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G. uf(f)edhin adj. and n. “outlaw, outcast; one who changes his clan and goes to a new kinship” (Category: Exile, Outlaw)

⚠️G. uf(f)edhin, .el4`6 adj. and n. “outlaw, outcast; one who changes his clan and goes to a new kinship” (Category: Exile, Outlaw)
ᴺS. !uwedhen “outlaw, outcast”
ᴺS. !uwedhron “outlaw, outcast”

Reference ✧ GL/74 ✧ “outlaw, outcast; one who changes his clan and goes to a new kinship”



u- “negative prefix” ✧ GL/73 (û-)
fedhin “bound by agreement; ally, friend” ✧ GL/74

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