “to polish, burnish”
S. glathralvas n. “flashing glass/crystal, *heliograph”
ᴺS. [G.] ^glathren adj. “[of or like] marble”
⚠️G. glathrin adj. “brilliant, lucent”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celair “brilliant, *shining”
⚠️ᴱN. glathrog n. “polisher”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rothron “polisher”
ᴺS. !glaudh n. “joke, jest”
⚠️G. glaur adj. “light, bright”; see instead:
N. gail “bright, light”
S., N. glaur n. and adj. “gold [light or colour]”
⚠️ᴱN. glavaith n. “blaze, burning, blazing light”
⚠️ᴱN. glavaitha- v. “to blaze”
N. glavra- v. “to babble”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavradeb adj. “full of the din of voices”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavradol adj. “chattering, talkative”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavradon n. “vain talker, *chatterbox”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^glavras n. “babble, chatter, babel, din of voices”
N. glavrol adj. “babbling”
S., N. glaw n. “sunshine; [N.] radiance”
S., N. glawar n. “gold (light or colour); [N.] sunlight, radiance (of Laurelin)”
⚠️ᴱN. glebe(i)dion n. “a vain talker”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^glavradon “vain talker, *chatterbox”
⚠️G. gledhrin adj. “slender”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhind “fine, slender”
⚠️G. gledhrinios n. “slenderness” see G. glen(d)rinios
⚠️G. (g)leg adj. “keen, sharp, piercing”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laeg “keen, sharp, acute”
S. gleina- v. “to bound, enclose, limit”
ᴺS. !gleinannen adj. “bounded, enclosed, limited”
⚠️G. glen(d)rin adj. “slender”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhind “fine, slender”
⚠️G. glen(d)rinios n. “slenderness”
⚠️G. glen(n) adj. “thin, fine, slender”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhind “fine, slender”
S. #glenna- v. “*to travel, ⚠️go”
⚠️G. glent n. “thinness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhinnas “slenderness, thinness”
⚠️G. glenweth n. “thinness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhinnas “slenderness, thinness”
⚠️G. glest [ng-] n. “moot, gathering, concourse, assembly”; see instead:
N. hûd “assembly, *gathering, moot”
⚠️G. glesta- v. “to gather”; see instead:
S. cova- “to come together, meet; to gather, assemble”
⚠️ᴱN. glewin ? “[unglossed]”
N., ᴱN. glî n. “honey”
⚠️ᴱN. glib adj. “sticky”; see instead:
N. hiw “sticky, viscous”
⚠️G. glib¹ n. “drop of water”; see instead:
ᴺS. limig “[small] drop, ⚠️drop of water”
⚠️G. glib² adj. “liquid”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ylin “liquid”
⚠️ᴱN. glich ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] glidheb adj. “like honey”
S. #glim n. “voice, *utterance”
⚠️G. glim adj. “shimmering”
⚠️G. glimri n. “sheen”
⚠️G. glin n. “sound, voice, utterance”; see instead:
S. #glim “voice, *utterance”
ᴺS. !law¹ “sound”
⚠️G. -glin suf. “suffix in the name of languages”; see instead:
S. #-ren “adjective suffix”
⚠️N. glin- v. “to sing”; see instead:
N. glir- “to sing, recite poem”
S. glind n. “*song” see S. lind¹
⚠️G. glindwil n. “swallow”; see instead:
N. tuilinn “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
N. gling- v. “to hang, dangle”
⚠️G. gling n. “music”; see instead:
ᴺS. !linnas “music”
⚠️G. glingon n. “song, chanting, chant”; see instead:
S. lind¹ “song, chant, singing, ⚠️[N.] air, tune; [N. and S.] singer”
⚠️G. glingrin adj. “musical”; see instead:
ᴺS. !linnathren “musical”
S. glîn(n) n. “gleam, glint”
S. glinn n. “*song” see S. lind¹
⚠️N. glinn¹ n. “song, poem, lay”; see instead:
N. glîr “song, poem, lay”
⚠️N. glinn² n. “(pale) blue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^elu “(pale) blue”
⚠️G. glint n. “crystal”; see instead:
S. silef “(white) crystal; ⚠️[N.] silver, shining white”
S. glintha- v. “to glance (at)”
ᴺS. !glinthad n. “look, glance, flash of the eye”
⚠️ᴱN. glinui n. “honey-bee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nîw “bee”
N. glir- v. “to sing, recite poem”
N., G. glîr n. “song, poem, lay”
⚠️G. glis adj. “sweet”; see instead:
S. laich “sweet”
⚠️G. glisc adj. “fond of sweets; fond of saying sweet or flattering things, suave, flattering”; see instead:
S. laich “sweet”
⚠️G. glisca- v. “to have a sweet tooth, like sweet things”
⚠️G. glissith n. “sugar”; see instead:
ᴺS. glist “sugar”
ᴺS. [G.] glist n. “sugar”
⚠️G. glith n. “dale, hillslope”; see instead:
S. nan(d) “vale, valley, [ᴱN.] dale; [N.] wide grassland; ⚠️[G.] field acre”
S. pend “slope, steep incline, hill side, [N.] declivity; [S.] sloping (down), steeply inclined”
⚠️G. glô n. “sunrise, dawn, daybreak”; see instead:
S. amrûn “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️G. glod n. “gullet, throat”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhunc “pharynx, gullet”
ᴺS. !glodhren adj. “jocular”
⚠️G. glóna- v. “to dawn”
⚠️G. glonta- v. “to swallow, gulp, devour”
⚠️G. glonthen n. “dandelion, (lit.) eye of the day”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^orchen “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye”
⚠️ᴱN., G. glór n. “gold”; see instead:
S. glaur “gold [light or colour]”
ᴺS. !glorchadhu n. “lotus, (lit.) golden seat” [created by Echuidor]
S., N. #glóriel adj. “golden”
S., G. #glórin adj. “golden, ⚠️[G.] of gold”
⚠️G. glôriol adj. “golden, like gold”; see instead:
S. #glóriel “golden”
⚠️G. glo(r)nethlin n. “meadowgold, buttercup”; see instead:
ᴺS. malthos “butter cup”
⚠️G. glôs n. “flower, best of anything; blooming time, acme, floruit”; see instead:
S. loth “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
S. gloss “(dazzling) white, [N.] snow-white, [G.] clear white; ⚠️[N.] snow”
S., N., G. gloss adj. “(dazzling) white, [N.] snow-white, [G.] clear white; ⚠️[N.] snow”
⚠️G. glost n. “whiteness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nimmas “whiteness”
ᴺS. !glosta- v. “to snow” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. glosui adj. “snow white”
⚠️G. †glothrin adj. “white, clear white”; see instead:
S. gloss “(dazzling) white, [N.] snow-white, [G.] clear white; ⚠️[N.] snow”
N. glûdh n. “soap”
⚠️G. glui n. “snow”; see instead:
S. loss “snow”
⚠️G. glum¹ adj. “(over) burdened; dull, heavy, sad”; see instead:
ᴺS. dem “sad, gloomy”
⚠️G. glum² n. “cloud” see G. lum
⚠️G. glumri n. “moroseness, sadness”; see instead:
ᴺS. dim “gloom, sadness”
S., N., ᴱN., G. go- pref. “together, co-, com-”
⚠️ᴱN. n. “son”; see instead:
S. ion(n) “son, *boy”
⚠️S. go-² pref. “*away”; see instead:
N. #gwa-² “*away”
⚠️G. go-² pref. “son of”; see instead:
S. -ion¹ “-son”
⚠️G. gob n. “hollow of hand”; see instead:
S. cam “(cupped) hand, holding hand; handful”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] gobab- v. “to shake”
S., N. gobel n. “(walled) village, town (enclosure); [N.] walled house, *manor”
ᴺS. !gobem n. “mouth” [created by Paul Strack]
N. gobennas n. “history”
N. gobennathren adj. “historical”
ᴺS. !gobeth n. “dictionary” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
⚠️G. gôbi n. “large hound”; see instead:
S. huan “great dog, hound”
⚠️G. gobli n. “dell”; see instead:
S. imlad “deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides, gap, gully, [N.] dell, glen”
⚠️G. gobos n. “haven”; see instead:
N. hobas “harbourage”
ᴺS. [G.] gochest n. “brother and brother, brother and sister, etc., *a set of siblings”
⚠️G. gochestri n. “consanguinity”
⚠️G. gochethri n. “consanguinity” see G. gochestri
⚠️G. gôd n. “joint, link of chain”; see instead:
S. #lîf “link, *joint”
⚠️G. godaithion adj. “educated”; see instead:
ᴺS. !golthannen “learned, educated”
⚠️G. godaithri n. “education, erudition; grammar”; see instead:
ᴺS. !golthas “education, erudition”
⚠️G. godaithrinwed adj. “grammatical”
⚠️G. godaithri(o)n adj. “learned, educated”; see instead:
ᴺS. !golthannen “learned, educated”
⚠️G. godra adj. “joined, united, joint”; see instead:
ᴺS. !iannen “joined, connected”
⚠️N. godrebh adv. “abreast; *together-through”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^godref “abreast; *together-through”
ᴺS. [N.] ^godref adv. “abreast; *together-through” [vetted by HSD]
S., N. goe n. “terror, great fear, [N.] dread”
S. goeol adj. “*fell, terrible, dire”
⚠️N. goer adj. “red, copper-coloured, ruddy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaer “red, copper-coloured, ruddy”
⚠️G. gôf n. “fruit (esp. of tree)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !iâf “fruit”
⚠️G. gôf·clochiol n. “stone-fruit”
⚠️G. gofedhin adj. “united, allied, ‘friends’”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwedhen “oath-bound, allied”
⚠️G. gofedhra- v. “to unite in a band”; see instead:
S. #ertha- “to unite”
⚠️G. gofedhrog n. “ally”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwedhron “ally, one bound by oath”
⚠️G. gofel adj. and adv. “exactly alike”; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️G. gofeltha adj. “*similar, like”; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️G. gofelthi n. “exact similarity”
⚠️G. gofelweg n. “one’s fellow or equal, rival”
⚠️G. gofil adj. and adv. “exactly alike”; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️G. gôg adj. “clumsy; left (hand)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaug “clumsy; ⚠️left (hand)”
⚠️ᴱN. gog¹ adj. “nimble”; see instead:
S. #legol “[Ilk.] nimble, active, running free”
⚠️ᴱN. gog² adj. “crooked”; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
⚠️G. gogail n. “mouth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gobem “mouth”
⚠️G. gogel n. “mouth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gobem “mouth”
⚠️G. gogìl n. “mouth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gobem “mouth”
S. #gohena- v. “*to forgive”
ᴺS. !goianna- v. “to join with, add to” [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
⚠️ᴱN. #gol- v. “to sing”; see instead:
N. glir- “to sing, recite poem”
⚠️ᴱN. gôl n. “song”; see instead:
N. glîr “song, poem, lay”
⚠️ᴺS. !gôl n. “wave” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
N. falf “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
⚠️G. gol- v. “to stink”; see instead:
N. thosta- “to stink, *give off a smell”
⚠️G. gôl¹ n. “daylight, day”; see instead:
S. aur “(whole) day, sunlight, [N.] morning”
S. calan “day(light)”
ᴺS. !golain n. “connection, relation, context, (lit.) threadage” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️G. golairin n. “rime, rhyme; riming poem”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwalir “rhyme, rime (the two actual rhyming words), rhyming poem”
S. golas n. “foliage, collection of leaves”
S. golass n. “foliage, collection of leaves” see S. golas
⚠️G. golaudri n. “deluge, flood”; see instead:
S. duinen “flood, high tide”
ᴺS. !golbar [ng-] n. “school, university, (lit.) wisdom-house” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. golbh adj. “stinking”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️G. golc n. “stink, stench”; see instead:
N. ongol “stench”
⚠️G. Gold [ng-] n. “Gnome”; see instead:
S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
⚠️G. Golda [ng-] n. “Gnome, wise one”; see instead:
S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
⚠️G. Goldogrin n. “Language of the Gnomes”
⚠️G. Goldrin adj. “Gnome”
⚠️G. golesta- v. “to gather (intr.)”; see instead:
S. cova- “to come together, meet; to gather, assemble”
N. golf n. “branch”
N. goll [ng-] adj. “wise”
N. gollor [ng-] n. “magician”
⚠️G. golma n. “lore, wisdom, ancient lore”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^golu “lore, *wisdom”
⚠️G. golod n. “stink, stench”; see instead:
N. ongol “stench”
S., N., ᴱN. Golodh [ng-] n. “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
S. golodh [ng-] n. “lore-master, sage”
ᴺS. !golof n. “consonant” [created by Lothenon, Jack Harrison]
⚠️G. golog adj. “stinking”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️ᴱN. Goloth [ng-] n. “gnome”; see instead:
S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
S. goloth n. “inflorescence, *collection of flowers”
⚠️G. goloth [ng-] n. “forest”
⚠️ᴱN. Golt n. “gnome”; see instead:
S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
⚠️G. Goltha [ng-] n. “Gnome”; see instead:
S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
ᴺS. !goltha- [ng-] v. “to teach, educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !golthannen [ng-] adj. “learned, educated”
ᴺS. !golthanneth [ng-] n. “teaching, lesson” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !golthas [ng-] n. “education, erudition”
ᴺS. !golthor n. “teacher” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^golu [ng-] n. “lore, *wisdom”
⚠️ᴱN. golu n. “stench”; see instead:
N. ongol “stench”
⚠️ᴱN. goluidh adj. “stinking”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️N. †golw [ng-] n. “lore”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^golu “lore, *wisdom”
⚠️G. golw adj. “stinking”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️ᴱN. golw n. “stink, stench”; see instead:
N. ongol “stench”
⚠️ᴱN. golwad- v. “to stink”; see instead:
N. thosta- “to stink, *give off a smell”
⚠️ᴱN. golwai adj. “stinking”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thostol “stinking”
⚠️G. golweg n. “*Gnomish man”; see instead:
S. Ellon “Elf-man”
N. golwen [ng-] adj. “wise, learned in deep arts”
⚠️G. golwin n. “*Gnomish woman”
⚠️ᴱN. golyn n. “song”; see instead:
N. glîr “song, poem, lay”
⚠️G. gôm n. “shout, call; name, nickname”; see instead:
N. ial “*cry, shout”
S. eneth “*name”
⚠️G. gôma adv. “by name, nicknamed”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ennen “named”
⚠️G. gôma- v. “to nickname”
⚠️G. gomaithri n. “government”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^govaethas “government”
⚠️G. gomintha adv. “together”
⚠️G. gomod n. “companionship, living together; community, fellowship”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^govod “companionship, living together; community, fellowship, *(orig.) eating-together”
⚠️G. gomodril n. “companion, associate, fellow (f.); nun”; see instead:
N. gwathel “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
⚠️G. gomodron n. “companion, associate, fellow; monk”; see instead:
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
⚠️G. gomol n. “the teeth, two rows of teeth”; see instead:
S. carach “jaws, rows of teeth”
S., N. -gon suf. “lord, prince; [N.] valour”
⚠️G. gon- pref. “son of”; see instead:
S. -ion¹ “-son”
N. gonathra- v. “to entangle, enmesh”
N. gonathras n. “entanglement”
S., ᴱN., G., N. gond n. “stone, rock, [N.] stone (as a material), ⚠️[G.] great stone”
⚠️G. gond n. “stone” see G. gonn
⚠️N. gondrafn n. “hewn stone”; see instead:
N. gondram “hewn stone”
N. gondram n. “hewn stone”
N. #gondren adj. “*of stone”
⚠️ᴱN. goneb adj. “similar”; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️ᴱN. gonebedach- v. “to approach one another, to become like, resemble”
S., N., ᴱN. gonn n. “stone, rock” see S. gond
⚠️ᴱN. gonnas n. “dragon’s lair”
ᴺS. !gonneb adj. “stony, rocky”
⚠️ᴱN. gonnen adj. “of stone”; see instead:
N. #gondren “*of stone”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gonnos n. “great rock”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gonnoth n. “pillar, stele, memorial”
N., ᴱN. gonod- v. “to count (up)”
ᴺS. !gonoded n. “counting, accounting; ⚠️reckoning” [created by David Salo, GS]
⚠️G. gonothri(n) adj. “of same kindred”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwanuren “of same kindred, akin”
⚠️G. gontha¹ n. “pillar, stele, memorial”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gonnoth “pillar, stele, memorial”
⚠️G. gontha² n. “boy”; see instead:
S. ion(n) “son, *boy”
⚠️G. gonthos n. “great rock”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gonnos “great rock”
⚠️G. gonwed adj. “rocky”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gonneb “stony, rocky”
S. gor [ng-] n. “horror, dread, fear”
⚠️G. gôr adj. “each, all”
⚠️G. gor-¹ [ng-] pref. “all, altogether, quite”
S. gor-¹ pref. “hard, difficult”
S. gor-² v. “to warn, urge”
⚠️G. gor-² v. “to die”; see instead:
S. #fir- “to fade, *die”
N. gwanna- “to die, depart”
ᴺS. !goras n. “advice” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. gorbedui adj. “only to be said with horror or grief, lamentable to tell”
⚠️ᴱN. gorch n. “bear; fierce fighter”; see instead:
N. brôg “bear”
ᴺS. !gorchanui adj. “complicated, enigmatic, cryptic, hard to understand” [created by Jack Harrison]
S. gordh¹ adj. “difficult, laborious”
S. gordh² n. “deep thought”
ᴺS. [G.] goredhin adj. “sib, akin, [closely] related”
⚠️G. goredhnir n. “cousin (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ress¹ “female cousin, relative”
⚠️G. goredhweg n. “cousin (m.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. rend² “male cousin, relative”
⚠️G. goredhwin n. “cousin (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ress¹ “female cousin, relative”
⚠️G. goredin adj. “*related” see G. goredhin
⚠️N. goren adj. “dead (of elves)”; see instead:
N. gwann “dead, (lit.) departed”
N. gorf n. “impetus, vigour”
S. gorgor [ng-] n. “extreme horror, terror, haunting fear”
N. gorgor [ng-] adj. “dreadful”
⚠️ᴱN. goriad adj. “greater”
⚠️G. gorin n. “circle of trees”; see instead:
S. cerin “circular mound, artificial hill; [N.] round enclosure”
N. gorn adj. “impetuous”
⚠️G. gorn n. “dung”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mûg “dung”
S. gorn¹ [ng-] adj. “revered”
⚠️S. gorn² adj. “hard, stiff, thrawn”; see instead:
S. dorn “tough, stiff, thrawn, obdurate”
S. gornod(ui) adj. “hard to count”
⚠️ᴱN. gorod¹ n. “chief, lord, master; size, might”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
S. #tûr “[N.] mastery, victory, [ᴱN.] power [over others]; ⚠️[S.] master”
⚠️ᴱN. gorod² n. “cave”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
S. gorog n. “horror”
S., N. goroth [ng-] n. “horror, dread”
⚠️G. gort n. “idol”; see instead:
ᴺS. !codhon “idol”
⚠️ᴱN. gorth n. “hearth, fireplace”; see instead:
S. ruist “fireplace, hearth”
S. #gorth¹ [ng-] adj. and n. “dead; dead (person)”
⚠️S. gorth² [ng-] n. “horror”; see instead:
S. goroth “horror, dread”
S. gorthad [ng-] n. “wraith, spirit of Dead”
⚠️G. gorthin n. “fane, temple”; see instead:
N. iaun “holy place, fane, sanctuary, *shrine, temple”
S. gorthob [ng-] adj. “horrible”
⚠️ᴱN. gorw n. “oak”
⚠️ᴱN. gós ?
N. gost n. “dread, terror”
⚠️ᴱN. gost n. “fear”
N. gosta- v. “to fear exceedingly”
⚠️G. goth n. “war, strife”; see instead:
N. auth “war, battle”
S. #coth “enemy, foe; [N.] enmity”
⚠️G. gôtha- v. “to possess, have, hold”; see instead:
N. gar- “to hold, have, *possess”
⚠️G. gothfeng n. “(war-)arrow, a great arrow; an arrow sent as a summons to war”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pilinoth “arrow of war, arrow sent as a summons to war”
⚠️ᴺS. !gothiol adj. “similar” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️G. gothnir n. “amazon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othwen “amazon”
⚠️G. gothri n. “warfare”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othas “warfare”
⚠️G. gothriol adj. “warlike”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othrol “warlike”
⚠️G. gothweg n. “warrior”; see instead:
N. maethor “warrior”
⚠️G. gothwen n. “battle”; see instead:
S. dagor “battle”
⚠️G. gothwilm n. “armistice”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othidh “armistice”
⚠️G. gothwin n. “amazon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othwen “amazon”
ᴺS. [G.] ^govaethas n. “government” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !govai adj. and adv. “alike, similar” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. govaithum adj. “clad”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hammen “clothed, clad”
⚠️S., N. govan- v. “to meet, come to same place”; see instead:
S. covad(a)- “to bring together, make meet”
⚠️G. govedhri n. “wedding”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bestad “wedding, (lit.) a marrying”
⚠️G. govedhwen n. “matrimony”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
⚠️G. goveg adj. “just like”
ᴺS. !goven n. “crossroads” [created by Röandil]
⚠️G. govin(d)riol adj. “long-acorned”
⚠️G. govinra adj. “long-acorned” see G. govin(d)riol
ᴺS. [G.] ^govod n. “companionship, living together; community, fellowship, *(orig.) eating-together”
⚠️G. govron n. “acorn”
N. gowest n. “contract, compact, treaty”
⚠️G. grail n. “ring, circle, circlet”; see instead:
S. cor “ring, circle”
⚠️ᴱN. graim adj. “?fierce”; see instead:
S. #bregol “quick, sudden, [N.] violent, *fierce”
⚠️G. grand n. “town”; see instead:
S. minas “tower, fort, city (with a citadel and central watch tower)”
⚠️G. grann n. “strong place, fort; walled town, city”; see instead:
S. minas “tower, fort, city (with a citadel and central watch tower)”
ᴺS. [G.] gratha- v. “to rub, scratch, fray”
⚠️N. grau adj. “dark, swart”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^graw “dark, swart”
⚠️S., ᴱN., G. graug n. “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”; see instead:
S. raug “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
⚠️G. graus n. “sow, *female pig”
ᴺS. [N.] ^graw adj. “dark, swart”
⚠️S. graw n. “bear”; see instead:
N. brôg “bear”
⚠️G. grendi n. “cousinship, family (in a wide sense)”
ᴺS. [G.] grest n. “aid, support, help, succour, ⚠️salvation”
ᴺS. [G.] gresta- v. “to aid, help, succour, support”
⚠️G. gretha- v. “to save, rescue, preserve”; see instead:
ᴺS. !reitha- “to rescue, save (from ruin, peril, loss)”
S. natha- “to bring help to, save, rescue”
⚠️G. grethron n. “saviour”; see instead:
ᴺS. !reithron “rescuer, saviour”
⚠️G. grileg adj. “ringed, hooped shape”
⚠️G. grilthi n. “finger-ring”; see instead:
ᴺS. !corf “ring (for fingers)”
⚠️G. grim n. “host, folk”; see instead:
S. rim “host, great number, people (of one kind or origin), [N.] crowd”
⚠️G. -grin suf. “suffix in the name of languages”; see instead:
S. #-ren “adjective suffix”
⚠️G. grind n. “ankle, wrist”; see instead:
S. molif “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
ᴺS. !tallif “ankle”
⚠️G. grinn n. “ankle, wrist”; see instead:
S. molif “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
ᴺS. !tallif “ankle”
⚠️G. grintha adj. “*red”; see instead:
S. caran “red”
⚠️G. grith (grith-) n. “care, attention, affection”; see instead:
N. mîl “love, affection”
⚠️G. grith- v. “to attend to, tend, care, care for, mind”
⚠️G. grithonwed adj. “thoughtful, careful; unselfish”
⚠️ᴱN. griw n. “alimentary canel”
S. grod n. “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling” see S. groth
⚠️G. grôg n. “demon”; see instead:
S. raug “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
S. groga- v. “to feel terror”
⚠️G. grôn adj. “oak, oaktree”
S. grond adj. “weighty, ponderous”
N. grond n. “club”
⚠️ᴱN. grond n. “cave, cavern”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
⚠️G. grondolas adj. “oakleaved” see G. grontholas
⚠️G. grondos n. “oaktree” see G. gronthos
⚠️G. grondrui n. “oakwood”
⚠️G. gronduru n. “oakwood (mat)”
S. gronn adj. “weighty, ponderous” see S. grond
⚠️ᴱN. gronn n. “cave, cavern”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
⚠️G. gronoch n. “acorn”
⚠️G. grontholas adj. “oakleaved”
⚠️G. gronthorn n. “oaktree”
⚠️G. gronthos n. “oaktree”
⚠️G. gronthos deldrinwed n. “oakleaved beech”
⚠️G. grosgen n. “soil”; see instead:
N. cef “soil”
⚠️G. groth n. “earth, soil”; see instead:
N. cef “soil”
S. groth “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling; [N.] cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”
S., N. groth n. “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling; [N.] cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”
⚠️G. grothorf n. “potato”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^cevorf “potato, (lit.) earth-apple”
⚠️G. grûd n. “cavern”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
⚠️G. grûda n. “cave”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
⚠️ᴱN. grug adj. “angry, grieved”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rúthui “angry, wrathful”
⚠️G. grui adj. “ferocity, horror”; see instead:
N. bregolas “fierceness, *ferocity”
⚠️G. gruigarm n. “*deed of horror, angry or violent act, vengeance”; see instead:
S. acharn “vengeance, (an act of) revenge”
⚠️G. gruim adj. “fierce”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
N. gruin adj. “ruddy”
⚠️ᴱN., G. gruith n. “anger, resentment; [G.] deed of horror, angry or violent act, vengeance”; see instead:
S. oroth “rage, anger”
S. achared “vengeance”
S. gruitha- v. “to terrify”
⚠️G. gruithod n. “ferocious wrath”; see instead:
S. rûth “wrath, anger”
⚠️G. gruithodwen n. “ferocity, barbarity”; see instead:
N. bregolas “fierceness, *ferocity”
⚠️G. gruithog adj. “ferocious, mad with wrath”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
⚠️G. grum adj. “fierce”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
ᴺS. !gu prep. “(together) with” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️ᴱN. ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. gudh- v. “to be hot (intr.)”
⚠️G. gudhri n. “inflammation; conflagration”
⚠️G. gudhrin adj. “inflamed, burning hot”; see instead:
N. brassen “white-hot, *very hot”
⚠️G. gudhriol adj. “inflamed, inflammatory”
⚠️G. gui adv. “just, just now, only just, already”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwí “just, just now, only just, already”
⚠️G. guig n. “piece of property”; see instead:
N. garn “‘own’, property”
⚠️G. guin n. “*woman”; see instead:
N. † “woman, bride, lady”
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
⚠️G. guin¹ adj. “ready, fresh”; see instead:
S. fair “quick, ready, prompt”
S. cîw “fresh, new, ⚠️renewed”
⚠️G. guin² adj. “own, held, possessed”; see instead:
ᴺS. !garnen “own, held, possessed”
⚠️G. guinir n. “slave”; see instead:
S. mûl “slave”
⚠️G. guinog n. “chattel”; see instead:
S. mûl “slave”
⚠️G. guinoth n. “property”; see instead:
N. garn “‘own’, property”
ᴺS. !guir adj. “slow” [created by Elaran]
⚠️N. guir n. “eternity”; see instead:
N. uir “eternity”
⚠️G. guira- v. “to possess”; see instead:
N. gar- “to hold, have, *possess”
⚠️N. guireb adj. “eternal”
⚠️G. Gul [ng-] n. “Gnome”; see instead:
S. Golodh “one of the wise folk, Noldo”
S., N., ᴱN. gûl [ng-] n. “black arts, sorcery, (evil) knowledge, [N.] magic; ⚠️[ᴱN.] wisdom”
⚠️G. gul- v. “to ooze, trickle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^olla- “to ooze, *trickle”
S. guldur [ng-] n. “black arts, sorcery”
⚠️G. gulin adj. “patient, enduring, long suffering; (lit.) burdened”; see instead:
ᴺS. !andrethui “patient, long suffering”
⚠️G. gulta- v. “to pour out (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ol-¹ “to pour”
⚠️G. gultha- v. “to bear up; to weigh, balance it on scales; to be worth, value or be equivalent to; to endure”; see instead:
ᴺS. !coltha- “to bear up; to weigh, balance it on scales; to be worth, value or be equivalent to; ⚠️to endure”
N. brenia- “to endure”
⚠️G. gulweg n. “*Gnomish man”; see instead:
S. Ellon “Elf-man”
⚠️G. gulwin n. “*Gnomish woman” see G. golwin
⚠️G. gum- v. “to lade”
⚠️G. gûm n. “burden”; see instead:
S. cûl “load”
⚠️G. gumlaith n. “weariness of spirit, depression, grief”; see instead:
ᴺS. !faergol “depression, grief, (lit.) spirit-burden”
⚠️G. gumri n. “burden (metaphoric), worry, trouble”; see instead:
S. caul “(great) burden; affliction”
⚠️G. gumriol adj. “burdensome”; see instead:
ᴺS. !coleb “burdensome”
⚠️G. gund n. “boil, pus”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ordh “boil, pus”
⚠️G. gung n. “spider”; see instead:
S. ungol “spider”
⚠️ᴱN., G. gunn n. “dragon”; see instead:
N. amlug “dragon”
S. gûr n. “heart (inner mind)”
⚠️G. gur adj. “sweet”; see instead:
S. laich “sweet”
⚠️ᴱN. gurdh- v. “to die”; see instead:
S. #fir- “to fade, *die”
N. gwanna- “to die, depart”
⚠️ᴱN. gurdh n. “death”; see instead:
S. gurth “death”
S. gurgof n. “traitor”
⚠️G. gûri adj. “sweet”; see instead:
S. laich “sweet”
⚠️G. gurmir n. “drink of the Valar, *(lit.) sweet wine”; see instead:
S. miruvor “a special wine or cordial”
S., ᴱN., G., N. gurth [ng-] n. “death”
S., N. guru [ng-] n. “death (abstract)”
⚠️N. guruth [ng-] n. “death”; see instead:
S. gurth “death”
S., N. guruthos [ng-] n. “dread of death, death-horror, shadow of death, [N.] fear of death”
⚠️G. gusta- v. “to burn (tr.), destroy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^orna- “to burn (tr. and intr.)”
ᴺS. tertha- “to destroy, *ruin, †(orig.) to make pierced; ⚠️to devour”
⚠️G. #gw- pref. “negative prefix”; see instead:
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
S., ᴱN., G., N. gwa- pref. “together, co-, com-” see S. go-
⚠️ᴱN., G. gwá n. “wind”; see instead:
S. gwae “wind”
N. #gwa-² pref. “*away”
⚠️ᴱN. gwab n. “garment”; see instead:
N. hamp “garment”
ᴺS. !gwabeth n. “sentence, phrase” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴱN. gwablith n. “clothes”; see instead:
N. hammad “clothing, *clothes”
ᴺS. [S.] ^gwachae adj. “far away” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
⚠️G. gwachest n. “brother and brother, brother and sister, etc.” see G. gochest
⚠️ᴺS. !gwachon n. “(sworn) brother, associate” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
⚠️ᴺS. !gwachonas n. “union, association, fellowship, society” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwadoras “union, association, fellowship, society”
⚠️G. gwâd n. “stranger, foreigner, traveller”; see instead:
S. edlon “outsider, stranger, *foreigner”
⚠️G. gwada- v. “to wander, roam, travel (far)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^renia-¹ “to stray, wander”
⚠️G. gwadath(wen) n. “wandering, journey”
⚠️G. gwadh- v. “to dwell”; see instead:
N. dortha- “to dwell, stay, [G.] settle”
⚠️ᴱN. gwadh n. “bark, skin, peel”; see instead:
S. #flâd “skin”
S. #rîf “bark”
⚠️G. gwadhra adj. “habitable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bardhor “habitable”
⚠️G. gwadhril n. “inhabitant (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bardhon “inhabitant, native”
⚠️G. gwadhron n. “inhabitant (m.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bardhon “inhabitant, native”
N. gwador n. “(sworn) brother, associate”
ᴺS. !gwadoras n. “union, association, fellowship, society” [created by Paul Strack]
S., N., ᴱN. gwae n. “wind”
S. #gwae- v. “to go [away], depart”
N. gwaeda- v. “to enfold”
N. gwaedh n. “bond, troth, compact, oath”
ᴺS. !gwaef n. “wrap, binding” [created by Hialmr]
⚠️S. gwael n. “?wind”; see instead:
S. gwae “wind”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^gwael n. “sheath, case, cover; pod”
S. gwaelod n. “wind feather”
ᴺS. !gwaelphilin n. “quiver, (lit.) case of arrows”
S. #gwaen adj. “stained”
ᴺS. [S.] gwaeren adj. “windy”
S., N. Gwaeron n. “March, *Windy-one”
S. gwaew n. “storm; ⚠️blow”
⚠️G. gwafel adj. and adv. “exactly alike”; see instead:
ᴺS. !govai “alike, similar”
⚠️ᴱN. gwag¹ adj. “soft”
⚠️ᴱN. gwag² adj. “crooked”; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
⚠️S., N. #gwahae adj. “*far away”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwachae “far away”
⚠️ᴱN. gwai n. “sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
⚠️G. gwaid n. “kinsmen, relations; companion”; see instead:
N. gwanur “kinsman, kinswoman”
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
N. gwathel “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
⚠️G. gwaidhi n. “a rime (i.e. the 2 actual rhyming words)”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwalir “rhyme, rime (the two actual rhyming words), rhyming poem”
⚠️G. gwaidhin n. “web”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhing “spider’s web, cobweb; ⚠️spider”
⚠️G. gwail n. “air”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwelu “air (as a substance)”
⚠️G. gwailtha- v. “to air; expose to air”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwiltha- “to air, expose to air”
S. #gwain¹ adj. “young, *new”
S. gwain² adj. “blond”
⚠️G. gwais n. “kinship, relation”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rennas “kinship, relation”
⚠️ᴱN. gwaist- v. “to be aware, recognize”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nuicha- “to take notice, perceive; *(orig.) to smell [something]”
ᴺS. !gwista- “to change, alter, vary”
S., ᴱN., G. gwaith n. “people, [ᴱN.] men, folk; [N.] manhood; man-power, troop of able bodied men, host, regiment; [S.] region”
⚠️G. gwaith² (gwaith-) n. “semen”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milt “semen”
⚠️ᴱN. gwaithlos n. “*sea-shore”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. Gwala n. “one of the gods”; see instead:
S. Balan “Vala, [N.] Power, ⚠️God”
⚠️G. gwalest n. “concourse, moot, folkmote”; see instead:
N. hûd “assembly, *gathering, moot”
⚠️G. Gwalion n. “male god” see G. Gwalon
ᴺS. [G.] gwalir n. “rhyme, rime (the two actual rhyming words), rhyming poem”
⚠️G. Gwalir n. “female god” see G. Gwalthir
ᴺS. !gwall adj. “excited” [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
⚠️G. Gwalon n. “male god”
⚠️N. gwaloth n. “blossom, collection of flowers”; see instead:
S. goloth “inflorescence, *collection of flowers”
⚠️G. gwalt n. “good luck, any providential occurrence or thought”; see instead:
ᴺS. !alvar “(good) luck, fortune”
⚠️G. gwaltha n. “fortunate, happy”; see instead:
S. alwed “prosperous, fortunate”
ᴺS. !glassui “joyful, happy”
⚠️G. gwaltha- v. “bless, send good luck to”; see instead:
S. elia- “to cause to prosper, bless (a work), help one”
⚠️G. gwalthi n. “fortune, happiness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !alvar “(good) luck, fortune”
N. glass “joy, *happiness”
⚠️G. Gwalthir n. “female god”
⚠️G. gwalwed n. “fortunate, happy”; see instead:
S. alwed “prosperous, fortunate”
ᴺS. !glassui “joyful, happy”
⚠️G. gwalwen n. “fortune, happiness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !alvar “(good) luck, fortune”
N. glass “joy, *happiness”
⚠️G. gwalweth n. “fortune, happiness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !alvar “(good) luck, fortune”
N. glass “joy, *happiness”
⚠️G. gwam n. “gust of wind”; see instead:
S. gwae “wind”
⚠️G. gwamod n. “companionship, living together; community, fellowship”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^govod “companionship, living together; community, fellowship, *(orig.) eating-together”
⚠️S. gwân adj. “pale, fair”; see instead:
S. gwain² “blond”
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
⚠️S. gwana n. and adj. “fair”
N. gwanath n. “death (act of dying)”
⚠️G. gwandra adj. “beautiful”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
⚠️G. gwandreth n. “beauty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !banath “beauty”
⚠️G. gwanin adj. “beautiful”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
N. gwann adj. “dead, (lit.) departed”
N. gwanna- v. “to die, depart”
⚠️ᴱN. gwannen adj. “?beautiful”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
N. gwanod n. “number, ⚠️tale”
S. gwanon n. “twin”
ᴺS. [G.] gwanos n. “family, birth, heredity, *lineage”
⚠️ᴱN., G. gwant adj. and n. “?beautiful”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
⚠️G. gwanthi n. “fairness, beauty; a fair face, pretty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !banath “beauty”
ᴺS. [N.] ^gwanu n. “death (act of dying)” [vetted by HSD]
S. gwanunig n. “twin” see S. gwanon
N. gwanur n. “kinsman, kinswoman”
ᴺS. !gwanuren adj. “of same kindred, akin”
⚠️N. gwanw n. “death (act of dying)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwanu “death (act of dying)”
ᴺS. !gwanwas n. “the past, past days, olden times” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. gwanwen n. “beauty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !banath “beauty”
S. gwanwen adj. “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
⚠️ᴱN. gwanwen n. “swan”; see instead:
S. alph “swan”
⚠️G. gwanweth n. “beauty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !banath “beauty”
ᴺS. !gwar- n. “to yield, give way, surrender” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️ᴱN. gwâr n. “town”; see instead:
S. gobel “(walled) village, town (enclosure); [N.] walled house, *manor”
S. ost “fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel; (fortified) town, [N.] city; [orig.] [S.] enclosure, ⚠️[G.] yard”
⚠️G. gwar-¹ v. “to watch (all senses), guard”
⚠️G. gwar-² v. “*to dwell”; see instead:
N. dortha- “to dwell, stay, [G.] settle”
⚠️ᴱN. gwardh adj. “dead”; see instead:
N. gwann “dead, (lit.) departed”
⚠️G. gwardhos n. “m. companion, comrade”; see instead:
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
⚠️G. gwar(e)dhir n. “f. companion, comrade”; see instead:
N. gwathel “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
⚠️G. gwar(e)dhon n. “m. companion, comrade”; see instead:
N. gwador “(sworn) brother, associate”
ᴺS. [G.] gwaren n. “[nuclear] family”
⚠️G. gwarest n. “cousinhood, -ship”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rennas “kinship, relation”
⚠️G. gwarestrin n. “watch-tower”; see instead:
S. Minas Tirith “Tower of Guard, Tower of Watch”
⚠️G. gwareth n. “watch, guard, ward; vigilance”
⚠️G. gwarieg n. “watchman, warden”
⚠️G. gwarin n. “circle of trees”; see instead:
S. cerin “circular mound, artificial hill; [N.] round enclosure”
⚠️G. gwarin(n) n. “family”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwaren “[nuclear] family”
⚠️G. gwarth adj. “dead (only of persons)”; see instead:
N. gwann “dead, (lit.) departed”
N. gwarth n. “betrayer”
⚠️ᴱN. gwas n. “field”; see instead:
S. rîdh “sown field, [N.] acre”
⚠️G. gwâs n. “juice”; see instead:
N. saw “juice”
N. gwass n. “stain”
⚠️G. gwass n. “rush, rushing, noise of rushing, splash”
⚠️G. gwassiol adj. “rushing, noisy, loud, rustling or splashing”; see instead:
S. #brui “loud, *noisy”
N. alag “rushing, impetuous”
⚠️G. gwast n. “dwelling”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
N. gwastar n. “hummock”
S., N. gwath n. “shadow, dim light, [N.] shade”
⚠️ᴱN. gwath n. “bark”; see instead:
S. #flâd “skin”
S. #rîf “bark”
⚠️ᴱN. gwath- v. “to strip”; see instead:
