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G. cuithos n. “life (period of life); living, livelihood” (Category: to Live; Living; Life)

⚠️G. cuithos, a.Õ3h8 n. “life (period of life); living, livelihood” (Category: to Live; Living; Life)
ᴺS. ^cuithas “life (period of life); living, livelihood”

A word appearing as G. cuithos “life (period of life); living, livelihood” in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s, a noun form of G. cuitha- “am alive” (GL/27).

Neo-Sindarin: For purposes of Neo-Sindarin, I’d update this word to ᴺS. cuithas using the later abstraction noun suffix -as, and would assume it is an abstraction based on ᴺS. cuith “[biological process of] life”. I would use it to refer both to the means of providing for one’s life (= “livelihood”) as well as a period of time within one’s life, as opposed to one’s entire lifetime which would be ᴺS. cuilvorn.

References ✧ GL/27, 49



cuitha- “to live, be alive” ✧ GL/27
#-os¹ “abstract noun” ✧ GL/27 (#-os)

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