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G. nig(la) n. “mouse” (Category: Mouse, Rodent)

⚠️G. nig(la), n. “mouse” (Category: Mouse, Rodent)
ᴺS. ^nigol “mouse, (lit.) small one”

The words G. nig and nigla “a mouse” appeared in the Gnomish Lexicon of the 1910s above the verbs G. nigla- “thieve” and G. nig- “steal” (GL/60), probably derived from a variant of the early root ᴱ√NAQA “steal” (QL/64).

Neo-Sindarin: I would adapt this word into Neo-Sindarin as ᴺS. nigol “mouse”, reconceived of as elaboration of √NIK “small”.

References ✧ GL/60