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
N. gwath² n. “stain”
N. gwatha- v. “to soil, stain”
N. gwathel n. “[sworn] sister, associate [f.]”
S. gwathra- v. “to overshadow, dim, veil, obscure”
S. gwathren adj. “shadowy, dim”
S. #gwathui adj. “*shadowy, of shadow”
N. gwaun n. “goose”
N. gwaur adj. “soiled, dirty”
⚠️G. gwavwed adj. “windy”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwaeren “windy”
S. gwâw n. “breeze[?]” see S. hwaewar
ᴺS. !gwe pron. “we (inclusive)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. gwe- pron. “you (plural), 2nd-plural pronoun”
S. gwê n. “living creature, *living being; ⚠️[N.] man, warrior”
⚠️N. gwe n. “man, warrior”; see instead:
S. dîr¹ “man, [N.] adult male; agental suffix”
⚠️G. gwectha- v. “to impregnate, generate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gýda- “to impregnate, make pregant”
⚠️G. gwed- v. “to wind, turn, bend (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️G. gwed n. “*brook, small river”; see instead:
N. celeth “stream, *brook, rill, runlet; (lit.) a flowing”
N. gwedh n. “bond”
N. #gwedh- v. “to bind”
ᴺS. !gwedhen adj. “oath-bound, allied”
⚠️ᴱN. gwedhion n. “husband”; see instead:
N. herven “husband”
ᴺS. !gwedhron n. “ally, one bound by oath”
⚠️ᴱN. gwedhw n. “matrimony”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
⚠️G. gwedhweg adj. “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !logweg “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate; (lit.) apt to bend”
⚠️G. gwedhwin n. “bend, loop”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûg “bend, loop, wind, twist; guile, deceit”
⚠️G. gwedhwion adj. “bending, looping”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^logren “curled, curly, *bending, looping”
ᴺS. [G.] gwef n. “louse”
⚠️ᴱN., G. gweg n. “man, male (being)”; see instead:
S. dîr¹ “man, [N.] adult male; agental suffix”
⚠️G. gwegla adj. “crooked”; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
⚠️G. gwegri n. “manhood (time or state)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwas “manhood, *manliness, masculinity”
⚠️G. gwegrin adj. “masculine”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwathren “manly, masculine”
⚠️G. gwegwed adj. “male”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anu “male (person or animal)”
⚠️G. gwegweth n. “male sex, manhood (state)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwas “manhood, *manliness, masculinity”
⚠️G. gwegwin n. “hermaphrodite”
⚠️S. gwein adj. “young”; see instead:
S. #gwain¹ “young, *new”
⚠️G. gwein n. “*woman”; see instead:
N. † “woman, bride, lady”
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
⚠️N., G. gweith n. “manhood; man-power, troop of able bodied men, host, regiment”; see instead:
S. gwaith “people, [ᴱN.] men, folk; [N.] manhood; man-power, troop of able bodied men, host, regiment; [S.] region”
⚠️G. gweithiad n. “nation, folk”
ᴺS. [G.] gwel- v. “to boil, bubble”
⚠️G. gwelaith n. “boil, bubble”; see instead:
ᴺS. gweleth “boil, bubble”
⚠️G. gwelc n. “bubble”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwelch “bubble”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwelch n. “bubble”
ᴺS. [G.] gweleb adj. “cool, fresh (esp. of water)”
ᴺS. [G.] gweleth n. “boil, bubble”
ᴺS. !gwelf n. “aircraft [general term]” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] gweltha- v. “to squeeze, press”
ᴺS. [N.] ^gwelu n. “air (as a substance)” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. gwelw n. “air (as a substance)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwelu “air (as a substance)”
⚠️N. gwelwen n. “air, lower air”; see instead:
N. gwilith “air (as a region), *lower sky; ⚠️[G.] breeze”
⚠️G. gwelwi n. “spring of water”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^celu “spring, source; ⚠️[G.] rill, stream, runlet”
ᴺS. [G.] gwem n. “worm”
⚠️G. gwembel n. “weevil”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwemmel “weevil”
⚠️G. gweml(i) n. “weevil”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwemmel “weevil”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwemmel n. “weevil”
ᴺS. !gwen pron. “us (inclusive)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., N. gwend n. “maiden, *young woman”
N. gwend n. “bond, friendship”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwendod n. “elder tree; elderberry, *(lit.) maiden berry”
ᴺS. !gwendren adj. “maidenly, girlish”
⚠️G. gwenedh adj. “womanly?”; see instead:
S. gweneth “maidenhood, [N.] virginity”
S., N. gweneth n. “maidenhood, [N.] virginity”
⚠️G. gwenithli n. “maidenhood”; see instead:
S. gweneth “maidenhood, [N.] virginity”
⚠️G. gwen(n) adj. “big, large; fine”; see instead:
S. daer¹ “great, large”
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
⚠️ᴱN. Gwenn n. “Elf”; see instead:
S. †penedh “Elf”
S. gwenneth n. “maiden”
⚠️G. gwennin n. “girl”; see instead:
S. neth “(little) girl; ⚠️sister (diminutive)”
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
⚠️G. gwenniniol adj. “maiden(ly), girlish”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwendren “maidenly, girlish”
⚠️G. gwent¹ adj. “big, large; fine”; see instead:
S. daer¹ “great, large”
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
⚠️G. gwent² n. “brook, small river”; see instead:
N. celeth “stream, *brook, rill, runlet; (lit.) a flowing”
ᴺS. !gwenwi n. “past, past tense” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️G. gwer- v. “to wind, turn, bend (tr.); to weave”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwir- “to weave”
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️ᴺS. !gwer- v. “to weave, wind, spin, twist” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwir- “to weave”
⚠️G. gwerb(e)lin n. “top, whirligig, *(lit.) wind-unwind”
N. gweria- v. “to betray”
⚠️ᴱN. gwerin n. “enclosure”; see instead:
S. cerin “circular mound, artificial hill; [N.] round enclosure”
⚠️G. gweron adj. “spun, rounded, cylindrical”; see instead:
ᴺS. !piren “spun, rounded, cylindrical”
⚠️G. gwert n. “a twist”; see instead:
ᴺS. drint “twist, wrench, turn”
ᴺS. ^lûg “bend, loop, wind, twist; guile, deceit”
⚠️G. gwes- v. “to greet, welcome”; see instead:
S. #suila- “to greet”
ᴺS. !nathla- “to welcome”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] gwesg adv. and adj. “weakly, *weak”
⚠️G. gwesol adj. “affable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nathol “affable, kindly, welcoming”
N. gwest n. “oath”
⚠️ᴱN. gwes(t) adj. “rich”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maeligeb “wealthy, rich”
⚠️G. gwest¹ n. “greeting, welcome, salute”; see instead:
S. suilad “greeting”
⚠️G. gwest² n. “entertainment” see G. gwîs
N. gwesta- v. “to swear”
ᴺS. !gwesta- v. “to witness” [created by Parmandil]
⚠️G. gwesta- v. “to entertain”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nethia- “to entertain, (orig.) to make welcome”
N. gwesta- “to swear”
⚠️ᴱN. gweth n. “wife”; see instead:
N. herves “wife”
S. #gweth- v. “*to report”
⚠️G. gwethli n. “maiden, little girl”; see instead:
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
S. neth “(little) girl; ⚠️sister (diminutive)”
⚠️G. gwethlir n. “song of welcome”
⚠️G. gwethra- v. “to bloom, flourish”; see instead:
S. theria- “to be vigorous, flourish”
ᴺS. ^losta-¹ “to bloom, blossom”
⚠️G. gwethrin adj. “welcome, acceptable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nathren “welcome, acceptable, agreeable”
ᴺS. !maedol “welcome”
⚠️G. gwethriol adj. “welcome, acceptable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nathren “welcome, acceptable, agreeable”
ᴺS. !maedol “welcome”
⚠️G. gwi- pref. “twi-, bi-, di-”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwí adv. “just, just now, only just, already” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱN. †gwî n. “teors, *penis”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwîb “penis”
⚠️N. gwî n. “net, web”; see instead:
N. nath “web”
S. rem “mesh, net (for catching)”
⚠️G. gwiaith n. “people, men”; see instead:
S. gwaith “people, [ᴱN.] men, folk; [N.] manhood; man-power, troop of able bodied men, host, regiment; [S.] region”
⚠️ᴱN. gwiaithos n. “a person, human (not specifically m. or f.)”; see instead:
S. pen² “one, somebody, anybody; ⚠️[N.] Elf”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^gwîb n. “penis”
⚠️ᴱN. gwib n. “teors, *penis”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwîb “penis”
⚠️G. gwidh- v. “to weave (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwir- “to weave”
⚠️G. gwidh-a-ging n. “cobweb”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhing “spider’s web, cobweb; ⚠️spider”
⚠️G. gwidhin n. “woof”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lanad “weft, woof”
⚠️G. gwidhon adj. “woven”; see instead:
S. remmen “meshed, netted, woven, (en)tangled”
ᴺS. ^gwir- “to weave”
ᴺS. !gwidhren adj. “adolescent, pre-adult” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] gwil- v. “to fly, ⚠️sail, float” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. gwîl n. “cessation, quiescence, leaving off; peace”; see instead:
ᴺS. !postad “stopping, cessation, leaving off”
⚠️G. gwilb adj. “quiet, peaceful, full of peace”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sídheb “peaceful, full of peace”
⚠️G. gwilbrin n. “butterfly”; see instead:
N. gwilwileth “butterfly”
⚠️G. gwilbriniol adj. “like a butterfly”
ᴺS. !gwilchair n. “airplane” [created by Luinyelle]
N., G. gwilith n. “air (as a region), *lower sky; ⚠️[G.] breeze”
⚠️G. gwilm n. “peace, quiet, rest; cessation”; see instead:
S. îdh “rest, repose, peace, tranquility”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwiltha- v. “to air, expose to air”
⚠️G. gwiltha- v. “to cease, leave off”; see instead:
ᴺS. !posta- “to stop, cease, leave off, ⚠️rest”
⚠️G. gwilthi n. “peace”; see instead:
N. sîdh “peace”
⚠️G. gwilvrin n. “butterfly”; see instead:
N. gwilwileth “butterfly”
⚠️G. gwilw adj. “quiet, peaceful”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sídheb “peaceful, full of peace”
ᴺS. !gwilwa- v. “to flutter, flit”
N. gwilwileth n. “butterfly”
ᴺS. !gwilwist n. “weather” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. gwim n. “spark, wink”; see instead:
S. tîn¹ “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
⚠️G. gwimla- v. “to wink, twinkle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tinthiltha- “to twinkle, *sparkle”
ᴺS. !gwimmaf n. “whale, (lit.) sheep of the waves”
⚠️G. gwimpel n. “sparkling (n.), scintillation”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tinthilthad “sparkling, twinkling, scintillation”
⚠️G. gwin n. “woman, female”; see instead:
N. † “woman, bride, lady”
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
ᴺS. !gwîn pron. “our (inclusive)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. gwîn n. “youth”
⚠️N. gwîn¹ adj. “young”; see instead:
S. #gwain¹ “young, *new”
⚠️N. gwîn² n. “evening”; see instead:
N. †thîn “evening”
⚠️G. gwinc n. “spark, flash”; see instead:
S. tîn¹ “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
ᴺS. ^agol “flash”
⚠️N. gwind n. “pale blue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^elu “(pale) blue”
⚠️G. gwindod n. “elder tree; elderberry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwendod “elder tree; elderberry, *(lit.) maiden berry”
ᴺS. !gwineb adj. “youthful”
⚠️G. gwineth adj. “female”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^inu “female”
S., N., G. gwing n. “foam, spindrift, [N.] flying spray; [G.] wave-crest”
ᴺS. [G.] gwingil n. “mermaid, (lit.) foam maiden”
⚠️G. gwingli n. “loom”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lanu “loom”
⚠️G. gwiniel n. “lady”; see instead:
S. heryn “lady”
S. hiril “lady; ⚠️[G.] princess, †queen”
S. gwinig n. “little-one, baby”
⚠️G. gwiniol adj. “feminine”; see instead:
ᴺS. !inwathren “feminine”
⚠️G. gwinios n. “womanhood (time or state)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !inwas “feminity, womanhood”
⚠️G. gwinlaith n. “womanhood (time)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !inwas “feminity, womanhood”
⚠️G. gwinn n. “net”; see instead:
S. rem “mesh, net (for catching)”
⚠️N. gwinna- v. “to fade”; see instead:
N. thinna- “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
⚠️G. gwint n. “face”; see instead:
S. thîr “face, [N.] look, expression, countenance”
⚠️G. gwinta- v. “to see”
⚠️G. gwintha- v. “to face”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nevra- “to face, go forward”
⚠️G. gwinwed adj. “female”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^inu “female”
⚠️G. gwinwen n. “youth, freshness”; see instead:
S. gwîn “youth”
⚠️G. gwinweth n. “female sex, womanhood (state)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !inwas “feminity, womanhood”
⚠️G. gwiog adj. “young”; see instead:
S. #gwain¹ “young, *new”
N. neth “young”
⚠️G. gwion adj. “young”; see instead:
S. #gwain¹ “young, *new”
N. neth “young”
⚠️G. gwionert n. “deed of valour”; see instead:
N. caun¹ “valour”
ᴺS. ^thalas “valour, courage”
⚠️G. gwioth n. “youth”; see instead:
S. gwîn “youth”
N. nîth “youth”
⚠️G. gwir- v. “to look (at)”; see instead:
S. #tir- “to look (towards), watch (over), guard; ⚠️[G.] to look (out) for, watch for, await, expect”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gwir- v. “to weave” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. gwir¹ n. “master, lord, possessor”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
ᴺS. !gwirfin n. “braid, pigtail, (lit.) woven-tress”
ᴺS. [G.] gwiril n. “spindle”
S., N. Gwirith n. “April, *Freshness”
⚠️G. gwirith n. “expression, look (on face); look, regard, fixed look; countenance”; see instead:
S. thîr “face, [N.] look, expression, countenance”
⚠️G. gwirn adj. “unwished for, unwelcome”; see instead:
S. rhudol “unwelcome, coming with evil omen or intent”
⚠️G. gwirth n. “unwillingness, reluctance”
⚠️G. gwirtha- v. “*to not to wish, not mean to, mean not to”
ᴺS. !gwirthar n. “shuttle, (lit.) weave-across”
⚠️G. gwirthol adj. “reluctant”
⚠️G. gwîs n. “entertainment”
ᴺS. !gwist n. “change”
⚠️G. gwist n. “weft”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lanad “weft, woof”
⚠️G. gwista- v. “to be ignorant of, not to know”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwista- “to change, alter, vary”
ᴺS. !gwista- v. “to change, alter, vary”
ᴺS. !gwistanneth n. “alteration, variation”
ᴺS. !gwistol adj. “changing, varying, variable”
⚠️G. gwith n. “net”; see instead:
S. rem “mesh, net (for catching)”
⚠️G. gwithadr n. “shuttle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwirthar “shuttle, (lit.) weave-across”
⚠️G. gwithant n. “shuttle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwirthar “shuttle, (lit.) weave-across”
⚠️G. gwivrin adj. “barren”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aliavren “barren”
⚠️G. gwiw adj. “young”; see instead:
S. #gwain¹ “young, *new”
N. neth “young”
ᴺS. [N.] ^gwoe n. “envelope”
⚠️ᴱN. gworin ?
ᴺS. !gýda- v. “to impregnate, make pregant”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gŷl adj. “fecund; conceiving, having conceived, just pregnant”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gŷth n. “germ, foetus, embryon”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gythra- v. “to germinate, be conceived”
ᴺS. [G.] ^gythren adj. “embryonic”
S. ha interj. “there you are”
⚠️N. ha pron. “it”; see instead:
S. #san “that”
⚠️ᴱN. hab- v. “to jump”; see instead:
S. #cab- “to leap, [G.] jump”
N. hab- v. “to clothe”
⚠️G. habach n. “big shoe, clog, sabot”; see instead:
N. habad “shoe”
N. habad n. “shoe”
⚠️G. habin n. “shoe”; see instead:
N. habad “shoe”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hach n. “the hams, buttocks”
⚠️G. hacha n. “the hams, buttocks”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hach “the hams, buttocks”
⚠️G. had prep. “facing, opposite, over against; (c. allative) against, instead of, in return for, for, as”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
N., G. had- v. “to hurl, *fling; [G.] throw, ⚠️aim at”
⚠️G. had- pref. “for-, in return for, back, instead of”; see instead:
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
ᴺS. [G.] hadang n. “javelin, (lit.) hurling iron”
ᴺS. [N.] hadh- v. “to sit”
N. †hâdh n. “*cleaver”
⚠️G. hadha- v. “to cling, cleave to; to wait on, wait for, abide with patience”; see instead:
N. dartha- “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure”
ᴺS. !hinia- “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
S. hadhma- v. “to seat” see S. hadhwa-
S. Hadhod n. “Dwarf”
⚠️G. hadhol adj. “abiding; enduring, constant, faithful”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thand “firm, true, abiding”
ᴺS. brond “firm, [G.] steadfast, *faithful, constant”
S. hadhu n. “seat, *chair”
S. hadhwa- v. “to seat”
ᴺS. [N.] ^hadlath n. “sling”
N. hador n. “thrower (of spears and darts)”
⚠️G. hadra- v. “to face, oppose, stand in way; to resist, thwart”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dadhra- “to face, oppose, stand in way; to resist, thwart”
⚠️G. hadra adj. “opposing, facing, opposite; equivalent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dadhren “opposing, facing, opposite”
⚠️G. hadron prep. and adv. “opposite”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dadhren “opposing, facing, opposite”
N. hadron “thrower (of spears and darts)”
N. hadron n. “thrower (of spears and darts)”
⚠️G. hadruith n. “revenge”; see instead:
S. acharn “vengeance, (an act of) revenge”
⚠️G. hadruithog adj. “thirsting for vengeance”
⚠️G. hadruithol adj. “vengeful”
⚠️G. hadung n. “javelin, (lit.) hurling iron”; see instead:
ᴺS. hadang “javelin, (lit.) hurling iron”
S., N. hae adj. and adv. “far, (very) far away”
ᴺS. !haeda- v. “to remove, (lit.) make distant” [created by Elaran]
S. haedh n. “fenced enclosure”
⚠️N. haedh n. “heap, ‘piled mound’”; see instead:
S. haudh “(funeral) mound, grave, [N.] tomb; [orig.] †heap, piled mound”
⚠️N. haen adj. and adv. “*far”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
ᴺS. !haena- v. “to leave, depart, (lit.) be(come) distant” [created by Elaran]
S. haer adj. “remote, *distant”
S. haered n. “remoteness, (remote) distance”
S. haeron adj. “*distant”
N. haew n. “custom, habit”
⚠️N. haf- v. “to sit”; see instead:
ᴺS. hadh- “to sit”
⚠️G. hag- v. “to sit, sit down”; see instead:
ᴺS. hadh- “to sit”
⚠️N. haglath n. “sling”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hadlath “sling”
⚠️G. hagra adj. “seated”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hannen “seated”
⚠️ᴱN. hai n. “scorn”; see instead:
N. iaew “mocking, scorn”
⚠️G. hai¹ adv. “there (by him)”
⚠️G. hai² adv. “in good time, punctually, early”
⚠️G. hai³ interj. “go!, hence, begone, away”; see instead:
S. ego “be off!”
⚠️ᴱN. haib adj. “hungry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saeb¹ “hungry”
⚠️G. haid n. “way, road, path”; see instead:
S. #râd “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
S. men² “road, way; ⚠️[N.] *place”
⚠️G. haidra adv. “timely, punctual, in good time”
⚠️G. haidri n. “forenoon, after breakfast”
⚠️G. haig n. “way, road, path”; see instead:
S. #râd “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
S. men² “road, way; ⚠️[N.] *place”
⚠️G. haim adj. “gone, departed, lost”; see instead:
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
⚠️G. haimadri adj. “lunch, food in morning, elevens”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nedhwad “lunch, (lit.) middle-meal”
⚠️G. hair adj. “timely, punctual, in good time”
ᴺS. [N.] ^hair n. and adj. “left (hand)” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. hais n. “hunger”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saeg “hunger”
⚠️ᴱN. haith adj. “moist, wet”
⚠️G. haitha- v. “to hie, go, fare, walk”; see instead:
S. #men- “to go”
S. padra- “to walk”
⚠️G. haithin adj. “gone, departed, lost”; see instead:
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
⚠️G. haiva interj. and adv. “hence!, begone, be off; (as av.) away, hence, off”
N. #hal- v. “to lift”
N. hâl n. “fish”
⚠️G. hal(a)- v. “to drag, draw, pull”; see instead:
ᴺS. !log- “to haul, drag”
ᴺS. !thag- “to draw, pull”
⚠️N. halath n. “skin, fell”
⚠️ᴱN. halb n. “grass, long mowing grass”; see instead:
N. salab “herb”
⚠️G. halcha- v. “to drag on ground (roughly)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !log- “to haul, drag”
⚠️N. haldir n. “fur-hunter”
N. half n. “seashell”
⚠️ᴱN. half n. “grass”; see instead:
N. salab “herb”
N. hall¹ adj. “veiled, hidden, shadowed, shady”
N. hall² adj. “exalted, high”
ᴺS. !hallas n. “height” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. halm n. “draught, draft, drawing (of fishes etc.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !log- “to haul, drag”
N. haltha- v. “to screen”
⚠️G. halthi n. “sheath”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwael “sheath, case, cover; pod”
⚠️N. ham n. “?chair”; see instead:
S. hadhu “seat, *chair”
⚠️G. ham n. “ground, level of Earth’s service [surface]”; see instead:
N. talaf “ground, floor”
N. hamma- v. “to clothe, *put on clothes, get dressed”
N. hammad n. “clothing, *clothes”
ᴺS. !hammen adj. “clothed, clad”
N. hamp n. “garment”
⚠️G. hamra adj. “lowly, lowlying; base”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tovn “lowlying, deep, low”
⚠️G. hamra- v. “to abase, abash; to humble oneself”
⚠️ᴱN. han n. “above”
⚠️N. hana pron. “it”; see instead:
S. #san “that”
⚠️ᴱN. hanach ? “?”
S. hanar n. “brother”
⚠️N. ?hand n. “seat”; see instead:
S. hadhu “seat, *chair”
⚠️S. hand n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [N.] ^hand adj. “intelligent”
⚠️N. handos n. “*understanding, intelligence”; see instead:
N. hannas “understanding, intelligence”
⚠️N. hann adj. “intelligent”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hand “intelligent”
⚠️ᴺS. !hanna- v. “to thank” [created by David Salo]; see instead:
ᴺS. !anna- “to thank”
⚠️G. †hanna- v. “to mow, cleave”; see instead:
N. hasta- “to hack through, *cleave”
ᴺS. ^salcha- “to scythe or mow”
⚠️ᴺS. !hannad n. “thanks” [created by Ambar Eldaron]; see instead:
ᴺS. !annad “thanks”
N. hannas n. “understanding, intelligence”
ᴺS. !hannen adj. “seated”
ᴺS. [G.] hant n. “throw, cast; turn or move in games”
⚠️ᴱN. hant n. “a blow with an axe”; see instead:
N. hast “axe-stroke”
⚠️G. hant¹ adv. “thither”; see instead:
S. taw² “thither”
⚠️G. hantha- v. “to fling, hurl, aim at, direct”; see instead:
N. had- “to hurl, *fling; [G.] throw, ⚠️aim at”
ᴺS. ^meitha- “to aim at, *have as a goal; ⚠️to intend, mean”
⚠️N. hanw n. “?chair”; see instead:
S. hadhu “seat, *chair”
⚠️N. har- v. “to stand”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tar- “to stand”
⚠️G. hara n. “flesh meat, meat”; see instead:
N. aes “cooked food, meat”
⚠️G. harach n. “she-wolf”; see instead:
N. garaf “wolf”
S., N. harad n. “south”
N. haradren adj. “southern”
⚠️G. harc n. “flesh (on a living body)”; see instead:
S. rhaw² “flesh, ⚠️body”
⚠️ᴱN. harch adj. and n. “chill, cold”; see instead:
S. ring “cold, chill, [G.] cool”
ᴺS. !Harchalad n. “aurora, (lit.) southern radiance” [created by Röandil, Gilruin]
⚠️ᴱN. hardh adj. “wounded”; see instead:
N. harn² “wounded”
ᴺS. !hardûn n. “southwest” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !hardúnen adj. “southwestern” [created by Röandil]
S. harf n. “left hand” see S. harvo
⚠️N. harfen n. “*south-region”; see instead:
S. harad “south”
⚠️N. hargam adj. “left-handed”; see instead:
S. harvo “left hand, left side”
S., N., ᴱN. harn adj. “south, southern”
N. harn² adj. “wounded”
⚠️N. harn³ n. “helmet”; see instead:
S. thôl “helmet, helm”
N. harna- v. “to wound”
ᴺS. !harnas n. “harm, damage” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️G. harog n. “wolf”; see instead:
N. garaf “wolf”
ᴺS. !harrûn n. “southeast” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !harrúnen adj. “southeast” [created by Röandil]
N. #hartha- v. “to hope”
N. harthad n. “hope”
ᴺS. [N.] ^haru n. “wound” [vetted by HSD]
S. harvo n. “left hand, left side”
⚠️G. harw n. “wolf”; see instead:
N. garaf “wolf”
⚠️N., ᴱN. harw n. “wound”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^haru “wound”
⚠️N. harwed adj. “left-handed”; see instead:
S. harvo “left hand, left side”
⚠️G. has- pref. “close to, by, beside, touching” see G. hath-
⚠️G. hast n. “waiting, wait, pause, rest, stop”; see instead:
N. post “pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite”
N. hast “axe-stroke”
N. hast n. “axe-stroke”
N. hasta- v. “to hack through, *cleave”
⚠️G. hasta- v. “to tarry, wait, pause, stay, stop”; see instead:
S. #dar- “[N.] to stop, halt”
N. dartha- “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure”
N. hasta- “to hack through, *cleave”
⚠️G. hath- pref. “close to, by, beside, touching”
N. hathel n. “broadsword-blade, axe-blade”
S. hathol n. “axe”
⚠️ᴱN. haud n. “seat”; see instead:
S. hadhu “seat, *chair”
⚠️ᴺS. !hauda- v. “to cover up, hide away, lay in store, hoard, save, record; to bury” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !haudha- “to lay in store; to hoard, save, record; to bury”
ᴺS. ^hoda- “to lay, stretch out, lay flat on ground”
S., N. haudh n. “(funeral) mound, grave, [N.] tomb; [orig.] †heap, piled mound”
ᴺS. !haudha- v. “to lay in store; to hoard, save, record; to bury” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] haug adj. “low”
⚠️G. haugrin adj. “lowly, humble, mean”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hogren “lowly, humble, mean”
⚠️G. haurost n. “dawn”; see instead:
S. amrûn “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️G. haus n. “bed”; see instead:
N. haust “bed”
N. haust n. “bed”
⚠️G. hautha- v. “to lay, stretch out, lay flat on ground”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hoda- “to lay, stretch out, lay flat on ground”
⚠️G. hauthwaid n. “consort, wife or husband”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bethron “spouse (m.)”
ᴺS. ^bethril “spouse (f.)”
⚠️G. hauthwais n. “matrimony, conjugal rights”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
ᴺS. !hav- v. “to pray”
ᴺS. [G.] haw- v. “to lie”
S. †hawn n. “brother”
N. he pron. “she”
⚠️ᴱN., G. heb prep. “about; ?from, [G.] round about, around”
S. #heb- v. “to keep”
⚠️G. heb- v. “to bind, bind round”; see instead:
N. #gwedh- “to bind”
S. #heb- “to keep”
⚠️N. hebel n. “?fence”; see instead:
S. ephel “outer fence, surrounding ring”
ᴺS. !hebia- v. “to delay, retain, keep (temporarily)” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. hebon adj. “bound; (also) bounded, surrounded”; see instead:
N. naud “bound”
ᴺS. !gleinannen “bounded, enclosed, limited”
⚠️G. hebrim n. “bound(ary)”; see instead:
S. glan(n) “boundary”
⚠️G. hebwirol adj. “circumspect”
ᴺS. !hedril n. “thrower (f.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️N. heir n. and adj. “left (hand)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hair “left (hand)”
ᴺS. [G.] hel- v. “to freeze”
⚠️ᴱN. helai n. “fence”; see instead:
S. cail “fence, palisade of spikes or sharp stakes”
⚠️G. helc¹ adj. “ice-cold, icy, cold”; see instead:
N. helch “bitter cold, [G.] ice-cold, icy, ⚠️cold”
⚠️G. helc² n. “ice”; see instead:
S. heleg “ice”
N. helch adj. “bitter cold, [G.] ice-cold, icy, ⚠️cold”
⚠️N. hele n. “glass”; see instead:
S. heledh “glass”
S. heledh n. “glass”
ᴺS. !heledhren adj. “glassy, like glass, of glass”
N. heledir(n) n. “kingsfisher, (lit.) fish-watcher”
S., N., G. heleg n. “ice”
N. heleth n. “fur, fur-coat”
N. helf n. “fur, *hide”
⚠️G. helfileg n. “frost on panes, etc.”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nich “frost”
⚠️G. helfingl n. “icicle”; see instead:
S. aeglos “icicle, (lit.) snow-point; snowthorn (a plant)”
⚠️G. helfin(n) n. “icicle”; see instead:
S. aeglos “icicle, (lit.) snow-point; snowthorn (a plant)”
ᴺS. !helia- v. “to exalt” [created by Echuidor]
N. hell¹ adj. “naked, *stripped”
⚠️N. hell² n. “frost”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nich “frost”
ᴺS. !hellen adj. “frozen” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. helon adj. “frozen”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hellen “frozen”
⚠️G. heloth n. “frost”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nich “frost”
⚠️G. heltha- v. “to freeze, congeal (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. hel- “to freeze”
ᴺS. ^cor- “to turn sour, curdle, congeal; to make cheese”
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
N. heltha- v. “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
⚠️G. helw adj. “ice-cold, icy, cold”; see instead:
N. helch “bitter cold, [G.] ice-cold, icy, ⚠️cold”
ᴺS. [G.] hemp n. “band, bond; ⚠️cord”
S. hên n. “child”
S., N., ᴱN., G. hen(d) n. “eye”
ᴺS. !hendelu n. “brow” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
N. hen(e) pron. “she” see N. he
N. henia- v. “to understand”
ᴺS. !henna- v. “to read” [created by Elaran]
S. henneth n. “window”
ᴺS. [G.] hent n. “eyesight, *(sense of) sight”
⚠️ᴺS. !her- v. “to pray” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
ᴺS. !hav- “to pray”
S. herdir n. “master”
ᴺS. [G.] ^herf n. “protection, lordship, sway” [created by Paul Strack]
N. heria- v. “to begin suddenly and vigorously”
⚠️G. herma n. “protection, lordship, sway”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^herf “protection, lordship, sway”
⚠️G. hermin n. “realm, tutelage”; see instead:
S. arthor “realm”
⚠️G. hermon n. “lord”; see instead:
N. heron “lord, master”
N. heron n. “lord, master”
N. herth n. “household, troop”
S. †heruin n. “lady” see S. heryn
N. herven n. “husband”
N. hervenn n. “husband” see N. herven
N. herves n. “wife”
N. hervess n. “wife” see N. herves
S. herw n. “wine”
S. heryn n. “lady”
⚠️G. hesc adj. “withered, dead; chilled, chill”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hesg “withered, ⚠️dead; chilled, chill”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hesg adj. “withered, ⚠️dead; chilled, chill”
⚠️G. Hess n. “winter”; see instead:
S. rhîw “winter”
ᴺS. [G.] hest n. “sibling”
⚠️G. hestri n. “consanguinity”
⚠️G. †heth¹ n. “brother or sister”; see instead:
ᴺS. hest “sibling”
⚠️G. heth² adj. “white, pallid, wan”; see instead:
S. nimp “pale, pallid, white; small and frail, [ᴱN.] wan, sickly”
⚠️G. hetheglon n. “daisy”; see instead:
S. eirien “daisy”
⚠️G. hethgadwi n. “twins”; see instead:
S. gwanon “twin”
⚠️G. hethgedwi n. “twins”; see instead:
S. gwanon “twin”
⚠️G. hethir n. “sister”; see instead:
S. nethel “sister”
⚠️G. hethos n. “brother”; see instead:
S. hanar “brother”
⚠️G. hethren n. “first cousin (m.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. rend² “male cousin, relative”
⚠️G. hethres n. “first cousin (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ress¹ “female cousin, relative”
⚠️G. hethri n. “consanguinity” see G. hestri
⚠️G. hethrin adj. “of the same family (in a close sense), consanguine”
ᴺS. [N.] ^hethu adj. “foggy, obscure, vague” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. hethw adj. “foggy, obscure, vague”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hethu “foggy, obscure, vague”
S. adv. “now”
⚠️ᴱN. adj. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. n. “sap, juice”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paich “juice, syrup, *sap”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] hich- v. “to vomit”
ᴺS. !hída- v. “to (come to) pass, happen” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !hil- v. “to follow” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
S. aphad- “to follow”
S. #hîl n. “heir”
⚠️G. hîl n. “frost”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nich “frost”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hilf coll. “posterity; one’s descendants, progeny, offspring”
⚠️G. hilm n. “posterity; one’s descendants, progeny, offspring”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hilf “posterity; one’s descendants, progeny, offspring”
⚠️G. hilming n. “inheritance, heritage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hilvias “inheritance, heritage”
⚠️G. hilmir n. “heir (m. or f.)”; see instead:
S. #hîl “heir”
⚠️G. hilon adj. “adolescent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwidhren “adolescent, pre-adult”
⚠️G. hiltha n. “youth (more often masculine)”; see instead:
S. gwîn “youth”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hilvias n. “inheritance, heritage”
⚠️G. hilwed adj. “adolescent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwidhren “adolescent, pre-adult”
ᴺS. !hîm n. “beer”
S., N. #him¹ adv. and adj. “ever, [N.] enduring, continually; steadfast, abiding”
⚠️S. him² adj. “cool”; see instead:
S. ring “cold, chill, [G.] cool”
⚠️ᴱN. himp n. “jewel”; see instead:
S. mîr “jewel, precious thing, treasure”
⚠️S. hin adv. “now”; see instead:
S. “now”
⚠️ᴱN. hin prep. “from”
⚠️ᴱN. hinar adj. “dark”; see instead:
S. morn “black, dark; ⚠️night”
ᴺS. !hinia- v. “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !hir- v. “to find, *light on, chance on” [created by David Salo]
S., N., ᴱN. hîr n. “lord, master”
⚠️G. hîr n. “care, anxiety; heed”
S., N., G. hiril n. “lady; ⚠️[G.] princess, †queen”
⚠️G. hirilwen n. “anxiety”
⚠️G. hiriol adj. “anxious”
⚠️G. hiron n. “guardian, overseer, lord, master”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. hiros n. “guardian, overseer, lord, master”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. hirtha- v. “to care for, mind, tend; to care, reck, mind”
⚠️G. hirthol adj. “careful, attentive”
⚠️G. hist n. “listening, attention”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lastad “listening, hearkening, attention”
⚠️ᴱN. hist- v. “to spit”; see instead:
N. puia- “to spit”
⚠️G. hista- v. “to listen, hearken, listen to”; see instead:
S. lasta- “to listen, give ear”
S., N. hîth n. “mist”
⚠️G. hith interj. “listen! hark!”; see instead:
S. lasto “listen, *hark”
⚠️G. hitha- v. “to listen, hearken, listen to”; see instead:
S. lasta- “to listen, give ear”
⚠️G. hithadrin adj.; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwidhren “adolescent, pre-adult”
S. hithlain n. “mist thread, grey elvish rope”
S. hithren adj. “grey”
ᴺS. [N.] ^hithu n. “fog” [vetted by HSD]
S., N. Hithui n. “November, *Misty-one”
S., N. #hithui adj. “misty”
⚠️N. hithw n. “fog”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hithu “fog”
N. hiw adj. “sticky, viscous”
⚠️ᴱN. hiw adj. “rich”; see instead:
ᴺS. blê “fat of meat; *fatty, oily, greasy”
ᴺS. !maeligeb “wealthy, rich”
⚠️S. (h)law n. “flood”; see instead:
S. l(h)ô “flood, fenland; ⚠️[G.] pool, lake”
⚠️N. hmael n. and adj. “stain; stained”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mael² “stain; stained”
⚠️N. hmâl n. “pollen, yellow powder”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mâl “pollen, yellow powder”
⚠️N. hmalt n. “gold (as metal)”; see instead:
S. malt “gold (as metal)”
⚠️N. hmalw adj. “fallow, pale”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^malu “fallow, pale, ⚠️[ᴱN.] yellow”
⚠️N. hmaw n. “soil, stain”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maw¹ “soil, stain”
⚠️N. hniof n. “noose, snare”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nŷw “noose, snare”
N. ho pron. “he”
N. hobas n. “harbourage”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hoda- v. “to lay, stretch out, lay flat on ground” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. hodhir n. “hope”; see instead:
S. estel “hope, trust, *faith [in]”
⚠️N. hoe adj. and adv. “*far”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hogren adj. “lowly, humble, mean”
⚠️ᴱN. hoith n. “coitus, *sex”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puith “coitus, *sex”
⚠️ᴱN. hoitha- v. “*to have sex (with)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puitha- “*to have sex (with)”
S. #hol- v. “to close, shut”
ᴺS. !holl n. “cock, cockerel, rooster” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
S. hollen adj. “closed, shut”
⚠️G. hôm n. “ground, base, bottom, seabed”; see instead:
N. talaf “ground, floor”
S. thond “root, [N.] base; ⚠️root-word”
S. tâl “foot; [lower] end”
⚠️G. ho(n)- pref. “grandson of”
ᴺS. !hond n. “(emotional) heart, (seat of the) deepest feelings” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
S. honeg n. “brother (diminutive)”
S. honig n. “brother (diminutive)” see S. honeg
⚠️G. honn n. “heart”; see instead:
N. hûn “heart (physical)”
N. hon(o) pron. “he” see N. ho
⚠️ᴱN. hont n. “trumpet, trumpeting noise”; see instead:
S. rom “horn, trumpet”
⚠️G. hôr adj. “old, aged, ancient”; see instead:
S. iaur “old; [N.] ancient, olden”
ᴺS. !hora- v. “to await, expect”
N. horn adj. “driven under compulsion, impelled (to do something)”
⚠️G. horoth adj. “age, eld, oldness”
⚠️G. hortha- v. “to grow old”
N. hortha- v. “to urge on, speed”
⚠️G. horweg n. “an ancient, old man”
N. host n. “gross (144)”
ᴺS. [G.] hosta- v. “to gather, collect”
⚠️G. hôth (hôdh-) n. “expectation, hope”; see instead:
S. amdir “hope [based on reason], *expectation, (lit.) looking up”
S., N., ᴱN., G. hoth n. “host, horde, ⚠️[N.] crowd; group plural; [ᴱN.] folk, [G.] people; †army”
⚠️G. hothri n. “army”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othrim “army”
⚠️G. hothrim n. “army”; see instead:
ᴺS. !othrim “army”
ᴺS. [G.] hothron n. “captain”
⚠️S. hû¹ n. “spirit, shadow”; see instead:
N. “dog”
S. faer “spirit (in general)”
S. esgal “cast shadow, shade; screen, hiding; ⚠️veil”
S., N., G. hû² n. “hound, [N.] dog; ⚠️S. ?heart”
S., N. huan n. “great dog, hound”
ᴺS. [G.] ^huar n. “wild dog”
N. hûb n. “haven, harbour, small landlocked bay”
⚠️G. hûbi n. “hound”; see instead:
S. huan “great dog, hound”
⚠️ᴱN. huch n. “cunnus, *vagina”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puch “cunnus, vagina”
N. hûd n. “assembly, *gathering, moot”
ᴺS. !húda- v. “to curse” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. hug- v. “futuere, *to copulate”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pog- “futuere, *to copulate, have sex”
⚠️G. hugin n. “young pig”
ᴺS. !huia- v. “to urge on” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴱN. huigion n. “fututor, *one who copulates”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pogron “fututor, *one who copulates”
ᴺS. [G.] huil¹ n. “bitch, *female dog”
ᴺS. [G.] ^huil² n. “hen”
⚠️G. huir adj. “foggy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hethu “foggy, obscure, vague”
⚠️ᴱN. huiriaith n. “gale”; see instead:
N. alagos “storm (of wind)”
⚠️G. huith n. “fog”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hithu “fog”
⚠️G. huitha- v. “it is misty”
N. hûl n. “cry of encouragement in battle”
S. hûl n. “secret”
⚠️G. hulc adj. “naked”; see instead:
N. hell¹ “naked, *stripped”
⚠️G. hum adv. “(right) down, (lit.) to bottom”; see instead:
N. dad “down”
⚠️G. hum- v. “to sleep, drowze”; see instead:
ᴺS. lor- “to sleep, slumber, ⚠️dream”
⚠️G. hûm n. “sleep, slumber”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûr “sleep, slumber”
⚠️G. humethla n. “(red) poppy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lurloth “poppy, (lit.) flower of sleep”
⚠️G. hum(i)los n. “(red) poppy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lurloth “poppy, (lit.) flower of sleep”
⚠️G. humiol adj. “sleepy, drowzy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !olost “drowsy, dreamy, lazy”
⚠️G. humloth n. “(red) poppy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lurloth “poppy, (lit.) flower of sleep”
S. hûn n. “*heart”
N. hûn n. “heart (physical)”
⚠️G. hûn n. “bone”; see instead:
ᴱN. asg “bone; ⚠️[G.] stone of fruit”
⚠️ᴱN. hûn adj. “polished, burnished, shining”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rûn “polished, burnished, smoothed by polishing”
ᴺS. [G.] hunc n. “pig”
⚠️G. huniol adj. “bony, rawboned”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^asgeb “bony”
⚠️G. hunn n. “boil, pus”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ordh “boil, pus”
⚠️G. hunt n. “nose, nostrils, snout”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^sunt “nostrils”
⚠️ᴱN. huntha- v. “to burnish, polish”; see instead:
ᴺS. !runna- “to polish, burnish”
S. huorn n. “?spirit tree”
N. hûr n. “readiness for action, vigour, fiery spirit”
⚠️G. hûs n. “crowd, heap, pile; very great number”; see instead:
N. ovras “crowd, heap”
S. rim “host, great number, people (of one kind or origin), [N.] crowd”
⚠️G. husta- v. “to burn (tr.), destroy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^orna- “to burn (tr. and intr.)”
