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S. remmen adj. “meshed, netted, woven, (en)tangled” (Category: to Wind, Wrap)

S. remmen, adj. “meshed, netted, woven, (en)tangled” (Category: to Wind, Wrap)
G. gwidhon “woven”

An adjectival element in (plural) galadhremmin “tree-tangled, tree-meshed” from the prayer A Elbereth Gilthoniel (LotR/1115; RGEO/64; PE17/20-21). In notes on Words, Phrases and Passages from the Lord of the Rings, Tolkien gave the singular form as remmen < ✶rembinā and translated it as “meshed, netted, woven” (PE17/26). In notes on The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor from the late 1960s, remmen was glossed “entangled” as an adjectival form of rem(m) “net (for catching)”, all based the root √REB or √REM “entangle, snare, trap” (VT42/12).

In notes on the Common Eldarin Article (CEA) from 1969, Tolkien spelled remen with a single m, a representation of the sound change whereby [mm] shortened in Sindarin (PE23/140). Elsewhere the spelling remmen is more common, but the pronunciation is still [remen] in those cases as well (LotR/1115). The m-sound is still treated as a consonant cluster for purposes of stress, however, so that the stress patten for galadhremmen is [gàlaðrémen] and not [galáðremen].

References ✧ PE17/26; PE23/140; VT42/12




remmin plural ✧ PE17/26; PE23/140


rem “mesh, net (for catching)”

Element In



Phonetic Developments

rembinā > remmen [rembinā] > [rembina] > [rembena] > [remben] > [remmen] ✧ PE17/26
rembinī > remmin [rembinī] > [rembini] > [rembin] > [remmin] ✧ PE17/26
rembinā > remen [rembinā] > [rembina] > [rembena] > [remben] > [remmen] > [remen] ✧ PE23/140