ᴺS. tertha- “to destroy, *ruin, †(orig.) to make pierced; ⚠️to devour”
S. hwâ n. “breeze[?]” see S. hwaewar
S. hwaewar n. “breeze[?]”
ᴺS. !hwal- v. “to wash” [created by Gilruin]
ᴺS. !hwalath n. “washing, bathing, ⚠️bath” [created by Gilruin]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwand n. “sponge, fungus”
⚠️N. hwann n. “sponge, fungus”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^hwand “sponge, fungus”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hweg n. “broom”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hwegol n. “brush”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hwegra- v. “to sweep”
S. ^hwest n. “breeze, puff, [N.] breath”
ᴺS. !hwiel n. “niece”
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwîn n. “giddiness, faintness” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwind n. “eddy” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwinia- v. “to twirl, whirl, eddy” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^hwiniol adj. “whirling, giddy, mad, fantastic” [vetted by HSD]
S. hwinn n. “birch”
ᴺS. [G.] ^hwion n. “nephew”
⚠️ᴱN. hygion n. “fututor, *one who copulates”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pogron “fututor, *one who copulates”
⚠️ᴺS. !hŷl n. “hen” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^huil² “hen”
⚠️G. hŷr n. “sun”; see instead:
S. Anor “Sun”
⚠️ᴱN. hyriaith n. “gale”; see instead:
N. alagos “storm (of wind)”
⚠️G. hyrost n. “*dawn”; see instead:
S. amrûn “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️ᴱN. i- pref. “negative”; see instead:
S. al-¹ “no, not”
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
S. -i suf. “adjectival suffix”
⚠️G. -i suf. “dative suffix”
ᴺS. !î interj. “indeed” [created by Elaran]
S., N., ᴱN., G. article. “the”
S., G. pron. “who, that, [G.] indefinite indeclinable relative particle”
S., N. n. “chasm, pit; void, abyss; [N.] gulf”
S. #iach n. “ford”
⚠️ᴱN. -iad suf. “comparative ending”
ᴺS. !iâd¹ n. “waist; isthmus” [created by Tamas Ferencz]
⚠️ᴺS. !iâd² n. “fence” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. iath “fence”
ᴺS. !iaeda- v. “to mock, deride, make fun of, laugh at”
N. iaeth n. “neck”
N. iaew n. “mocking, scorn”
ᴺS. !iaewen adj. “scornful”
ᴺS. !iâf n. “fruit” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]
N. ial n. “*cry, shout”
N. ialla- v. “to call”
ᴺS. [N.] ^ialt n. “yoke”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ialtha- v. “to yoke, ⚠️join”
S., N. -ian(d) suf. “-land, country”
⚠️S. iand adj. “wide”; see instead:
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
ᴺS. !ianna- v. “to join, connect”
ᴺS. !iannen adj. “joined, connected”
⚠️N. iant n. “yoke”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ialt “yoke”
⚠️ᴱN. -iant suf. “superlative ending”
S. iant n. “bridge”
⚠️G. -iant(ha) suf. “*superlative” see G. -iont(ha)
⚠️N. ianw n. “bridge”; see instead:
S. iant “bridge”
⚠️N. iâr n. “blood”; see instead:
S. sereg “blood”
⚠️N. iath prep. “across”; see instead:
S. thar “across, athwart, over”
S. iath n. “fence”
S. iâth n. “fence” see S. iath
⚠️N. iathrad n. “crossing, ford”; see instead:
S. athrad “ford, crossing”
N. iau¹ n. “corn, *cereal crop”
⚠️N. iau² n. “ravine, cleft, gulf”; see instead:
N. iau¹ “corn, *cereal crop”
S. iaun adj. “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
N. iaun n. “holy place, fane, sanctuary, *shrine, temple”
S., N. iaur adj. “old; [N.] ancient, olden”
ᴺS. [G.] ^iaust n. “crop, *yield, produce; ⚠️corn”
ᴺS. [G.] ^iav- v. “to produce, yield, bear fruit”
S. iavas n. “autumn, *harvest (time)”
ᴺS. [G.] ^iavren adj. “fertile”
⚠️G. ictha- v. “to egg on, excite, arouse, agitate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !baltha- “to excite, rouse, stir up, agitate”
⚠️S. íd adv. “extremely, very”; see instead:
ᴺS. dae “very”
⚠️G. †îd n. “treasure, thing of great worth, jewel”; see instead:
S. mîr “jewel, precious thing, treasure”
⚠️ᴱN. idanc adj. “masked, *not firm”
S. îdh n. “rest, repose, peace, tranquility”
⚠️ᴱN. Idhel n. “elf”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
⚠️N. idher n. “thoughtfulness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^idhor “thoughtfulness”
ᴺS. [N.] ^idhor adj. “thoughtfulness” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. idhr(a) adv. “long, a long time”; see instead:
S. and “long”
⚠️S. ídhra- v. “to long for, desire”; see instead:
S. #aníra- “to desire, *long for”
⚠️G. idhraluin adv. “long ago”; see instead:
N. io “ago”
N. idhren adj. “pondering, wise, thoughtful”
⚠️G. idhril n. “*Man (f.)”; see instead:
S. Firieth “(Female) Mortal”
⚠️N. idhrin n. “year, *(lit.) year-circle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^idhrinn “year, *(lit.) year-circle”
ᴺS. [N.] ^idhrinn n. “year, *(lit.) year-circle” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. idhrog n. “*Man (m.)”; see instead:
S. Firion “(Male) Mortal”
⚠️G. idhruglin n. “the language of Men”
⚠️G. idhweg n. “*Man (m.)”; see instead:
S. Firion “(Male) Mortal”
⚠️G. idhwin n. “*Man (f.)”; see instead:
S. Firieth “(Female) Mortal”
S. idi(r) pron. “they, 3rd pl. pronoun” see S. ent
⚠️ᴱN. idir n. “no king”
⚠️G. idra- v. “to value, prize”
⚠️G. idra adj. “dear, valued, precious”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mair “precious”
N. muin¹ “dear”
⚠️G. idreth n. “value, dearness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !meiras “value, preciousness”
⚠️G. idri n. “treasure, thing of great worth, jewel”; see instead:
S. mîr “jewel, precious thing, treasure”
⚠️G. idril n. “sweetheart”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^melethel “darling, sweetheart”
⚠️G. idrisaith n. “excessive love of gold and gems and beautiful and costly things”; see instead:
ᴺS. !milf “greed”
S., N., G. -iel¹ suf. “daughter; feminine suffix”
S., N. #-iel² suf. “adjective suffix”
S. -iel³ suf. “perfective-participle”
N. iell n. “daughter”
S., N. -ien suf. “feminine ending”
N. iest n. “wish”
ᴺS. !iesta-¹ v. “to begin” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !iesta-² v. “to wish” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !iestor n. “first day of the new year” [created by Elaran]
S. îf n. “cliff, sheer descent”
S. †ifant adj. “*aged” see S. *iphant
⚠️N. Ifonneth n. “September, *Yavanna-ness”; see instead:
S. Ivanneth “September, *Yavanna-ness”
⚠️G. ig n. “excitement, fuss, ado”; see instead:
ᴺS. !balf “excitement, emotion”
S. -ig suf. “diminutive/singular ending” see S. -eg¹
⚠️G. igin adj. “excited, agitated”; see instead:
ᴺS. !balthannen “excited, agitated”
⚠️G. igli n. “young of fish, small fry”; see instead:
ᴺS. !limmeg “young fish, small fry”
⚠️G. igol adj. “exciting; excitable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !balthol “exciting; excitable”
⚠️G. il- pref. “the opposite, the reversal”; see instead:
S. al-¹ “no, not”
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
S., G., N. -il suf. “feminine suffix”
S. il adj. “*all”
S. ilaurui adj. “*daily”
⚠️G. ilbar n. “heaven, the uttermost region beyond the world”; see instead:
S. menel “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
⚠️G. ilbrant n. “rainbow”; see instead:
S. ninniach “rainbow”
⚠️G. ilbrin adj. “oily, fat, greasy”; see instead:
ᴺS. blê “fat of meat; *fatty, oily, greasy”
⚠️G. il(d)rim n. “unquiet, disturbance; disease”
⚠️ᴱN. Ileth n. “elf”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
⚠️G. ilf n. “heart”; see instead:
S. ind “some particular purpose or intention of an individual; heart [metaphorical], [N.] inner thought, meaning”
⚠️G. ilgiol adj. “barren”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aliavren “barren”
⚠️G. ilgioth n. “sterility”
ᴺS. !ilhad pron. “everywhere” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !illad n. “everything” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !illadui adj. “general” [created by Fayanzār]
⚠️G. ilm n. “oil, fat, grease”; see instead:
ᴺS. blîw “oil”
ᴺS. !lûb “fat, (fat) flesh”
ᴺS. !ilnad pron. “everything” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. ilon n. “sky”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
ᴺS. !ilphen pron. “everyone” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. ilrimog adj. “uneasy”
⚠️G. ilt- v. “to yoke, join”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ialtha- “to yoke, ⚠️join”
ᴺS. !ianna- “to join, connect”
⚠️G. ilta- v. “to stick in, prod, prick”; see instead:
N. nasta- “to prick, point, stick, thrust”
⚠️G. iltanc adj. “unsteady”; see instead:
ᴱN. dathanc “unsteady”
⚠️G. ilt(h)a- v. “to yoke, join”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ialtha- “to yoke, ⚠️join”
ᴺS. !ianna- “to join, connect”
ᴺS. !ilu n. “universe, the whole, cosmos” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. ilvrant n. “rainbow”; see instead:
S. ninniach “rainbow”
⚠️G. ilwi(n) n. “sky, heavens”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
S. menel “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
⚠️G. ilwint n. “sky, heavens; (lit.) face of god”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
S. menel “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
⚠️ᴱN., G. Im n. “a royal elf (high-elf), fairy”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
S., N., G. im¹ pron. “I, I myself; reflexive, self(same)”
S. im² prep. “between”
S., N. †im³ n. “valley; [N.] dell, deep vale”
ᴺS. !imeneth n. “namesake, (lit.) same name”
S., N. imlad n. “deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides, gap, gully, [N.] dell, glen”
ᴺS. !imladren adj. “vale like, of the vale” [created by Paul Strack]
S. imrad n. “path or pass between mountains or trackless forest, *(lit.) valley path”
S. imrath n. “long narrow valley with road or watercourse running through it lengthwise, *(lit.) valley course”
⚠️G. in n. “go, move, turn, occasion”
⚠️G. in- pref. “house of”
S., N., G. -in¹ suf. “plural suffix”
S., N. #în¹ n. “year”
S., G., N. #-in² suf. “adjective suffix” see S. #-en¹
S. în² pron. “his, *reflexive possessive = his own”
⚠️ᴱN. inathadren adj. “innumerable”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
⚠️ᴱN. inathui adj. “innumerable”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
⚠️G. inc adj. “little”; see instead:
S. #pîn “little”
N. inc n. “guess, idea, notion”
⚠️G. -inci suf. “diminutive superlative”; see instead:
S. -eg¹ “diminutive/singular ending”
⚠️G. inco pron. “the same, the identical”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ain “same, identical”
S. im¹ “I, I myself; reflexive, self(same)”
⚠️G. ind n. “house, abode”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
S., N. ind n. “some particular purpose or intention of an individual; heart [metaphorical], [N.] inner thought, meaning”
⚠️G. indor n. “master (of house), lord”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. indos n. “house, hall”; see instead:
N. car(dh) “house, *construction, structure”
N. thamas “great hall”
⚠️G. ind(r) adv. “long, a long time”; see instead:
S. and “long”
⚠️G. in(d)ra adj. “long (also used of time)”; see instead:
S. and “long”
⚠️G. in(d)raluin adv. “long ago”; see instead:
N. io “ago”
ᴺS. !indram n. “shock, (lit.) mind-blow” [created by Amarwain, NotD]
⚠️G. in(d)wed adj. “indoors, at home; homely, domestic(ated)”
⚠️G. ineg adj. “small”; see instead:
S. #pîn “little”
⚠️G. ing n. “fish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lim “fish”
N. ingem adj. “old (in mortal sense), suffering from old age, decrepit, (lit.) year-sick”
S., N. ínias n. “annals”
⚠️S. inib num. card. “*twelve”; see instead:
S. ýneg “twelve”
⚠️G. inig adj. “small”; see instead:
S. #pîn “little”
⚠️G. inn n. “house, abode”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
S., N. inn n. “some particular purpose or intention of an individual” see S. ind
⚠️G. inna adv. “in home, to its house/its right place”
S. innas n. “*will”
⚠️G. inni adv. “home, at home, in right place”
⚠️G. innor n. “master (of house), lord”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. innos n. “house, hall”; see instead:
N. car(dh) “house, *construction, structure”
N. thamas “great hall”
⚠️G. int¹ n. “way, path, track”; see instead:
S. #râd “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
⚠️G. int² adv. “in home, to its house/its right place” see G. inna
⚠️G. intha-¹ v. “to join to (intr.), add, increase, add to”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ganna- “to gain, profit, increase; to be profitable, bring in revenue”
S. #anna- “to give, †add to”
⚠️G. intha-² v. “to go (indefinite), fare, proceed”
⚠️G. inthi adv. “less”
⚠️G. -inthir suf. “diminutive”; see instead:
S. -eg¹ “diminutive/singular ending”
⚠️G. inthorn n. “eagle’s nest, eyrie”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thorombar “eagle’s nest, eyrie”
ᴺS. [N.] ^inu adj. and n. “female” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. inw adj. and n. “female”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^inu “female”
ᴺS. !inwas n. “feminity, womanhood” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !inwathren adj. “feminine” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. inweg n. “*fairy (male)”; see instead:
S. Ellon “Elf-man”
⚠️G. inwin n. “*fairy (female)”; see instead:
S. Elleth “Elf-maid”
ᴺS. !io conj. “when” [created by Röandil]
N. io adv. “ago”
ᴺS. [G.] -iof suf. “-bearing”
N. iofog n. “fruit drink, cider”
⚠️G. iol n. “lamb”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ŷl “lamb”
N. iolf n. “brand”
⚠️G. iolinc n. “little lamb, lambkin”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ŷl “lamb”
N., G. #-(i)on suf. “adjectival suffix”
⚠️ᴱN. #-ion suf. “*agental suffix”
S., N. -ion¹ suf. “-son”
S., N. -ion² suf. “-region, -land”
S., N. ion(n) n. “son, *boy”
⚠️G. -iont(ha) suf. “*superlative”
⚠️G. †ior n. “eagle”; see instead:
S. thoron “eagle”
N. iôr n. “course”
ᴺS. !iorbeth n. “archaism, archaic word”
S. ioron n. “old man”
⚠️G. ioroth n. “eagle”; see instead:
S. thoron “eagle”
⚠️G. #-ios suf. “abstract noun”; see instead:
S. #-as “abstract noun”
S., N. *iphant adj. “[N.] aged, having lived long, (lit.) year-full”
ᴺS. !íphathred n. “yearfullness, age of person” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️S. îr adj. “*alone”; see instead:
S. air “lonely”
S. ereb “single, alone, lonely, [N.] isolated”
S. -ir suf. “past of intransitive verbs”
S. ir conj. “?when, while”
⚠️G. ir prep. “dative and allative”
S. î(r) pron. “impersonal plural pronoun”
N. îr n. “*sexual desire”
⚠️G. îr- v. “to be willing; to will, intend to, mean to”
⚠️G. #-ir suf. “agental suffix” see G. #-or
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^irdh n. “entrails, bowels, innards” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. irm n. “a wish, intention, resolve”
ᴺS. [G.] irn adj. “desired, wished for”
⚠️G. irt n. “beak (of small birds)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^irth “beak”
ᴺS. [G.] ^irth n. “beak”
⚠️G. irtha pron. “her”
ᴺS. [G.] irtha- v. “to peck”
⚠️G. irthod n. “intent, intention, will”
⚠️G. irthol adj. “intentional”
S. írui adj. “desirable, lovely”
S. is pron. “he, she, it, 3rd sg. pronoun” see S. est¹
N., G. ist n. “lore, knowledge; ⚠️[G.] feeling, sensation; notion”
N., G. ista- v. “to have knowledge, [G.] know, ⚠️be aware, perceive, feel”
⚠️ᴺS. !istanna- v. “to teach, lecture, explain, (lit.) give knowledge” [created by Elvishmouse]; see instead:
ᴺS. !goltha- “to teach, educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable”
⚠️ᴱN. isteth ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺS. !istoneth n. “teacher (f.), (lit.) knowledge giver” [created by Elvishmouse]; see instead:
ᴺS. !golthor “teacher”
⚠️ᴺS. !istonor n. “teacher (m.), (lit.) knowledge giver” [created by Elvishmouse]; see instead:
ᴺS. !golthor “teacher”
N. istui adj. “learned”
S. ith pron. “they, 3rd pl. pronoun” see S. ent
⚠️G. -ith suf. “abstract noun”; see instead:
S. -th “abstract noun”
⚠️G. ith¹ n. “fine snow”; see instead:
S. loss “snow”
⚠️G. ith² n. “anything”
⚠️G. itheg n. “anything” see G. ith²
S., N. Ithil n. “Moon”
⚠️N. ithil n. “Moria-silver, true-silver”; see instead:
S. mithril “Moria-silver, true-silver”
S., N. ithildin n. “magical alloy that glows in moonlight, (lit.) moon-star”
⚠️G. ithog adj. “any”
⚠️G. ithrin adj. “of any kind”
⚠️G. ithriol adj. “of any kind” see G. ithrin
S. ithron n. “Wizard”
⚠️G. ithweg n. “anyone”
⚠️G. ithwin n. “anyone” see G. ithweg
N. iuith n. “use”
N. iuitha- v. “to employ”
N. iûl n. “embers”
⚠️G. ivangod n. “walnut”
S. Ivanneth n. “September, *Yavanna-ness”
ᴺS. !ivil n. “inside” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. ivogodron n. “walnut tree”
⚠️G. ivongod n. “walnut” see G. ivangod
⚠️G. ivrin adj. “fertile”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^iavren “fertile”
⚠️G. n. “space, room, place”; see instead:
S. sad “place, spot”
N. tham “hall”
⚠️G. #-la¹ suf. “verbal suffix”
⚠️G. #-la² suf. “noun suffix”
S. #laba- v. “to hop”
ᴺS. [G.] laboth n. “hare, *rabbit”
⚠️G. labra adj. “loose, lax, flapping; weak”
S. lach n. “(leaping) flame”
ᴺS. !lach- v. “to kick” [created by Parmandil]
S. #lacha- v. “to flame”
⚠️G. lactha- v. “(tr.) gather together, collect, amass”; see instead:
ᴺS. hosta- “to gather, collect”
ᴺS. !lad n. “nothing, zero” [created by Elaran]
S., G. lad n. “plain, ⚠️valley; [G.] a level, a flat; fair dealing”
ᴺS. !lad- v. “to stretch, extend (in length)”
⚠️G. lada- v. “to smooth out, stroke, caress, soothe, beguile”; see instead:
ᴺS. !path- “to smooth”
N. matha- “to stroke, feel, handle”
S., N. #laden adj. “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
⚠️G. ladin adj. “level, smooth; fair, equitable”; see instead:
S. #laden “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
N. path “smooth”
S. fael² “fair-minded, just, generous”
⚠️G. ladinios n. “equity”; see instead:
ᴺS. !faelas “fairness, equity”
ᴺS. [G.] ladog n. “tin [metal]”
⚠️ᴱN., G. ladwen n. “plain, [G.] heath; levelness, flatness; plane; surface”; see instead:
S. lad “plain, ⚠️valley; [G.] a level, a flat; fair dealing”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lae n. “great number” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. !lae- v. “to not be” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !law² “not”
⚠️ᴺS. !laed n. “colour, color” [created by Matt Dinse]; see instead:
ᴺS. crui “colour”
ᴺS. !laeda- v. “to refresh, revive” [created by Paul Strack]
S. †laeg adj. “green, viridis, green (of leaves/herbiage), fresh”
ᴺS. [N.] ^laeg adj. “keen, sharp, acute” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ^laegas n. “verdure, greenness”
ᴺS. !laeglin(n) n. “greenfinch ” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
S. laer¹ n. “summer”
S. laer² n. “song” see S. glaer
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^laes n. “babe” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. gwinig “little-one, baby”
S. laew adj. “fresh”
ᴺS. [N.] ^laew adj. “frequent, many” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !laeweth n. “freshness”
⚠️ᴱN. lafn n. “*animal”; see instead:
S. lavan “animal”
⚠️G. lag- v. “to gather up, pick up, get”; see instead:
ᴺS. hosta- “to gather, collect”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lagor adj. “swift, rapid” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. laib adj. “green”; see instead:
S. †laeg “green, viridis, green (of leaves/herbiage), fresh”
S. calen “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
⚠️G. laibrin adj. “green, fresh, youthful”; see instead:
S. calen “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
S. laew “fresh”
ᴺS. !gwineb “youthful”
S. laich adj. “sweet”
ᴺS. !laidh adj. “horizontal, (lit.) lying flat” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. laigos n. “verdure, greenness”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laegas “verdure, greenness”
⚠️G. laim n. “thong, rope”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lath “thong (of leather)”
S. #raph “rope, strap”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lain adj. “free(d), *liberated” [vetted by HSD]
S. #lain n. “thread, warp”
⚠️G. lais n. “green sward, glade”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pathu “level space, sward”
⚠️G. laith¹ n. “time, the course of time; (properly) lapse”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ “time, occasion”
⚠️G. #laith² adj. “*lost”
⚠️G. laithra adj. “dead and gone, over, former, of yore, forgotten”
⚠️G. laith(r)a- v. “to let slip, lose, mislay, forget; (intr.) to be lost”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lítha- “to let slip, lose, mislay; (intr.) to be lost; forget”
S. #lala- v. “to laugh”
S. lalaith n. “laughter”
⚠️N. lalf n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
ᴺS. !lall n. “laugh”
ᴺS. !lallen adj. “funny, amusing”
⚠️G. lalm n. “elm, elm-wood”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
⚠️G. lalmir n. “elm tree”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^lalorn n. “elm-tree” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
⚠️G. lalt n. “dance”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lilt “dance”
ᴺS. !laltha- v. “to amuse, make laugh” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. laltha- v. “to dance”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^liltha- “to dance”
⚠️N. lalven n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
ᴺS. !lalweg adj. “cheerful” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., G. lam¹ n. “(physical) tongue; language, ⚠️[G.] speech”
S. #lam² n. “echo”
ᴺS. !lamel n. “phonetics” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !lamengolu n. “linguistics” [created by Ellanto]
S. ?lamma- v. “to echo”
S. lammad n. “*echoing”
S. lammen adj. “of tongue, spoken with tongue”
⚠️ᴱN. lamthanc n. “snake, *(lit.) forked tongue”; see instead:
S. lŷg “snake”
ᴺS. !lanad n. “weft, woof” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. lanc n. “chance; pick, choice, selection”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cilith “choice, choosing, *selection”
S. lanc¹ n. “sharp edge (not of tools), sudden end”
S. lanc² adj. “naked”
S., G. #land adj. “wide, broad; [N.] open space, level”
S. lang n. “passage; neck, *throat”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lang n. “cutlass, sword” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lang- v. “to blare, clang, ring”
ᴺS. !langan(d) n. “stringed instrument with a neck (lute, guitar, etc.)” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️G. langon n. “great bell”; see instead:
N. nell “bell”
S., G. #lann adj. “wide, broad” see S. #land
ᴺS. !lann n. “thin cloth, tissue” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lant n. “clearing in the forest” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lant n. “(high) road, level way, street”; see instead:
S. men² “road, way; ⚠️[N.] *place”
⚠️G. lantha- v. “to fall onto, settle on, alight”; see instead:
S. danna- “to fall”
S. lanthir n. “waterfall”
ᴺS. !lanu n. “loom” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] laph n. “loose-end, end of rope, hem of robe”
⚠️G. laptha- v. “to relax, loosen”
⚠️G. larm n. “elm, elm-wood”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
⚠️G. las- v. “to look at, glance at”
S. las n. “leaf” see S. las(s)
ᴺS. [N.] ^lasbelin n. “leaf-fall, autumn” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lasgweloth n. “leaf-fading, autumn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lasbelin “leaf-fall, autumn”
S., G. las(s) n. “leaf; ⚠️[G.] petal”
ᴺS. !last n. “(sense of) hearing”
⚠️G. last n. “look, glance, flash of the eye”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glinthad “look, glance, flash of the eye”
ᴺS. !last “(sense of) hearing”
S. lasta- v. “to listen, give ear”
⚠️G. lasta- v. “blink, wink”
ᴺS. !lastad n. “listening, hearkening, attention”
ᴺS. !lastadui adj. “audible” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. lasto interj. “listen, *hark”
⚠️ᴺS. !lastor n. “eavesdropper” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lathron “hearer, listener, eavesdropper”
⚠️G. lath n. “year”; see instead:
S. #în¹ “year”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lath n. “thong (of leather)” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lathr(ad)a- v. “to listen in, eavesdrop” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lathron n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] laub n. “shirt”
S. #laud n. “feather”
ᴺS. [G.] laud n. “tide, motion of the sea; ⚠️flood; high tide”
ᴺS. [S.], N. laudh n. “gluttonous eating, [N.] †licking up (food or drink)”
ᴺS. [N.] ^laug adj. “warm” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. laug adj. “(of plants) alive, having sap, green, vigorous”; see instead:
N. cuin “alive”
S. calen “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
S. tharan “vigorous”
ᴺS. ^laug “warm”
⚠️G. laur adj. “threatening, foreboding, darkling”
⚠️G. laus n. and adj. “juice, sap; energy, vitality; (aj.) fresh”; see instead:
N. saw “juice”
ᴺS. ^cuinas “vitality, liveliness”
S. laew “fresh”
⚠️ᴱN. laus ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^laus n. “ringlet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loch “ringlet”
⚠️G. lauth n. “a plant, herb”; see instead:
N. galas “plant, growth”
N. salab “herb”
⚠️G. lauthra- v. “to refresh; to revive (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !laeda- “to refresh, revive”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lav- v. “to lick” [vetted by HSD]
S. lavan n. “animal”
ᴺS. [G.] lavra- v. “to lap (of animals), suck up”
ᴺS. !law¹ n. “sound” [created by Fayanzār]
⚠️ᴺS. !law² adv. “not” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
S. û “no, not, [G.] nor”
⚠️G. †le prep. “and”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gu “(together) with”
S. le pron. “thee, you (polite)”
ᴺS. [G.] leb- v. “to pick, pluck, take or feel or touch with fingers, cull”
S. lebdas n. “index finger”
⚠️S. lebed n. “thumb”; see instead:
S. naub “thumb”
⚠️ᴺS. !lebem num. card. “fifteen” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paeleben “fifteen”
S. leben num. card. “five”
S. lebenedh n. “middle finger”
S. lebent n. “fourth finger”
S. leber n. “finger”
ᴺS. !leberen adj. “fingered, of fingers”
⚠️N. lebethras n. “Gondorian tree”; see instead:
S. lebethron “Gondorian hardwood, *(lit.) finger tree”
S. lebethron n. “Gondorian hardwood, *(lit.) finger tree”
S. lebig n. “little finger”
⚠️G. lech¹ adj. “smooth, slippery”; see instead:
N. path “smooth”
⚠️G. lech² n. “smooth place; slide”
⚠️G. lectha- v. “to sharpen”
N. #ledh- v. “*to go, fare, travel”
⚠️S. **ledhbas(t) n. “waybread”; see instead:
S. lembas “waybread, journey-bread”
ᴺS. !ledhu n. “leaving, departure” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !ledia- v. “to open; unlock (transitive)” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. !ledil n. “key” [created by Paul Strack]
S. lefnui num. ord. “fifth” see S. levnui
⚠️G. leg adj. “keen, sharp, piercing”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laeg “keen, sharp, acute”
S. #legol adj. “[Ilk.] nimble, active, running free”
S. †leich adj. “sweet” see S. laich
ᴺS. !leidhron n. “liberator, saviour”
ᴺS. !leinas n. “freedom, liberty”
S., ᴱN., N. #leithia- v. “to release, [N.] set free”
S., ᴱN., N. leithian n. “release from bondage, [N.] release, freeing”
ᴺS. !lemas n. “ruin, remains of a destroyed construction” [created by Ellanto]
S., N. lembas n. “waybread, journey-bread”
⚠️ᴱN. leme num. card. “*five”; see instead:
S. leben “five”
⚠️G. lemfadrin adj. and n. “of the finger; ring”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leberen “fingered, of fingers”
⚠️G. lemfarilt n. “ring”; see instead:
ᴺS. !corf “ring (for fingers)”
⚠️G. lemfin adj. “halved, in half”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lemma- v. “to beckon, crook the finger”
⚠️ᴺS. !lemmui num. ord. “fifth” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
S. levnui “fifth”
⚠️G. lemp¹ n. “crooked finger; little finger”; see instead:
S. lebig “little finger”
⚠️G. lemp² n. “half”; see instead:
N. perin “half”
⚠️G. lempa- v. “to beckon, crook the finger”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lemma- “to beckon, crook the finger”
⚠️G. lempachùn n. “wishbone”
⚠️G. len adj. “come, arrived”; see instead:
ᴺS. !túliel “having come, having arrived”
⚠️G. len¹ adv. “wherewith, far, long, away”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
⚠️G. lenc adj. and adv. “far, distant”; see instead:
S. hae “far, (very) far away”
⚠️G. lenchos n. “distance”; see instead:
S. haered “remoteness, (remote) distance”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lend adj. “tuneful, sweet” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lendri n. “coming, arrival”; see instead:
ᴺS. !toled “coming, arrival”
⚠️G. lendriol adj. “coming, approaching”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tolol “coming, approaching”
ᴺS. !lenia- v. “to sound, make a noise”
⚠️G. lent adv. “near, close to, up by, along side of; (c. dat.) at, towards, up to side of; therewith, with it, withal”; see instead:
S. nef “hither, on this (the speaker’s) side of; †beyond [loose translation]; *near”
ᴺS. !sa² “beside, alongside, next (to)”
S. na¹ “to, towards, at”
⚠️G. lentha- v. “to come towards speaker, approach, draw near”; see instead:
S. #anglenna- “to approach”
S. #tol- “to come”
⚠️G. lenthol adj. “coming, approaching”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tolol “coming, approaching”
⚠️G. lenthos n. “coming, arrival”; see instead:
ᴺS. !toled “coming, arrival”
⚠️G. lenu- v. “to stretch, extend in length, trail; ?to approach”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lad- “to stretch, extend (in length)”
⚠️G. lenweg n. “‘arrival’, a stranger”; see instead:
S. edlon “outsider, stranger, *foreigner”
⚠️G. lenwi n. “length, distance”; see instead:
ᴺS. !annas “length”
⚠️G. lenwin n. “‘arrival’, a stranger (fem.)”; see instead:
S. edlon “outsider, stranger, *foreigner”
ᴺS. !lephaen num. card. “fifty” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. leptha n. “finger”; see instead:
S. leber “finger”
⚠️G. lepthadrin adj. “fingered, of fingers”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leberen “fingered, of fingers”
⚠️G. lepthindros adj. “fingered, of fingers”; see instead:
ᴺS. !leberen “fingered, of fingers”
⚠️G. lest n. “gathering, assembly, concourse, moot”; see instead:
N. hûd “assembly, *gathering, moot”
S. lest n. “girdle, *belt”
⚠️G. lesta- v. “to gather, assemble, meet (intr.)”; see instead:
S. cova- “to come together, meet; to gather, assemble”
⚠️G. leth adv. “therewith, with it, withal”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lethril n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper (f.)” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lethrin adj. “slippery, peril(o)us”
⚠️ᴱN. leus ? “[unglossed]”
S. leutha- v. “to pick (up/out)”
S. levnui num. ord. “fifth”
S. leweg n. “worm”
ᴺS. !lhab n. “sip”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lhab- v. “to sup, *sip, ⚠️suck, lap up”
⚠️S. lhach n. “leaping flame”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
⚠️ᴱN. lhacha n. “flame”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
⚠️N. #lhad n. “plain”; see instead:
S. lad “plain, ⚠️valley; [G.] a level, a flat; fair dealing”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lhaden adj. “flat (and wide); open, cleared; [ᴱN.] smooth”; see instead:
S. #laden “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
⚠️N. lhae n. “great number”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lae “great number”
⚠️ᴺS. !lhae- v. “to hear” [created by Shihali]; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhassa- “to hear”
⚠️N. lhaeg adj. “keen, sharp, acute”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laeg “keen, sharp, acute”
⚠️N. lhaer n. “long lay”; see instead:
S. glaer “[N.] long lay, narrative poem, ⚠️[S.] tale, song”
⚠️N. lhaes n. “babe”; see instead:
S. gwinig “little-one, baby”
⚠️N. lhaew adj. “frequent, many”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laew “frequent, many”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhaew adj. “sickly, sick, ill” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. lhagr adj. “swift, rapid”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lagor “swift, rapid”
⚠️ᴱN. lhai n. “folk, host, people”; see instead:
S. “people (of one kind or origin), ⚠️[G.] folk, many people, crowd of folk”
S. gwaith “people, [ᴱN.] men, folk; [N.] manhood; man-power, troop of able bodied men, host, regiment; [S.] region”
⚠️ᴱN. lhaig adj. “sharp”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laeg “keen, sharp, acute”
⚠️N. lhain adj. “free(d)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lain “free(d), *liberated”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhain adj. “lean, thin, meagre” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. lhaiw adj. “green”; see instead:
S. †laeg “green, viridis, green (of leaves/herbiage), fresh”
S. calen “green; †bright, [N.] bright-coloured; ⚠️[S.] fresh, vigorous”
⚠️N. lhalorn n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
⚠️N. lhalwen n. “elm-tree”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lham(b) n. “tongue”; see instead:
S. lam¹ “(physical) tongue; language, ⚠️[G.] speech”
⚠️N. lhanc n. “throat”; see instead:
S. lang “passage; neck, *throat”
ᴺS. !lhunc “pharynx, gullet”
⚠️N. lhand n. “open space, level”; see instead:
S. #land “wide, broad; [N.] open space, level”
⚠️N. lhang n. “cutlass, sword”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lang “cutlass, sword”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lhann adj. and n. “wide, [ᴱN.] broad; shire”; see instead:
S. #land “wide, broad; [N.] open space, level”
⚠️N. lhant n. “clearing in the forest”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lant “clearing in the forest”
⚠️ᴱN. lhant n. “path”; see instead:
S. #râd “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
⚠️N. lhasbelin n. “leaf-fall, autumn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lasbelin “leaf-fall, autumn”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lhass n. “leaf”; see instead:
S. las(s) “leaf; ⚠️[G.] petal”
ᴺS. !lhassa- v. “to hear” [created by Elaran]
⚠️N. lhath n. “thong of (?leather)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lath “thong (of leather)”
⚠️N. lhathr(ad)a- v. “to listen in, eavesdrop”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lathr(ad)a- “to listen in, eavesdrop”
⚠️N. lhathron n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lathron “hearer, listener, eavesdropper”
⚠️N. lhaug adj. “warm”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laug “warm”
⚠️ᴱN. lhaur adj. “red”; see instead:
S. caran “red”
⚠️N. #lhav- v. “to lick”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lav- “to lick”
S., N. lhaw n. “ears (of one person)” see S. lheweg
⚠️N. lhaws n. “ringlet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laus “ringlet”
⚠️ᴱN. lhê n. “finger”; see instead:
S. leber “finger”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhê n. “fine thread, spider filament” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. lhebed n. “finger”; see instead:
S. leber “finger”
⚠️N. lheben num. card. “five”; see instead:
S. leben “five”
⚠️N. lheithia- v. “to release, set free”; see instead:
S. #leithia- “to release, [N.] set free”
⚠️N. lheithian n. “release from bondage, release, freeing”; see instead:
S. leithian “release from bondage, [N.] release, freeing”
⚠️N. lhend adj. “tuneful, sweet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lend “tuneful, sweet”
⚠️ᴱN. lhesg n. “sedge”; see instead:
S. #lisg “reed, [G.] sedge”
⚠️N. lhethril n. “hearer, listener, eavesdropper (f.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lethril “hearer, listener, eavesdropper (f.)”
⚠️N. lhevnar n. “week”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^odlad “week”
S. lheweg n. “ear”
⚠️N. lhewig n. “ear”; see instead:
S. lheweg “ear”
⚠️ᴱN. lhî n. “many, a number”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lae “great number”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lhid- v. “to sort out, sift, sieve, discriminate”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lhîd n. “sieve”
⚠️ᴱN. lhid- v. “to float, sail”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loda- “to float”
⚠️ᴱN. lhif- v. “to drink”; see instead:
N. #sog- “to drink”
ᴺS. !lhig- v. “to creep, sneak, do or go by stealth” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. lhigen adj. “small, few, little”; see instead:
N. tithen “little, tiny”
⚠️ᴱN. lhigin adj. “small”; see instead:
N. tithen “little, tiny”
S. lhim adj. “sliding, gliding, slippery, sleek”
⚠️N. lhim n. “fish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lim “fish”
⚠️N. lhimlug n. “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^limlug “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
⚠️N. lhimmid(a)- v. “to moisten”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^limmid(a)- “to moisten”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lhimp adj. “wet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^limp “wet”
⚠️N. lhîn n. “pool”; see instead:
S. lîn “pool, mere”
⚠️ᴱN. lhinc n. “ice”
S. lhinc n. “earthworm”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhind adj. “fine, slender” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. lhind n. “arrow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pilin(d) “arrow, [G.] dart”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhing n. “spider’s web, cobweb; ⚠️spider” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. lhing adj. “cool”; see instead:
S. ring “cold, chill, [G.] cool”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhingril n. “spider” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. lhinn n. “air, tune”; see instead:
S. lind¹ “song, chant, singing, ⚠️[N.] air, tune; [N. and S.] singer”
⚠️ᴱN. lhinn n. “arrow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pilin(d) “arrow, [G.] dart”
ᴺS. !lhinnas n. “slenderness, thinness”
⚠️N. lhîr¹ n. “row”; see instead:
S. #lîr “line, [N.] row”
⚠️N. lhîr² n. “song, poem, lay”; see instead:
N. glîr “song, poem, lay”
⚠️ᴱN. lhith n. “dust”; see instead:
S. lith “ash; [N.] sand”
N. ast “dust”
⚠️ᴱN. lhiw n. “worm”; see instead:
S. leweg “worm”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhîw n. “sickness, disease” [vetted by HSD]
S., N., G. l(h)ô n. “flood, fenland; ⚠️[G.] pool, lake”
⚠️N. lhoch n. “ringlet”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loch “ringlet”
⚠️N. lhoda- v. “to float”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loda- “to float”
⚠️N. lhoeb adj. “fresh”; see instead:
S. laew “fresh”
⚠️N. lhoeg adj. “keen”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^laeg “keen, sharp, acute”
S., N. lhoer n. “venom, poison(ousness)”
ᴺS. !lhoereb adj. “venomous, poisonous”
S. lhoew n. “poison(ous substance)”
ᴺS. !lhog- n. “to swallow” [created by Echuidor, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️N. lhom adj. “weary”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lom “weary, *tired”
⚠️ᴱN. lhom n. “shadow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lum “shade, *a thing blocking light; [G.] [dark] cloud”
S. lhôn n. “noise; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound”
⚠️N. lhong adj. “heavy”; see instead:
S. #lung “heavy; [G.] grave, serious”
ᴺS. !lhongannas n. “phonology, (lit.) shapes of sounds” [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !lhongant n. “allophone, surface sound, (lit.) sound-shape” [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
⚠️ᴱN. lhonn n. “heart”; see instead:
N. hûn “heart (physical)”
⚠️N. lhonn n. “(narrow) path, strait, pass”; see instead:
S. lond “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[N.] narrow path, strait, pass”
⚠️N. lhorn¹ n. “haven, quiet water, anchorage, harbour”; see instead:
S. lond “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[N.] narrow path, strait, pass”
⚠️N. lhorn² adj. “asleep”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lorn “asleep”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lhoss n. “whispering or rustling sound” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. lhoss n. “wilderness”; see instead:
S. rhovan “wilderness; wild beast, large beast”
ᴺS. !lhossa- v. “to whisper, rustle”
⚠️N. lhost adj. “empty”; see instead:
S. #lost “empty”
⚠️N. lhoth n. “flower(s)”; see instead:
S. loth “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
⚠️N. lhothod n. “single flower”; see instead:
S. lotheg “single [small] flower, *floret”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lhû n. “time, occasion”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ “time, occasion”
⚠️ᴱN. lhuaith ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. lhub n. “fat”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lûb “fat, (fat) flesh”
S., N. lhûg n. “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [N.] dragon”
⚠️ᴱN. lhui adj. “pale”
ᴺS. !lhuida- v. “to poison, envenom, fill with poison” [created by Rínor]
⚠️ᴱN. lhuin n. “pool”; see instead:
S. lîn “pool, mere”
⚠️N. lhum n. “shade”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lum “shade, *a thing blocking light; [G.] [dark] cloud”
⚠️N. lhumren n. “shady”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lumren “shady, [G.] overcast”
⚠️N. lhûn adj. “blue”; see instead:
S. luin “blue”
ᴺS. !lhunc n. “pharynx, gullet” [created by Paul Strack, Ygrain]
⚠️ᴱN. lhung n. “heavy”; see instead:
S. #lung “heavy; [G.] grave, serious”
⚠️N. lhunt n. “boat”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lunt “boat”
⚠️N. lhûr n. “slumber”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûr “sleep, slumber”
⚠️N., ᴱN. lhûth n. “spell, charm”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûth “spell, charm, [ᴱN.] magic”
⚠️N. lhûtha- v. “to enchant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lútha- “to enchant”
⚠️ᴱN. lhuv- v. “to wash”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puida- “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify”
ᴺS. !hwal- “to wash”
ᴺS. !lhýda- v. “to make sick, sicken” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. li prep. “with; and”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gu “(together) with”
⚠️G. #-li suf. “noun suffix”
S., G. n. “people (of one kind or origin), ⚠️[G.] folk, many people, crowd of folk”
⚠️G. lib n. “drop, gout”; see instead:
ᴺS. limig “[small] drop, ⚠️drop of water”
⚠️G. lib- v. “to drip”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^liv- “to drip”
⚠️G. libli n. “small glass; small drop”; see instead:
ᴺS. limig “[small] drop, ⚠️drop of water”
ᴺS. !lîdh n. “journey” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. lieg n. “the folk, the citizens”; see instead:
S. gwaith “people, [ᴱN.] men, folk; [N.] manhood; man-power, troop of able bodied men, host, regiment; [S.] region”
⚠️G. lieglest n. “a folk moot”; see instead:
N. hûd “assembly, *gathering, moot”
S. #lîf n. “link, *joint”
ᴺS. !lîg n. “wax” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. ligen adj. “small”; see instead:
N. tithen “little, tiny”
⚠️G. ligin n. “curved horn, trump”; see instead:
S. rom “horn, trumpet”
⚠️G. ligindon n. “blare of trumps”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^romru “sound of horns”
ᴺS. !lígu n. “candle”
⚠️G. lillir n. “a song, lullaby”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lilt n. “dance” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [G.] ^liltha- v. “to dance” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️ᴱN. lim n. “water”; see instead:
S. nen “water; lake, pool; (lesser) river, [ᴱN.] stream”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lim n. “fish” [vetted by HSD]
S., N. lim adj. “quick, swift”
⚠️N., G. -lim suf. “group plural, [G.] many”; see instead:
S. -rim “collective or group plural”
⚠️G. lim¹ adj. “many”; see instead:
S. rim “host, great number, people (of one kind or origin), [N.] crowd”
⚠️G. lim² n. “sheaf, bundle”
⚠️G. limfa n. “drink of the fairies”; see instead:
S. miruvor “a special wine or cordial”
⚠️G. limfelis n. “drink of the fairies”; see instead:
S. miruvor “a special wine or cordial”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] limig n. “[small] drop, ⚠️drop of water”
ᴺS. [N.] ^limlug n. “fish-dragon, sea-serpent” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !limmeg n. “young fish, small fry”
ᴺS. [N.] ^limmid(a)- v. “to moisten” [vetted by HSD]
S. limp adj. and n. “clear, sparkling; (bright/clear/gleaming) liquid”
ᴺS. [N.] ^limp adj. “wet” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. limp(elis) n. “drink of the fairies”; see instead:
S. miruvor “a special wine or cordial”
⚠️G. lin- v. “to sound (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lenia- “to sound, make a noise”
⚠️G. lin n. “sound”
S. lín pron. “*thy”
S. lîn n. “pool, mere”
⚠️G. lind n. “twine”; see instead:
S. lind¹ “song, chant, singing, ⚠️[N.] air, tune; [N. and S.] singer”
S. lind¹ n. “song, chant, singing, ⚠️[N.] air, tune; [N. and S.] singer”
⚠️S. #lind² adj. “fair”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
ᴺS. ^lend “tuneful, sweet”
⚠️G. lindwil n.; see instead:
N. tuilinn “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
⚠️G. ling n. “small snake”; see instead:
S. lŷg “snake”
⚠️G. lingos n. “snake”; see instead:
S. lŷg “snake”
⚠️G. lingwir n. “dragon”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^limlug “fish-dragon, sea-serpent”
S. linn n. “song, chant” see S. lind¹
S. linna- v. “to sing, chant”
ᴺS. !linnas n. “music”
ᴺS. !linnathren adj. “musical”
S. linnod n. “type of poetic meter, (lit.) ?seven-chant”
ᴺS. !linnor n. “singer” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. lint adj. “quick, agile, nimble, light”; see instead:
S. lim “quick, swift”
⚠️G. lintha- v. “to sound (tr.), strike or ring bell, play an instrument”; see instead:
N. nella- “to sound (of bells), *ring”
N. gann(ad)a- “to play a harp”
⚠️G. linthanin n. “playing or music of instruments”
⚠️G. -liont suf. “*tendril”
⚠️G. lir- v. “to sing”; see instead:
N. glir- “to sing, recite poem”
S. #lîr n. “line, [N.] row”
⚠️G. lisc n. “reed, sedge”; see instead:
S. #lisg “reed, [G.] sedge”
⚠️G. liscaloth adj. “reedy, reed grown”
S., G. #lisg n. “reed, [G.] sedge”
S. ?liss adj. “fragrant, sweet”
N. liss n. “soft”
S. lissuin n. “a fragrant flower”
ᴺS. [G.] list n. “grace, favour, kindness”
⚠️G. lista- v. “to bless”; see instead:
S. elia- “to cause to prosper, bless (a work), help one”
ᴺS. !lista- “to show grace, kindness”
ᴺS. !lista- v. “to show grace, kindness” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !listo interj. “please!” [created by Elaran]
S., N. lith n. “ash; [N.] sand”
⚠️G. lith- v. “to go, depart, be over, finish, end, die”; see instead:
N. gwanna- “to die, depart”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lítha- v. “to let slip, lose, mislay; (intr.) to be lost; forget” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. lithin adj. “bygone, ended”
⚠️G. lithra- v. “to cease speaking, become silent”
S., N. lithui adj. “ashen, ashy, of ash, ash-coloured, dusty”
ᴺS. [G.] ^liv- v. “to drip”
S. n. “flood, fenland” see S. l(h)ô
ᴺS. !lo conj. “while” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] lob- v. “to gallop, *lope, ⚠️[G.] run”
N. lobor n. “[heavy riding] horse”
ᴺS. [G.] lobrob n. “gallop; sound of horse’s feet”
⚠️G. lobros n. “steed, horse”; see instead:
N. lobor “[heavy riding] horse”
ᴺS. [N.] ^loch n. “ringlet” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. loctha n. “twist, tendril, spiral, coil”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loeth “twist, tendril, spiral, coil”
⚠️G. loctha- v. “to curl (tr.), bend, wind, twine, tie knot, tangle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
⚠️G. lôda- v. “to smooth out, stroke, caress, soothe, beguile”; see instead:
ᴺS. !path- “to smooth”
N. matha- “to stroke, feel, handle”
⚠️G. loda- v. “to swallow, gulp down”
ᴺS. [N.] ^loda- v. “to float” [vetted by HSD]
S. loeg n. “pool” see Nan. loeg
S. loen adj. “soaking wet, swamped”
⚠️N. loer n. “summer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
ᴺS. [G.] ^loeth n. “twist, tendril, spiral, coil”
ᴺS. [G.] ^loetha- v. “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
ᴺS. !loew n. “moss” [created by Hialmr]
⚠️G. log- v. “to curl (intr.), bend (intr.), wind (twine round anything), twine”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loetha- “to curl, bend, wind, twine, ⚠️tie knot, tangle”
ᴺS. !log- “to haul, drag”
ᴺS. !log- v. “to haul, drag”
⚠️G. lôg n. “fuel, firewood”; see instead:
ᴺS. tund² “log for the fire, *firewood, fuel”
ᴺS. !logra- v. “to stoop, bow, cower; to submit” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^logren adj. “curled, curly, *bending, looping”
⚠️G. logrifidhrin adj. “curly haired”
⚠️G. logrifindel adj. “curly haired” see G. logrifidhrin
⚠️G. logrin adj. “curled, curly”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^logren “curled, curly, *bending, looping”
ᴺS. !logweg adj. “meandering, twisting, winding; intricate; (lit.) apt to bend” [created by Paul Strack, Gilruin]
⚠️ᴱN. loloth n. “poplar-tree”; see instead:
N. tulus “poplar-tree”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lom adj. “weary, *tired” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lôm n. “gloom, shade”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lum “shade, *a thing blocking light; [G.] [dark] cloud”
⚠️G. lómin adj. and n. “shady, shadowy, gloomy; gloom(iness)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lumren “shady, [G.] overcast”
North S. lómin “echoing”
⚠️G. lomiol adj. “dismal”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dovn “gloomy”
ᴺS. [G.] lonc n. “curl”
S. lond n. “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[N.] narrow path, strait, pass”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^long adj. “heavy” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. #lung “heavy; [G.] grave, serious”
S., N. lonn n. “(land-locked) haven; [N.] pass” see S. lond
S. #lonnas n. “harbourage”
ᴺS. !loph n. “nugget, (small) chunk, clump, tidbit” [created by Röandil]
ᴺS. [G.] lor- v. “to sleep, slumber, ⚠️dream” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !lóran n. “seasonal year, (lit.) growth-cycle” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. lorc adj. “drowsy, dreamy, lazy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !olost “drowsy, dreamy, lazy”
⚠️N. lorn n. “haven”; see instead:
S. lond “(land-locked) haven; ⚠️[N.] narrow path, strait, pass”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lorn adj. “asleep” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] lortha- v. “to put to sleep, send to sleep”
⚠️G. lorwen n. “slumber, sleep”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûr “sleep, slumber”
⚠️S. los n. “snow”; see instead:
S. loss “snow”
⚠️G. lôs n. “flower”; see instead:
S. loth “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
ᴺS. [G.] losbas n. “ryebread”
ᴺS. [G.] losc n. “rye”
⚠️G. losg n. “rye” see G. losc
S. loss n. “snow”
⚠️G. loss n. “blossom, bloom”; see instead:
S. loth “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
S. lossen adj. “snowy”
⚠️G. lost n. “blossom, bloom”; see instead:
S. loth “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
S. #lost adj. “empty”
ᴺS. [G.] ^losta-¹ v. “to bloom, blossom” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !losta-² v. “to sleep” [created by David Salo]; see instead:
ᴺS. lor- “to sleep, slumber, ⚠️dream”
ᴺS. !lostad n. “blooming, florescence”
⚠️G. -loth suf. “-grown”
S., ᴱN. loth n. “flower, single blossom; inflorescence, head of small flowers”
ᴺS. !lothalan n. “raft, (lit.) floating platform” [created by Ellanto]
S. lotheg n. “single [small] flower, *floret”
⚠️G. lothli n. “floret”; see instead:
S. lotheg “single [small] flower, *floret”
⚠️N. lothren adj. “wild, waste”; see instead:
S. rhaw¹ “wild (beast), [N.] untamed”
N. eru “waste, desert”
S., N. Lothron n. “May, *Flower-ness”
S. loven adj. “echoing”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ n. “time, occasion” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. luaith ? “[unglossed]” see ᴱN. lhuaith
ᴺS. !lûb n. “fat, (fat) flesh” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. lub n. “fat, fat flesh”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lûb “fat, (fat) flesh”
⚠️G. lubi adj. “corpulent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !túgomui “corpulent, (lit.) having a fat belly”
⚠️G. lud- v. “to flow, stream, float”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^loda- “to float”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lúda- v. “to pass (of time); to come to pass, occur, *happen”
⚠️G. lûda- v. “to bloom, grow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^losta-¹ “to bloom, blossom”
S. gala- “to grow”
⚠️G. lûg n. “snake”; see instead:
S. lhûg “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [N.] dragon”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lûg n. “bend, loop, wind, twist; guile, deceit”
⚠️G. lûgi n. “a wind, a twist; guile, deceit”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûg “bend, loop, wind, twist; guile, deceit”
ᴺS. [G.] lui n. “blueness; livor, livid mark, *bruise”
⚠️G. luib adj. “thirsty”; see instead:
S. faug “[N.] thirsty, ⚠️[S.] gape”
⚠️G. luibri n. “thirst”; see instead:
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
ᴺS. !luig n. “minute, moment” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. luim adj. “blue”; see instead:
S. luin “blue”
S., G. luin adj. “blue”
⚠️G. luin¹ adj. and adv. “gone, past; ago”; see instead:
S. gwanwen “departed, *gone, lost [to time], past”
N. io “ago”
⚠️G. luis n. “florescence, blooming”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lostad “blooming, florescence”
⚠️G. luist n. “thirst”; see instead:
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
⚠️G. luista- v. “to be thirsty; to parch, dry up”; see instead:
S. faug “[N.] thirsty, ⚠️[S.] gape”
ᴺS. thista- “to dry up”
⚠️ᴱN. luith n. “magic, spell”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûth “spell, charm, [ᴱN.] magic”
⚠️G. luitha- v. “to bloom, blossom”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^losta-¹ “to bloom, blossom”
N. #luithia- v. “to quench”
⚠️G. luithon n. “sky”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
⚠️G. lul- v. “to sing, hum a lullaby”; see instead:
S. linna- “to sing, chant”
⚠️G. lulwi n. “a lullaby”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lum n. “shade, *a thing blocking light; [G.] [dark] cloud” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lûm n. “time”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ “time, occasion”
⚠️G. lumba adj. “overcast”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lumren “shady, [G.] overcast”
⚠️G. lumbri n. “foul weather”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lummor “foul weather”
⚠️G. lumbrin adj. “overcast”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lumren “shady, [G.] overcast”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lummor n. “foul weather” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [N.] ^lumren n. “shady, [G.] overcast” [vetted by HSD]
S., ᴱN., G. #lung adj. “heavy; [G.] grave, serious”
⚠️G. lungra- v. “to weigh, bear on, hang heavy”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lunt n. “boat” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lunta n. “ship”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lunt “boat”
⚠️G. luntha- v. “to balance, weigh”
⚠️G. lunthang n. “balance, scales”
⚠️G. lur- v. “to frown, scowl”
ᴺS. [G.] ^lûr n. “sleep, slumber”
⚠️G. lurc n. “a frown, scowl”
ᴺS. !lurloth n. “poppy, (lit.) flower of sleep” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. lust n. “weather; tide; time”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lummor “foul weather”
S. duinen “flood, high tide”
S. lûth n. “blossom, inflorescence [on a single plant]”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lûth n. “spell, charm, [ᴱN.] magic” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. lûtha- v. “to pass (of time); to come to pass, occur”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lúda- “to pass (of time); to come to pass, occur, *happen”
ᴺS. [N.] ^lútha- v. “to enchant” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !lúthad n. “enchantments, sorcery”
⚠️G. luv- v. “to hang, lower (of clouds)”
S. lŷg n. “snake”
S. ma interj. “good, excellent, that’s right”
⚠️G. ma prep. “with instrument or by agent”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mo “by (agent of)”
ᴺS. [ON.] ^mab- v. “to seize, *grasp, grab; ⚠️to take away by force” [created by David Salo, GS]
S., N., ᴱN., G. mâb n. “hand, ⚠️[N.] grasp”
⚠️G. mab(a) n. “mother”; see instead:
N. naneth “mother”
ᴺS. !mabed- v. “to ask [a question]” [created by Fiona Jallings, NGNS]
⚠️G. mabinos n. “plane tree”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mablanthos “sycamore”
⚠️G. mabinos gwilbriniol n. “sycamore”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mablanthos “sycamore”
⚠️G. mabir n. “mother”; see instead:
N. naneth “mother”
⚠️G. mablad n. “palm of the hand”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^camlann “palm of hand”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mablanthos n. “sycamore”
⚠️G. mablios adj. “cunning”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^coru “cunning, wily”
⚠️G. mablod n. “palm of the hand”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^camlann “palm of hand”
⚠️G. mabol adj. “skilful”; see instead:
S. maed² “handy, skillful, [N.] skilled”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mabren adj. “handed, having hands, dextrous”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mabrenas n. “dexterity”
⚠️G. mabrin(d) n. “wrist”; see instead:
S. molif “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
⚠️G. mabwed adj. “handed, having hands, dextrous”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mabren “handed, having hands, dextrous”
⚠️G. mabwedri n. “dexterity”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mabrenas “dexterity”
⚠️G. macha n. “slaughter, battle”; see instead:
N. maeth “fight, battle”
ᴺS. ^dagras “slaughter”
⚠️G. mactha- v. “to slay, kill”; see instead:
S. #dag- “to slay, [ᴱN.] kill”
N. maetha- “to fight”
S., N., ᴱN., G. #mad- v. “to eat”
ᴺS. [G.] mâd n. “meal”
⚠️N. mada adj. “soft, pliant, yielding”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mae² “soft, pliant”
S. madha “mud”
S. madha n. “mud”
⚠️G. madheg n. “something”
⚠️N. madhias n. “softness, pliancy”
⚠️G. madhin adj. “some”
⚠️G. madhir n. “someone (f.)”
⚠️G. madhon n. “someone (m.)”
ᴺS. !madhren adj. “muddy”
⚠️ᴱN. madren adj. “edible”; see instead:
ᴺS. !madui “edible”
⚠️G. madri n. “food, edibles; a meal”; see instead:
ᴺS. math “food”
⚠️G. madrin adj. “edible, fit for food, wholesome”; see instead:
ᴺS. !madui “edible”
⚠️G. madriol adj. “edible, fit for food, wholesome”; see instead:
ᴺS. !madui “edible”
⚠️S. madu ? “[unglossed]” see S. maud
ᴺS. !madui adj. “edible”
S. madweg adj. “gluttonous”
S. mae adv. and adj. “well; excellent, admirable”
ᴺS. [N.] ^mae² adj. “soft, pliant”
ᴺS. [N.] ^maeas n. “dough”
S. maecheneb adj. “sharp-eye[d]”
S. maed¹ adj. “shapely, *pretty”
S. maed² adj. “handy, skillful, [N.] skilled”
ᴺS. !maedol adj. and n. “welcome” [created by Roman Rausch]
S. maeg adj. “piercing, sharp, *penetrating”
ᴺS. !maegra- v. “to sharpen”
S. mael adj. “well”
ᴺS. [N.] ^mael¹ n. “lust” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^mael² n. and adj. “stain; stained” [vetted by HSD]
S. maelig n. “wealth, abundance”
ᴺS. !maeligeb adj. “wealthy, rich”
ᴺS. [N.] ^maelui adj. “lustful” [vetted by HSD]
N. maen adj. “skilled, clever”
S. maen n. “a treasure”
N. maenas n. “craft, handicraft, art”
ᴺS. !maenor n. “craftsman” [created by Paul Strack]
S., N. maer adj. “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
ᴺS. !maeras n. “goodness” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
S. maeron n. “artist”
S. maeth n. “management”
N. maeth n. “fight, battle”
S. maetha- v. “to handle, wield, use, manage, treat, deal with”
N. maetha- v. “to fight”
ᴺS. [G.] ^maethas n. “control, *authority” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^maetheb adj. “having control or authority”
⚠️N. maethon n. “sword”
⚠️ᴱN. maethon adj. “snuffling”
N. maethor n. “warrior”
S., N. #maew n. “gull”
ᴺS. !maf n. “sheep” [created by Elaran]
S. mâf n. “pile or mass of rock or earth”
ᴺS. !maga- v. “to forge metal” [created by David Salo]
⚠️ᴱN. magli n. “bear, (lit.) honey-eater”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^medli “bear, (lit.) honey-eater”
⚠️G. magli n. “great sword”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
⚠️N. magol n. “sword”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
S. #magor n. “swordsman”
⚠️ᴱN. #magradh- v. “?to smell”
⚠️G. magru n. “slaughter, battle”; see instead:
N. maeth “fight, battle”
ᴺS. ^dagras “slaughter”
⚠️G. magruluib adj. “bloodthirsty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dagrassaeb “bloodthirsty, (lit.) slaughter-hungry”
⚠️G. magruluist n. “bloodthirstiness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dagrassaeg “bloodthirstiness, (lit.) slaughter-hunger”
⚠️G. magrusaig adj. “bloodthirsty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dagrassaeb “bloodthirsty, (lit.) slaughter-hungry”
⚠️G. magrusaith n. “bloodthirstiness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !dagrassaeg “bloodthirstiness, (lit.) slaughter-hunger”
⚠️N., G. mai adv. “well”; see instead:
S. mae “well; excellent, admirable”
N. maidh adj. “pale, fallow, fawn [light yellowish tan colour]”
⚠️G. maidhon n. “midday”
⚠️G. maien adj. “better”
⚠️G. maig adj. “thirst”; see instead:
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
⚠️G. maiglos adj.; see instead:
ᴺS. faus(t) “thirst”
⚠️G. ‽mail n. “flour”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maul “flour”
⚠️ᴱN. mailt n. “a path”; see instead:
S. #râd “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
⚠️G. maimelion adj. “dearly beloved”
S. main adj. “prime, chief, pre-eminent”
⚠️G. main adv. “better”
⚠️ᴱN. maint adv. “*better”
ᴺS. !mair adj. “precious”
⚠️G. †mair n. “horse”; see instead:
S. roch “horse”
⚠️G. mairien adj. “better” see G. maien
⚠️G. mairos n. “mane, long hair”
⚠️G. †mais n. “gore”; see instead:
ᴺS. mechor “gore”
⚠️ᴱN. maith n. “ravishment; seizure”; see instead:
ᴺS. !avauth “ravishment; seizure”
⚠️G. maith n. “rule, power, permission”; see instead:
S. maeth “management”
ᴺS. [G.] ^maith n. “goal, intention”
⚠️ᴱN., G. maitha- v. “to ravish; [G.] to rule, govern, wield control, hold”; see instead:
ᴺS. !avautha- “to ravish, seize (forcibly)”
S. maetha- “to handle, wield, use, manage, treat, deal with”
⚠️ᴱN. maithion n. “seizer, ravisher”; see instead:
ᴺS. !avauthron “seizer, ravisher”
⚠️ᴱN. maithod n. “rapture”
⚠️G. maithog adj. “having control”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maetheb “having control or authority”
⚠️G. maithri n. “control”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maethas “control, *authority”
⚠️ᴱN. maithweg n. “ravisher”; see instead:
ᴺS. !avauthron “seizer, ravisher”
⚠️G. maivenin adj. “shapely”; see instead:
S. maed¹ “shapely, *pretty”
⚠️G. maiwest n. “welcome”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maedol “welcome”
⚠️G. maiwethrin adj. “welcome”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maedol “welcome”
ᴺS. [N.] ^mâl n. “pollen, yellow powder”
⚠️G. mal- v. “to chew”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nadh- “to chew, gnaw”
⚠️G. mal¹ n. “paved way, road”; see instead:
N. othlon “paved way”
⚠️G. mal² adj.; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
N. naeg “pain”
S. rhû¹ “evil, wicked”
⚠️G. malc¹ adj. “rich, powerful”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maeligeb “wealthy, rich”
⚠️G. malc² n. “lord”; see instead:
S. hîr “lord, master”
⚠️G. malcos n. “lordship, power, a province or principality”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^herf “protection, lordship, sway”
⚠️G. malcrin adj. “lordly, noble, mighty”; see instead:
S. raud¹ “noble, eminent; lofty, high, tall; excellent”
⚠️G. malcwed adj. “lordly, noble, mighty”; see instead:
S. raud¹ “noble, eminent; lofty, high, tall; excellent”
N., ᴱN. malen adj. “yellow, [ᴱN.] yellowish, ⚠️pale, wan, sickly”
S., N. mallen adj. “golden, ⚠️[N.] of gold”
S., N. mallorn n. “gold tree, yellow tree”
S. mallos n. “golden flower”
ᴺS. !mallú adv. “when, (orig.) what time” [created by Shihali, Lokyt, Elaran, Paul Strack]
⚠️G. maloglin n. “yellow song, daffodil”; see instead:
ᴺS. !melillin “daffodil, (orig.) yellow song”
⚠️G. malogrintha adj. “orange, tawny”; see instead:
ᴺS. !melingarn “orange, tawny”
⚠️G. malon adj. “yellow”; see instead:
N. malen “yellow, [ᴱN.] yellowish, ⚠️pale, wan, sickly”
S., N. malt n. “gold (as metal)”
⚠️G. maltha adj. “golden yellow, rich, mellow”; see instead:
N. malthen “of gold [metal]”
N. malthen adj. “of gold [metal]”
⚠️G. malthin n. “cream”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pîr “cream”
ᴺS. [G.] malthos n. “butter cup”
ᴺS. [N.] ^malu adj. “fallow, pale, ⚠️[ᴱN.] yellow” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴱN. malw adj. “yellow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^malu “fallow, pale, ⚠️[ᴱN.] yellow”
ᴺS. [G.] mam n. “grandmother, ⚠️mother”
⚠️G. (m)ami n. “mummy”; see instead:
N. nana “mother (hypocoristic), *mommy”
S. man pron. “*what, who”
N. mân n. “departed spirit”
N. manadh n. “doom, final end, fate, fortune; final bliss”
ᴺS. [G.] manc n. “grip, grasp, hold”
⚠️G. manca- v. “to grab, seize”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mab- “to seize, *grasp, grab; ⚠️to take away by force”
⚠️G. mandra adj. “noble”; see instead:
S. arod “noble”
ᴺS. [G.] mang n. “butter”
⚠️G. mani adj. “good (of men and character only), holy”; see instead:
S. bain “beautiful; good, wholesome, favorable; ⚠️fair, fair-haired”
S. aer “*hallowed, holy”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] mann n. “food”; see instead:
ᴺS. math “food”
⚠️G. manos n. “spirit that has gone to the Valar”; see instead:
N. mân “departed spirit”
⚠️G. mar n. “Earth, ground, soil”; see instead:
S. ceven “*earth; Earth”
⚠️G. mara- v. “to dwell”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bar- “to live, dwell, stay”
⚠️G. mara n. “sand”; see instead:
S. lith “ash; [N.] sand”
⚠️G. maragwast n. “earth quake”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cevemphast “earth quake”
⚠️N. marlas n. “pipeweed”; see instead:
S. galenas “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
⚠️ᴱN. marn adj. “?ripe”
⚠️G. maroglin n. “yellow song, daffodil”; see instead:
ᴺS. !melillin “daffodil, (orig.) yellow song”
⚠️G. marol n. “sand”; see instead:
S. lith “ash; [N.] sand”
⚠️G. mar(o)n adj. “ripe”
⚠️G. maros n. “ripe fruit”; see instead:
ᴺS. !iâf “fruit”
⚠️G. martion adj. “fated, doomed, fey”; see instead:
N. barad² “doomed, *fated”
⚠️G. mart(os) n. “fate, portion, lot”; see instead:
S. amarth “fate, doom”
⚠️ᴺS. !mas adv. “where” [created by Thorsten Renk]; see instead:
ᴺS. !mivan “where, (lit.) in/at what”
⚠️G. masgar n. “pasture”; see instead:
N. nadhras “pasture”
ᴺS. [G.] mast n. “fodder, feed, ⚠️food, nourishment”
ᴺS. [G.] masta- v. “to [put to] feed, graze”
⚠️G. mastir n. “*shepherdess”
ᴺS. [N.], ᴱN. math n. “food” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. math n. “dusk”; see instead:
S. moth “dusk”
N. matha- v. “to stroke, feel, handle”
ᴺS. !mathad n. “handling, feeling, stroking, caressing; appraising, assay”
⚠️G. mathrin adj. “dusk, dusky”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mothren “dusk, dusky”
⚠️G. mathron n. “herd, herdsman, shepherd”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mavron “shepherd, herdsman”
ᴺS. ^nethor “herd, flock”
⚠️G. mathusgi n. “twilight”; see instead:
S. uial “twilight, evendim”
⚠️G. mathwen n. “evening”; see instead:
S. aduial “(evening) twilight, *evening”
⚠️G. mau adv. “soon, early”
⚠️S. maud ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. maudra- v. “be early, come first; to prefer, to be preferred”
⚠️G. maudri n. “early morn before dawn, time before first meal”
⚠️G. maudrimad n. “breakfast”; see instead:
ᴺS. !amorvad “breakfast”
⚠️G. maudrin adj. “early, betimes, up early; premature” see G. maurin
⚠️G. maudro adv. “sooner, earlier; rather”
⚠️G. maug adj. “silent”; see instead:
S. dínen “silent”
⚠️G. †maugli adj. “secret, hidden”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
ᴺS. !maul n. “flour”
⚠️G. maul n. “the lowing of cattle, bellowing”
⚠️ᴱN. maur adj. “good”; see instead:
S. maer “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
⚠️G. maur n. “dream, vision”; see instead:
N. ôl “dream”
N. maur n. “gloom”
⚠️G. maurin adj. “early, betimes, up early; premature”
ᴺS. [G.] maus n. and adj. “pleasure; pleasant taste, pleasant”
⚠️N. mauth ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] mav- v. “to like”
⚠️G. mavlant n. “*palm (of hand)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^camlann “palm of hand”
⚠️G. mavlantos n. “sycamore”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mablanthos “sycamore”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mavor n. “appetite” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. mavra adj. “eager after”; see instead:
N. bara “fiery, eager”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mavras n. “desire, eager longing”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mavren adj. “delectable, delightful, desireable”
⚠️G. mavri n. “appetite”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mavor “appetite”
⚠️G. mavrin adj. “delectable, delightful, desireable”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mavren “delectable, delightful, desireable”
⚠️G. mavrog adj. “eager”; see instead:
N. bara “fiery, eager”
ᴺS. !mavron n. “shepherd, herdsman”
⚠️G. mavrothwed adj. “delectable, delightful, desireable”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mavren “delectable, delightful, desireable”
⚠️G. mavuin n. “ancestress, †mother” see G. mavwin¹
⚠️G. mavwen n. “ancestress, †mother” see G. mavwin¹
⚠️G. mavwin¹ n. “ancestress, †mother”
⚠️G. mavwin² n. “wish”; see instead:
N. iest “wish”
S. †maw n. “hand”
ᴺS. [N.] ^maw¹ n. “soil, stain”
⚠️ᴺS. !maw² n. “sheep” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]; see instead:
ᴺS. !maf “sheep”
ᴺS. ^maw¹ “soil, stain”
ᴺS. !mawedh n. “glove” [created by Hialmr]
⚠️G. mawr adj. “good”; see instead:
S. maer “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
⚠️G. (m)bara- v. “to dwell”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bar- “to live, dwell, stay”
ᴺS. !me pron. “we (exclusive)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. me- pron. “we, 1st-plural pronoun”
ᴺS. [G.] mechor n. “gore”
⚠️G. mectha n. “goal, intention”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maith “goal, intention”
⚠️G. mectha- v. “to aim at; to intend, mean”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^meitha- “to aim at, *have as a goal; ⚠️to intend, mean”
⚠️G. mecthos n. “meaning”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^meithas “meaning”
⚠️S. ?mêd(h) adj. “[Ilk.] wet”; see instead:
S. nîn¹ “wet, *watery”
ᴺS. !medhia- v. “to knead, soften” [created by Roman Rausch, VQP]
ᴺS. !media- v. “to feed”
⚠️ᴱN. medid adj. “edible”; see instead:
ᴺS. !madui “edible”
⚠️ᴱN. medion n. “eater, feeder”
ᴺS. [N.] ^medli n. “bear, (lit.) honey-eater” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^medlin adj. “*bear-like” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^medlivorn n. “blackbear”
S. medui adj. “end, final, last”
⚠️G. meg n. “any small animal; (esp.) mole”
S., ᴱN., N. megil n. “sword, longsword”
⚠️N. megli n. “bear, (lit.) honey-eater”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^medli “bear, (lit.) honey-eater”
⚠️N. meglin adj. “*bear-like”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^medlin “*bear-like”
⚠️N. meglivorn n. “blackbear”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^medlivorn “blackbear”
S. †megr adj. “sharp-pointed”
⚠️ᴱN. meidianweb adj. “worthy of being eaten”
⚠️ᴱN. meilien n. “laughing”; see instead:
S. lalaith “laughter”
S. †mein num. ord. “first”
ᴺS. !meiras n. “value, preciousness”
ᴺS. [G.] ^meitha- v. “to aim at, *have as a goal; ⚠️to intend, mean”
ᴺS. [G.] ^meithas n. “meaning”
S., N., G. #mel- v. “to love”
N. melch adj. “greedy”
N. meldir n. “friend [m.]”
N. meldis n. “friend (f.)”
N., G. meleth n. “love”
ᴺS. [G.] ^melethel n. “darling, sweetheart”
⚠️G. melethli n. “darling, sweetheart”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^melethel “darling, sweetheart”
ᴺS. !melethor n. “lover” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
N., G. melethril n. “lover (f.)”
N., G. melethron n. “lover (m.)”
ᴺS. !melillin n. “daffodil, (orig.) yellow song” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !melingarn adj. “orange, tawny” [created by Paul Strack]
S., N. mell adj. “dear, beloved”
ᴺS. !mellavan n. “pet, (lit.) love-animal” [created by Elaran]
S., N. mellon n. “friend”
⚠️G. melon adj. “dear, beloved”; see instead:
S. mell “dear, beloved”
⚠️G. meltha adj. “dear, beloved”; see instead:
S. mell “dear, beloved”
S. melui adj. “lovely, sweet”
⚠️G. mem n. “mouth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gobem “mouth”
S. #men- v. “to go”
S., N. men¹ pron. “us”
S., N. men² n. “road, way; ⚠️[N.] *place”
S. #meneg num. card. “thousand, *large in number”
S., N. menel n. “the heavens, firmament, region of the stars”
ᴺS. !mengui num. ord. “thousandth” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !mengyl n. “messenger, (lit.) message-bearer” [created by Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !menna- v. “to send, (lit.) make go” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !ment n. “message” [created by Elaran]
N. ment n. “point”
⚠️N. #menwed ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. !mer- v. “to hope, wish, desire, want” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^meren adj. “festive, gay, joyous”
S. mereth n. “feast, [N.] festival”
⚠️ᴱN. #meria- v. “to dwell, live, stay”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^bar- “to live, dwell, stay”
ᴺS. !merifind adj. “Black-haired” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. meril n. “rose”
⚠️N. merilin(n) n. “nightingale”; see instead:
S. dúlin “nightingale”
ᴺS. !mertha- v. “to gladden, make happy” [created by Hialmr, Elaran]
ᴺS. !meru adj. “valuable, worthy” [created by Sami Paldanius]
N. mesc adj. “wet” see N. mesg
N. mesg adj. “wet”
S., N. #meth adj. and n. “last; [N.] end”
⚠️ᴱN. #methal n. “footstep”
S. methed n. “end”
N. methen adj. “end, final”
S. mi prep. “*in”
ᴺS. ! adv. and prep. “(to the) inside; into” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. miaug n. “tomcat”; see instead:
ᴺS. muig¹ “cat”
⚠️G. miaulin n. “she-cat”; see instead:
ᴺS. muig¹ “cat”
ᴺS. [G.] mib n. “(little) kiss, peck”
ᴺS. !mib- v. “to kiss” [created by Unknown]
⚠️G. mibli n. “little kiss, peck”; see instead:
ᴺS. mib “(little) kiss, peck”
⚠️G. mictha- v. “to kiss, bill”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mítha- “to kiss”
⚠️N. mid adj. “grey”; see instead:
S. mith “grey, light grey, pale grey”
S., N., ᴱN. mîdh n. “dew, *moisture, damp(ness); ⚠️[ᴱN.] mist, drizzle”
ᴺS. !mîg prep. “among” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. mig adj. “little (of amount)”; see instead:
N. mîw “small, tiny, frail”
⚠️G. migin adj. “little”; see instead:
N. mîw “small, tiny, frail”
⚠️G. miginthi n. “littleness”
⚠️ᴱN. migligen adj. “little (of amount)”; see instead:
N. mîw “small, tiny, frail”
N. mîl n. “love, affection”
S. milbar n. “dear home, beloved dwelling [place]”
ᴺS. !milf n. “greed” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !milt n. “semen”
N. milui adj. “friendly, loving, kind”
⚠️G. mim n. “gum”
S. mín pron. “our”
ᴺS. !mîn n. “motion” [created by Elaran]
S. mîn prep. and n. “between; gap, space, barrier; anything intervening between two other things”
S., N., G. min¹ num. card. “one, ⚠️[G.] single”
S. min² n. “peak”
ᴺS. [N.] ^minai adj. “distinct, unique, single” [vetted by HSD]
S. minas n. “tower, fort, city (with a citadel and central watch tower)”
⚠️ᴱN. mind num. card. “?one”; see instead:
S. min¹ “one, ⚠️[G.] single”
⚠️ᴱN. mindeb n. “crown”; see instead:
S. “wreath, garland; [N.] crown”
N., G. mindon n. “tower, isolated hill (especially a hill with a watchtower)”
⚠️ᴱN. minedh adj. “fine, slender, thin, small”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nind “slender”
⚠️N. minei adj. “single, distinct, unique”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^minai “distinct, unique, single”
ᴺS. !mínem n. “movie, motion picture” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. mineth n. “island”; see instead:
S. tol(l) “island, (high steep-sided) isle”
S. minib num. card. “eleven”
S. minlamad n. “?alliteration, (lit.) first-echoing”
⚠️ᴱN. minn num. card. “?one”; see instead:
S. min¹ “one, ⚠️[G.] single”
S., N. minna- v. “to enter, go in”
⚠️N. minnas n. “tower”; see instead:
S. minas “tower, fort, city (with a citadel and central watch tower)”
ᴺS. !minol n. “ingot” [created by Röandil]
⚠️G. mintha adj. “ūna, in one place, together”
⚠️G. minthon n. “tower”; see instead:
N. mindon “tower, isolated hill (especially a hill with a watchtower)”
S. minui num. ord. “first”
S. minuial n. “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️G. miog n. “cat”; see instead:
ᴺS. muig¹ “cat”
S., N. mîr n. “jewel, precious thing, treasure”
⚠️G. mîr n. “wine”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^miru “wine”
S. mîr “jewel, precious thing, treasure”
ᴺS. !mírad n. “treasury, hoard”
S. #mírdan n. “jewel smith”
S. míria- v. “to sparkle like jewels”
S. mirian n. “Gondorian coin”
S. míriel adj. “sparkling like jewels, like a jewel”
ᴺS. !mirith n. “jewelry” [created by Ellanto, NotD]
⚠️G. mirobin n. “grape”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mirybin “grape, (lit.) wine-berry”
⚠️G. mirofor n. “drink of the Gods”; see instead:
S. miruvor “a special wine or cordial”
⚠️G. miros n. “wine”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^miru “wine”
ᴺS. !mirtha- v. “to value, esteem, treasure, cherish” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^miru n. “wine”
S. miruvor n. “a special wine or cordial”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mirwelthen n. “vintage, *(lit.) wine pressing”
⚠️G. mirwelthin n. “vintage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mirwelthen “vintage, *(lit.) wine pressing”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mirybin n. “grape, (lit.) wine-berry” [created by Paul Strack]
N. mist n. “error, wandering”
N. mista- v. “to stray about”
N. mistrad n. “straying, error”
S. Mîth n. “*Sinda, Grey-Elf”
S., N. mith adj. “grey, light grey, pale grey”
⚠️N. mith² n. “white fog, wet mist”; see instead:
S. hîth “mist”
ᴺS. ^hithu “fog”
ᴺS. !mítha- v. “to kiss” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
S. #mithren adj. “grey”
⚠️N. mithren adj. “small”; see instead:
S. #mithren “grey”
S. Mithres n. “*Grey-Elf (f.)”
S., N. mithril n. “Moria-silver, true-silver”
S. Mithron n. “*Grey-Elf (m.)”
ᴺS. !mivan adv. “where, (lit.) in/at what” [created by Fiona Jallings]
N. mívi n. “v derived from m”
N. mîw adj. “small, tiny, frail”
⚠️G. n. “hand”; see instead:
S. †maw “hand”
ᴺS. !mo prep. “by (agent of)” [created by Quirinius]
⚠️G. mod n. “a number, figure”
⚠️G. modog adj. “*a large number” see G. modwen
⚠️G. modra- v. “count, measure”
⚠️G. modri n. “measurement”
⚠️G. modrog adj. “rich man” see G. modron¹
⚠️G. modron¹ adj. “rich man”
⚠️G. modwen adj. “a large number”
⚠️N. moe adj. “soft, pliant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mae² “soft, pliant”
⚠️N. moeas n. “dough”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maeas “dough”
⚠️N. moed adj. “handy, skilled”; see instead:
S. maed² “handy, skillful, [N.] skilled”
⚠️N. moel n. “lust”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mael¹ “lust”
⚠️N. moelui adj. “lustful”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maelui “lustful”
⚠️G. mog- v. “to detest, hate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tev- “to detest, hate”
⚠️G. mogri n. “detestation”; see instead:
S. deloth “abhorrence, [N.] detestation, loathing”
⚠️G. mogrin adj. “hateful”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tevren “hateful”
⚠️ᴱN. moir n. “goods”
ᴺS. !mol- v. “to grind, pulverize” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. môl n. “the (inside of the) mouth”
S. molif n. “wrist, (lit.) hand-link”
⚠️G. molnaith n. “molar”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^molnel “molar”
ᴺS. [G.] ^molnel n. “molar”
ᴺS. !molor n. “mill” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. môn n. “bare hill, knoll”
⚠️G. môna n. “spirits of the air”
⚠️G. môni n. “spirits of the air” see G. môna
⚠️ᴱN. môr adj. “good”; see instead:
S. maer “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
S., N. môr n. “dark(ness); †night, ⚠️[N.] †black”
⚠️G. mora adj. “good”; see instead:
S. maer “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
⚠️G. morc n. and adj. “stain, smut, black mark; dirty”; see instead:
N. gwass “stain”
N. gwaur “soiled, dirty”
S. #morchant n. “shadow cast by light, (lit.) dark shape”
⚠️G. mord n. “man, warrior; †shepherd”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
S., N. morgul n. “black arts, sorcery, necromancy”
S., N., ᴱN., G. morn adj. and n. “black, dark; ⚠️night”
ᴺS. !mornechui n. “coffee” [created by Roman Rausch]
⚠️G. mort n. “warrior, champion, hero; man; †sword, †shepherd”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
⚠️G. morth n. “darkness”; see instead:
S. môr “dark(ness); †night, ⚠️[N.] †black”
⚠️G. mortha adj. “dim”; see instead:
S. gwathren “shadowy, dim”
⚠️G. môs n. “food (of men)”; see instead:
ᴺS. math “food”
⚠️G. moth n. “sheep”; see instead:
ᴺS. !maf “sheep”
S. moth n. “dusk”
⚠️G. moth(in) n. “1000; †flock”; see instead:
S. #meneg “thousand, *large in number”
ᴺS. ^nethor “herd, flock”
ᴺS. [G.] ^mothren adj. “dusk, dusky”
⚠️G. mothweg n. “shepherd”; see instead:
ᴺS. !mavron “shepherd, herdsman”
⚠️G. mothwen n. “1000; †flock”; see instead:
S. #meneg “thousand, *large in number”
ᴺS. ^nethor “herd, flock”
ᴺS. !movan adv. “how, (lit.) by means of what” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️G. n. “ox”; see instead:
S. mund “bull”
⚠️N. interj. “no”; see instead:
S. û “no, not, [G.] nor”
⚠️G. mu¹ prep. “[?] flow; from”
⚠️G. mu² prep. “will, am going to, am about to” see G. mutha
N. muda- v. “to labour, toil, *work”
⚠️G. mug- v. “to keep silent, say nothing (about)”
ᴺS. !mûg n. “dung” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. mugli n. “calf”; see instead:
ᴺS. !munneg “calf”
⚠️G. mugol adj. “taciturn”
⚠️G. mugwen adj. “secret”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️ᴱN. mui n. “crumb”
⚠️G. mui n. “cat”; see instead:
ᴺS. muig¹ “cat”
ᴺS. !muia- v. “to whine, moan, whimper, caw, meow” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] muig¹ n. “cat” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] muig² adj. “soft, gentle”
S. muil n. and adj. “drear[iness]”
⚠️G. muil n. “tarn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rim “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”
⚠️G. muin¹ adj. “safe, secure”; see instead:
ᴺS. !barn “safe, protected, secure”
N. muin¹ adj. “dear”
⚠️N. †muin² adj. “secret”; see instead:
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. muin² n. “kine, cattle”
N. muindor n. “brother”
⚠️G. muinos n. “security”
⚠️ᴱN. muint n. “best thing”
N. muinthel n. “sister”
⚠️G. muir n. “heifer”
ᴺS. [G.] muis n. “softness, tenderness, gentleness”
⚠️G. mul- v. “to low, bellow”
S., N. mûl n. “slave”
⚠️G. mum- v. “to low, bellow” see G. mul-
⚠️G. mûm n. “lowing”
⚠️G. mumla- v. “stammer, gibber”
⚠️G. mumloth n. “stuttering”
⚠️G. mumol adj. “stammering, gibbering, inarticulate”
ᴺS. !mûn n. “womb”
⚠️G. munc n. “shut mouth, silence, secretiveness; (aj.) mum”
S. mund n. “bull”
ᴺS. !munneg n. “calf”
ᴺS. [G.] ^munnost n. “byre, cowhouse”
⚠️G. mur- v. “*to slumber, sleep”; see instead:
ᴺS. lor- “to sleep, slumber, ⚠️dream”
⚠️G. murc n. “a nightmare, vision of the night”
⚠️G. mûri n. “darkness, †night”; see instead:
S. môr “dark(ness); †night, ⚠️[N.] †black”
⚠️G. murtha- v. “to dream”; see instead:
N. oltha- “to dream; ⚠️[G.] to appear as an apparition”
⚠️G. mûs n. “cow”; see instead:
ᴺS. gach “cow”
⚠️G. musc adj. “grey”
⚠️G. mûst n. “byre, cowhouse”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^munnost “byre, cowhouse”
⚠️G. mutha prep. “will, am going to, am about to”
⚠️G. mútha- v. “to depart, go, leave; (c. gen.) to leave the place of or time of speaker; to go forward”
⚠️G. muthli n. “heifer” see G. muir
⚠️G. muthra- v. “to veil”
⚠️S. #mŷl n. “gull”; see instead:
S. #maew “gull”
⚠️G. -n suf. “genitive suffix”
S., G. #na- v. “to be”
S. na¹ prep. “to, towards, at”
S. na² prep. “of; with, along with, accompanied by, provided with or by, associated with, marked with; [N.] by” see S. na(n)
ᴺS. [G.] nab- v. “to take, lay hold of”
ᴺS. !nabant adv. “almost, (lit.) towards full” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. [G.] ^nabas n. “seizure” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^nabor n. “booty”
⚠️G. nabos n. “seizure”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nabas “seizure”
⚠️G. naboth n. “seizure”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nabas “seizure”
⚠️ᴱN. nabru n. “booty”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nabor “booty”
ᴺS. !nachav- v. “to summon”
⚠️G. nactha- v. “bite”; see instead:
N. nag- “to bite; ⚠️[G.] to chew, gnaw”
⚠️G. nacthanaith n. “incisor (tooth)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nagnel “incisor (tooth)”
⚠️G. nâd n. “grandfather” see G. dâd
N., ᴱN., G. nad n. “thing”
⚠️G. (n)ada n. “daddy, father”; see instead:
N. ada “father (hypocoristic), [G.] daddy”
ᴺS. !naden prep. “until, up to, as far as” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nadh- v. “to chew, gnaw”
S. nadha n. “fetter”
N. nadhor n. “pasture”
N. nadhras n. “pasture”
⚠️G. (n)adi n. “father, daddy”; see instead:
N. ada “father (hypocoristic), [G.] daddy”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nadren adj. “real; possible (in sense possible to exist or think of)” [created by Elaran]
N. nae interj. “alas”
ᴺS. !naeag n. “goat” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !naed adj. “true, real” [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !naeda- v. “to oppress, cause great grief to”
S. naedh n. “wounding, wound”
N. naeg n. “pain”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^naegos n. “anguish”
ᴺS. [N.] ^naegra- v. “to pain” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !naena- v. “to lament, wail for, make moan for, ⚠️weep”
S. naer adj. “dreadful, horrible, unendurable; [N.] lamentable, ⚠️sad”
ᴺS. !naeras n. “sorrow, woe” [created by Röandil]
S. naergon n. “woeful lament”
⚠️N. naes n. “tooth”; see instead:
N. neleg “tooth”
S., N. naeth n. “woe; [N.] biting, gnashing of teeth”
N. naew n. “jaw”
⚠️G. naf- v. “to suspect, have inkling of”
⚠️G. nafa n. “suspicion, inkling”
⚠️G. nafol adj. “suspicious (subjective)”
⚠️G. nafra- v. “to nose about in others’ business”
N., G. nag- v. “to bite; ⚠️[G.] to chew, gnaw”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nagnel n. “incisor (tooth)”
⚠️N. #nagol n. “tooth”; see instead:
N. neleg “tooth”
⚠️ᴱN. naich n. “pain”; see instead:
N. naeg “pain”
⚠️ᴱN. naigros n. “anguish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
S. †nail num. ord. “third”
⚠️ᴱN. nain n. “woman”; see instead:
N. † “woman, bride, lady”
⚠️ᴱN. nainn adj. “blue”; see instead:
S. luin “blue”
⚠️G. naith n. “tooth”; see instead:
N. neleg “tooth”
S., N. naith n. “spearhead, gore, wedge, narrow prominitory; angle”
⚠️G. naitha- v. “to lament, weep, wail for, make moan for”; see instead:
ᴺS. !naena- “to lament, wail for, make moan for, ⚠️weep”
⚠️G. naithol adj. “miserable”
⚠️G. naithonwi n. “misery”
⚠️G. nal¹ n. “dale, vale”; see instead:
S. nan(d) “vale, valley, [ᴱN.] dale; [N.] wide grassland; ⚠️[G.] field acre”
⚠️G. nal² adv. “down, downwards”; see instead:
N. dad “down”
ᴺS. [G.] nala n. “(yellow) lily”
⚠️G. nalairin n. “iris”; see instead:
S. ninglor “golden water-flower, *yellow iris”
⚠️G. naldron adj. “lower down”; see instead:
N. dad “down”
S. #nalla- v. “to cry”
S. nalla n. “call” see S. nallan
S. nallan n. “call”
S. nallar n. “call” see S. nallan
S. nalloth n. “call” see S. nallan
⚠️G. nalos n. “sinking, setting, descent, slope”; see instead:
S. pend “slope, steep incline, hill side, [N.] declivity; [S.] sloping (down), steeply inclined”
⚠️G. naltha adj. “downward, lower, lower-down; (av.) below, beneath”; see instead:
N. dad “down”
S. nu “under”
⚠️G. nam- v. “withdraw, draw out, draw back, take back; (intr.) withdraw, retire”
ᴺS. !naman adv. “how, (lit.) with what” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., N., ᴱN., G. na(n) prep. “of; provided with or by, associated with, marked with, ⚠️with, along with, accompanied by; [N.] by”
S., G., N. nan prep. “of” see S. na(n)
⚠️G. nân¹ n. “mother”; see instead:
N. naneth “mother”
⚠️G. nân² n. “*thing”; see instead:
N. nad “thing”
N. nana n. “mother (hypocoristic), *mommy”
ᴺS. [G.] nanc n. “bite”
S., N., ᴱN., G. nan(d) n. “vale, valley, [ᴱN.] dale; [N.] wide grassland; ⚠️[G.] field acre”
⚠️ᴱN. nand n. “dale” see ᴱN. nann
⚠️G. nandor n. “farmer”; see instead:
ᴺS. !redhor “farmer”
⚠️G. nandri n. “the country (as opposed to town)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rídhas “the country, countryside, farmland”
⚠️G. nandriol adj. “rustic, rural”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rídhathren “rustic, rural”
N. naneth n. “mother”
⚠️G. nann n. “field acre” see G. nand
ᴺS. !nanu n. “truth” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️G. nanweg n. “*farmer”; see instead:
ᴺS. !redhor “farmer”
ᴺS. !nanwen adj. “true” [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]
⚠️G. nanwin n. “mother”; see instead:
N. naneth “mother”
⚠️G. naptha- v. “to seize”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^mab- “to seize, *grasp, grab; ⚠️to take away by force”
N. nâr n. “rat”
N. †nara- v. “to tell”
S., N. Narbeleth n. “October, Sun-fading, Sun-waning”
S., N. narch adj. “bitter-biting”
N. narcha- v. “to rend”
⚠️G. narcolas n. “the fall of the leaf, Autumn”; see instead:
S. firith “fading; [late] autumn”
ᴺS. ^lasbelin “leaf-fall, autumn”
⚠️G. narcos n. “rot, decay”
N. nardh n. “knot”
S., N. narn n. “tale, [N.] saga”
⚠️ᴱN. narog adj. “violent (of water, rain, etc.), torrential”
⚠️G. narp adj. “rotten, decayed, corrupt; overripe”; see instead:
N. thaw “corrupt, rotten”
ᴺS. !narphen n. “character [in a story]” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !narth n. “list, (lit.) product of recitation” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. narth n. “odour”; see instead:
N. ûl “odour, *smell, scent”
N. nartha- v. “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
S. #narthan n. “beacon”
⚠️G. narthiel n. “fragrance”
⚠️G. narthol adj. “fragrant, odorous”
N. naru adj. “[fiery] red”
ᴺS. !narvaenas n. “firework” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️ᴱN. narw n. “pain”; see instead:
N. naeg “pain”
S. Narwain n. “January, *(lit.) New Fire”
N. nass n. “point, (sharp) end; angle, corner”
ᴺS. [G.] nast n. “being (used for both a creature and the state of existence)”
N. nasta- v. “to prick, point, stick, thrust”
⚠️ᴱN. nath n. “number”; see instead:
N. gwanod “number, ⚠️tale”
⚠️G. nath n. “thing, affair, matter”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^sith “affair, matter”
N. nath “web”
N. nath n. “web”
S. natha- v. “to bring help to, save, rescue”
S. nathal n. “guest”
⚠️G. nathanwi n. “fatherhood”
ᴺS. !nathla- v. “to welcome” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !nathol adj. “affable, kindly, welcoming”
⚠️G. nathon n. “father”
ᴺS. !nathren adj. “welcome, acceptable, agreeable”
⚠️G. nathrin adj. “real; possible (in sense possible to exist or think of)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nadren “real; possible (in sense possible to exist or think of)”
N. nathron n. “weaver, webster”
S. naub n. “thumb”
N. naud adj. “bound”
⚠️G. naud adj. “bowed, bent; ashamed, abashed, bashful”; see instead:
N. cûn “bowed, bent, bow-shaped, [G.] concave”
⚠️ᴱN. naud n. “treasure”
⚠️G. naudra- v. “to abash, to make ashamed”
S., N., G. naug n. “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
⚠️ᴱN. naugl n. “dwarf”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
⚠️G. naugla adj. “of or belonging to the dwarves”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
⚠️N. naugla n. “*Dwarf”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
⚠️G. nauglafel adj. “mean, avaricious, (lit.) dwarf-natured”; see instead:
N. melch “greedy”
⚠️G. naugli n. “dwarf”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
⚠️N. naugol (naugl-) n. “Dwarf (diminutive)”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
⚠️G. nauin adj. “dwarf”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
S., N. naur n. “fire, ⚠️[N.] flame”
⚠️G. naur¹ adj. “ill-tempered, sour, grumbling”
⚠️G. naur² n. “a snarl, ugly grin”
⚠️G. naus adj. and n. “keen-witted, observant; notice”
N. nauth n. “thought”
N. nautha- v. “to conceive”
⚠️G. nautha- v. “to hint at, give a hint to”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ýda- “to hint; *to wink”
N. nautha- “to conceive”
⚠️ᴺS. !navaer interj. “farewell, (lit.) be well” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
ᴺS. !novaer “goodbye, farewell, (lit.) be well”
ᴺS. !navan adv. “where, whither, to where, (lit.) at/to what” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴱN. naw n. “booty”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nabor “booty”
N. naw n. “idea”
ᴺS. !naw interj. “yes”
S. †naw adj. “hollow”
⚠️N. Nawag n. “Dwarf”; see instead:
S. naug “dwarf; dwarf(ed), stunted”
N. #ne- pref. “in”
⚠️ᴱN. neb adv. “near”; see instead:
S. nef “hither, on this (the speaker’s) side of; †beyond [loose translation]; *near”
⚠️ᴱN. nebmerion n. “neighbour”; see instead:
S. sammar “*neighbor”
⚠️ᴱN. nebuin n. “neighbour (fem.)”; see instead:
S. sammar “*neighbor”
⚠️ᴱN. nebweb n. “neighbour”; see instead:
S. sammar “*neighbor”
⚠️G. necha n. “woe”; see instead:
S. naeth “woe; [N.] biting, gnashing of teeth”
⚠️G. nectha n. “honey comb”
S. ned n. “*one more; ⚠️first; *during”
S., N. neder num. card. “nine”
⚠️ᴺS. !nederph num. card. “nineteen” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paeneder “nineteen”
ᴺS. !nederphaen num. card. “ninety” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
N. nedh- pref. “mid-”
ᴺS. !nedhor n. “mid-day, noon”
ᴺS. [N.] ^nedhu n. “bolster, cushion” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. nedhw n. “bolster, cushion”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nedhu “bolster, cushion”
ᴺS. !nedhwad n. “lunch, (lit.) middle-meal” [created by Paul Strack]
S., N. #nedia- v. “to count”
S. nedrui num. ord. “ninth”
⚠️N. neðw adj. “scarred, bruised”
⚠️N. nef n. “bolster, cushion”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nedhu “bolster, cushion”
S. nef prep. “hither, on this (the speaker’s) side of; †beyond [loose translation]; *near”
S. negen adj. “sharp, angular”
⚠️G. neglis n. “honey”; see instead:
N. glî “honey”
⚠️N. negra- v. “to pain”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegra- “to pain”
⚠️ᴱN. neibio adv. “nearly, almost”
⚠️ᴱN. ne(i)rion n. “hero”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
S. #neitha- v. “to wrong, deprive”
S. neithan n. “one deprived, exile whose rights and goods have been confiscated”
⚠️G. nel n. “point, end, tip, jutting end”
N. nel- pref. “tri-”
N. nêl n. “tooth”
⚠️S. nêl num. card. “three”; see instead:
S. neledh “three”
⚠️S. nelchaenen num. ord. “*thirtieth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nelphaen “thirty”
S. neldor n. “beech”
⚠️ᴺS. !neleb num. card. “thirteen” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paenel “thirteen”
⚠️N. neled num. card. “three”; see instead:
S. neledh “three”
S., N. neledh num. card. “three”
N. #neledh- v. “*to go in, enter”
N. neleg n. “tooth”
ᴺS. !nelio n. “buckwheat” [created by Hjalmar Holm]
N. nell n. “bell”
N. nella- v. “to sound (of bells), *ring”
ᴺS. !nellad n. “sound of bells, ringing” [created by David Salo, GS]
N. nelladel n. “ringing of bells”
ᴺS. !nelluin n. “bluebell” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. !nelphaen num. card. “thirty” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
N. nelthil n. “triangle”
⚠️G. ‽nelu- v. “ring (tr. & intr.)”; see instead:
N. nella- “to sound (of bells), *ring”
S. nelui num. ord. “third”
⚠️ᴱN. nelyn ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. !nem adj. “seeming, evident, probably but not necessarily so” [created by Elaran]
N. nem n. “nose”
⚠️ᴺS. !neman adv. “when, (lit.) during what” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !mallú “when, (orig.) what time”
ᴺS. !nemmas n. “evidence” [created by Elaran]
S., N., ᴱN., G. nen n. “water; lake, pool; (lesser) river, [ᴱN.] stream”
ᴺS. [N.] ^nend adj. “watery”
⚠️G. nendil n. “waterfay”
⚠️N. nenn adj. “watery”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nend “watery”
⚠️N. Nenneth n. “February, *Watery”; see instead:
S. Nínui “February, *Watery”
ᴺS. !nennibis n. “waterlily, (lit.) water snowflake” [created by Fëastorno, Echuidor]
⚠️G. nennil n. “waterfay” see G. nendil
N. nenui adj. “wet”
ᴺS. !nepheg n. “mid-point, (lit.) mid-spot”
⚠️G. nermil n. “a fay that haunts the meadows and riverbanks”
⚠️G. nern n. “brook”; see instead:
N. celeth “stream, *brook, rill, runlet; (lit.) a flowing”
⚠️G. nert n. “prowess, a feat, strength”; see instead:
N. bellas “bodily strength”
⚠️G. nerthi n. “manhood, manliness; virtue”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^anwas “manhood, *manliness, masculinity”
⚠️G. nerthog adj. “stout, vigorous, doughty”; see instead:
S. tharan “vigorous”
⚠️S. nerthui num. ord. “ninth”; see instead:
S. nedrui “ninth”
⚠️N. Nerwinien n. “January”; see instead:
S. Narwain “January, *(lit.) New Fire”
S., G. ness n. “*headland; [G.] (water) meadow; long grass”
N. nest n. “?heart, core”
N. nesta n. “?heart, core” see N. nest
N. #nesta- v. “to heal”
⚠️G. nesta- v. “to put to grass, graze, pasture, feed”; see instead:
ᴺS. masta- “to [put to] feed, graze”
N. #nesta- “to heal”
N. nestad n. “healing”
N. #nestag- v. “to insert, stick in”
⚠️ᴱN. neth n. “nose”; see instead:
N. nem “nose”
S. neth n. “(little) girl; ⚠️sister (diminutive)”
N. neth adj. “young”
ᴺS. !nethan- v. “to inspire, kindle inside” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️S. netheg n. “girl (diminutive)”; see instead:
S. nethig “sister, girl (diminutive)”
S. nethel n. “sister”
ᴺS. !nethia- v. “to entertain, (orig.) to make welcome”
ᴺS. !nethias n. “entertainment”
S. nethig n. “sister, girl (diminutive)”
⚠️G. nethli n. “long lush grass, little meadow”; see instead:
S. ness “*headland; [G.] (water) meadow; long grass”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nethor n. “herd, flock”
N. nethra n. “?heart, core” see N. nest
⚠️G. nethron n. “herd”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nethor “herd, flock”
ᴺS. !nev- v. “to seem, appear” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !nevia- v. “to localize, bring close, translate (into your own language), translate (into another language when used with the dative case)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [Ilk.] ^nevra- v. “to face, go forward”
ᴺS. !nevui adj. “nearly” [created by Hjalmar Holm]
⚠️G. (n)gôl n. “slaughter”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dagras “slaughter”
ᴺS. [G.] ni pron. “I”
⚠️G. ni prep. “without (both senses)”
ᴺS. ! adv. “once, at one time; was” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !nî- v. “was” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. nib n. “snowflake”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nibis “snowflake”
S. niben adj. “petty, *small”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nibis n. “snowflake”
ᴺS. !nich n. “frost”
⚠️G. nictha- v. “to rain, hail, snow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nítha-¹ “to snow, hail, ⚠️rain”
ᴺS. ^uil- “to rain”
N. nîd adj. “damp, wet; tearful”
ᴺS. !nída- v. “to weep, cry (tears)” [created by Elaran]
S. nidh- v. “to will, mean to, intend”
S., N. nîdh¹ n. “[N.] honeycomb; ⚠️[S.] juice”
S. nîdh² n. “full vigorous purpose, exertion of will”
S. nídha- v. “to be determined to”
⚠️N. nîð adj. “hurt, bruised”
⚠️G. niel n. “granddaughter”
⚠️G. nien(n) n. “tear”; see instead:
S. #nîn² “tear; ⚠️[ᴱN.] weeping”
N. nîf n. “front, face”
S. nîf n. “phantom, a seeming” see S. nivol
⚠️G. nifedhin adj. and n. “outlaw, outcast”; see instead:
ᴺS. !uwedhen “outlaw, outcast”
ᴺS. !uwedhron “outlaw, outcast”
⚠️G. nig- v. “to steal, creep, do or go by stealth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhig- “to creep, sneak, do or go by stealth”
S. niged n. “little finger”
⚠️G. nigla- v. “to thieve, pilfer”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pil- “to steal, rob, thieve”
⚠️G. nig(la) n. “mouse”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nigol “mouse, (lit.) small one”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nigol n. “mouse, (lit.) small one”
⚠️G. †nigor n. “rain, rainy weather”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nigren adj. “stealthy, (orig.) mouse-like”
⚠️G. nigrim n. “to swarm”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^niwrim “swarm”
⚠️G. nigrin adj. “stealthy”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nigren “stealthy, (orig.) mouse-like”
⚠️G. nigweth n. “(snow) storm”; see instead:
N. alagos “storm (of wind)”
⚠️G. nigwin adj. “rainy”; see instead:
S. #rost “rainy”
S. #-nil suf. “friend, lover” see S. #-dil
⚠️G. nil adj. “empty”
⚠️G. nilta- v. “to empty (tr.)”
⚠️G. niltha- v. “to empty (tr.)” see G. nilta-
⚠️G. nim adj. “pale blue, blue green”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^elu “(pale) blue”
S. nim adj. “white”
ᴺS. !nimmas n. “whiteness”
N. nimmid(a)- v. “to whiten”
S., N., ᴱN., G. nimp adj. “pale, pallid, white; small and frail, [ᴱN.] wan, sickly”
⚠️N. nimred n. “pallor”; see instead:
S. niphred “pallor; [N.] fear”
S. nin pron. “me”
S. nín pron. “my”
S. nîn¹ adj. “wet, *watery”
S., N., ᴱN., G. #nîn² n. “tear; ⚠️[ᴱN.] weeping”
⚠️G. †nîn² n. “pool”; see instead:
S. lîn “pool, mere”
⚠️G. ninconin n. “snowdrop”; see instead:
S. niphredil “white flower (similar to a snowdrop); *(lit.) pale point”
ᴺS. [N.] ^nind adj. “slender” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. nind n. “blue stone, turquoise”
⚠️G. ninghonin n. “*snowdrop”; see instead:
S. niphredil “white flower (similar to a snowdrop); *(lit.) pale point”
S. ninglor n. “golden water-flower, *yellow iris”
⚠️ᴺS. !nínia- v. “to weep” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. ninna- “to weep, *cry (tears)”
N. niniel adj. “tearful”
⚠️N. nínim n. “snowdrop”; see instead:
S. niphredil “white flower (similar to a snowdrop); *(lit.) pale point”
⚠️G. ninion n. “water lily”
⚠️G. ninios n. “lamentation, dropping of tears”; see instead:
S. nirnaeth “tears, [N.] lamentation”
⚠️N. ninn adj. “slender”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nind “slender”
⚠️G. ninn n. “blue stone, turquoise” see G. nind
ᴺS. [G.] ninna- v. “to weep, *cry (tears)”
S. ninniach n. “rainbow”
⚠️G. nintha- v. “to weep”; see instead:
ᴺS. ninna- “to weep, *cry (tears)”
S. Nínui n. “February, *Watery”
⚠️N. nínui adj. “*tearful”; see instead:
N. niniel “tearful”
⚠️G. niogrim n. “swarm”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^niwrim “swarm”
⚠️G. nion¹ n. “grandson”
⚠️G. nion² n. “bee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nîw “bee”
⚠️G. nio(s) n. “bee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nîw “bee”
⚠️G. niost n. “hive”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^níwost “hive”
⚠️G. niosturwin n. “queen bee”
S., N. niphred n. “pallor; [N.] fear”
S., N. niphredil n. “white flower (similar to a snowdrop); *(lit.) pale point”
⚠️G. #-(n)ir suf. “(feminine) agent”; see instead:
N. #-dis “feminine agent”
⚠️G. nir pref. “grandchild of”
N., ᴱN., G. nîr n. “weeping, [G.] grief, sorrow; ⚠️[N.] tear”
⚠️G. †nîr² n. “woman”; see instead:
N. † “woman, bride, lady”
⚠️ᴱN. †nîr² n. “hero, prince, warrior-elf”; see instead:
N. callon “hero”
S. dîr¹ “man, [N.] adult male; agental suffix”
⚠️G. nîriol adj. “sad, sorrowing”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nírol “sad, sorrowing, *sorrowful”
S., N. nirnaeth n. “tears, [N.] lamentation”
⚠️ᴱN. nírnaith n. “weeping”; see instead:
S. nirnaeth “tears, [N.] lamentation”
N. nîr “weeping, [G.] grief, sorrow; ⚠️[N.] tear”
⚠️G. nirnaithos n. “great lament”; see instead:
S. nirnaeth “tears, [N.] lamentation”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nírol adj. “sad, sorrowing, *sorrowful”
ᴺS. !nista- v. “to press, thrust, force (in a given direction)” [created by Röandil]
⚠️G. nith n. “wax”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lîg “wax”
S. †nîth “sister”
N. nîth “youth”
S. †nîth n. “sister”
⚠️N. nith ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️N. níth ? “[unglossed]”
N. nîth n. “youth”
⚠️G. nitha n. “a candle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lígu “candle”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nítha-¹ v. “to snow, hail, ⚠️rain”
ᴺS. !nítha-² v. “to reduce, make small” [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. !níthannen v. “reduced, minor” [created by Steve - Ríon]
⚠️G. nithla n. “candlestick”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lígu “candle”
⚠️N. nithrad ? “[unglossed]”
S. nivol n. “phantom, a seeming”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^nîw n. “bee” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. niw n. “*bee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nîw “bee”
⚠️G. niwin n. “female bee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nîw “bee”
ᴺS. [G.] ^níwost n. “hive” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^niwrim n. “swarm” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. no adv. “then, next, again; then, after(wards)”
⚠️G. no- pref. “re-, back, again”
⚠️N. no prep. “under”; see instead:
S. nu “under”
⚠️N. n. “thigh”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tŷg “thigh”
S. nobad n. “thumb and index finger as a pair, *(lit.) pickers”
⚠️G. nobra- v. “to follow, go after”
⚠️G. nobromath n. “‘second twilight’, first signs of dawn”
⚠️G. nobron n. “the second, next following”
ᴺS. [G.] ^noch n. “acorn”
⚠️G. nocha n. “acorn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^noch “acorn”
⚠️G. nochinra adj. “long-acorned”
⚠️ᴱN. nod n. “head”; see instead:
S. dol(l) “head, hill”
⚠️G. nod adv. “forward, on, in advance”
S., N., ᴱN. #nod- v. “to count”
N. nod-² v. “to tie”
ᴺS. [G.] ^noden adj. “prone, face down”
⚠️G. nodro adv. “farther on, further forward, later, again”
ᴺS. !nodui adj. “some, few, several” [created by Elaran]
S. Noegin n. “Petty Dwarf”
N. noen adj. “wise, sensible”
⚠️N. noer adj. “sad, lamentable”; see instead:
S. naer “dreadful, horrible, unendurable; [N.] lamentable, ⚠️sad”
⚠️G. nôf n. “suspicion, inkling” see G. nafa
⚠️ᴱN. nofn adj. “down, set”; see instead:
N. dad “down”
⚠️G. nog n. “hill, knob, prominence”; see instead:
N. dolt¹ “round knob, boss”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nogen n. “boy, lad, urchin; *(orig.) short (of persons)”
⚠️G. nogin n. “boy, lad, urchin”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nogen “boy, lad, urchin; *(orig.) short (of persons)”
⚠️S. Nogon n. “[Greater] Dwarf”; see instead:
S. Nogoth “[Greater] Dwarf”
S. Nogoth n. “[Greater] Dwarf”
S. Nogotheg n. “Dwarflet”
⚠️G. nogra- v. “to excell, exceed”
⚠️G. nogrin adj. “excellent, conspicuous”; see instead:
S. maer “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
S. raud¹ “noble, eminent; lofty, high, tall; excellent”
⚠️G. nogriol adj. “excellent, conspicuous”; see instead:
S. maer “good, excellent, fair; [N.] useful, fit, good (of things)”
S. raud¹ “noble, eminent; lofty, high, tall; excellent”
⚠️G. nôl n. “head”; see instead:
S. dol(l) “head, hill”
S. †Noll [ng-] n. “Noldo”
⚠️ᴱN. nomad ?
⚠️G. nôn n. “tomorrow, the next day on from one mentioned or in thought, the morrow”; see instead:
ᴺS. !abor¹ “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day”
⚠️G. nontha adj. “the next, the succeeding (time only)”
S., N., G. nor- v. “to run (of men and animals using legs); [G.] to roll [of vehicles]”
⚠️S. nordh n. “oak”; see instead:
N. doron “oak”
N. nordh adj. “cord”
⚠️S. norn adj. and n. “hard; dwarf”; see instead:
S. dorn “tough, stiff, thrawn, obdurate”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. norn n. “[G.] wheel”
N. norn adj. “twisted, knotted, crabbed, contorted”
ᴺS. [G.] ^norna- v. “to complain of, ⚠️bewail, lament”
ᴺS. !nornad n. “complaint”
N. noroth n. “giant”
⚠️ᴺS. !norra- v. “to growl, grumble” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nuru- “to growl, grumble”
S. north n. “riding, race (of people running), charge or gallop”
S., G. northa- v. “to make run (of horses and animals), *ride; [G.] to send rolling [as a vehicle], speed”
S., N. Nórui n. “June, *Fiery”
ᴺS. !norweg adj. “often running” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. nôs n. “birthday; nature”; see instead:
ᴺS. !oronnad “birthday”
⚠️G. nosc adj. “damp, wet”; see instead:
N. nîd “damp, wet; tearful”
⚠️G. nosied n. “kinsman”; see instead:
N. gwanur “kinsman, kinswoman”
S., N., G. nos(s) n. “family, kindred, clan, house; race, tribe, people”
⚠️G. noss¹ n. “rain”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
⚠️G. noss² n. “birthday”; see instead:
ᴺS. !oronnad “birthday”
⚠️S. nost n. “house, family”; see instead:
S. nos(s) “family, kindred, clan, house; race, tribe, people”
⚠️G. nost n. “birth; blood, high birth; birthday”; see instead:
ᴺS. !onnad “birth”
⚠️G. nosta- v. “to be born”; see instead:
ᴺS. !enia- “to be born, be generated, result”
ᴺS. !nosta- v. “to smell” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
⚠️G. nosteg adj. “birth”; see instead:
ᴺS. !onnad “birth”
⚠️ᴱN. noth n. “number”; see instead:
N. gwanod “number, ⚠️tale”
⚠️ᴺS. !noth n. “number” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
N. gwanod “number, ⚠️tale”
⚠️G. noth¹ adj. “damp, wet”; see instead:
N. nîd “damp, wet; tearful”
⚠️G. noth² n. “rain”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
S. nothlir n. “folk, family” see Ed. nothlir
⚠️G. nothri n. “family, kinship”; see instead:
S. nos(s) “family, kindred, clan, house; race, tribe, people”
⚠️G. nothrin adj. “highborn noble”; see instead:
S. arod “noble”
ᴺS. !novaer interj. “goodbye, farewell, (lit.) be well” [created by Unknown]
S. -nt suf. “past of transitive verbs”
S. nu prep. “under”
⚠️ᴱN. nûd adj. “wet”; see instead:
N. nîd “damp, wet; tearful”
⚠️N. nud- v. “*to tie”; see instead:
N. nod-² “to tie”
N. nûd n. “bond”
⚠️G. nud- v. “to incline head, bend face down”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nunna- “to incline head, bend face down, *nod; to assent, *agree”
⚠️G. nûda adj. “prone, face down”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^noden “prone, face down”
⚠️G. nudin adj. “prone”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^noden “prone, face down”
⚠️G. nuf- v. “to get smell of, perceive scent of, smell (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nuicha- “to take notice, perceive; *(orig.) to smell [something]”
⚠️G. nufleg adj. “keen-nosed” see G. nuthleg
⚠️G. nufli n. “sense of smell” see G. nufri
⚠️G. nufri n. “sense of smell”
⚠️ᴱN. nui n. “bee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nîw “bee”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nui prep. and adv. “before (of time); ⚠️[G.] afterwards, again, later”
⚠️G. nui adv. “afterwards, again, later”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nui “before (of time); ⚠️[G.] afterwards, again, later”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nuicha- v. “to take notice, perceive; *(orig.) to smell [something]” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️G. nuidro adv. “still later”
⚠️G. nuimath n. “‘second twilight’, first signs of dawn”; see instead:
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️G. nuimoth n. “‘second twilight’, first signs of dawn”; see instead:
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️ᴱN. nuimrond n. “steadfastness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bronnas “steadfastness, constancy”
⚠️G. nuin adj. “born”; see instead:
S. #onnen “born”
⚠️ᴱN. nuin¹ n. “mind, thought”
⚠️ᴱN. nuin² n. “sinking, going down; west”; see instead:
S. annûn “sunset, west; (lit.) going down”
⚠️ᴱN. nuinvrond n. “steadfastness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !bronnas “steadfastness, constancy”
ᴺS. !nuir n. “yesterday”
⚠️G. nuiri n. “afternoon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !avnedhor “afternoon”
S. nuitha- v. “to stunt, prevent from coming to completion, stop short, not allow to continue”
ᴺS. !nuithas n. “suspension, cessation” [created by Echuidor]
⚠️G. num- v. “to sink, decline, slope down, descend”; see instead:
ᴺS. !duia- “to descend, sink, set [of sun]”
ᴺS. ^adlanna- “to slope, slant”
⚠️G. numbros n. “incline, slope”; see instead:
N. talad “incline, slope”
⚠️G. nûmin adj. “the west, sinking”; see instead:
S. annûn “sunset, west; (lit.) going down”
⚠️ᴱN. nún n. “sinking, going down; west”; see instead:
S. annûn “sunset, west; (lit.) going down”
⚠️G. nûn n. “a nose (of men only)”; see instead:
N. nem “nose”
⚠️ᴱN. #núnad- v. “to wester”
⚠️ᴱN. núnadol n. “westering”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nunna- v. “to incline head, bend face down, *nod; to assent, *agree” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. nunta- v. “to assent”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nunna- “to incline head, bend face down, *nod; to assent, *agree”
⚠️G. nunthi adv. “downward”; see instead:
N. dad “down”
⚠️G. nûr adj. “smooth, rolling free, easy, easy going”; see instead:
S. athgar “easy (easy to do)”
N. nûr² “deep”
⚠️G. nur- v. “to growl, grumble”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nuru- “to growl, grumble”
⚠️ᴱN. núr n. “muscle”; see instead:
N. “muscle, sinew; vigour, physical strength”
N. nûr¹ n. “race”
N. nûr² adj. “deep”
⚠️G. nurn n. “plaint, lament, a complaint”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nornad “complaint”
S. nirnaeth “tears, [N.] lamentation”
⚠️G. nurna- v. “to bewail, lament, complain of”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^norna- “to complain of, ⚠️bewail, lament”
ᴺS. [G.] ^nuru- v. “to growl, grumble”
⚠️G. nus- v. “to take notice, perceive”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^nuicha- “to take notice, perceive; *(orig.) to smell [something]”
⚠️G. nusimos n. “sagacity”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^golu “lore, *wisdom”
⚠️G. nusiol adj. “sagacious”; see instead:
N. golwen “wise, learned in deep arts”
⚠️G. nusiothli n. “sagacity”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^golu “lore, *wisdom”
⚠️G. nûth n. “scent, ‘wind’, odour”; see instead:
N. ûl “odour, *smell, scent”
⚠️G. nuthleg adj. “keen-nosed”
⚠️ᴱN. #nuv- v. “to sink, set”; see instead:
ᴺS. !duia- “to descend, sink, set [of sun]”
⚠️G. nybol adj. “?snowy”; see instead:
S. lossen “snowy”
ᴺS. [N.] ^nŷw n. “noose, snare” [vetted by HSD]
S. -o suf. “imperative”
S., N., ᴱN., G. o prep. “from, of”
⚠️G. o- conj. “he”
⚠️ᴱN. ô prep. “to, on”; see instead:
S. na¹ “to, towards, at”
S. bo “*on”
⚠️G. ô n. “the sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
N. prep. “about, concerning; *around”
⚠️G. ob prep. “after, close behind (time and place)”; see instead:
S. #ab “after”
⚠️G. obaidra- v. “to expiate (crime), avenge”; see instead:
S. #achar- “to avenge, do back, react, requite”
⚠️G. obauthri n. “afternoon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !avnedhor “afternoon”
⚠️G. obin adj. “second, next”
⚠️G. obra adj. “close behind (of place), following, succeeding, next behind or after (time or place)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^abor² “following, succeeding, close behind (of place), next behind or after (time or place)”
⚠️G. obra- v. “to follow; to succeed”; see instead:
S. aphad- “to follow”
⚠️G. obromath n. “the twilight that follows the night, ‘second twilight’, just before dawn”; see instead:
S. minuial “(dawn) twilight”
⚠️G. obron adv. “*next”
⚠️G. obruith n. “(evil) consequences”
ᴺS. [G.] och n. “egg”
⚠️G. ocha n. “fleece”; see instead:
ᴺS. “wool, fleece”
⚠️G. ochlad n. “week”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^odlad “week”
S. ochui num. ord. “seventh” see S. othui
⚠️G. octha n. “knee”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ogod “knee”
⚠️N. #-od suf. “singular suffix”; see instead:
S. #-og “singular suffix”
⚠️G. #-od suf. “noun suffix”; see instead:
S. #-og “singular suffix”
⚠️G. od¹ prep. “at, up to, against”; see instead:
S. na¹ “to, towards, at”
S. dan “back to, (back in return) against, down upon, back on, back again”
⚠️G. od² n. “sharp corner” see G. og²
N. odhril n. “parent (f.)”
N. odhron n. “parent”
⚠️G. odin num. card. “seven (orig[inally] many)”; see instead:
S. odog “seven”
⚠️G. odinthos num. card. “seventeen”
ᴺS. [G.] ^odlad n. “week” [created by Paul Strack]
S. odo num. card. “seven” see S. odog
⚠️ᴺS. !odob num. card. “seventeen” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paenodog “seventeen”
⚠️ᴺS. !odobaen num. card. “seventy” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !odophaen “seventy”
⚠️ᴱN. odog adj. “much, abundant; large in quantity”
⚠️G. odog adj. “mighty, great; violent, excessive, exceeding, very”
S., N. odog num. card. “seven”
⚠️ᴺS. !odoph num. card. “seventeen” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paenodog “seventeen”
ᴺS. !odophaen num. card. “seventy” [created by Elaran]
S. odothui num. ord. “seventh” see S. othui
⚠️G. odra adv. “very”
⚠️G. odra- v. “am able, can”
⚠️G. odrim adj. “(very) many”
⚠️G. odrog adj. and n. “dour, mighty, stout, brave; a brave man” see G. odron
⚠️G. odron adj. and n. “dour, mighty, stout, brave; a brave man”
⚠️G. -odro(n) suf. “augmentative”; see instead:
S. -on² “augmentative suffix”
S. -oth “augmentative suffix”
⚠️G. odrum n. “hammer”; see instead:
S. #dring “hammer, *beater”
⚠️N. oear n. “sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
⚠️N. oeg adj. “sharp, pointed, piercing”; see instead:
S. #aeg “sharp, [N.] pointed, piercing”
⚠️N. oegas n. “mountain peak”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aegas “mountain peak”
⚠️N. oeglir n. “range of mountain peaks”; see instead:
S. #aeglir “line of peaks, [N.] range of mountain peaks; ⚠️[ᴱN.] peak, mountain top”
⚠️N. oel n. “pool, lake”; see instead:
S. #ael “lake, pool”
S. #oel adj. “cool”
⚠️N. oer n. “sea”; see instead:
S. gaear “sea”
S. oer adj. “nasty”
⚠️N. oeruil n. “seaweed”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gaeruil “seaweed”
ᴺS. [G.] ^oetha- v. “to lay eggs, nest” [created by Paul Strack]
S. oew n. “an evil deed”
ᴺS. [G.] ôf n. “hood”
⚠️G. #-og suf. “adjectival suffix”; see instead:
S. -eb “adjective suffix”
S. #-og suf. “singular suffix”
⚠️G. og- v. “to be able, can”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pol- “can, to be (physically) able to”
⚠️G. #-og² suf. “agental suffix”; see instead:
S. #-og “singular suffix”
⚠️G. og² n. “sharp corner”
⚠️ᴱN. oga prep. “above, on top of”; see instead:
N. or “above; [G.] onto, ⚠️on top, on”
⚠️G. oglad n. “week”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^odlad “week”
ᴺS. !oglas n. “wickedness, *evil”
⚠️G. -oglo(n) suf. “augmentative”; see instead:
S. -on² “augmentative suffix”
S. -oth “augmentative suffix”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ogod n. “knee” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️N. *Ogod n. “Ent”; see instead:
S. Onod “Ent”
S. Ogol n. “?Elf”
S. ogol adj. “bad, evil, wrong; gloom(y)”
⚠️G. ogor n. “might, power, ability”; see instead:
ᴺS. polodh “power, might, authority”
S. curu “skill (of the hand), craft, magic; [N.] cunning”
⚠️G. ogra- v. “to be able, can”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pol- “can, to be (physically) able to”
⚠️G. ogra prep. “able to”
⚠️G. ogriol adj. “possible”
S. ogron n. “wicked or evil person”
⚠️ᴱN. oif n. “terror, horror; (evil) phantom, ghost”; see instead:
S. gorthad “wraith, spirit of Dead”
⚠️ᴱN. oith n. “feud”
S., N., G. -ol suf. “continuative [active] participle; adjective suffix”
⚠️G. ol n. “cliff, seaward precipice”
⚠️G. ol- v. “to appear, seem”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nev- “to seem, appear”
N. ôl n. “dream”
ᴺS. !ol-¹ v. “to pour” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. ôl¹ n. “forearm; bough”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
ᴺS. ^ranc “arm”
⚠️G. ôl² n. “height, stature”
⚠️ᴺS. !ol-² v. “to become” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !ola- “to become”
⚠️G. ôla n. “cliff, seaward precipice” see G. ol
ᴺS. !ola- v. “to become” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. olaud n. “tide, motion of the sea” see G. olod
⚠️G. olch adj. “bad”; see instead:
S. ogol “bad, evil, wrong; gloom(y)”
⚠️ᴱN. olerdh adj. “pitiless, cruel, (lit.) without bowels”
ᴺS. [G.] ^olf n. “jar, flagon, *pitcher”
⚠️G. olf(in) n. “branch, wand, stick”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
⚠️G. olfin(g) n. “branch, wand, stick”; see instead:
N. golf “branch”
⚠️ᴱN. ólin n. “elm”; see instead:
S. alaf “elm”
N. oll n. “torrent, mountain-stream”
ᴺS. [G.] ^olla- v. “to ooze, *trickle” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. olm n. “dream”; see instead:
N. ôl “dream”
⚠️G. olma- v. “to dream”; see instead:
N. oltha- “to dream; ⚠️[G.] to appear as an apparition”
⚠️G. olod n. “tide, motion of the sea”
⚠️G. olor n. “dream, apparition, vision”; see instead:
N. ôl “dream”
S. auth “dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
ᴺS. !olost adj. “drowsy, dreamy, lazy” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. oloth n. “dream, apparition, vision”; see instead:
N. ôl “dream”
S. auth “dim shape, spectral or vague apparition”
N., G. oltha- v. “to dream; ⚠️[G.] to appear as an apparition”
ᴺS. !olui adj. “dreamy” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. ôm n. “mind, heart, thought”; see instead:
S. ind “some particular purpose or intention of an individual; heart [metaphorical], [N.] inner thought, meaning”
ᴺS. !oman adv. “whence, from where, (lit.) from what” [created by Fiona Jallings, FGNS]
⚠️G. ômgulin adj. “patient”; see instead:
ᴺS. !andrethui “patient, long suffering”
⚠️G. ômgulwen n. “patience”; see instead:
S. andreth “long-suffering, patience”
⚠️G. omla n. “a horse chestnut”
ᴺS. [G.] omlos n. “chestnut tree, *chestnut”
⚠️ᴱN. on pron. “*he”
⚠️G. on pron. “he”
⚠️G. #-on suf. “noun suffix”; see instead:
S. -on² “augmentative suffix”
S., N. -on¹ suf. “masculine suffix”
⚠️G. ôn¹ n. “crown of head, top”
⚠️G. ôn² n. “gift”; see instead:
S. ann¹ “gift”
S. -on² suf. “augmentative suffix”
N. #-on² suf. “agental suffix” see N. #-(r)on
S. -on(d) suf. “-region, -land” see S. -ion²
S. oneth n. “*giving”
⚠️G. ong n. “great pain”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
N. ongol n. “stench”
⚠️G. ongos n. “anguish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
S., N. #onna- v. “*to birth, give birth to”
ᴺS. !onnad n. “birth”
S. #onnen adj. “born”
S. Onod n. “Ent”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ont adj. and adv. “no, none”
⚠️G. -onta suf. “superlative”
⚠️G. ontha pron. “his”
⚠️ᴱN. or- pref. “privative prefix, without, -less”; see instead:
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
S., N., G. #-or suf. “agental suffix”
N., G. or prep. “above; [G.] onto, ⚠️on top, on”
S. or- pref. “-day”
⚠️G. or- pref. “on, onto, up, in addition to”; see instead:
N. or “above; [G.] onto, ⚠️on top, on”
⚠️G. ôr n. “dry sand”; see instead:
S. lith “ash; [N.] sand”
ᴺS. !ora- v. “to heat up” [created by Sami Paldanius]
S. Oraeron n. “Sea-day, *Thursday”
⚠️ᴱN. orann adj. “doorless”
S. Oranor n. “*(lit.) Sun-day, Sunday”
S. Orbelain n. “*Day of the Valar, Friday”
⚠️G. orc n. “goblin”; see instead:
S. orch “Orc, [N.] goblin”
S., N., ᴱN. orch n. “Orc, [N.] goblin”
S., N. orchal adj. “tall; [N.] superior, eminent, lofty”
⚠️N. orchall adj. “superior, eminent”; see instead:
S. orchal “tall; [N.] superior, eminent, lofty”
⚠️N. orchel adj. “superior, eminent, lofty”; see instead:
S. orchal “tall; [N.] superior, eminent, lofty”
ᴺS. [G.] ^orchen n. “dandelion, (lit.) day-eye” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. orcômin adj. “fierce and bloody minded”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
⚠️ᴱN. ordarn adj. “gateless”
ᴺS. !ordh n. “boil, pus” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. o(r)dhraust adj. “without work, workless”
⚠️ᴺS. !ordolel n. “tomorrow” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]; see instead:
ᴺS. !abor¹ “tomorrow, (lit.) after-day”
⚠️ᴱN. oren adj. “hot (weather)”
⚠️ᴱN. orerdh adj. “without bowels, pitiless” see ᴱN. olerdh
⚠️ᴺS. !orest n. “hour” [created by Paul Strack]; see instead:
ᴺS. !oreth “hour”
ᴺS. !oreth n. “hour” [created by Elaran, Hialmr]
ᴺS. [G.] orf n. “apple”
⚠️ᴱN. orfang adj. “beardless”
ᴺS. [G.] orfing n. “pear, *(lit.) hair-apple”
S. Orgaladh n. “Day of the Tree, *Tuesday”
S. Orgaladhad n. “Day of the Two Trees, *Tuesday”
S. Orgilion n. “*Star-day, Saturday”
⚠️ᴱN. orhaud adj. “seatless” see ᴱN. orhod
⚠️ᴱN. orhod adj. “seatless”
S. Orithil n. “*Moon-day, Monday”
⚠️ᴱN. orlham adj. “dumb”; see instead:
ᴺS. !úlam “dumb, unable to speak, (lit.) untongued”
⚠️G. orm n. “hill top, summit”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
⚠️G. ormagod n. “a (Spanish) chestnut”
⚠️G. ormagodron n. “a (Spanish) chestnut tree”
⚠️ᴱN. ormar adj. “houseless”
⚠️ᴱN. ormast adj. “breadless”
S. Ormenel n. “*Heavens-day, Wednesday”
S., N., ᴱN., G. orn n. “(tall straight) tree”
ᴺS. [G.] ^orna- v. “to burn (tr. and intr.)” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴱN. ornath adj. “numberless”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
⚠️ᴱN. o(r)ngolodh adj. “without gnomes”
⚠️ᴱN. ornoth adj. “innumerable, without number, countless, numberless”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
S., N., ᴱN., G. orod n. “mountain”
S. orodben n. “mountaineer, one living in the mountains”
ᴺS. !oronnad n. “birthday” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. oros n. “rising”; see instead:
ᴺS. !eriad “rising”
⚠️G. orosaura n. “sunrise”; see instead:
S. amrûn “sunrise, east, (lit.) of the uprising”
⚠️ᴱN. orost n. “[G.] rising”; see instead:
ᴺS. !eriad “rising”
⚠️G. orost n. “rising, sunrise”; see instead:
ᴺS. !eriad “rising”
⚠️ᴱN. oroth n. “impetus, speed, haste, rash courage”
S. oroth n. “rage, anger”
⚠️ᴱN. orsarn adj. “stoneless”
⚠️G. ort n. “mountain”; see instead:
S. orod “mountain”
ᴺS. [G.] ^orth adj. “upper”
⚠️G. ortha adj. “upper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^orth “upper”
S., N. #ortha- v. “to raise”
S. orthad n. “*raising”
⚠️ᴱN. orthalos adj. “courageless”
⚠️ᴱN. orthanc adj. “unbroken, without break or cleavage, united, continuous; masked”
N. orthannen adj. “raised”
N. orthel- v. “to roof, screen above”
N. orthelian n. “canopy”
⚠️G. orthi adv. “up”; see instead:
S. #am “up, [G.] upwards, ⚠️towards head of, above”
N. #orthor- v. “to master, conquer”
⚠️ᴺS. !órui n. “daily” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
S. ilaurui “*daily”
⚠️ᴱN. orvab adj. “handless”
⚠️ᴱN. orvaith¹ adj. “unravished”
⚠️ᴱN. orvaith² adj. “garmentless”
⚠️ᴱN. orvang adj. “staffless”
⚠️ᴱN. orvath adj. “foodless”
ᴺS. !orvedui n. “yesterday” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
ᴺS. !orvel- v. “to favour, *(lit.) love above” [created by Hialmr, Elaran]
⚠️ᴱN. orvlann adj. “without deceit”
⚠️ᴱN. orvlod adj. “without pride, spiritless”
⚠️ᴱN. orvog adj. “priceless”
⚠️ᴱN. orwadh adj. “barkless”
⚠️N., G. #-os suf. “abstract noun”; see instead:
S. #-as “abstract noun”
S. os prep. “*about”
⚠️ᴱN. os prep. “*around”
N. os- pref. “about”
⚠️G. ôs n. “bog”
⚠️G. ’ôs n. “[unglossed]”
S. -os suf. “augmentative suffix” see S. -oth
⚠️G. #-os² suf. “masculine suffix”; see instead:
S. -on¹ “masculine suffix”
ᴺS. !osgaef n. “surroundings, environs, milieu” [created by Sami Paldanius]
N. #osgar- v. “to cut round, amputate”
N. osp n. “smoke”
⚠️G. osp(a) n. “foam”; see instead:
S. gwing “foam, spindrift, [N.] flying spray; [G.] wave-crest”
⚠️G. ospa- v. “to seethe, foam, spout”; see instead:
N. faltha- “to foam”
⚠️G. ospathol adj. “ebullient”
⚠️G. ospoth n. “froth”
⚠️N. ossrond n. “*underground city, fortress”; see instead:
S. othrond “underground stronghold, [N.] underground city, fortress”
S., N., ᴱN., G. ost n. “fort, fortress, stronghold, citadel; (fortified) town, [N.] city; [orig.] [S.] enclosure, ⚠️[G.] yard”
⚠️G. ost² n. “summer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
⚠️G. ost³ pron. “yourselves”
ᴺS. [G.] osta- v. “to surround with walls, build up, fortify, protect; to surround”
ᴺS. !ostol- v. “to circumnavigate, come around” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ostor n. “enclosure, circuit of walls, *town wall”
N. ostrad n. “street”
S. -oth suf. “augmentative suffix”
S. oth- pref. “[wrong] with a bad sense; unsuitable, bad, improper, useless, wrong”
⚠️G. ôth n. “hole, opening”; see instead:
N. gas “hole, gap”
⚠️G. oth pron. “ye”
⚠️G. #-(o)th suf. “abstract noun”; see instead:
S. -th “abstract noun”
ᴺS. !othas n. “warfare”
ᴺS. !othestannen adj. “infamous, of evil name, (lit.) ill-named”
S. othgar(ed) n. “doing wrong, *wrong doing”
S. othgarn n. “misdeed, *sin”
ᴺS. !othidh n. “armistice”
N. othlon n. “paved way”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^othlonn n. “paved way” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
N. othlon “paved way”
S. othol n. “stranger, guest”
ᴺS. !othovor adj. “too much, (lit.) abundant in a bad way” [created by Paul Strack, Shihali]
⚠️ᴱN. othra ?
ᴺS. [G.] ^othra- v. “to get away, escape”
ᴺS. !othrad n. “street” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !othren adj. “strange, weird, odd” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !othrim n. “army”
ᴺS. !othrol n. “warlike”
S., N. othrond n. “underground stronghold, [N.] underground city, fortress”
S. othui num. ord. “seventh”
ᴺS. !othwen n. “amazon”
N. ovor adj. “abundant”
N. ovra- v. “to abound”
N. ovras n. “crowd, heap”
⚠️G. pâ- v. “to put”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
⚠️G. pactha- v. “to utter, speak, talk”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paetha- “to utter, speak, talk”
S. pad- v. “to step, ⚠️walk”
S., N., G. pâd n. “a step; track, road, [N.] way; ⚠️ford”
⚠️G. padhra- v. “to skin, peel, flay”; see instead:
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
⚠️G. padhwen n. “bark”; see instead:
S. #rîf “bark”
⚠️ᴺS. !padol n. “key” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺS. !ledil “key”
S., G. padra- v. “to walk”
S. pae num. card. “ten”
S. †paean num. card. “ten” see S. pae
ᴺS. !paedolodh num. card. “eighteen” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paegan num. card. “fourteen” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeleben num. card. “fifteen” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeneder num. card. “nineteen” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paeneg num. card. “sixteen” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paenel num. card. “thirteen” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !paenodog num. card. “seventeen” [created by Elaran]
S. paenui num. ord. “tenth”
S. paeth n. “speech”
ᴺS. [G.] ^paetha- v. “to utter, speak, talk”
ᴺS. [G.] ^paethad n. “oratory”
ᴺS. !paethas n. “grammar, speech-system” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] ^paethron n. “orator”
⚠️G. paga n. “court, paved floor”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pand “courtyard”
⚠️G. paglant n. “a pavement, *paved road or way”; see instead:
N. othlon “paved way”
⚠️G. paglos n. “parchment”
⚠️G. pagra- v. “to pave”
⚠️G. pagri n. “pavement”; see instead:
N. othlon “paved way”
⚠️G. pagros n. “pavement”; see instead:
N. othlon “paved way”
⚠️G. paib adj. “sour”
ᴺS. [N.] ^paich n. “juice, syrup, *sap” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. paithri n. “a speech, speech, talk”; see instead:
S. paeth “speech”
⚠️G. paithron n. “orator”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paethron “orator”
⚠️G. paithwen n. “oratory”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paethad “oratory”
S. palan adv. “afar, abroad, far and wide”
S. palan-díriel n. “far-gazer”
ᴺS. !palan-hinnen adj. “famous, *(lit.) widely-known” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. palan-tîriel n. “*far-gazer” see S. palan-díriel
N. palath¹ n. “surface”
⚠️N. palath² n. “iris”; see instead:
S. ninglor “golden water-flower, *yellow iris”
ᴺS. [G.] ^palt n. “wide flat leaf; page of book; ⚠️blade (of swords, knives, oars, etc.)”
⚠️G. palta- v. “to beat”; see instead:
N. dringa- “to beat”
⚠️G. paltha n. “blade (of swords, knives, oars, etc.); wide flat leaf; page of book”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^palt “wide flat leaf; page of book; ⚠️blade (of swords, knives, oars, etc.)”
⚠️N. palw n. “agony”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^naegos “anguish”
ᴺS. ^ammal “(death) agony”
ᴺS. [G.] pan n. “arrangement, settlement, *grouping; ⚠️place, spot”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pan- v. “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
S. #pân adj. “all, *complete, entire, full, the whole”
N. pân n. “plank, fixed board (especially in a floor)”
N. panas n. “floor”
ᴺS. [N.] ^pand n. “courtyard” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. pand n. “bark; book”; see instead:
N. parf “book”
N. pann¹ adj. “wide”
⚠️N. pann² n. “courtyard”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pand “courtyard”
N. panna- v. “to open, enlarge”
N. #pannad(a)- v. “to fill (trans.)”
ᴺS. !pannen adj. “arranged, settled, done”
S., N. #pant adj. “full; [G.] (with article) the whole, all the”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] pant n. “money”
⚠️G. pant n. “arrangement, grouping; book”; see instead:
ᴺS. pan “arrangement, settlement, *grouping; ⚠️place, spot”
N. parf “book”
⚠️ᴱN. pant¹ n. “fear”
⚠️G. panta- v. “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
N. panna- “to open, enlarge”
⚠️ᴱN. panthig n. “coin”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pennig “coin”
ᴺS. !panu n. “arrangement, plan; structure, ordering; (musical) theme” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱN. †pap- v. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. paptha- v. “to tremble, quiver”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^potha- “to tremble, quiver”
S. paran adj. “bare, naked; smooth, shaven”
N. parch adj. “dry”
⚠️S. parch adj. “naked (of persons)”; see instead:
N. hell¹ “naked, *stripped”
N. parch “dry”
ᴺS. !parchol n. “towel” [created by Paul Strack]
N. parf n. “book”
ᴺS. !parlas n. “parchment, document” [created by Roman Rausch]
ᴺS. !paron n. “full-moon” [created by Röandil]
S. parth n. “field, lawn, sward, garden, enclosed grassland”
ᴺS. [ON.] ^partha- v. “to arrange, compose”
ᴺS. !partham n. “library” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] ^past adj. “shaking”
⚠️G. past n. “skin”; see instead:
S. #flâd “skin”
⚠️G. pasta- v. “to skin, peel, flay”; see instead:
N. heltha- “to strip, *flay, peel skin; *to despoil, make bare”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pasta- v. “to shake, wag, nod, flap” [created by Fiona Jallings]
N. path adj. “smooth”
⚠️G. path n. “peel, skin of fruit, fine bark (paper)”
ᴺS. !path- v. “to smooth”
ᴺS. !patha- v. “to reveal, show” [created by Elaran]
N. pathra- v. “to fill (intr.)”
N. pathred n. “fullness”
⚠️ᴱN. pathren adj. “fearful”
ᴺS. [N.] ^pathu n. “level space, sward” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. pathw n. “level place, sward”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pathu “level space, sward”
⚠️G. pau n. “a beard”; see instead:
S. fang “beard, ⚠️[G.] long beard”
S., N. paur n. “fist, closed hand”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pavra- v. “to ail, be ill” [created by Paul Strack]
N., ᴱN. paw n. “sickness, *illness, ailment”
ᴺS. !pe pron. “we (inclusive)” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !pech n. “nut” [created by Matt Dinse, Hjalmar Holm]
ᴺS. !pechof n. “squirrel” [created by Lokyt]
ᴺS. !pechol n. “hazel” [created by Hjalmar Holm]
⚠️G. pectha n. “plume”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pess² “feather”
⚠️G. pecthon n. “plume, feather”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pesson “plume, (great) feather”
S., N., ᴱN. ped- v. “to say, speak”
S. *pedh- v. “to incline, slope, ⚠️fall in steep slant”
S. *pedui adj. “*utterable, pronouncable, able to be spoken”
S. pedweg adj. “talkative, saying a lot”
N. peg n. “dot, small spot”
⚠️ᴺS. !pegof n. “squirrel” [created by Aleksandr Zapragajev]; see instead:
ᴺS. !pechof “squirrel”
⚠️N. peich n. “juice, syrup”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^paich “juice, syrup, *sap”
⚠️ᴱN. peidion n. “sayer, soothsayer”
⚠️G. †pel suf. “village, hamlet, -ham”; see instead:
S. gobel “(walled) village, town (enclosure); [N.] walled house, *manor”
S. #pel- v. “*to fade, wane”
S., N. #pêl n. “[N.] fenced field”
⚠️ᴺS. !pel- v. “to fence, enclose” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. pelu- “to fence, enclose”
S. #pel- “*to fade, wane”
ᴺS. !pela(h) prep. “along, (lit.) by the boundary of” [created by Luinyelle, Ellanto]
⚠️G. pelectha- v. “to hew”; see instead:
N. drava- “to hew”
⚠️ᴱN., G. peleg n. “axe”; see instead:
S. hathol “axe”
S. #peleth n. “waning, *fading”
⚠️N. pelhes n. “*pivot”; see instead:
N. pelthaes “pivot”
N. pelia- v. “to spread”
⚠️N. #pelin n. “*fading”; see instead:
S. #peleth “waning, *fading”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pell adj. “still, quiet, hushed” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
N. pelthaes n. “pivot”
ᴺS. [G.] pelu- v. “to fence, enclose”
ᴺS. !pemp n. “lip”
ᴺS. !pen pron. “us (inclusive)” [created by Elaran]
S. pen- v. “to have not”
S. pen¹ prep. and pref. “without, lacking, -less”
S., N. pen² pron. “one, somebody, anybody; ⚠️[N.] Elf”
S. penbed adj. “not pronouncable”
ᴺS. !pen-channas adj. “stupid, idiotic, *(lit.) lack-wit” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S., N. pend n. and adj. “slope, steep incline, hill side, [N.] declivity; [S.] sloping (down), steeply inclined”
⚠️N. pendrad n. “passage up or down slope, stairway”; see instead:
N. pendrath “passage up or down slope, stairway”
N. pendrath n. “passage up or down slope, stairway”
S., N. †penedh n. “Elf”
ᴺS. !penestel n. and adj. “hopelessness, despair, desperation; hopeless, despairing, desperate”
N. peng n. “bow (for shooting)”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pengas n. “archery”
S. pengolodh n. “teaching sage, doctor (of lore), *professor”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pengron n. “archer”
N. penia- v. “to fix, set”
ᴺS. !pen-ind adj. “insane, heartless, crazy” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. penna- v. “to come down (in a slant), fall”
N. pennas n. “history”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pennig n. “coin” [created by Roman Rausch]
⚠️N. penninar n. “full year (last day of year)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^penninor “full year (last day of year), *new year’s eve”
ᴺS. [N.] ^penninor n. “full year (last day of year), *new year’s eve” [vetted by HSD]
S. pennod adj. “without count”
S. pennoediad adj. “innumerable”
N. pent n. “tale, story”
S., N. #per- pref. “half”
⚠️ᴺS. !per- v. “to turn” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !perna- “to turn”
S., N. Perian n. “Halfling, Hobbit”
N. perin adj. “half”
ᴺS. !perna- v. “to turn” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. [G.] ^perol n. “jar” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !perthol n. “peninsula” [created by Gilruin]
ᴺS. !pesgannas n. “syntax, study of syntactical structures, (lit.) shapes of phrases” [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !pesgant n. “syntax, syntactical structure, (lit.) phrase-shape” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] pess¹ n. “saying, [G.] proverb”
ᴺS. !pess² n. “feather” [created by Hialmr, VQP]
N. pessa- v. “to affect, concern”
N. pesseg n. “pillow”
ᴺS. !pesson n. “plume, (great) feather” [created by Paul Strack]
S., N., ᴱN. peth n. “word”
ᴺS. !pethas n. “sentence, phrase” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !pethgannas n. “morphology, (lit.) shapes of words” [created by Ellanto, Luinyelle]
ᴺS. !pethgant n. “surface representation (of a word), (lit.) word-shape” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️ᴱN. pethil n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. !pethlongannas n. “morphophonology” [created by Ellanto]
S., N. pethron n. “speaker, reciter, [N.] narrator, minstrel”
ᴺS. !pi adv. “if” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. n. “anything very small, a bit, mote”; see instead:
N. peg “dot, small spot”
ᴺS. [G.] pibin n. “small berry, haw”
⚠️G. pibinaith(ros) n. “hawthorn”
N. pichen adj. “juicy, *oozing”
⚠️G. pictha- v. “to make urine”; see instead:
ᴺS. !saera- “to urinate”
⚠️G. piectha- v. “to pin, prick”
⚠️G. pieg n. “pin”; see instead:
S. tachol “brooch, clasp, pin”
ᴺS. !píeg n. “mosquito” [created by Hialmr]
N. pigen adj. “tiny”
⚠️G. pigla- v. “to make urine”; see instead:
ᴺS. !saera- “to urinate”
⚠️G. piglin n. “urine”; see instead:
ᴺS. !saerlin “urine”
⚠️G. pigwa adj. “bitter”; see instead:
N. saer “bitter”
⚠️G. pigwed adj. “bitter”; see instead:
N. saer “bitter”
ᴺS. !pil- v. “to steal, rob, thieve” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !pîl n. “robber, thief” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. piligwathil n. “feathering of an arrow”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pilimbes “arrow feathering”
ᴺS. !pilimbes n. “arrow feathering”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pilin(d) n. “arrow, [G.] dart” [created by David Salo]
⚠️G. pilingwathil n. “feathering of an arrow”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pilimbes “arrow feathering”
ᴺS. !pilinoth n. “arrow of war, arrow sent as a summons to war”
ᴺS. !pillor n. “bat (animal)”
⚠️G. pilon n. “arrow, dart”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pilin(d) “arrow, [G.] dart”
ᴺS. !pilu n. “stealing, robbery, theft” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. pim n. “bead, any small round thing, seed”; see instead:
N. eredh “seed, germ”
⚠️ᴺS. !pim n. “tail” [created by Jenna Carpenter]; see instead:
ᴺS. !pimp “tail”
ᴺS. !pimp n. “tail” [created by Paul Strack]
S. #pîn adj. “little”
ᴺS. !pîn pron. “our (inclusive)” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. pinaithros n. “hawthorn” see G. pibinaith(ros)
S. pind n. “crest, ridge”
⚠️G. pinig adj. “tiny, little”; see instead:
N. pigen “tiny”
S. #pîn “little”
⚠️G. piog n. “berry”; see instead:
ᴺS. pibin “small berry, haw”
ᴺS. dod “berry”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pir- v. “to stir, stir round, make spin”
ᴺS. [G.] ^pîr n. “cream”
ᴺS. !piren adj. “spun, rounded, cylindrical” [created by Paul Strack]
S. pirin n. “flower that opened and shut quickly with any change of light”
ᴺS. [G.] ^piruin n. “spinning wheel”
⚠️ᴱN. pis- v. “to whisper”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhossa- “to whisper, rustle”
ᴺS. !pista- v. “to suppose” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !pítha- v. “to shoot” [created by Paul Strack]
S. plad n. “palm, flat of the hand”
S. plada- v. “to feel with the hand, stroke”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. plador n. “[G.] oar; ⚠️[ᴱN.] surf, land’s edge”
⚠️ᴱN., G. plados n. “surf, land’s edge”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
ᴺS. plador “[G.] oar; ⚠️[ᴱN.] surf, land’s edge”
ᴺS. [G.] ^plant adj. “flat, open, expansive; candid, blunt (of words)”
⚠️G. pleg n. “hedge-stake, stake”; see instead:
S. ceber “stake, spike; ⚠️[N.] ?limestone, -rock”
⚠️G. pless n. “hedge, fence”; see instead:
S. cai “hedge”
⚠️ᴺS. !plinn n. “arrow” [created by Roman Rausch]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pilin(d) “arrow, [G.] dart”
N. pôd n. “animal’s foot”
⚠️G. podod n. “potato”
⚠️G. podra- v. “to turn round, turn back, retrace” see G. ponta-
N. †poen n. “small gull, petrel”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pog- v. “futuere, *to copulate, have sex” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !pôg n. “bag” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^pogron n. “fututor, *one who copulates”
⚠️ᴱN. poi n. “aft (on a ship)”
⚠️ᴱN. poiant n. “stern”
ᴺS. !pol- v. “can, to be (physically) able to” [created by Unknown]
⚠️G. polc adj. “thick, fat”; see instead:
N. tûg “thick, fat”
ᴺS. !polch n. “trunk, torso”
ᴺS. !poll n. “ram” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
⚠️G. polm n. “strength (physical)”; see instead:
N. bellas “bodily strength”
⚠️G. polmog adj. “strong (physically)”; see instead:
N. belt “strong in body”
ᴺS. [G.] polodh n. “power, might, authority”
ᴺS. [G.] ^polodhren adj. “mighty, *powerful (politically)”
⚠️G. polodrin adj. “mighty”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^polodhren “mighty, *powerful (politically)”
ᴺS. !poltha- v. “to (physically) enable” [created by Steve - Ríon]
⚠️G. polwed adj. “strong (physically)”; see instead:
N. belt “strong in body”
⚠️G. polwin n. “strength (physical)”; see instead:
N. bellas “bodily strength”
⚠️G. pont n. “the back, reverse or far side”
⚠️G. ponta- v. “to turn round, turn back, retrace”
N. porannin ? see N. porennin
⚠️N. porennin ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] ^porochuil n. “hen”
ᴺS. [G.] porog n. “fowl (domestic), *chicken”
ᴺS. [G.] porogog n. “the clucking and noise of fowls”
⚠️G. porogwil n. “hen”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^porochuil “hen”
N. post n. “pause, halt, rest, cessation, respite”
ᴺS. !posta- v. “to stop, cease, leave off, ⚠️rest”
ᴺS. !postad n. “stopping, cessation, leaving off”
ᴺS. [G.] ^potha- v. “to tremble, quiver”
⚠️G. praust n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. !press n. “trouble, disturbance” [created by Ellanto]
N. presta- v. “to affect, trouble, disturb”
N. prestannen adj. “affected (of vowels), mutated”
N. prestanneth n. “affection (of vowels), mutation”
⚠️G. pridu- v. “to decide”
⚠️G. pridwen n. “judgment”
⚠️G. pridwir n. “judge”
⚠️G. prind n. “distinction”
⚠️ᴺS. !prôg n. “fowl, hen” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]; see instead:
ᴺS. porog “fowl (domestic), *chicken”
⚠️G. prog n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] pruin n. “charcoal”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^puch n. “cunnus, vagina” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. pui n. “child”; see instead:
S. hên “child”
N. puia- v. “to spit”
⚠️G. puibra- v. “to wash, cleanse, soap”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puida- “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify”
⚠️G. puictha- v. “to clean, wipe out; to condone, do away with, pardon, forgive”; see instead:
S. #díhena- “*to forgive”
ᴺS. [G.] ^puida- v. “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !puidad n. “(act of) cleaning, cleansing”
ᴺS. !puidh n. “wash, cleaning”
⚠️G. puidra- v. “to wash, cleanse, soap”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puida- “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify”
N., ᴱN., G. puig adj. “clean, tidy, neat”
⚠️ᴺS. !puiga- v. “to clean, wash” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^puida- “to clean, tidy, cleanse, ⚠️purify”
⚠️G. puim n. “soap”; see instead:
N. glûdh “soap”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^puith n. “coitus, *sex” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^puitha- v. “*to have sex (with)” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. puthli n. “baby”; see instead:
S. gwinig “little-one, baby”
⚠️G. quing n. “bow”; see instead:
N. peng “bow (for shooting)”
⚠️G. -r¹ suf. “plural in verbs”
⚠️G. -r² suf. “dative suffix” see G. -i
⚠️S. -ra suf. “many Sindarin adverbs end in [this]”
⚠️G. † n. “arm, strength”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ranc “arm”
⚠️G. #-ra¹ suf. “adjective suffix”
⚠️G. #-ra² suf. “verb suffix”
⚠️G. rab- v. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. !rach n. “danger” [created by Elaran]
⚠️S. #rach n. “wain”; see instead:
S. rasg “wain, *wagon”
⚠️ᴺS. !rachas n. “danger” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺS. !rach “danger”
⚠️ᴺS. !rachathren adj. “dangerous” [created by Sami Paldanius]; see instead:
ᴺS. !rachui “dangerous”
ᴺS. !rachui adj. “dangerous” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. ractha- v. “to shatter”; see instead:
ᴺS. rag- “to break (asunder), burst”
⚠️G. ractha n. “breach”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeth² “breach, *burst”
S., N. #râd n. “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
⚠️G. rada n. “track, path, way”; see instead:
S. #râd “path, pass, [N.] track, [G.] way”
N. rada- v. “to make a way, find a way”
ᴺS. !radh- v. “to return (intransitive)” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rae n. “smile” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. [G.] ^raeb adj. “scored, striped”
ᴺS. [G.] ^raebroch n. “zebra”
S. raeda- v. “to catch in a net”
ᴺS. !raeda- v. “to smile” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. raef n. “net” see S. raew
ᴺS. [N.] ^raeg adj. “wrong, [G.] awry, twisted, distorted, perverse, leering (of face)” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️ᴺS. !raegdan n. “sinner” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
ᴺS. !rhugaron “sinner”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^raen adj. “crooked” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
ᴺS. rhaen “crooked”
S. raen¹ adj. “netted, enlaced”
S. raen² adj. “smiling, gracious, sweet-faced”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^raeth¹ n. “extent, reach, scope; ⚠️region, sphere, district”
ᴺS. [G.] ^raeth² n. “breach, *burst”
ᴺS. [G.] ^raetha- v. “to reach at, reach for; to reach, extend (intr.)”
ᴺS. [N.] ^raew n. “fathom” [vetted by HSD]
S. raew n. “net”
ᴺS. [G.] rag- v. “to break (asunder), burst”
ᴺS. !ragui adj. “fragile, breakable” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. raib adj. “scored, striped”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeb “scored, striped”
⚠️G. raibrog n. “zebra”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raebroch “zebra”
⚠️G. raibros n. “(female) zebra”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raebroch “zebra”
⚠️G. raig adj. “awry, twisted, distorted, perverse, wrong, leering (of face)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeg “wrong, [G.] awry, twisted, distorted, perverse, leering (of face)”
⚠️G. raim n. “edge, border-line”
⚠️G. rain n. “anniversary, year complete”
S. rain n. “erratic wandering”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rain¹ n. “border” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rain² adj. “free, *unconstrained”
⚠️G. raina- v. “to return”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dammen- “to return, go back”
⚠️G. raith n. “extent, reach; region, sphere, district; scope”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeth¹ “extent, reach, scope; ⚠️region, sphere, district”
⚠️G. raitha- v. “to reach at, reach for; to reach, extend (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raetha- “to reach at, reach for; to reach, extend (intr.)”
S. raitha- v. “to try, strive” see S. ritha-
⚠️G. rala- v. “to sing, carol, trill”; see instead:
S. linna- “to sing, chant”
S. ram n. “wall”
⚠️G. ram n. “wing, pinion”; see instead:
S. raw “wing”
S., N. rammas n. “great wall”
⚠️ᴱN., G. rán n. “moon”; see instead:
S. #Raun “Moon”
ᴺS. [N.] ^ranc n. “arm” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. ranc n. “burst, breach”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeth² “breach, *burst”
ᴺS. ^ranc “arm”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rand n. “cycle”
S. randir n. “wanderer, wandering man, pilgrim”
ᴺS. !randis n. “wanderer (f.)” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ranoth n. “month”
S., N. rant n. “course, water-channel; lode, [N.] vein”
⚠️G. rantha n. “arch, bridge”; see instead:
S. iant “bridge”
S. #raph n. “rope, strap”
ᴺS. !raph- v. “to snatch, seize, steal” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. ras- v. “to scorch, toast”
⚠️G. rasc n. “toast(ed bread)”
S. rasg n. “wain, *wagon”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^rasg n. “horn” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. ras(s) “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
S. rasg “wain, *wagon”
S. ras(s) n. “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
S. ras(t) n. “cape, shore”
⚠️G. rath n. “the full arm, the extent of one’s arm, one’s reach; a measure = 2 feet”
S., N. rath n. “street, track; ⚠️[N.] course, river-bed”
⚠️G. rau n. “lion”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raw² “lion”
S. raud¹ adj. “noble, eminent; lofty, high, tall; excellent”
⚠️S. #raud² n. “metal”; see instead:
N. tinc “metal”
ᴺS. [N.] ^raudh adj. “hollow, cavernous” [vetted by HSD]
S. raug n. “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
⚠️G. raug adj. “swift, rushing”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lagor “swift, rapid”
N. alag “rushing, impetuous”
S. raug “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
S. #Raun n. “Moon”
ᴺS. [N.] ^raun adj. “errant” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. raust n. “hunt, chase”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rui “hunt, hunting, *chase”
⚠️G. rausta- v. “to hunt, chase, pursue (only in actual sense of following game)”; see instead:
N. fara- “to hunt”
ᴺS. !ruida- “to pursue, chase”
⚠️G. rautha- v. “hunt, chase, pursue”; see instead:
N. fara- “to hunt”
ᴺS. !ruida- “to pursue, chase”
S. ravaed adj. “skillful” see S. rovaed
ᴺS. [N.] ^ravn n. “wing (horn), extended point at side”
S. raw n. “wing”
ᴺS. [N.] ^raw¹ n. “bank (especially of a river)” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^raw² n. “lion” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !red- v. “to climb” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
ᴺS. [N.] ^redh- v. “to sow” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !redhia- v. “*to return (transitive)” [created by Shihali]
ᴺS. [G.] redhin adj. “related”
ᴺS. !redhor n. “farmer” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. redhos n. “land”
⚠️G. †redhweg n. “cousin [m.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. rend² “male cousin, relative”
⚠️G. †redhwin n. “cousin [f.]”; see instead:
ᴺS. ress¹ “female cousin, relative”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^regil n. “mare”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rein n. “slot, spoor, track, footprint” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !reitha- v. “to rescue, save (from ruin, peril, loss)” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. reitha- v. “to try, strive” see S. ritha-
ᴺS. !reithron n. “rescuer, saviour”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rem adj. “frequent, numerous” [vetted by HSD]
S. rem n. “mesh, net (for catching)”
S. remmen adj. “meshed, netted, woven, (en)tangled”
S., N. #-ren suf. “adjective suffix”
ᴺS. !ren- v. “to remember” [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rend¹ adj. “circular” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] rend² n. “male cousin, relative”
ᴺS. [N.] ^renia-¹ v. “to stray, wander” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [N.] ^renia-² v. “to sail, fly” [created by David Salo]
ᴺS. !renna- v. “to remind” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !rennas n. “kinship, relation”
⚠️G. renni n. “family”; see instead:
ᴺS. gwaren “[nuclear] family”
ᴺS. [G.] ress¹ n. “female cousin, relative”
ᴺS. !ress² adj. “cleft, cloven, separate”
S. #rest n. “[N.] cut”
⚠️G. rest¹ n. “aid, support, help”; see instead:
ᴺS. grest “aid, support, help, succour, ⚠️salvation”
⚠️G. †rest² n. “kinship”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rennas “kinship, relation”
⚠️G. resta- v. “to support, to aid”; see instead:
ᴺS. gresta- “to aid, help, succour, support”
⚠️G. restu adj. “out of land, abroad, away from home”; see instead:
S. palan “afar, abroad, far and wide”
S. reth n. “*climber”
ᴺS. *reth n. “endurance” [created by Vyacheslav Stepanov]
S. reth- v. “to remain in same place”
⚠️G. reth- v. “to save, rescue, preserve”; see instead:
ᴺS. !reitha- “to rescue, save (from ruin, peril, loss)”
S. reth- “to remain in same place”
⚠️ᴺS. ^revia- v. “to fly, sail” [created by Didier Willis]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^renia-² “to sail, fly”
⚠️N. rewinion n. “of the hunters”; see instead:
S. faroth “*hunting”
N. #faron “hunter”
S. #rhach n. “curse”
⚠️ᴱN. rhach n. “carnage, slaughter”; see instead:
S. #rhach “curse”
ᴺS. ^dagras “slaughter”
⚠️S. rhae adj. “easy”; see instead:
S. athgar “easy (easy to do)”
S. rhanc “awkward, hard”
S. rhaed n. “peculiar hue, (special) fashion”
ᴺS. [N.] rhaen adj. “crooked”
⚠️N. rhaew n. “fathom”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raew “fathom”
⚠️N. rhafn n. “wing (horn), extended point at side”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ravn “wing (horn), extended point at side”
⚠️ᴱN. rhaid n. “a rush(ing)”
⚠️ᴱN. rhaid- v. “to rush, hustle”
⚠️N. rhain¹ n. “border”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rain¹ “border”
⚠️N. rhain² adj. “free”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rain² “free, *unconstrained”
⚠️ᴱN. rhaith n. “[G.] extent, reach; region, sphere, district; scope”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeth¹ “extent, reach, scope; ⚠️region, sphere, district”
⚠️N. rham n. “wall”; see instead:
S. ram “wall”
⚠️N. Rhân n. “Moon”; see instead:
S. #Raun “Moon”
⚠️ᴱN. rhanc n. “corpse, body of one slain in battle”; see instead:
N. daen “corpse”
⚠️N. rhanc n. “arm”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ranc “arm”
S. rhanc adj. “awkward, hard”
⚠️N. #rhand n. “cycle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rand “cycle”
⚠️N. rhandir n. “wanderer, pilgrim”; see instead:
S. randir “wanderer, wandering man, pilgrim”
⚠️ᴱN. rhang- v. “to slay in battle”; see instead:
S. #dag- “to slay, [ᴱN.] kill”
⚠️ᴱN. rhangos n. “slaughter”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dagras “slaughter”
⚠️N. rhas n. “horn [of both animals and mountains]”; see instead:
S. ras(s) “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
⚠️N. rhasg n. “horn”; see instead:
S. ras(s) “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
N. rhass n. “precipice”
⚠️N. rhaud n. “metal”; see instead:
N. tinc “metal”
⚠️N. rhaudh adj. “hollow, cavernous”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raudh “hollow, cavernous”
⚠️N. rhaug n. “demon”; see instead:
S. raug “demon, powerful hostile and terrible creature”
⚠️N. rhaun adj. “errant”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raun “errant”
S., N. rhaw¹ adj. and n. “wild (beast), [N.] untamed”
⚠️N. rhaw² n. “bank (especially of a river)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raw¹ “bank (especially of a river)”
S. rhaw² n. “flesh, ⚠️body”
⚠️N. rhaw³ n. “lion”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raw² “lion”
⚠️N. #rhedh- v. “to sow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^redh- “to sow”
⚠️ᴱN. rheidiant adj. “set free”
⚠️N. rhein n. “slot, spoor, track, footprint”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rein “slot, spoor, track, footprint”
⚠️N. rhem adj. “frequent, numerous”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rem “frequent, numerous”
⚠️N. rhenia-¹ v. “to stray, wander”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^renia-¹ “to stray, wander”
⚠️N. rhenia-² v. “to fly, sail”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^renia-² “to sail, fly”
⚠️N. rhenn adj. “circular”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
⚠️N. rhess n. “ravine”; see instead:
S. riss “cleft, [N.] ravine; ⚠️cleft, cloven, separate”
S. cirith “cleft, ravine, defile, [N.] pass”
⚠️N. rhest n. “cut”; see instead:
S. #rest “[N.] cut”
⚠️N. rhî n. “crown”; see instead:
S. “wreath, garland; [N.] crown”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rhib- v. “to scratch” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. rhib- v. “to flow like a (?torrent)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rib- “to flow like a torrent”
S. rhîd n. “peculiar hue, (special) fashion” see S. rhaed
⚠️N. rhien n. “(crowned) lady”; see instead:
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
ᴺS. [N.] rhîf n. “brink, brim”
⚠️ᴱN. rhim n. “ring, circle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rind “circle”
⚠️N. rhim¹ n. “crowd, host”; see instead:
S. rim “host, great number, people (of one kind or origin), [N.] crowd”
⚠️N. rhim² n. “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rim “cold pool or lake (in mountains)”
⚠️N. rhimma- v. “to flow like a (?torrent)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rib- “to flow like a torrent”
⚠️N. rhîn adj. “crowned”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rîn “crowned”
⚠️N. rhinc n. “twitch, jerk, trick, sudden move”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rinc “twitch, jerk, sudden move”
⚠️N. rhing adj. “cold”; see instead:
S. ring “cold, chill, [G.] cool”
⚠️N. rhingorn n. “circle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ringorn “circle”
⚠️N. rhinn n. “circle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rind “circle”
⚠️N. rhîs n. “queen”; see instead:
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
⚠️N. rhis n. “ravine”; see instead:
S. riss “cleft, [N.] ravine; ⚠️cleft, cloven, separate”
S. cirith “cleft, ravine, defile, [N.] pass”
⚠️N. rhista- v. “to cut”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rista- “to cut; to rend, rip”
⚠️N. rhitha- v. “to jerk, twitch, snatch”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ritha- “to jerk, twitch, snatch”
S., N. rhîw n. “winter”
⚠️ᴱN. rhó- v. “to arise”; see instead:
N. eria- “to rise”
⚠️ᴱN. rhód n. “course, running; way, method”
⚠️N. rhoeg adj. “wrong”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raeg “wrong, [G.] awry, twisted, distorted, perverse, leering (of face)”
⚠️N. rhofal n. “pinion, great wing (of an eagle)”; see instead:
S. roval “winged; [N.] pinion, great wing (of an eagle)”
ᴺS. !rhofelf n. “body-feeling, [physical] sensation” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️ᴱN. rhôg n. “strength”
⚠️ᴱN. rhogrin adj. “doughty”
⚠️ᴱN. rhoidia- v. “to let go”
⚠️N. rhom n. “horn, trumpet”; see instead:
S. rom “horn, trumpet”
⚠️N. rhomru n. “sound of horns”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^romru “sound of horns”
S. rhond n. “body”
⚠️N. rhonn n. “roof, cave”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
S., N. #rhosc adj. “russet, [N.] brown”
⚠️ᴺS. ^rhosg adj. “russet, [N.] brown” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. #rhosc “russet, [N.] brown”
⚠️N. rhoss¹ n. “rain”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
⚠️N. †rhoss² n. “polished metal”; see instead:
S. ross² “red-haired, copper-coloured”
⚠️ᴱN. rhosta- v. “*to rise”; see instead:
N. eria- “to rise”
S., N. rhovan n. “wilderness; wild beast, large beast”
S. rhu- pref. “evil-”
⚠️N. †rhû n. “loud sound, trumpet-sound”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^† “loud sound, trumpet-sound”
S. rhû¹ n. and adj. “evil, wicked”
S. rhû² n. “matter”
⚠️ᴺS. !rhûd n. “dwelling underground, artifical cave, rockhewn hall, mine” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. groth “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling; [N.] cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”
S. rhudol adj. and n. “unwelcome, coming with evil omen or intent”
ᴺS. !rhufaug adj. “drunken”
⚠️N. †rhufen adj. “east”; see instead:
S. rhúnen “eastern”
S. rhugar n. “evil deed, *sin”
S. rhugarol adj. “wicked, doing evil”
ᴺS. !rhugaron n. “sinner”
⚠️N. rhuin n. “fire”; see instead:
S. ruin “red flame; fiery red”
⚠️N. rhui(w) n. “hunt, hunting”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rui “hunt, hunting, *chase”
S., N. rhûn n. “east, [N.] eastern; †rising”
S. rhúnen adj. “eastern”
⚠️N. rhŷn n. “chaser, hound of chase”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rŷn “chaser, hound of chase”
⚠️G. #-ri suf. “abstract noun”
⚠️G. n. “coolness, cool; a sudden breeze or cold breath”
S. n. “wreath, garland; [N.] crown”
S. #rían n. “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
ᴺS. [G.] rib n. “stripe, line; ⚠️shore; border, fringe”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rib- v. “to flow like a torrent” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. [G.] ribin adj. “striped, edged”
⚠️G. ribrog n. “zebra”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raebroch “zebra”
⚠️G. rictha- v. “to contort, twist, confuse, disarrange, upset”; see instead:
ᴺS. rig-¹ “to twist, contort; *to confuse, disarrange, upset”
S., N. rîdh n. “sown field, [N.] acre”
ᴺS. !rídhas n. “the country, countryside, farmland” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !rídhathren adj. “rustic, rural”
S. -riel suf. “crowned maiden”
S. #rîf n. “bark”
⚠️G. rig n. “a snarl, a sneer”
ᴺS. [G.] rig-¹ v. “to twist, contort; *to confuse, disarrange, upset”
⚠️ᴺS. !rig-² v. “to try, strive” [created by Paul Strack]; see instead:
S. ritha- “to try, strive”
N., G. -(r)il suf. “feminine agent”
S., N., G. -rim suf. “collective or group plural”
S. rim n. “host, great number, people (of one kind or origin), [N.] crowd”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rim n. “cold pool or lake (in mountains)” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. rim¹ n. “stripe, line; border, fringe”
⚠️G. rim² n. and adj. “peace, quietness, calm; quiet, calm, peaceful”
⚠️G. rimin¹ adj. “striped, edged”
⚠️G. rimin² adj. “quiet, calm, peaceful”
ᴺS. [G.] rimp n. “shred, slice, sliver”
⚠️G. #-(r)in suf. “adjective suffix”; see instead:
S. #-ren “adjective suffix”
⚠️N. #-rin suf. “adjective suffix”; see instead:
S. #-ren “adjective suffix”
ᴺS. [G.] rin- v. “to revolve, ⚠️return, come back; to do again”
S. rîn n. “remembrance”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rîn adj. “crowned” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !rínada- v. “to crown, coronate” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rinc n. “twitch, jerk, sudden move” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. rinc adj. and n. “circular; disc, rondure”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rend¹ “circular”
ᴺS. ^rind “circle”
ᴺS. ^rinc “twitch, jerk, sudden move”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rind n. “circle” [vetted by HSD]
S., G. ring adj. “cold, chill, [G.] cool”
ᴺS. [N.] ^ringorn n. “circle” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. rinta- v. “*to return”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^dammen- “to return, go back”
⚠️G. #-r(i)ol suf. “adjective suffix”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^rîs n. “queen” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
S. riss n. “cleft, [N.] ravine; ⚠️cleft, cloven, separate”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rista- v. “to cut; to rend, rip” [vetted by HSD]
ᴺS. !rîth n. “effort, endeavour” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. ^rítha- v. “to try, strive” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
S. ritha- “to try, strive”
ᴺS. !ritha- v. “to jerk, twitch, snatch” [vetted by HSD]
S. ritha- v. “to try, strive”
⚠️ᴺS. ^rîw n. “brink, brim” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
ᴺS. rhîf “brink, brim”
S. ro- pref. “*superlative”
⚠️G. rô- v. “to remain, stay, stand; to endure”; see instead:
N. dartha- “to wait, stay, remain, last, endure”
⚠️G. rô¹ adj. “enduring, long suffering; quiet, gentle, docile”; see instead:
ᴺS. !andrethui “patient, long suffering”
ᴺS. muig² “soft, gentle”
⚠️G. rô² n. “[unglossed]”
S., N. roch n. “horse”
S. rochben n. “rider”
S. rochir n. “knight, horse-lord”
S. rochon n. “rider”
⚠️ᴱN. -rod suf. “abstract nom[inals]”
ᴺS. [G.] rod n. “tube, stem, *pipe”
S. rodel n. “lady, high lady”
ᴺS. [G.] ^rodol n. “little pipe (especially musical)”
S. Rodon n. “Vala”
⚠️G. rodos n. “cavern”; see instead:
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
S. rond “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
⚠️G. rodrin adj. “cylindrical”
S. Rodyn n. “alternate name of the last day of the Eldarin six-day week”
⚠️G. rôg adj. “doughty, strong”
⚠️G. rogli n. “little pipe (especially musical)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rodol “little pipe (especially musical)”
ᴺS. !rogol n. “saddle” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
S. rohir n. “knight” see S. rochir
⚠️G. rôl n. “a song”
S. rom n. “horn, trumpet”
⚠️G. rôma n. “shoulder”
⚠️N. romloth n. “pipeweed”; see instead:
S. galenas “pipeweed, nicotiana, *tobacco”
ᴺS. [N.] ^romru n. “sound of horns” [vetted by HSD]
S., N., G. #-(r)on suf. “agental suffix”
ᴺS. [G.] rôn n. “liver”
⚠️S. ron adj. “smoothed by polishing”; see instead:
ᴺS. !rûn “polished, burnished, smoothed by polishing”
⚠️G. rôn¹ n. “embrace, clasp”
S., N. rond n. “(vaulted or arched) roof; vaulted chamber or cavern; heavens [as a roof of the world]”
ᴺS. !rong adv. “soon” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !ronga- v. “to hasten” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. ront adj. “high, steep”; see instead:
N. baradh “steep”
⚠️G. rôs¹ n. “embrace” see G. rôn¹
⚠️G. rôs² n. “endurance, meekness, patience, gentleness”; see instead:
S. andreth “long-suffering, patience”
⚠️ᴺS. !rosg n. “fox” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
S. rusc “fox”
⚠️G. ross n. “pipe”; see instead:
ᴺS. rod “tube, stem, *pipe”
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^†ross n. “polished metal” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. ross² “red-haired, copper-coloured”
S. ross¹ n. “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
S. ross² adj. “red-haired, copper-coloured”
⚠️G. rost n. “slope, hill side, ascent”; see instead:
S. pend “slope, steep incline, hill side, [N.] declivity; [S.] sloping (down), steeply inclined”
S. #rost “rainy”
S. #rost adj. “rainy”
⚠️G. rosta n. “ascent, uprising, rising”
N. rosta- v. “to hollow out, excavate”
ᴺS. !rostaur n. “rainforest” [created by Elaran]
⚠️N., G. roth n. “cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”; see instead:
S. groth “large excavation, delving, underground dwelling; [N.] cave, tunnel, [G.] grot”
⚠️G. rôtha- n. “embrace”
⚠️G. rothrin adj. “hollow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raudh “hollow, cavernous”
ᴺS. !rothron n. “polisher”
ᴺS. [G.] rov- v. “to tear”
S. rovaed adj. “[most] skillful”
S. roval adj. and n. “winged; [N.] pinion, great wing (of an eagle)”
ᴺS. [N.] ^† n. “loud sound, trumpet-sound” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. rû¹ n. “dwelling, house”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
⚠️G. †rû² n. “mystery” see G. rûm
S. rûdh n. “bald”
⚠️G. rûdin adj. “hollow, cavernous”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raudh “hollow, cavernous”
ᴺS. [N.] ^rui n. “hunt, hunting, *chase” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. rui n. “whisper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhoss “whispering or rustling sound”
ᴺS. ^rui “hunt, hunting, *chase”
ᴺS. !ruida- v. “to pursue, chase”
⚠️G. ruim adj. “secret, mysterious”
S. ruin n. and adj. “red flame; fiery red”
⚠️G. ruin adj. “inhabited, tilled”; see instead:
ᴺS. baron “tilled, inhabited”
S. ruin “red flame; fiery red”
S. ruist n. “fireplace, hearth”
⚠️G. ruitha- v. “to whisper, rustle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lhossa- “to whisper, rustle”
⚠️G. rum n. “noise”; see instead:
S. lhôn “noise; *phone (in linguistics), speech sound”
⚠️G. rûm n. “secret, mystery”
⚠️G. rumla- v. “to make a noise”; see instead:
ᴺS. !lenia- “to sound, make a noise”
⚠️S. rûn n. “east”; see instead:
S. rhûn “east, [N.] eastern; †rising”
ᴺS. !run- v. “to rub, grind”
ᴺS. !rûn adj. “polished, burnished, smoothed by polishing”
ᴺS. !runna- v. “to polish, burnish”
⚠️G. rûs n. “endurance, long suffering, patience”; see instead:
S. andreth “long-suffering, patience”
S. rusc n. “fox”
⚠️G. rusg n. “oatcake”
S. rust n. “copper”
⚠️G. rust n. “inhabitation; cultivation, tillage”
S. rustui adj. “copper, *of copper, like copper”
S. rûth n. “wrath, anger”
⚠️G. rûtha- v. “to dwell, remain”; see instead:
S. reth- “to remain in same place”
N. dortha- “to dwell, stay, [G.] settle”
⚠️G. ruthla adj. “oaten”
⚠️G. ruthli n. “oats”
S. ruthra- v. “to rage”
ᴺS. !rúthui adj. “angry, wrathful” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. [N.] ^rŷn n. “chaser, hound of chase” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. n. “fire”; see instead:
S. naur “fire, ⚠️[N.] flame”
ᴺS. !sa¹ pron. “that” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !sa² prep. and adv. “beside, alongside, next (to)” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !sab- v. “to dig” [created by Paul Strack]
S. #sabar n. “delving”
⚠️G. sabli n. “spade, shovel”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^samp “spade, shovel”
⚠️G. sachwen n. “summer, midsummer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
⚠️G. sactha- v. “to fight”; see instead:
N. maetha- “to fight”
S., N. sad n. “place, spot”
⚠️G. sad- v. “to reck, care, value, esteem, show respect for, consider”
⚠️G. sâd n. “riches, wealth”; see instead:
S. maelig “wealth, abundance”
⚠️S. sadar n. “trusty follower, loyal companion”; see instead:
S. sadron “trusty follower, loyal companion”
S. sâdh n. “sward, turf”
S. sador adj. “steadfast, trusty, loyal”
S. sadron n. “trusty follower, loyal companion”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^saeb¹ adj. “hungry” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] ^saeb² n. “boot”
ᴺS. !saeda- v. “to teach, *train, (lit.) make wise” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^saeg n. “hunger” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !saegon n. “famine, (great) hunger” [created by Paul Strack]
S. #sael adj. “wise”
ᴺS. !saelas n. “wisdom” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !saelor n. “advisor” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
N. saer adj. “bitter”
ᴺS. !saera- v. “to urinate” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !saerlin n. “urine” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^saetha- v. “to cause hunger” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️N. saew n. “poison”; see instead:
S. lhoew “poison(ous substance)”
⚠️G. safwen n. “summer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
⚠️ᴱN. sag- v. “to fight”; see instead:
N. maetha- “to fight”
⚠️G. sagruin adj. “ferocious; full of hate towards”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
⚠️G. sagruith n. “hatred; revenge”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tevas “hatred”
S. acharn “vengeance, (an act of) revenge”
ᴺS. !sai pron. “those” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. saib n. “boot”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saeb² “boot”
⚠️G. saichwed adj. “fiery, fierce”; see instead:
N. bara “fiery, eager”
⚠️G. saictha- v. “to have hunger”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saetha- “to cause hunger”
S. said adj. “private, separate, not common, excluded”
⚠️G. saidhon n. “noon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nedhor “mid-day, noon”
⚠️G. saig adj. “hungry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saeb¹ “hungry”
⚠️G. saigri n. “hunger (great), famine”; see instead:
ᴺS. !saegon “famine, (great) hunger”
⚠️N. #sail adj. “wise”; see instead:
S. #sael “wise”
ᴺS. [N.] ^sain adj. “new” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. sair adj. “hot”; see instead:
S. born¹ “hot, red”
⚠️ᴱN. sair adj. “aged, ancient”
⚠️G. sairin adj. “fiery, fierce”; see instead:
N. bara “fiery, eager”
⚠️ᴱN. sairos n. “great age”
⚠️ᴱN. sairothwen n. “antiquity”
⚠️ᴱN. sairweg n. “old man, sage”
⚠️ᴱN. sairweigian n. “proverbial wisdom, sage saying”
⚠️G. saith n. “hunger”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saeg “hunger”
⚠️G. saitha- v. “to have hunger”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^saetha- “to cause hunger”
⚠️G. saiwen n. “summer, midsummer”; see instead:
S. laer¹ “summer”
N. salab n. “herb”
⚠️G. salc n. “green cut grass, ensilage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^salch “green cut grass, ensilage”
⚠️G. salca- v. “to scythe or mow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^salcha- “to scythe or mow”
ᴺS. [G.] ^salch n. “green cut grass, ensilage”
ᴺS. [G.] ^salcha- v. “to scythe or mow”
⚠️G. salf n. “bowl, basin”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tolph “bowl, basin”
ᴺS. ^salph “broth”
⚠️N. salff n. “broth”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^salph “broth”
⚠️G. salfinc n. “spoon”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tolpheg “spoon”
ᴺS. [N.] ^salph n. “broth” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. salta n. “a game”
⚠️G. saltha- v. “play”
⚠️G. salum n. “*harp”
⚠️G. sam adj. “arranged, settled, done”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pannen “arranged, settled, done”
S. #sam n. “chamber, [G.] room”
⚠️G. sam- v. “to arrange, put together, adjust, settle, reconcile”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
⚠️G. samin adj. “arranged, settled, done”; see instead:
ᴺS. !pannen “arranged, settled, done”
S. sammar n. “*neighbor”
ᴺS. [G.] ^samp n. “spade, shovel”
⚠️G. samri n. “arrangement”; see instead:
ᴺS. pan “arrangement, settlement, *grouping; ⚠️place, spot”
⚠️G. samtha- v. “to settle a matter legally”
S. #san pron. “that”
⚠️G. sana- v. “can; to know how to; to have knowledge, craft or skill”; see instead:
N. ista- “to have knowledge, [G.] know, ⚠️be aware, perceive, feel”
⚠️G. sanc n. “jag, tooth”; see instead:
S. carch “fang, ⚠️[N.] tooth”
S. sant n. “garden, field, yard”
⚠️G. santha- v. “to show, declare, point out, make known or clear”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tana- “to show, indicate, point out”
⚠️G. santhi n. “knowledge, experience (in) or skill (in)”; see instead:
N. ist “lore, knowledge; ⚠️[G.] feeling, sensation; notion”
⚠️G. saptha- v. “to dig, bite into”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sab- “to dig”
⚠️G. sara- v. “ait”
S. sarch n. “grave”
⚠️G. sard n. “table”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^sardh “table”
ᴺS. [G.] ^sardh n. “table”
S., N., ᴱN., G. sarn n. and adj. “(small) stone, pebble, gem; stony (place); ⚠️[N.] stone as a material”
N. sarnas n. “cairn”
ᴺS. !sarneg n. “pebble”
⚠️G. sarofarn n. “the seashore”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. saros n. “surf, sea”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. saroth n. “sea”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. sarothod n. “voyager, seafarer, (lit.) foreigner from overseas”
⚠️G. sarothwad n. “voyager, seafarer, (lit.) foreigner from overseas” see G. sarothod
ᴺS. !sarth n. “note, jot, scribbling” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !sasta- v. “to put, place” [created by Tamas Ferencz]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^pan- “to arrange, order, settle; to set, put, place; to write a book”
ᴺS. !sath n. “part” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. sath num. card. “ten”
⚠️G. saul n. “great wind”; see instead:
S. sûl “[strong] wind, *gust”
⚠️G. saur n. “hound, wild dog”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^huar “wild dog”
S. saur adj. “bad (of food), putrid”
⚠️G. sauth n. “a hole, tunnel”; see instead:
N. dath “hole, pit; steep fall, abyss”
S. fela “mine, boring, tunnel, underground dwelling; ⚠️minor excavations, den; [N.] cave”
N. sautha- v. “to drain”
ᴺS. !sav- v. “to believe in, accept as fact” [created by Fiona Jallings]
S. #sav- v. “to have”
S. saw n. “filth, putrescence”
N. saw n. “juice”
⚠️ᴱN. scarn ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. !se pron. “this” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. sectha n. and adj. “centre”; see instead:
S. enedh “centre, middle; [N.] core”
⚠️G. sectha- v. “to aim at”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^meitha- “to aim at, *have as a goal; ⚠️to intend, mean”
⚠️G. secthadron adj. “midmost”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^enaidh “central, middle”
ᴺS. !sedh- v. “to rest” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. seg n. “point, middle point”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nepheg “mid-point, (lit.) mid-spot”
⚠️ᴱN. segeth n. “sword”
⚠️G. segrin adj. “middle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^enaidh “central, middle”
⚠️G. segron adj. “midmost”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^enaidh “central, middle”
S. seidia- v. “to set aside, appropriate to a special purpose or owner”
⚠️N. sein adj. “new”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^sain “new”
⚠️ᴺS. !sein adj. “usual” [created by Fayanzār]; see instead:
ᴺS. !senu “usual, *ordinary, common”
S., N. sell n. “daughter; [N.] †girl, maid”
⚠️ᴺS. !semp n. “flute, pipe, whistle” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
ᴺS. thibin “flute”
⚠️G. sempios n. “holly, (lit.) *red-berry”; see instead:
S. ereg “holly, [N.] holly-tree, ⚠️[S.] thorn”
S. sen pron. “this”
⚠️G. sen adj. “brown-red, russet”; see instead:
S. #rhosc “russet, [N.] brown”
ᴺS. !senc adj. and n. “mineral-like, flinty; flint” [created by Paul Strack]
S. #send n. “?rest”
S. sennas n. “guesthouse”
S. sennui adv. “?rather, instead”
⚠️G. sentha adj. “russet”; see instead:
S. #rhosc “russet, [N.] brown”
ᴺS. !senu adj. “usual, *ordinary, common” [created by Paul Strack]
S. sereg n. “blood”
S. seregon n. “stonecrop, plant with red flowers, (lit.) blood of stone”
S. serni n. “shingle, pebble bank”
S. seron n. “lover”
ᴺS. !sesta- v. “to set, (lit.) to make rest (on)”
⚠️N. seth adj. “first, forth”; see instead:
S. minui “first”
⚠️G. seth adj. “dry”; see instead:
N. parch “dry”
⚠️G. sethra- v. “dry up”; see instead:
ᴺS. thista- “to dry up”
S., G. adv. “here, in this place (of speaker)”
ᴺS. ! adv. “yet, hither(to), hereto” [created by Röandil, Elaran]
⚠️G. sî¹ n. “bead, small gem or pearl”
ᴺS. [G.] sibra- v. “to whimper, ⚠️weep”
N. sîdh n. “peace”
ᴺS. !sídheb adj. “peaceful, full of peace”
ᴺS. [G.] siel n. “granddaughter”
S. sigil n. “necklace”
N. sigil n. “dagger, knife”
⚠️G. sigweth n. “lamentation, weeping”; see instead:
S. nirnaeth “tears, [N.] lamentation”
N. nîr “weeping, [G.] grief, sorrow; ⚠️[N.] tear”
⚠️G. sigwithiel n. “lamentation; weeping willow”; see instead:
S. nirnaeth “tears, [N.] lamentation”
S. tathar “willow (tree)”
⚠️G. Sil n. “Rose of Silpion, Moon”; see instead:
S. Ithil “Moon”
S. #síla- v. “*to shine”
⚠️G. silc n. “flint”; see instead:
ᴺS. !senc “mineral-like, flinty; flint”
S., N. silef n. and adj. “(white) crystal; ⚠️[N.] silver, shining white”
S. silevren adj. “like silef (crystal)” see S. silivren
N. †silif n. “light of Silpion, †silver, *moonlight”
N. silith n. “light of Silpion, *moonlight”
S. silivren adj. “(white) glittering, crystalline”
⚠️G. Silma n. “*Moon”; see instead:
S. Ithil “Moon”
⚠️G. silwin n. “swan”; see instead:
S. alph “swan”
⚠️G. sin adv. “*here”; see instead:
S. “here, in this place (of speaker)”
⚠️G. si(n)- pref. “granddaughter of”
ᴺS. !sin pron. “these” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. [G.] sinc n. “*mineral, ⚠️[G.] metal” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. sincli n. “crystal”; see instead:
S. silef “(white) crystal; ⚠️[N.] silver, shining white”
⚠️G. sind n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] sing n. “salt”
⚠️S. singil n. “mirror” see S. cenedril
ᴺS. [G.] ^singren adj. “salt, *salty”
⚠️G. singrin adj. “salt”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^singren “salt, *salty”
N. siniath n. “news, tidings”
⚠️G. sinnai n. “today”; see instead:
S. sír “*today, this day”
N. sinnarn n. “novel tale”
ᴺS. !sinnen adj. “known” [created by Fiona Jallings]
⚠️G. sint n. “spark”; see instead:
S. tîn¹ “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
⚠️G. sinta- v. “to sparkle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tinthiltha- “to twinkle, *sparkle”
⚠️G. sinthi pron. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] sion n. “grandson”
⚠️G. siptha- v. “to whistle”; see instead:
ᴺS. tiph- “to whistle”
⚠️S. sí(r) adv. “now”; see instead:
S. “now”
S. sír n. “*today, this day”
S., N., ᴱN., G. sîr n. “river, stream”
N. siria- v. “to flow”
ᴺS. [G.] siriol adj. “flowing, fluent, liquid, mellifluous”
S. sirith n. “flowing”
⚠️G. sirp n. “straw”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thirph “straw”
ᴺS. [G.] ^sith n. “affair, matter”
⚠️G. sith adv. “hither”; see instead:
S. nef “hither, on this (the speaker’s) side of; †beyond [loose translation]; *near”
⚠️G. sitha¹ n. “fly”; see instead:
S. budhu “large fly”
⚠️G. sitha² adj. “this”; see instead:
S. sen “this”
⚠️G. sithagong n. “dragonfly”; see instead:
ᴺS. !budhulug “dragonfly”
⚠️G. sithaling n. “fly snake, dragonfly”; see instead:
ᴺS. !budhulug “dragonfly”
⚠️G. sô- v. “to wash clean, bathe”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^sov- “to wash clean, bathe”
⚠️G. soctha- v. “to give to drink, quench”; see instead:
N. #luithia- “to quench”
N. sautha- “to drain”
⚠️G. socthor n. “a drinking-horn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^soethor “drinking-horn”
ᴺS. [G.] ^soethor n. “drinking-horn”
N., ᴱN., G. #sog- v. “to drink”
⚠️G. sogli n. “a drinking-horn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^soethor “drinking-horn”
⚠️G. sogridâr n. “a drinking-horn”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^soethor “drinking-horn”
N. solch n. “root (especially as edible)”
ᴺS. !solph n. “soup”
⚠️G. sôm n. “law, custom, rule”; see instead:
ᴺS. !theinas “law, rule”
ᴺS. !somma- v. “to dive, duck” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !sommor n. “duck, waterfowl” [created by Hialmr]
⚠️G. sôn¹ adj. “pure, clean”; see instead:
N. puig “clean, tidy, neat”
S. #glân¹ “[bright shining] white; [N.] clear; [G.] pure, †bright; ⚠️[ᴱN.] clean”
⚠️G. sôn² n. “craft, skill”; see instead:
S. curu “skill (of the hand), craft, magic; [N.] cunning”
⚠️G. sôr n. “wave, billow”; see instead:
N. falf “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
⚠️G. soros n. “ash-tree”; see instead:
S. faran “rowan, *ash”
⚠️G. soth n. “bath”; see instead:
ᴺS. !sûn “bath”
ᴺS. [G.] ^sov- v. “to wash clean, bathe”
⚠️G. sovri n. “cleansing”; see instead:
ᴺS. !puidad “(act of) cleaning, cleansing”
⚠️G. sovriel n. “purification (religious)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !glannas “purification”
⚠️G. #-st suf. “noun suffix”
⚠️G. #-sta suf. “verb suffix” see G. #-tha¹
⚠️ᴱN. stroth ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] n. “noise of wind”
ᴺS. [G.] ^súda- v. “to blow (of wind)”
⚠️ᴺS. !sûf n. “bosom” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
ᴺS. ammos “*breast, chest; ⚠️breastplate”
⚠️G. sui n. “daughter”; see instead:
S. sell “daughter; [N.] †girl, maid”
S. sui prep. “*as”
⚠️G. suib adj. “dry”; see instead:
N. parch “dry”
⚠️G. suil n. “daughter”; see instead:
S. sell “daughter; [N.] †girl, maid”
⚠️S. #suila- v. “to greet”; see instead:
S. #suilanna- “to greet, *give greeting”
S. suilad n. “greeting”
S. #suilanna- v. “to greet, *give greeting”
ᴺS. [G.] ^suith n. “draught, [G.] a drink” [created by David Salo, vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. suitha- v. “to dry, wipe”
ᴺS. [G.] suithlas n. “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf”
⚠️G. suithli n. “towel”; see instead:
ᴺS. !parchol “towel”
N. sûl n. “goblet”
S. sûl n. “[strong] wind, *gust”
⚠️G. sulus n. “air-spirit”
ᴺS. !sûn n. “bath”
ᴺS. [G.] ^sunt n. “nostrils”
⚠️G. sûr adj. “long, trailing”
⚠️G. susc adj. “hushed, quiet; abashed”
⚠️G. suss¹ interj. “hush”
⚠️G. suss² n. “hush, sudden quiet”
⚠️N. sûth n. “draught”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^suith “draught, [G.] a drink”
⚠️G. sûtha- v. “to blow (of wind)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^súda- “to blow (of wind)”
⚠️G. suthra- v. “to hush, to make or go quiet”
⚠️G. tab- v. “to cut to shape, fashion”; see instead:
S. echad- “to form, make, shape, cut out, [N.] fashion; [S.] (lit.) to shape out”
ᴺS. !tab- v. “to stop, block, close” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., N. tachol n. “brooch, clasp, pin”
S., N. tâd num. card. “two”
S. #tad-dal adj. “two-legged, *biped”
ᴺS. [G.] tadhos n. “hawthorn”
⚠️N. tadol adj. “double”; see instead:
S. edaid “double”
S. tadui num. ord. “second”
S. #taeg n. “boundary, limit, boundary line”
⚠️ᴱN. #tael n. “axe”; see instead:
S. hathol “axe”
N. hathel “broadsword-blade, axe-blade”
S. dail “beautiful, fine, delicate, lovely”
N. taen¹ n. “height, summit of high mountain”
N. taen² adj. “long (and thin)”
S. taer adj. “lofty, *high”
N. taer adj. “straight”
N. taes n. “nail”
N. taetha- v. “to fasten, tie”
N. taew n. “holder, socket, hasp, clasp, staple”
S., G. #tag- v. “to fix, *fasten, [G.] make firm, ⚠️construct”
⚠️ᴱN. taglon n. “smith”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tagron “smith”
⚠️G. taglos n. “smith”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tagron “smith”
S. #tagol n. “post, mark”
⚠️G. †tagor n. “smith”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tagron “smith”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^tagron n. “smith”
⚠️G. tagros n. “smith”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tagron “smith”
⚠️ᴱN. taichr n. “prop, support”; see instead:
N. tulu “support, prop”
S. taid adj. “supporting, second in command”
ᴺS. !taig adj. “marking (a boundary)” [created by David Salo, GS]
⚠️ᴱN. tail n. “foot”; see instead:
S. tâl “foot; [lower] end”
ᴺS. !tain n. “letter, epistle, missive” [created by Röandil]
⚠️ᴱN. tain¹ n. “mountain”; see instead:
N. taen¹ “height, summit of high mountain”
⚠️ᴱN. tain² adj. “straight”; see instead:
N. taer “straight”
ᴺS. !tair adj. “vertical, (lit.) standing” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. tair n. “look-out, watch, guard; gaze, regard”
⚠️ᴺS. !taith n. “note, jot, scribbling, (lit.) a little writing” [created by Röandil, NotD]; see instead:
S. taith “sign, symbol; mark, [N.] stroke; ⚠️[G.] letter”
ᴺS. !sarth “note, jot, scribbling”
S., G. taith n. “sign, symbol; mark, [N.] stroke; ⚠️[G.] letter”
⚠️G. taitha- v. “to teach”; see instead:
ᴺS. !goltha- “to teach, educate, tutor, (lit.) make knowledgable”
⚠️G. taithion adj. “educated”; see instead:
ᴺS. !golthannen “learned, educated”
S., N., G. tâl n. “foot; [lower] end”
N. talad n. “incline, slope”
N. talaf n. “ground, floor”
ᴺS. [N.] ^talagan n. “harper” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️N. talagand n. “harper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^talagan “harper”
S., N. talan n. “platform, flat space, flet [Middle English = ‘floor’]”
S. talath n. “flat lands, plain, vale”
⚠️G. talc adj. “upright”
⚠️G. taleg n. “(foot)path”; see instead:
ᴺS. !talvad “footpath”
S. talf n. “wang, flat field, topographical flat area”
⚠️G. talgrin(d) n. “ankle”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tallif “ankle”
ᴺS. !tallam n. “conlang” [created by Fayanzār]
ᴺS. !tallen adj. “playful, fun(ny)” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !tallif n. “ankle”
⚠️G. taloth n. “(foot)path”; see instead:
ᴺS. !talvad “footpath”
⚠️G. talp¹ n. “prop, support”; see instead:
N. tulu “support, prop”
⚠️G. talp² n. “glass”
⚠️G. talpa- v. “to prop up, buttress up”
ᴺS. !talphad n. “footstep” [created by Echuidor]
ᴺS. !talphres n. “mischief, (lit.) play(ful)-trouble/disturbance” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. !talphressui adj. “mischievous” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. talpon n. “a slender pillar”
S. #talraph n. “stirrup”
N. talt adj. “slipping, falling, insecure”
⚠️G. taltha n. “foot (of things), base, pedestal, pediment”; see instead:
S. tâl “foot; [lower] end”
ᴺS. !taltha- v. “to slip, slide down, collapse” [created by Steve - Ríon]
⚠️ᴺS. [N.] ^talu adj. “flat” [vetted by HSD]; see instead:
S. #laden “flat, wide, *level; [N.] open, cleared; [G.] fair, equitable; ⚠️[ᴱN.] smooth”
ᴺS. !talvad n. “footpath”
⚠️G. tam n. “copper”; see instead:
S. rust “copper”
⚠️G. tambin adj. “of copper”; see instead:
S. rustui “copper, *of copper, like copper”
⚠️G. tambos n. “cauldron”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tammos “cauldron”
⚠️G. tambrin adj. “like copper”; see instead:
S. rustui “copper, *of copper, like copper”
N. tamma- v. “to knock”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tammos n. “cauldron”
⚠️G. tan n. “firewood”; see instead:
ᴺS. tund² “log for the fire, *firewood, fuel”
S. #tân “builder, smith, wright, artificer”
S., N. #tân n. “builder, smith, wright, artificer”
ᴺS. !tana- v. “to show, indicate, point out”
N., ᴱN., G. tanc adj. “firm; [ᴱN.] steady, steadfast; [G.] settled”
⚠️G. tand n. “enclosure, garden”; see instead:
S. sant “garden, field, yard”
⚠️G. tang n. “flame, flash”; see instead:
S. lach “(leaping) flame”
ᴺS. ^agol “flash”
N. tang n. “bowstring”
⚠️G. tanga- v. “to set light to, kindle”; see instead:
N. nartha- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
N., ᴱN. tangad(a)- v. “to make firm, confirm, establish, [ᴱN.] fix”
⚠️G. tangar n. “hearthgrate, fireplace”; see instead:
S. ruist “fireplace, hearth”
⚠️ᴱN. tangod- v. “to fix”; see instead:
N. tangad(a)- “to make firm, confirm, establish, [ᴱN.] fix”
⚠️ᴱN. tangod n. “fixing, confirming, making”
⚠️G. tangor n. “hearthgrate, fireplace”; see instead:
S. ruist “fireplace, hearth”
⚠️ᴱN. tangos n. “firmness, steadiness”
⚠️G. tant n. “a number”; see instead:
N. gwanod “number, ⚠️tale”
⚠️G. tanta n. “a dance”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lilt “dance”
⚠️G. tantha- v. “to set light to, kindle”; see instead:
N. nartha- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
ᴺS. !taphaen num. card. “twenty” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
ᴺS. !tar- v. “to stand” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. târ n. “horn”; see instead:
N. tarag “horn; steep mountain peak”
S. ras(s) “horn [of both animals and mountains]”
N. tara adj. “tough, stiff”
N. tarag n. “horn; steep mountain peak”
⚠️G. tarc n. “root (especially edible roots)”; see instead:
N. solch “root (especially as edible)”
S. tarch adj. “stiff, rough (or tough)”
⚠️ᴱN. tarch adj. “dry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tarph “dry [esp. of foods], [G.] stale”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^tarchas n. “roughness, ruggedness, rudeness”
⚠️ᴱN. tarf adj. “dry”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tarph “dry [esp. of foods], [G.] stale”
N. tarias n. “stiffness, toughness, difficulty”
⚠️N. tarlanc adj. “stiff-necked, obstinate”; see instead:
S. tarlang “proud, [N.] obstinate, [S.] (lit.) stiff-necked; stiff neck (a nickname applied to men of haughty carriage or mood); ⚠️the stiff/tough passage”
S. tarlang adj. and n. “proud, [N.] obstinate, [S.] (lit.) stiff-necked; stiff neck (a nickname applied to men of haughty carriage or mood); ⚠️the stiff/tough passage”
⚠️ᴱN., G. tarn n. “gate”; see instead:
S. annon “(great) gate, door”
⚠️G. tarnon n. “porter”
⚠️G. tarog n. “ox”; see instead:
S. mund “bull”
⚠️G. tarp adj. “dry, stale”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tarph “dry [esp. of foods], [G.] stale”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tarph adj. “dry [esp. of foods], [G.] stale”
ᴺS. [G.] taru n. “cross, *crucifix; ⚠️crossing”
⚠️G. taru² adj. “horned”
S. tas n. “index finger”
N. tass n. “labour, task”
ᴺS. [G.] tast n. “border, fringe”
⚠️G. tast² n. “total, amount”
ᴺS. !tasta- v. “to (put to the) test, *verify” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !tastaith n. “test” [created by Fayanzār]
⚠️G. tath- v. “to count”; see instead:
S. #nedia- “to count”
⚠️G. tath n. “hedge, fence”; see instead:
S. iath “fence”
S. tathar n. “willow (tree)”
⚠️G. tathn n. “number”; see instead:
N. gwanod “number, ⚠️tale”
⚠️G. tathna- v. “to number, count, reckon”; see instead:
S. #nedia- “to count”
⚠️N. tathor n. “willow-tree”; see instead:
S. tathar “willow (tree)”
S., N. tathren adj. “of willow(s)”
⚠️ᴱN., G. tathrin n. “willow”; see instead:
S. tathar “willow (tree)”
S. tathren “of willow(s)”
⚠️G. taudha n. “phosphorous”
S. taug adj. “firm, strong, (?withstand)”
⚠️G. tauga adj. “suitable, fitting, convenient”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cammui “suitable, fitting, convenient”
ᴺS. !taugla- v. “to resist” [created by Sami Paldanius]
⚠️ᴱN. taul n. “foot”; see instead:
S. tâl “foot; [lower] end”
⚠️G. taul n. “pillar”
S., N., ᴱN., G. taur n. “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
N. taur² adj. “vast, mighty, overwhelming, awful, huge; high, sublime”
⚠️G. †taur² n. “ability, power”; see instead:
N. taur² “vast, mighty, overwhelming, awful, huge; high, sublime”
N. †taur³ n. “king (of a whole tribe)”
⚠️G. taura adj. “powerful”; see instead:
N. taur² “vast, mighty, overwhelming, awful, huge; high, sublime”
ᴺS. ^polodhren “mighty, *powerful (politically)”
S. tauron n. “forester”
N. taus n. “thatch”
⚠️G. taus adj. “shaggy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fastui “shaggy, hairy, hirsute”
S. tavn n. “thing made by handicraft”
ᴺS. !tavnen adj. “made (by craft of hand), wrought, fashioned”
N., G. tavor n. “woodpecker, knocker; ⚠️[G.] wood fay”
⚠️G. tavros n. “forest, wooded land”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
⚠️ᴺS. !taw pron. “that” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. #san “that”
N. taw adj. “of wool, woollen”
S. taw¹ n. “wood as material”
S. taw² adv. “thither”
⚠️S., N. tawar n. “forest, woodland; [N.] wood (material)”; see instead:
S. taur “forest, wood, [N.] great wood, [G.] dense wood”
S. taw¹ “wood as material”
⚠️N. tawaren adj. “wooden”; see instead:
S. tawen “wood (of material), wooden (of make)”
S. tawen adj. “wood (of material), wooden (of make)”
N., G. n. “line, way, ⚠️[G.] track, path; mark”
⚠️G. teb n. “point, nib, neb, nose”
ᴺS. [S.] ^techu n. “chip”
⚠️G. tectha- v. “to write”; see instead:
S. teitha- “to write, draw, inscribe, make marks or signs”
⚠️G. tefla- v. “to scorn”; see instead:
S. eitha-¹ “to prick with a sharp point, stab; to treat with scorn, insult”
⚠️G. teflarol adj. “abject, mean” see G. tefra
⚠️G. tefra adj. “abject, mean”
⚠️G. teg n. “point, dot, spot”; see instead:
N. peg “dot, small spot”
S. tegil n. “pen”
⚠️G. teglath n. “noted year, special year, feast year”
⚠️G. teglos n. “awning”
⚠️N. tegol n. “pen”; see instead:
S. tegil “pen”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^tehar n. “brick”
⚠️ᴱN. teiar n. “brick”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tehar “brick”
ᴺS. ^tehar “brick”
⚠️N. teilia- v. “to play”; see instead:
N. telia- “to play”
⚠️ᴱN. teilian n. “sport, play, game; jest, mockery”; see instead:
N. telien “sport, play, [ᴱN.] game; ⚠️jest, mockery, *joke; [G.] stunt”
ᴺS. !glaudh “joke, jest”
N. iaew “mocking, scorn”
⚠️G. teilian n. “mockery”; see instead:
N. telien “sport, play, [ᴱN.] game; ⚠️jest, mockery, *joke; [G.] stunt”
N. iaew “mocking, scorn”
⚠️G. teilin n. “stunt or jest”; see instead:
N. telien “sport, play, [ᴱN.] game; ⚠️jest, mockery, *joke; [G.] stunt”
ᴺS. !glaudh “joke, jest”
⚠️N. teith n. “mark, stroke”; see instead:
S. taith “sign, symbol; mark, [N.] stroke; ⚠️[G.] letter”
S., N. teitha- v. “to write, draw, inscribe, make marks or signs”
ᴺS. !tel- v. “to end, finish, be done” [created by Fiona Jallings]
N. telch n. “stem”
⚠️G. teld n. “roof”; see instead:
N. tobas “roofing, roof”
N. tele n. “end, rear, hindmost part”
ᴺS. !teleg n. “leg” [created by Elaran]
S. †teleir adj. “*Telerin”
ᴺS. !telf n. “conclusion, ending, anything used to finish off a work or affair” [created by Elaran]
⚠️G. telfod n. “final end, the very last”; see instead:
S. medui “end, final, last”
⚠️ᴺS. !telia- v. “to finish, conclude” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !tel- “to end, finish, be done”
N. telia- “to play”
N. telia- v. “to play”
⚠️ᴺS. !telias n. “play, game, sport, mirth” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
N. telien “sport, play, [ᴱN.] game; ⚠️jest, mockery, *joke; [G.] stunt”
N. telien n. “sport, play, [ᴱN.] game; ⚠️jest, mockery, *joke; [G.] stunt”
⚠️ᴱN. telingail n. “sign of heaven”
ᴺS. !tell adj. “last, final (in a series)” [created by Elaran]
⚠️N. tellen n. “sole of foot”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tellyn “sole of foot”
ᴺS. [N.] ^tellyn n. “sole of foot”
⚠️G. telm n. “roof; sky”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
N. telu “dome, high roof”
⚠️ᴱN., G. #teloth n. “plain; [G.] roofing, canopy, shelter”; see instead:
S. talath “flat lands, plain, vale”
N. tobas “roofing, roof”
N. orthelian “canopy”
ᴺS. [G.] telt n. “lid”
⚠️G. teltha- v. “cover in”; see instead:
N. toba- “to cover, roof over”
⚠️G. telthion adj. “roofed in, sheltered, protected”
⚠️G. telthon n. “roof”; see instead:
N. tobas “roofing, roof”
⚠️G. telu- v. “to close, end, finish”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tel- “to end, finish, be done”
⚠️G. telu n. “end”; see instead:
N. tele “end, rear, hindmost part”
N. telu n. “dome, high roof”
⚠️ᴱN., G. telum n. “sky; [G.] roof”; see instead:
N. #ell “sky”
N. telu “dome, high roof”
ᴺS. !telum n. “mushroom”
⚠️G. telwed adj. “roofed in, sheltered, protected” see G. telthion
⚠️N. telwen ? “[unglossed]”
S. #ten pron. “*it, passive voice marker”
⚠️G. tenc n. “pen, nib”; see instead:
S. tegil “pen”
⚠️ᴱN. tenged- v. “to fix”; see instead:
N. tangad(a)- “to make firm, confirm, establish, [ᴱN.] fix”
⚠️ᴱN. tengedion n. “confirmer, fixer, establisher”
ᴺS. !tengolu n. “semantics” [created by Ellanto]
ᴺS. [G.] tent n. “toe”
⚠️G. tentha- v. “feel with the feet, walk on tiptoe”
ᴺS. !tenu n. “compass” [created by EruannoVG, Vyacheslav Stepanov]
⚠️G. teraith n. “waste, ruin, destruction”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^terthaith “waste, ruin, destruction”
⚠️G. terch n. “worm”; see instead:
S. leweg “worm”
⚠️N. terch n. “lair, hole”; see instead:
S. torech “lair, (secret) hole, excavation”
⚠️G. tercha- v. “to devour, destroy”; see instead:
ᴺS. tertha- “to destroy, *ruin, †(orig.) to make pierced; ⚠️to devour”
⚠️G. tereg n. “worm”; see instead:
S. leweg “worm”
ᴺS. [G.] tertha- v. “to destroy, *ruin, †(orig.) to make pierced; ⚠️to devour”
ᴺS. [G.] ^terthaith n. “waste, ruin, destruction”
N. tess n. “fine pierced hole”
⚠️G. tess(il) n. “little flower; †maiden”
⚠️G. teth n. “bud”; see instead:
N. tui “sprout, bud”
⚠️G. tethla- v. “to bud”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tuilu- “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
⚠️G. tethlas n. “petal, *(lit.) bud-leaf”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tuilas “petal, (lit.) bud-leaf”
ᴺS. !tev- v. “to detest, hate”
ᴺS. !tevas n. “hatred”
ᴺS. !tevren adj. “hateful”
S., N. têw n. “letter”
⚠️S. tewch n. “(?chip)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^techu “chip”
ᴺS. !tewig n. “morpheme” [created by Ellanto]
⚠️G. -th suf. “plural suffix”; see instead:
S. -ath “collective or group plural”
S., N. -th suf. “abstract noun”
⚠️ᴱN. -tha suf. “causative suffix”
⚠️ᴱN. tha- v. “to make, cause to be”; see instead:
S. tho- “*will be”
⚠️G. #-tha¹ suf. “verb suffix”
⚠️G. #-tha² suf. “noun or adjective suffix”
ᴺS. !thaes n. “attraction, temptation” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !thaetha- v. “to split” [created by Gilruin]
ᴺS. [G.] thâf n. “hay”
⚠️N. thafn n. “post, wooden pillar”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thavn “post, wooden pillar”
⚠️G. thafwen n. “hay, harvest”; see instead:
S. iavas “autumn, *harvest (time)”
ᴺS. !thag- v. “to draw, pull” [created by Hialmr]
ᴺS. !thagel adj. “pulling, luring” [created by Hialmr]
⚠️G. thaig n. “choice”
⚠️G. thaigra adj. “choice, select, elegant”
⚠️G. thail n. “[unglossed]”; see instead:
S. #sael “wise”
⚠️ᴱN. thain adj. “level, even”
ᴺS. !thain¹ adj. “law-abiding, regular, normal, *lawful, formal, according to custom” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !thain² n. “law, rule” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !theinas “law, rule”
⚠️G. thairin adj. “magic”
⚠️G. thairiniol adj. “magical”
⚠️G. thairinwed adj. “magical” see G. thairiniol
N., ᴱN. thala adj. “stalwart, steady, firm, [ᴱN.] hardy, valiant, bold”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^thalas n. “valour, courage”
⚠️ᴱN. thalf n. “grease”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thalph “grease”
ᴺS. !thalieth n. “heroine, dauntless woman” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S., N., ᴱN. thalion adj. and n. “strong, dauntless; [N.] hero, dauntless man; ⚠️[ᴱN.] warrior”
ᴺS. [Ilk.] ?thall adj. “steep, falling steeply (of river)”
⚠️ᴱN. thalos n. “valour, courage”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thalas “valour, courage”
ᴺS. [Ilk.] ?thalos n. “torrent”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] ^thalph n. “grease”
N., G. tham n. “hall”
N. thamas n. “great hall”
⚠️ᴱN. tham(b) adj. “rigid”; see instead:
N. tharn “sapless, stiff, rigid, withered”
⚠️G. thambros n. “hall”; see instead:
N. thamas “great hall”
S., N., ᴱN. #thanc adj. and n. “forked, [N.] cleft, split, [ᴱN.] divided, cloven, bifurcated; [ᴱN.] cleft, break, breach”
⚠️G. thanc n. “loathing, hatred”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tevas “hatred”
S. deloth “abhorrence, [N.] detestation, loathing”
⚠️G. thancol adj. “loathsome”; see instead:
N. deleb “horrible, abominable, loathsome”
ᴺS. [N.] ^thand adj. “firm, true, abiding”
S. #thand n. “shield”
S., N., G. thang n. “oppression, pressure; [N.] compulsion, duress, need; ⚠️[G.] crowd, crush, herd”
S. thangail n. “shield-fence, shield-wall”
⚠️N. thann adj. “firm, true, abiding”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thand “firm, true, abiding”
S., N. thar prep. and pref. “across, athwart, over”
ᴺS. [G.] thar- v. “to saw (up)”
N. thâr n. “stiff grass”
S. tharan adj. “vigorous”
N. tharas n. “hassock, footstool”
ᴺS. !tharchol- v. “to translate, (lit.) carry-across” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. [G.] ^tharf n. “saw”
⚠️G. tharm n. “saw”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tharf “saw”
N., ᴱN. tharn adj. “sapless, stiff, rigid, withered”
⚠️G. thas pron. “thy”
ᴺS. [G.] thas- v. “to shave”
⚠️G. thasc adj. “shaven”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thasg “shaven”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thasg adj. “shaven”
ᴺS. [G.] thasgim n. “razor, (lit.) shave-blade”
ᴺS. [G.] thast n. “shaving(s)”
⚠️G. thastril n. “razor”; see instead:
ᴺS. thasgim “razor, (lit.) shave-blade”
⚠️G. thathri n. “shavings, sawdust”
⚠️N. thaun n. “pine-tree”; see instead:
S. thôn “pine-tree”
S. thaur adj. “abominable, horrible”
ᴺS. [N.] ^thavn n. “post, wooden pillar”
N. thavron n. “carpenter, wright, builder”
N. thaw adj. “corrupt, rotten”
⚠️G. thê- v. “to see”; see instead:
S. #cen- “to see, perceive, look”
⚠️G. thed n. “eye; bud”; see instead:
S. hen(d) “eye”
N. tui “sprout, bud”
⚠️G. thegin adj. “leading, chief”
⚠️G. thegla n. “first lights of dawn”
⚠️G. thegor n. “chief”
⚠️G. thegra adj. “first, foremost”
⚠️ᴺS. !thein adj. “lawful, formal, according to custom” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
ᴺS. !thain¹ “law-abiding, regular, normal, *lawful, formal, according to custom”
ᴺS. !theinas n. “law, rule” [created by Fiona Jallings]
ᴺS. !theinweg n. “lawman, lawyer”
⚠️G. thel n. “[unglossed]”
S. thel- v. “to intend, mean, purpose, resolve, will”
N. thêl n. “sister”
N. thela n. “point (of spear)”
⚠️G. thelg n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️S., N. then pron. “this”; see instead:
S. sen “this”
S. †Thend n. “*Sinda, Grey-Elf”
S. thenn adj. “short” see S. thent
ᴺS. !thennas n. “shortness”
S. †Thenneth n. “*Grey-Elf (f.)”
S. †Thennor n. “*Grey-Elf (m.)”
S., N. thent adj. “short”
ᴺS. !ther- v. “to sew” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. ther- v. “to tie”; see instead:
N. nod-² “to tie”
ᴺS. !ther- “to sew”
ᴺS. [G.] theres n. “ribbon, ⚠️tie”
S. theria- v. “to be vigorous, flourish”
ᴺS. !theriol adj. “flourishing”
⚠️ᴱN. thesg ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. thest n. “sight (sense of); a sight, vision”; see instead:
ᴺS. hent “eyesight, *(sense of) sight”
⚠️S. thî adv. “now”; see instead:
S. “now”
⚠️G. #-thi¹ suf. “noun suffix”
⚠️G. -thi² suf. “*diminutive suffix”; see instead:
S. -eg¹ “diminutive/singular ending”
⚠️N. thia- v. “to appear, seem”; see instead:
ᴺS. !nev- “to seem, appear”
ᴺS. [G.] thibin n. “flute”
⚠️G. thibindon n. “flute-playing”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thibinor n. “piper”
⚠️G. thibinweg n. “piper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thibinor “piper”
⚠️G. thig- v. “to pick out, select, choose”
⚠️G. thil n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️N. thilevril n. “*true-silver”; see instead:
S. mithril “Moria-silver, true-silver”
N. thilia- v. “to glisten”
⚠️G. Thilim n. “*Moon”; see instead:
S. Ithil “Moon”
N. thilim adj. “gleaming”
ᴺS. [G.] thim n. “milk (after separation)”
⚠️G. thimli n. “whistle, piccolo”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thivol “whistle, piccolo”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thimma- v. “to play a flute or whistle”
ᴺS. [G.] thimp n. “the stop on a flute”
⚠️G. thimpa- v. “to play a flute or whistle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thimma- “to play a flute or whistle”
⚠️G. thimpion n. “a piper”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thibinor “piper”
N. †thîn n. “evening”
⚠️G. thin- v. “to skim”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thiv- “to skim”
N. thinna- “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
⚠️G. thinc n. “a pick, a choice; a bunch, posy”
S., N. thind adj. “grey, [N.] pale”
⚠️ᴺS. !thindrostir n. “badger” [created by Hialmr]; see instead:
ᴺS. !eriab “badger”
⚠️ᴱN. thing n. “prince”; see instead:
S. ernil “prince”
S. thinn adj. “grey” see S. thind
N. thinna- v. “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
⚠️N. thinnas n. “shortness, shortening”; see instead:
ᴺS. !thennas “shortness”
⚠️ᴺS. !thint n. “tin (metal)” [created by Steve - Ríon]; see instead:
ᴺS. ladog “tin [metal]”
⚠️G. thinta- v. “to skim”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thiv- “to skim”
N. thinna- “to fade, *(lit.) become grey”
⚠️G. thion n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴺS. !thir- v. “to seem, appear, look” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !nev- “to seem, appear”
S., N. thîr n. “face, [N.] look, expression, countenance”
⚠️ᴱN. thîr adj. “complete, full, accomplished, ended, up to the required number”
⚠️ᴱN. #thirad- v. “to make complete, fill in the last details”
⚠️ᴱN. thiradant adj. “elaborately finished”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thirph n. “straw”
⚠️G. thisc adj. “dry, waterless”; see instead:
N. parch “dry”
ᴺS. [G.] thisin adj. “parched, withered, *desiccated”
ᴺS. [G.] thista- v. “to dry up”
⚠️G. thith n. “dust”; see instead:
S. lith “ash; [N.] sand”
N. ast “dust”
⚠️G. thithrin adj. “dusty”; see instead:
ᴺS. !athren “dusty”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thiv- v. “to skim” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. [G.] ^thivol n. “whistle, piccolo”
⚠️N. thlê n. “fine thread, spider filament”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhê “fine thread, spider filament”
⚠️N. thlein adj. “lean, thin, meagre”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhain “lean, thin, meagre”
⚠️G. thlib- v. “to sup, lap up, suck”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhab- “to sup, *sip, ⚠️suck, lap up”
⚠️G. -thlib suf. “-ly or -like”
⚠️G. thlibri n. “soup”; see instead:
ᴺS. !solph “soup”
⚠️G. thlid- v. “to sort out, sift, sieve, discriminate”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhid- “to sort out, sift, sieve, discriminate”
⚠️G. thlid n. “sieve”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhîd “sieve”
⚠️G. thlidhra adj. “‘willowy’, gracile”
⚠️G. -thlim suf. “race, folk”
⚠️G. thlim n. “race, kind, species, sort”
⚠️N. thling n. “spider, spider’s web, cobweb”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhing “spider’s web, cobweb; ⚠️spider”
⚠️N. thlingril n. “spider”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhingril “spider”
⚠️N., G. thlinn adj. “fine, slender”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhind “fine, slender”
⚠️ᴱN., G. thlos n. “shore; [G.] breaker”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
⚠️G. thloth n. “breakers, waves, surf”; see instead:
N. falf “foam, breaker, [G.] wave”
S. tho- v. “*will be”
⚠️G. *-thol suf. “adjective suffix”
ᴺS. [G.] thol- v. “to roll”
S. thôl n. “helmet, helm”
ᴺS. [G.] tholos n. “axle [of a wheel]”
⚠️G. tholos² n. “sea-marge”; see instead:
S. falas “beach, shore, strand, surf(line)”
S. thôn n. “pine-tree”
⚠️N. thond n. “friend”; see instead:
S. mellon “friend”
S., N. thond n. “root, [N.] base; ⚠️root-word”
S. †thoniel adj. “kindler (in the past)”
N. thonnas n. “root-word; *foundation; ⚠️base, root”
N. thôr¹ adj. “swooping, leaping down”
⚠️N. thôr² n. “eagle”; see instead:
S. thoron “eagle”
N. thora- v. “to fence”
N. thoren adj. “*fenced”
⚠️ᴱN., G. thorn n. “eagle”
S. thorn¹ adj. “steadfast”
⚠️S. thorn² n. “eagle”; see instead:
S. thoron “eagle”
ᴺS. !thornang n. “steel, (lit.) hard-iron” [created by Paul Strack]
N. thórod n. “torrent”
ᴺS. !thorombar n. “eagle’s nest, eyrie” [created by Elaran]
S., N. thoron n. “eagle”
S. thos n. “puff (of air)”
S. thoss n. “fear”
ᴺS. !thossui adj. “fearful, afraid”
N. thost n. “smell”
N. thosta- v. “to stink, *give off a smell”
ᴺS. !thostol adj. “stinking”
⚠️G. thoth n. “spell, evil enchantment of magic”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lûth “spell, charm, [ᴱN.] magic”
⚠️G. thothri n. “black magic”
⚠️G. thothweg n. “wizard”; see instead:
S. curunír “wizard, [N.] man of craft”
⚠️G. thrad n. “a plank, board, shelf”; see instead:
N. pân “plank, fixed board (especially in a floor)”
⚠️G. thram n. “saw”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tharf “saw”
⚠️ᴱN. thrand ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️ᴱN. thrann ? “[unglossed]” see ᴱN. thrand
⚠️G. thred n. “knot”; see instead:
N. nardh “knot”
⚠️N. thrib- v. “to scratch”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^rhib- “to scratch”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thriben adj. “lean”
⚠️G. thribin adj. “lean”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thriben “lean”
⚠️G. thrim ? “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] thrimp n. “stalk”
⚠️G. thripthon n. “stem”; see instead:
N. telch “stem”
⚠️ᴱN. thrond n. “sky lord; [G.] (eyrie), pinnacle”; see instead:
S. Thorondor “King of Eagles”
⚠️G. thrond n. “(eyrie), pinnacle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aegas “mountain peak”
ᴺS. !thorombar “eagle’s nest, eyrie”
⚠️N. thross n. “whispering or rustling sound”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^lhoss “whispering or rustling sound”
⚠️G. throsta- v. “to beat, splash”; see instead:
ᴺS. !felechia- “to splash”
N. dringa- “to beat”
⚠️G. throth n. “beat (of oars, wings, etc.)”
⚠️G. throthriol n. “wizardous”
⚠️G. thû- v. “[unglossed]”
S., N. thû¹ n. “[N.] stench; [S.] black mist, horrible darkness”
S. thû² n. “movement of spirit”
⚠️G. thuctha- v. “to adhere to, cleave”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hinia- “to stick to, adhere, cleave to, abide by”
⚠️G. thug n. “[unglossed]”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thûg n. “resin”
⚠️G. thugli n. “resin”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thûg “resin”
N. thuia- v. “to breathe”
⚠️G. thuif n. “resinous juice; any adhesive substance”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thuis “resinous juice; any adhesive substance”
ᴺS. [G.] ^thuis n. “resinous juice; any adhesive substance”
⚠️G. thuith n. “resinous juice; any adhesive substance”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^thuis “resinous juice; any adhesive substance”
N. thûl n. “breath”
ᴺS. !thúna- v. “to be spiritually affected, inspired” [created by Elaran]
ᴺS. !thúnas n. “inspiration” [created by Elaran]
S. thurin adj. “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. -thwi suf.; see instead:
S. -iel¹ “daughter; feminine suffix”
S. #ti pron. “*they”
N., ᴱN., G. n. “line, row; ⚠️[G.] straight”
⚠️G. tibli n. “drizzle, sleet”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
⚠️ᴱN. tidig adj. “little (of amount)”; see instead:
N. mîw “small, tiny, frail”
ᴺS. [G.] tîf n. “resentment, ill feeling, bitterness”
⚠️G. tigla- v. “to prick”
⚠️G. tiglas n. “remorse” see G. tiglath
⚠️G. tiglath n. “remorse”
ᴺS. [G.] tîl n. “scab, cicatrice, healing of a wound”
⚠️N. *tilias n. “?mountain range”; see instead:
S. #aeglir “line of peaks, [N.] range of mountain peaks; ⚠️[ᴱN.] peak, mountain top”
⚠️G. tilithli n. “little elf”
⚠️G. tilithril n. “f. elf”
⚠️G. tilithrin adj. “elfin”
⚠️G. tilithron n. “m. elf”
S., N. till n. “point, spike, (sharp) horn, tine, ending”
⚠️G. tim n. “spark, gleam, (star)”; see instead:
S. tîn¹ “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
ᴺS. [G.] timp n. “hoot, note of a flute”
⚠️G. timpa- v. “to ring, jingle, tinkle”; see instead:
N. nella- “to sound (of bells), *ring”
⚠️G. timpi n. “little bell”; see instead:
N. nell “bell”
⚠️G. timpintha- v. “to ring, jingle, tinkle”; see instead:
N. nella- “to sound (of bells), *ring”
ᴺS. !tin pron. “them” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
S. tin n. “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars” see S. tîn¹
S. tîn¹ n. “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
S. #tîn² pron. “his”
S. tîn³ adj. “silent, quiet” see S. dîn
N. tinc n. “metal”
⚠️G. tinc n. “a flicker, a gleam”; see instead:
S. glîn(n) “gleam, glint”
N. tinc “metal”
⚠️S. tínen adj. “silent”; see instead:
S. dínen “silent”
ᴺS. !tingen adj. “metallic” [created by Paul Strack]
ᴺS. !tiniath n. “group of stars, star-cluster, constellation” [created by Paul Strack]
N. tinna- v. “to glint”
S., N. #tinnu n. “[N.] (starry) twilight, dusk, early night (without moon)”
⚠️N. tint n. “spark”; see instead:
S. tîn¹ “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
⚠️G. tinta- v. “to dance”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^liltha- “to dance”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tinthiltha- v. “to twinkle, *sparkle”
ᴺS. !tinthilthad n. “sparkling, twinkling, scintillation”
⚠️G. tintiltha- v. “to twinkle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tinthiltha- “to twinkle, *sparkle”
⚠️N. tinw n. “spark, small star”; see instead:
S. tîn¹ “spark, sparkle, twinkle of stars”
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
⚠️G. tinwin n. “a small star”; see instead:
S. gil “star; (bright) spark, silver glint, twinkle of light”
⚠️G. tinwithli n. “group of stars, star-cluster, constellation”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tiniath “group of stars, star-cluster, constellation”
⚠️G. tion n. “a straight line”; see instead:
N. “line, row; ⚠️[G.] straight”
ᴺS. [G.] tiph- v. “to whistle”
ᴺS. [G.] tiphin n. “small flute”
⚠️ᴱN., G. tîr n. “king”; see instead:
N. †taur³ “king (of a whole tribe)”
S., N., G. #tir- v. “to look (towards), watch (over), guard; ⚠️[G.] to look (out) for, watch for, await, expect”
N., G. tîr adj. “straight, right; [G.] upright, honest; esteem, regard, honour”
S. #tíra- v. “to see”
ᴺS. !tírad n. “vision, seeing” [created by Ambar Eldaron]
ᴺS. !tírad(a)- n. “to correct, straighten, rectify” [created by Echuidor and Vyacheslav Stepanov]
S., N. tiria- v. “to watch, gaze; to ward, guard”
⚠️G. tirin n. “watch-tower, turret, tower”; see instead:
N. mindon “tower, isolated hill (especially a hill with a watchtower)”
⚠️G. †tirion n. “watch-tower, turret, tower”; see instead:
N. mindon “tower, isolated hill (especially a hill with a watchtower)”
N. #tirion n. “tower”
S., N. tirith n. “watching, guarding, watch, ward, guard”
S., N. #tirnen adj. “guarded”
⚠️G. tisc adj. “ticklish”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tisg “ticklish”
⚠️G. tisca- v. “to tickle”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tisga- “to tickle”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tisg adj. “ticklish”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tisga- v. “to tickle”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.] tith n. “breast [of a woman], teat”
N. tithen adj. “little, tiny”
⚠️S., N. tîw n. “*letter”; see instead:
S. têw “letter”
N. tiwdi n. “alphabet”
⚠️ᴱN. tlach n. “clap, clash”
⚠️ᴱN. tlacha- v. “to clap, clash, clatter”
⚠️ᴱN. tlachol adj. “clashing”
⚠️ᴱN. tlad n. “hillside, slope”; see instead:
N. talad “incline, slope”
⚠️ᴱN. tlais n. “splashing, flapping noise”
⚠️ᴱN. tlaiw n. “sling”
⚠️ᴱN. tlass n. “splashing, flapping noise” see ᴱN. tlais
⚠️N. tlaud adj. “sloping”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adlod “sloping, tilted”
⚠️ᴱN. tleth adj. “sloping, slanting, leaning”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^adlant “oblique, slanted”
⚠️ᴱN. tlî n. “butter”; see instead:
ᴺS. mang “butter”
⚠️ᴱN. tlub n. “silver”; see instead:
S. celeb “silver”
⚠️ᴱN. tlui adj. “slender”; see instead:
N. trîw “fine, very slender”
ᴺS. [ᴱN.], G. n. “wool, fleece”
N. toba- v. “to cover, roof over”
⚠️G. tôb(a) n. “shape, cut, fashion”; see instead:
S. #cant “shape; [N.] outline”
N. tobas n. “roofing, roof”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tobla- v. “to hide”
ᴺS. !toch n. “cud” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. tôd n. “hat”; see instead:
N. carab “hat”
ᴺS. [G.] tódhi n. “paddock”
⚠️N. tofn adj. “lowlying, deep, low”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tovn “lowlying, deep, low”
N. tog- v. “to bring”
⚠️G. tôg n. “storey, floor (of a house)”
⚠️G. togli n. “cap”; see instead:
N. carab “hat”
⚠️G. tôl n. “mantle”; see instead:
S. #coll¹ “cloak, mantle”
S., N. #tol- v. “to come”
N. tol n. “island, isle” see N. toll
S. tolch n. “*sticker-up” see S. toleg
ᴺS. [G.] ^tolcha- v. “to support, *steady, comfort; ⚠️to make firm, confirm” [created by Sami Paldanius]
ᴺS. !toled n. “coming, arrival”
S. toleg n. “*sticker-up”
ᴺS. !tolf n. “mast” [created by Gilruin, Quirinius]
S. tolhui num. ord. “eighth” see S. tollui
S., N., G. tol(l) n. “island, (high steep-sided) isle”
S. tollui num. ord. “eighth”
⚠️ᴺS. !tolob num. card. “eighteen” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !paedolodh “eighteen”
⚠️S. tolod num. card. “eight”; see instead:
S. tolodh “eight”
S. tolodh num. card. “eight”
N. tolog adj. “stalwart, trusty”
ᴺS. !tolol adj. “coming, approaching”
ᴺS. !tolophaen num. card. “eighty” [created by Elaran, Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️N. toloth num. card. “eight”; see instead:
S. tolodh “eight”
⚠️S. #tolothen num. ord. “eighth”; see instead:
S. tollui “eighth”
ᴺS. !tolph n. “bowl, basin”
ᴺS. !tolpheg n. “spoon” [created by Paul Strack]
N. toltha- v. “to fetch, *bring; [G.] to carry, ⚠️lift”
⚠️S. tolthui num. ord. “eighth”; see instead:
S. tollui “eighth”
ᴺS. !tomp adj. “humped, bulging”
S. #tôn n. “*tap”
⚠️G. tôn n. “fire (on a hearth)”; see instead:
S. *ûr “fire; ⚠️[ᴱN.] sun”
ᴺS. [N.] ^tond adj. “tall”
⚠️ᴱN. tond n. “(bored) hole, perforation” see ᴱN. tonn
N. tong adj. “taut, tight; resonant (of strings)”
⚠️N. tonn adj. “tall”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tond “tall”
⚠️ᴱN. tonn n. “(bored) hole, perforation”
ᴺS. !tor- v. “to win, have victory” [created by Steve - Ríon]
N. †tôr n. “brother”
⚠️S. tor n. “the Dead”
⚠️G. torc n. “a sear, mark of a burn”
ᴺS. !torchal n. “shark or other large predatory fish” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
S. torech n. “lair, (secret) hole, excavation”
⚠️G. torn adj. “sunburnt, swart, dark-brown”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^graw “dark, swart”
S. torn¹ n. “burial mound”
⚠️S. torn² adj. “hidden, secret”; see instead:
S. dolen “hidden, [N.] secret”
S. thurin “secret, hidden”
⚠️G. torod adj. “fierce, violent”; see instead:
S. balch “fierce, ferocious; [N.] cruel”
S. Torog n. “Troll”
⚠️G. tortha- v. “to scorch”
N. tortha- v. “to wield, control”
N. toss n. “bush, low-growing tree”
ᴺS. !tosta- v. “to cough” [created by Steve - Ríon]
ᴺS. [N.] ^tovn adj. “lowlying, deep, low”
⚠️G. tram n. “bridge”; see instead:
S. iant “bridge”
⚠️G. tranc adj. “criss-cross, crossed; cross, at cross purpose, perverse”
S. #trann n. “shire, *county, administrative region”
S. #trannail adj. “[of the] shire, *regional, local”
⚠️G. trantha- v. “to cross (tr. & intr.); to mark with a cross”; see instead:
S. athra-¹ “to cross (to and fro)”
N. trasta- v. “to harass, trouble”
ᴺS. !trastadweg adj. “annoying” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]
⚠️G. trath n. “passage, ford”; see instead:
S. athrad “ford, crossing”
N. tre- pref. “through”
N. trenar- v. “to recount, tell to the end”
N. trenarn n. “account, tale”
N. #trevad- v. “to traverse”
N. trî prep. “through”
⚠️G. tricthon n. “(fibrous fine) root”; see instead:
N. solch “root (especially as edible)”
N. trîw adj. “fine, very slender”
ᴺS. [G.] ^trog adj. “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile”
⚠️G. †trôn n. “a cross; a crossing”; see instead:
ᴺS. taru “cross, *crucifix; ⚠️crossing”
⚠️G. trug adj. “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^trog “easy to handle; convenient, tractable, docile”
⚠️G. trum ? “[unglossed]”
S. trunc n. “great stake”
⚠️G. †-tt suf. “dual”
⚠️ᴱN. ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. tû- v. “to get, receive, take; to become”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cav- “to receive, *accept”
N. n. “muscle, sinew; vigour, physical strength”
⚠️G. tub- v. “to cover”; see instead:
N. toba- “to cover, roof over”
⚠️G. tubla- v. “to hide (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tobla- “to hide”
⚠️G. tubrin adj. “hidden”; see instead:
S. dolen “hidden, [N.] secret”
⚠️ᴱN. túd n. “thigh”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tŷg “thigh”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tudh n. “tinder”
ᴺS. !tudheg n. “match” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️G. tuf n. “down, fluff”
⚠️ᴱN. tuf n. “lump, knob”; see instead:
N. tump “hump”
⚠️G. tufrin adj. “fluffy”
⚠️G. tug- v. “to hit, reach mark; to light on, chance on, find; to arrive; to chance, occur; to suit, fit, be convenient, ‘do’”; see instead:
ᴺS. !hir- “to find, *light on, chance on”
N. tog- “to bring”
N. tûg adj. “thick, fat”
ᴺS. !túgom adj. “fat-bellied”
ᴺS. !túgomui adj. “corpulent, (lit.) having a fat belly” [created by Paul Strack]
N. tui n. “sprout, bud”
N. tuia- v. “to sprout, spring; to swell”
ᴺS. [G.] tuig n. “shoot, sapling, ⚠️sprout”
⚠️S., G. #tuil n. “spring”; see instead:
S. ethuil “spring [the season]”
⚠️ᴺS. !tuila- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
ᴺS. !tuilu- “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
ᴺS. [G.] ^tuilas n. “petal, (lit.) bud-leaf”
N. tuilinn n. “swallow, (lit.) spring-singer”
⚠️G. tuilir n. “spring(time)”; see instead:
S. ethuil “spring [the season]”
ᴺS. !tuilu- v. “to bud, open (of flowers and leaves)”
⚠️G. tuim n. “steam”; see instead:
ᴺS. !fanu “vapour, steam”
⚠️G. tuitha- v. “to sprout, spring, gush”; see instead:
N. tuia- “to sprout, spring; to swell”
⚠️G. tul- v. “to bring; to come to; †to support”; see instead:
S. #tol- “to come”
⚠️G. tulga- v. “to make firm, confirm, settle, steady; to comfort”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tolcha- “to support, *steady, comfort; ⚠️to make firm, confirm”
ᴺS. !túliel adj. “having come, having arrived”
⚠️G. tulog adj. “steady, firm”; see instead:
N. tolog “stalwart, trusty”
N. tolog “stalwart, trusty”
N. thala “stalwart, steady, firm, [ᴱN.] hardy, valiant, bold”
⚠️G. tultha- v. “to lift, carry”; see instead:
N. toltha- “to fetch, *bring; [G.] to carry, ⚠️lift”
N. tulu n. “support, prop”
⚠️G. tulug adj. “steady, firm”; see instead:
N. tolog “stalwart, trusty”
N. tolog “stalwart, trusty”
N. thala “stalwart, steady, firm, [ᴱN.] hardy, valiant, bold”
N. tulus n. “poplar-tree”
S., N., ᴱN., G. tum n. “(deep) valley, vale; ⚠️[ᴱN.] flat vale”
⚠️G. tum n. “hollow”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raudh “hollow, cavernous”
⚠️G. tumbol adj. “valley-like, hollow, excavated”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^raudh “hollow, cavernous”
⚠️G. tumla- v. “to excavate, hollow out”; see instead:
N. rosta- “to hollow out, excavate”
⚠️G. tumli n. “dale”; see instead:
S. nan(d) “vale, valley, [ᴱN.] dale; [N.] wide grassland; ⚠️[G.] field acre”
N. tump n. “hump”
ᴺS. [G.] tump n. “shed”
⚠️ᴱN., G. tûn n. “mound, bare hill”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tund¹ “mound, hill”
ᴺS. [G.] tunc n. “chance, occurrence; ⚠️arrival; hit at shooting; luck”
ᴺS. [N.] ^tund¹ n. “mound, hill”
ᴺS. [G.] tund² n. “log for the fire, *firewood, fuel”
⚠️ᴱN. tundeb adj. “full of holes, riddles” see ᴱN. tunneb
⚠️G. tung n. “a thought, an idea”; see instead:
N. naw “idea”
N. nauth “thought”
⚠️G. tungol adj. “wise, knowing”; see instead:
N. golwen “wise, learned in deep arts”
⚠️N. tunn n. “hill, mound”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tund¹ “mound, hill”
⚠️ᴱN. tunneb adj. “full of holes, riddles”
⚠️ᴱN. tunnen adj. “full of holes, riddles” see ᴱN. tunneb
⚠️G. tûr n. “king”; see instead:
N. †taur³ “king (of a whole tribe)”
S., N., ᴱN. #tûr n. “[N.] mastery, victory, [ᴱN.] power [over others]; ⚠️[S.] master”
⚠️G. tur- v. “can, to have power to”
⚠️ᴱN. turhod n. “throne”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^archadhu “throne, (lit.) high seat”
⚠️G. turinthi n. “princess”; see instead:
S. brethil² “princess, (lit.) queen-daughter”
⚠️G. turinthir n. “*queen”; see instead:
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
⚠️G. turioth n. “kingship”; see instead:
ᴺS. !aranas “kingship”
⚠️G. turm n. “authority, rule; strength”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^maethas “control, *authority”
⚠️ᴱN. turu- v. “to master”; see instead:
N. #orthor- “to master, conquer”
⚠️G. turwin n. “queen”; see instead:
S. #rían “queen, *(lit.) crowned-lady”
S. bereth “queen, spouse; supreme, sublime”
⚠️G. tûs- v. “to tease wool, comb out”
⚠️G. tusc adj. “inflammable; touchy, irritable; explosive”; see instead:
ᴺS. !urnui “inflammable; touchy, irritable; ⚠️explosive”
⚠️G. tusta- v. “to inflame, kindle, set light to, burn (tr.)”; see instead:
N. nartha- “to kindle, *ignite, inflame, set fire to”
⚠️G. tustarol adj. “inflammable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !urnui “inflammable; touchy, irritable; ⚠️explosive”
⚠️G. tuth n. “tinder”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tudh “tinder”
⚠️G. tuthli n. “match”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tudheg “match”
⚠️G. tuthlos n. “a teazle”
⚠️G. tuvrin adj. “acceptable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cavren “acceptable”
⚠️G. tuvriol adj. “acceptable”; see instead:
ᴺS. !cavren “acceptable”
ᴺS. !tŷg n. “thigh”
⚠️ᴱN. tyth adj. “sweet (to the taste)”; see instead:
S. laich “sweet”
S. -u suf. “a person or being”
S., N., G. ú- pref. “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
S., G. û adv. and interj. “no, not, [G.] nor”
⚠️ᴱN. û adv. “*negative”; see instead:
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
⚠️G. û- v. “not to be, not to do”
⚠️ᴺS. [G.] ^û n. “voice” [created by Fiona Jallings]; see instead:
S. #glim “voice, *utterance”
S. û “no, not, [G.] nor”
N. úan n. “monster”
N. uanui adj. “monstrous”
⚠️G. ub¹ adj. “wet, moist, damp”; see instead:
N. nîd “damp, wet; tearful”
⚠️G. ub² adj. “no, none”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ont “no, none”
N. ubed n. “denial”
S. úbedui adj. “not fit to say, unspeakable”
ᴺS. !úben n. “nobody, no one”
⚠️G. ubra- v. “to rain”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^uil- “to rain”
⚠️G. ubri n. “rainfall, rain”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
⚠️G. uch n. “rain”; see instead:
S. ross¹ “rain; spray, ⚠️spindrift, foam”
⚠️G. uchir n. “recklessness; carelessness; security”
⚠️G. uchirin adj. “secure”
⚠️G. uchirthol adj. “reckless”
⚠️ᴱN. uchuil adj. “lifeless”
⚠️G. udathnarol adj. “countless, innumerable”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
⚠️G. udathriol adj. “countless”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
⚠️ᴱN. udhrog adj. “without slaves”
⚠️G. udrug adj. “intractable, fierce, untamed”
⚠️G. uf¹ prep. “out of, forth, from”; see instead:
S. ed¹ “out, out of, [N.] forth”
⚠️G. uf² n. “fine wool, down”
⚠️G. ufedhron n. “lawless man”
⚠️G. ufedhwed adj. “lawless”
⚠️G. ufestog adj. “breathless”; see instead:
ᴺS. !úthúlui “breathless”
⚠️ᴱN. ufeth adj. “without a word”
⚠️G. uf(f)edhin adj. and n. “outlaw, outcast; one who changes his clan and goes to a new kinship”; see instead:
ᴺS. !uwedhen “outlaw, outcast”
ᴺS. !uwedhron “outlaw, outcast”
⚠️G. ufra adj. “outer”; see instead:
ᴺS. !edren “outer”
⚠️G. ug- v. “negative verb”
⚠️G. ûg n. “mud”; see instead:
S. madha “mud”
ᴺS. !úgan(n) adj. “gutless, faint-hearted, diffident ” [created by Gábor Lőrinczi]
S. úgarol adj. “idling, not now doing or making”
S. #úgarth n. “trespass, *(lit.) misdeed”
ᴺS. !úgethiol adj. “boring, (lit.) not interesting” [created by Jack Harrison]
⚠️G. ûgrin adj. “muddy”; see instead:
ᴺS. !madhren “muddy”
⚠️G. ugwedriol adj. “ineffable, unspeakable, awful”
S., N., ᴱN. -ui suf. “-ful, having quality, adjective suffix; [as verbal suffix] possibility, suitability, *-able”
S., N. ui adv. “ever”
S., N. #ui- pref. “twi-”
⚠️G. -ui suf. “dual” see G. -wi¹
⚠️N. ui² n. “envelope”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^gwoe “envelope”
S., N. uial n. “twilight, evendim”
⚠️ᴱN. Uidhel n. “elf, fairy”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
⚠️ᴱN. Uidhol n. “elf”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
⚠️ᴱN. Uigol n. “elf”; see instead:
S. Edhel “Elf”
⚠️G. uil n. “hen”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^huil² “hen”
N. uil n. “seaweed”
ᴺS. [N.] ^uil- v. “to rain”
S. uilos n. “white flower like a star”
⚠️N. uilw n. “embers”; see instead:
N. iûl “embers”
S. ^uimallen adj. “ever-golden”
⚠️G. uimoth n. “whale, (lit.) sheep of the waves”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwimmaf “whale, (lit.) sheep of the waves”
⚠️ᴱN. uin n. “woman”; see instead:
N. † “woman, bride, lady”
S. gwend “maiden, *young woman”
⚠️G. uin n. “whale, †wave”; see instead:
ᴺS. !gwimmaf “whale, (lit.) sheep of the waves”
⚠️G. *-uin suf. “*noun suffix”
S. ?uir adj. “*fiery”
N. uir n. “eternity”
⚠️G. uir- v. “not to wish, not mean to, mean not to”
N. uireb adj. “eternal”
⚠️G. uirol adj. “unwilling, reluctant”
⚠️G. uista- v. “not to notice”
⚠️G. uith adj. “both”
⚠️G. uitha- v. “to lay eggs, nest”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^oetha- “to lay eggs, nest”
ᴺS. !uitha- v. “to smoke (trans.)” [created by Shihali]
⚠️G. uivrin adj. “barren”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^aliavren “barren”
N. ul- pref. “*ugly”
⚠️G. ul- pref. “miss-, wrongly, ill, badly”; see instead:
S. oth- “[wrong] with a bad sense; unsuitable, bad, improper, useless, wrong”
N. ul- “*ugly”
N. ûl n. “odour, *smell, scent”
⚠️G. ûl n. “a ghost”; see instead:
S. gorthad “wraith, spirit of Dead”
ᴺS. !úlam adj. “dumb, unable to speak, (lit.) untongued”
S. †úland adj. “narrow, (lit.) not broad” see S. úlan(n)
S. úlan(n) adj. “narrow, (lit.) not broad”
⚠️G. ulc adj. “bad, evil, wicked”; see instead:
S. ogol “bad, evil, wrong; gloom(y)”
⚠️G. ulcarm n. “sin”; see instead:
S. othgarn “misdeed, *sin”
S. #úgarth “trespass, *(lit.) misdeed”
⚠️G. ulch adj. “bad”; see instead:
S. ogol “bad, evil, wrong; gloom(y)”
⚠️G. ulcoth n. “wickedness”; see instead:
ᴺS. !oglas “wickedness, *evil”
⚠️G. ulcrum n. “sin”; see instead:
S. othgarn “misdeed, *sin”
S. #úgarth “trespass, *(lit.) misdeed”
⚠️G. ulin adj. and n. “liquid”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ylin “liquid”
⚠️G. ulm n. “jar, flagon”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^olf “jar, flagon, *pitcher”
⚠️G. ulna- v. “to ooze”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^olla- “to ooze, *trickle”
ᴺS. !úlren adj. “odorous”
⚠️G. ultha- v. “to pour out (tr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !ol-¹ “to pour”
⚠️G. ulthanc n. “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. uluch n. “she-dragon”; see instead:
S. lhûg “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [N.] dragon”
⚠️G. uluchnir n. “she-dragon”; see instead:
S. lhûg “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [N.] dragon”
⚠️G. ulug¹ n. “dragon”; see instead:
S. lhûg “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [N.] dragon”
⚠️G. ulug² n. “wolf”; see instead:
S. draug “wolf”
⚠️G. ulugwin n. “she-dragon”; see instead:
S. lhûg “reptile, snake, serpent, worm, *lizard; [N.] dragon”
N. uluithiad adj. “unquenchable”
⚠️N. ulun n. “monster, deformed and hideous creature”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ulunn “monster, deformed and hideous creature”
ᴺS. [N.] ^ulunn n. “monster, deformed and hideous creature” [vetted by HSD]
⚠️G. ulvon n. “*monster, giant”
⚠️ᴱN. um- v. “privative prefix; un-, -less, without”; see instead:
S. pen- “to have not”
⚠️G. ûm n. “voice”; see instead:
S. #glim “voice, *utterance”
⚠️G. -(u)m suf. “?indefinite suffix”
⚠️G. um¹ pron. “we”
⚠️G. um² adj. “lowlying”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^tovn “lowlying, deep, low”
⚠️ᴱN. umaith adj. “naked”
⚠️G. umbart n. “fate”; see instead:
S. amarth “fate, doom”
⚠️G. umbath n. “nightfall”; see instead:
S. uial “twilight, evendim”
⚠️G. umbel n. “a dell”; see instead:
S. imlad “deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides, gap, gully, [N.] dell, glen”
⚠️ᴱN., G. umboth n. “twilight, [G.] nightfall”; see instead:
S. uial “twilight, evendim”
⚠️G. umeg ? “[unglossed]”
⚠️G. ûmi adj. “large”
⚠️G. umin pron. “we” see G. um¹
⚠️G. umir n. “nobody, no one (fem.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !úben “nobody, no one”
⚠️G. umli n. “a dell”; see instead:
S. imlad “deep valley, narrow valley with steep sides, gap, gully, [N.] dell, glen”
⚠️ᴺS. !ummas n. “evil” [created by Fiona Jallings, FJNS]; see instead:
ᴺS. !oglas “wickedness, *evil”
⚠️ᴱN. ummast adj. “without bread”
⚠️G. umrod n. “fate”; see instead:
S. amarth “fate, doom”
N. ûn¹ n. “creature”
⚠️N. ûn² n. “howl; groan”; see instead:
S. baw² “howling”
N. gaul “wolfhowl”
⚠️N. ûn³ n. “idea, thought”; see instead:
N. naw “idea”
N. nauth “thought”
⚠️G. ûna n. “hope”; see instead:
S. estel “hope, trust, *faith [in]”
⚠️G. ûna- v. “to hope”
⚠️G. unath n. “nothing” see G. unt
⚠️G. unathriol adj. “unreal; impossible”
⚠️G. unaudrathrol adj. “unabashed, shameless”
⚠️G. unc¹ pron. “ourselves”
⚠️G. unc² n. “ear, handle (of a jar)”; see instead:
S. lheweg “ear”
⚠️G. ungathos n. “eighteen” see G. unthos
S., N. ungol n. “spider”
⚠️ᴱN. ungorod adj. “without a chief”
⚠️G. ungra adj. “eighth”
⚠️G. ungwi n. “spider”; see instead:
S. ungol “spider”
⚠️ᴱN. unnor adj. “without a land”
S. únodui adj. “countless”
⚠️ᴱN. únoth adj. “without number, countless”; see instead:
S. arnediad “unnumbered, [N.] without reckoning, numberless, innumerable, countless, endless”
ᴺS. [G.] unt n. “nothing”
⚠️G. untha adj. and adv. “no, none”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^ont “no, none”
⚠️G. unthos n. “eighteen”
⚠️G. unweg n. “nobody, no one”; see instead:
ᴺS. !úben “nobody, no one”
⚠️G. uptha- v. “to shout”; see instead:
S. can- “to cry out, shout, call”
⚠️ᴱN. ur- v. “privative prefix, without, -less”; see instead:
S. ú- “no, not, negative; impossible; ⚠️[N.] bad-”
S., N., ᴱN. *ûr n. “fire; ⚠️[ᴱN.] sun”
⚠️G. ûr n. “smith”; see instead:
S. #tân “builder, smith, wright, artificer”
S. *ûr “fire; ⚠️[ᴱN.] sun”
⚠️N. ûr² adj. “wide”; see instead:
S. iaun “wide, extensive, large, roomy, vast, huge”
S. *ûr “fire; ⚠️[ᴱN.] sun”
⚠️ᴱN. uraithr adj. “swordless”; see instead:
S. megil “sword, longsword”
⚠️ᴱN. urbeth adj. “wordless”
⚠️G. urc n. “wolf”; see instead:
S. draug “wolf”
⚠️ᴱN. u(r)dhrog adj. “without slaves”
⚠️ᴱN. urdhuilin adj. “without swallows”
⚠️ᴱN. urduf adj. “humorless”
⚠️G. urf n. “apple (tree)”; see instead:
ᴺS. orf “apple”
⚠️ᴱN. urfuin adj. “nightless”
⚠️ᴱN. urgeleb adj. “without silver”
⚠️ᴱN. urguil adj. “lifeless”
⚠️ᴱN. urhonn adj. “heartless”
⚠️G. urin adj. “hot, very hot”; see instead:
S. born¹ “hot, red”
N. brassen “white-hot, *very hot”
⚠️G. urm n. “brazier, grate”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^uru “brazier, grate”
⚠️G. urna- v. “to blaze, burn (intr.)”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^orna- “to burn (tr. and intr.)”
⚠️ᴱN. u(r)ngúl adj. “without wisdom”
⚠️ᴱN. urnor adj. “landless”
ᴺS. !urnui adj. “inflammable; touchy, irritable; ⚠️explosive”
⚠️ᴱN. urorod adj. “without chief”
⚠️ᴱN. urrost adj. “never coming to life”
⚠️G. urtha- v. “to work, wreak, fashion, make, devise”
⚠️G. urthu n. “*death”; see instead:
S. gurth “death”
ᴺS. [G.] ^uru n. “brazier, grate” [created by Paul Strack]
S. urug n. “bogey”
S., N. Úrui n. “August, *Hot-one”
⚠️ᴺS. !urun n. “copper” [created by David Salo, GS]; see instead:
S. rust “copper”
⚠️ᴱN. u(r)vrog adj. “horseless”
⚠️ᴱN. urwedhw adj. “without mate”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
⚠️ᴱN. urweth adj. “without wife”; see instead:
N. herves “wife”
⚠️G. us- v. “to leave, depart”; see instead:
S. #gwae- “to go [away], depart”
⚠️G. usb n. “fog, mist”; see instead:
S. hîth “mist”
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. usc n. “fog, mist”; see instead:
S. hîth “mist”
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. usfeg- v. “to release”; see instead:
S. #leithia- “to release, [N.] set free”
⚠️G. usg n. “fog, mist”; see instead:
S. hîth “mist”
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. ust n. “cloudy air”; see instead:
N. osp “smoke”
⚠️G. usta- v. “to leave, depart”; see instead:
S. #gwae- “to go [away], depart”
⚠️G. ûtha- v. “to emit; to issue”; see instead:
ᴺS. eithla- “to spring, well forth, *issue forth”
S. úthaes n. “inducement to do wrong, *temptation”
⚠️G. uthairiol adj. “unintentional, unintended; reluctant”
⚠️G. ûthi n. “outside”; see instead:
ᴺS. !eth “outside”
⚠️ᴱN. uthir adj. “without a king”
⚠️G. uthra- v. “to get away, escape”; see instead:
ᴺS. ^othra- “to get away, escape”
ᴺS. !úthúlui adj. “breathless”
ᴺS. [G.] uthwen n. “escape, way out, exit”
ᴺS. !úvae n. and adj. “vowel; vocalic” [created by Lothenon, Paul Strack]
N. uvan pron. “*noone, nobody”
S. úvelui adj. “not amiable, unloveable”
⚠️G. uvin n. “eight”; see instead:
S. tolodh “eight”
⚠️ᴱN. uvlam adj.; see instead:
ᴺS. !úlam “dumb, unable to speak, (lit.) untongued”
⚠️ᴱN. uvlant adj. “pathless”
⚠️ᴱN. uvost adj. “without a town”
⚠️ᴱN. uwedheb adj. “not married”; see instead:
ᴺS. !best “marriage, matrimony, wedlock, ⚠️wedding”
ᴺS. !uwedhen adj. “outlaw, outcast”
ᴺS. !uwedhron n. “outlaw, outcast”
⚠️S. vanedhel adj. “elven fair”; see instead:
S. edhelvein “elven fair”
⚠️ᴱN. ven n. “towards”
S. vi prep. “in” see S. mi
⚠️G. -vran suf. “dwelling”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
⚠️G. -vron suf. “dwelling”; see instead:
S. bâr “house, dwelling, home; ⚠️[N.] earth”
⚠️S. wanedhel adj. “elven fair”; see instead:
S. edhelvein “elven fair”
S. wá(wa) n. “breeze[?]” see S. hwaewar
S., N. -we suf. “person, being, individual; [N.] masculine suffix”
⚠️G. #-wed suf. “adjective suffix”
⚠️G. -weg suf. “masculine suffix”; see instead:
S. -we “person, being, individual; [N.] masculine suffix”
S. -weg¹ suf. “active in doing”
⚠️S. -weg² suf. “*name suffix”; see instead:
S. -we “person, being, individual; [N.] masculine suffix”
⚠️G. -wein suf. “*female suffix”; see instead:
S. -wen “maiden, *female suffix”
S. -wen suf. “maiden, *female suffix”
⚠️G. #-wen¹ suf. “noun suffix”
⚠️G. -wen² suf. “*augmentative”; see instead:
S. -on² “augmentative suffix”
S. -oth “augmentative suffix”
⚠️G. #-weth suf. “noun suffix”
⚠️G. -wi¹ suf. “dual”
⚠️G. #-wi² suf. “noun suffix”
⚠️G. #-wig suf. “*female suffix”; see instead:
S. -wen “maiden, *female suffix”
⚠️G. -win suf. “*female suffix”; see instead:
S. -wen “maiden, *female suffix”
⚠️ᴺS. !ŷ n. “wine” [created by Hialmr]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^miru “wine”
ᴺS. [ON.] ^ýda- v. “to hint; *to wink” [created by Elaran]
⚠️ᴺS. !ýl- v. “to drink” [created by Elaran]; see instead:
N. #sog- “to drink”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ŷl n. “lamb”
S. ylf n. “drinking-vessel, *cup”
ᴺS. [G.] ^ylin adj. and n. “liquid” [created by Paul Strack]
⚠️ᴺS. !yll n. “draught” [created by Ryszard Derdzinski, PPW]; see instead:
ᴺS. ^suith “draught, [G.] a drink”
⚠️ᴺS. !yllas n. “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf” [created by Steve - Ríon]; see instead:
ᴺS. suithlas “tea, *(lit.) drink of leaf”
ᴺS. !ylvon n. “chalice” [created by Elaran]
⚠️S. yneb num. card. “*twelve”; see instead:
S. ýneg “twelve”
S. ýneg num. card. “twelve”
⚠️G. ŷr n. “smith”; see instead:
S. #tân “builder, smith, wright, artificer”
S. *ûr “fire; ⚠️[ᴱN.] sun”
⚠️G. yrin adj. “made (by craft of hand)”; see instead:
ᴺS. !tavnen “made (by craft of hand), wrought, fashioned”
⚠️ᴱN. yrith adj. “care-free”
⚠️ᴱN. yrlhinn adj. “arrowless”
⚠️ᴱN. yrlhith adj. “dustless”
⚠️ᴱN. yrwidhion adj. “without husband”; see instead:
N. herven “husband”